Meatout Day 2011 a success. - 22 Mar 2011  
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In the world’s largest grassroots diet education campaign, Meatout Day on March 20 encouraged people around the world toward pledges to remove meat from their diets and instead explore the eco-friendly and vitality-filled vegan lifestyle.

Founded in 1985 by the US-based Farm Animal Rights Movement, Meatout Day is an international event organized by groups and individuals in dozens of cities including Stanford, California, USA;

Munich, Germany; and Beijing, China, to name a few. Participants this year surpassed a goal set in January to serve vegan food samples to 10,000 veg-curious passersby, with pledges set to reach over 18,000 people.

They were assisted by partnerships with over a dozen generous vegan food manufacturers who donated the materials for offering free tasty samples. Our Association members from Daejeon, South Korea; Accra, Ghana; Sydney, Australia; Lima, Peru and elsewhere also joined in various fun events to
share about the boundless benefits of plant-based fare.

Group: Happy Meatout Day! Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Congratulations, worldwide organizers and participants of the 2011 Meatout Day! May everyone have a chance to experience the joys of the vegan diet and pledge to be veg for life!
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