Why Lea Michele and Natalie Portman Went Vegan - 16 Oct 2010  
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Us Weekly reports on stars and vegan trends. An article in the popular US-based Us Weekly magazine highlights the plant-based diet as one being adopted by an increasing number of celebrities such as Hollywood actress Lea Michelle of the television series “Glee” and Oscar-nominated actress Natalie Portman.

The magazine points out that the cleaner animal-free fare promises a healthier body, with benefits of lower blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, and weight loss as seen in the case of 42nd US President Bill Clinton, who shed a desired amount of weight and now continues on a mostly plant-based diet to improve his cardiovascular health.

The intake of veggies, fruits and whole grains also provides increased nutrients such as vitamins A, B, and E, which help to clear the skin and promote healthier hair, as well as boosting energy, as affirmed by Lea Michelle who credits the vegan diet with giving her the necessary stamina for her long hours on the set of “Glee.”

The magazine article also offers tips on simple transitions to a vegan lifestyle. For example, participate in Meatless Mondays and make plant-foods your main course; opt for coconut or almond milk instead of cow’s milk; carry vegan handbags, and use vegan cosmetics that can be found in respected brands like Tarte and Stila.

Many thanks, Us Weekly magazine, for sharing helpful information about this constructive lifestyle change. May the exemplary health seen in those who enjoy plant-based fare bring a greater awareness of its manifold benefits for us all.
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