7. Soy found to lower risk of breast cancer - 21 Oct 2010  
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Soy found to lower risk of breast cancer. Noting the lack of data on the effects of soy isoflavones on breast cancer patients, Dr. Qingyan Zhang and a team at the Cancer Hospital of Harbin Medical University in China observed a group of 524 women for several years following surgery. They found that post-menopausal women who consumed high amounts of soy products, which contain the substance known as isoflavones, had a significantly lower risk of cancer recurrence. In fact, the group consuming the most soy isoflavones had a nearly 20% lower recurrence rate. The study authors were encouraged by this finding and said they looked forward to conducting further research to provide more data.

Thank you, Dr. Zhang and colleagues for this information about the helpful aspects of soy. Wishing everyone similar benefits from such natural, plant-based products in optimizing health and well being.
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