US government agency warns of livestock antibiotics’ harm to human health - 17 Jul 2010  
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In testimony presented to a House Committee on Wednesday, July 14, US Department of Agriculture (USDA) representatives warned of a clear link between the use of antibiotics in livestock and the health of humans who consume it.

USDA’s Chief Veterinary Administrator, Dr. John Clifford, with support from officials at the Federal Department of Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention affirmed this stance, with support from studies that have shown resistance in bacteria such as Salmonella, which is then transmitted from the antibiotic-administered livestock to people upon consumption of the meat.

Just recently, the US Food and Drug Administration, which had supported these practices in the past, also publicly recommended that farmers stop using antibiotics in livestock and even created a schedule for the elimination process.

Our appreciation, Dr. Clifford, US Department of Agriculture and other agencies for your work to raise awareness of the dangers associated with meat production and consumption.
Let us strive for a world free of such risks altogether by adopting the healthful, life-affirming plant-based lifestyle.

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