European Union votes no on meats from cloned animals - 10 Jul 2010  
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On Wednesday, July 7, in a show of support for ethical objections to cloning, the European Parliament turned down a proposal to allow the sale of food derived from cloned animals or their offspring.

With warnings from Parliamentarians such as Struan Stevenson of the United Kingdom, who stated that imported meats from countries like the United States carry no labels and could still originate from cloned livestock, representatives urged for a measure to ban cloned meats entirely.

Kartika Liotard, the Dutch legislator who led the discussions stated, “Cloned animals suffer disproportionately highly from illnesses, malformations and premature death.” French member of Parliament Corinne Lepage added, “…This technique raises serious issues about animal welfare, reduction of biodiversity, as well as
ethical concerns.”

Parliament members Stevenson, Liotard, Lepage and European Parliament, we laud your efforts to safeguard health by eliminating cloned food products.

Let us take the next step and be free of all harm arising from the cycle of meat production by adopting the wholesome and humane plant-based diet.
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