Miss District of Colombia, USA promotes vegan benefits - 16 Jul 2010  
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Following her adoption of a completely plant-based diet, then-21-year-old university student Ms. MacKenzie Green found that preparations for the demanding state level beauty pageant became much easier.

She began sharing her perception of the immediate benefits of the healthy vegan diet in an online journal along with her thoughts on the exciting new lifestyle while sharing delicious vegan recipes as well.

In a telephone interview with Supreme Master Television, the double college major, aspiring sports reporter and beauty queen spoke of her experience of switching for good to an animal-free diet.

MacKenzie Green – Miss District of Colombia, USA 2010, Vegan (F): It was a really great transition and I love it. What I noticed for myself is, I just felt the lack of worry about, “Okay, am I eating this? Am I supposed to eat that?” to being able to just feed myself, and more so eat to fuel my body.

I think that just makes you feel a lot more confident, because you’re like, “I’m taking care of myself. I feel good.” I just felt so comfortable in my own skin; by the time I got to my state pageant, that I think people just saw it from the audience that they saw that I just felt a little more confident.

Definitely, the beauty side, you get so many vitamins and nutrients in a vegan diet that your hair grows, your skin looks really great, you definitely feel just better! It’s really just something that I think everyone, if they give it a chance, they’ll see that it just has such a great impact on their body.

VOICE: Now that she is a role model for many others, MacKenzie Green encourages those around her to likewise take a conscious look at their food choices as they affect health, loved ones, and our future.

MacKenzie Green (F): Reading the things that I’ve read and knowing what I know, what happens in these factory farms, and how none of that is healthy for you, the cruelty that goes into that, I guess, where my biggest thing comes in, would you really want to take that kind of spirit into your body? My uncle had cancer.
I looked at my uncle and I just felt in the future, I don’t want my kids to go through this and I don’t want to have to get the diagnosis he got, so let me start taking a conscious look at how I take care of myself.

So that when I get to be older, I can still be healthy and do marathons and go swim and just have a good time and enjoy life.My name is MacKenzie Green. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet, because we only have one. And as someone who spends her life in a sparkly crown and a pretty sash, I know the importance of leaving a great legacy for those that are coming behind you.

VOICE: You are beautiful inside and out, Ms. MacKenzie Green! Our sincere congratulations for all your deserved accomplishments as we wish you the best in your endeavors, and may we all join in adopting the rejuvenating, compassionate vegan diet.
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