Local Vegan Wants to Set New Standards for Gelato - 10 Oct 2010  
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In veg news, a plant-based chef creates an organic gelato. Dr. Barry Schenker of San Francisco, California, USA is using fresh, organic, locally sourced ingredients in his own brand of vegan gelatos. Every quart (.95 liters) of the delicious dessert, which he has named Genuto, contains up to a pound (.45 kilograms) of fruit and large amounts of tree nuts. Dr. Schenker and his wife, Dr. Diana Rebman, both dedicated vegans, host a monthly animal-free cooking event at Berkeley’s Hillside Club. It features seven-course organic delectable meals, and is attended by a wide range of enthusiastic food connoisseurs. Bravo, Dr. Berry Schenker, on your new and exciting organic Genuto. We are eager to try it! Also, our warmest gratitude, on your and Dr. Diana Rebman’s compassionate gourmet cooking classes. May all people realize how scrumptious, healthful, and fun it is to go the Earth-saving vegan way.
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