US boxing champion sustained by love of animals. - 22 Mar 2011  
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In a recent interview with the Discovery Channel, US heavyweight boxing champion and vegan Mike Tyson said, “I have loved pigeons since I was nine. The only joy I had was pigeons.”

When Mr. Tyson lost his last big boxing match, he took a jet plane home and sought refuge in the companionship of the birds. And in the tragic loss of his daughter Exodus two years ago, his nurtured love for pigeons also helped him turn his life around instead of seeking so-called retribution through violence.

He said, “I don't recognize the boxer Mike Tyson any more. I am better today…I am in God's hands….” Free of addictive substances as well as vegan now for two years, the champion was interviewed recently as well on the popular Ellen DeGeneres Show, where he commented about his personal experience of consuming
only plant-based fare as he said, “It’s an awesome feeling.”

Our standing ovation, Mr. Mike Tyson, for your courageous journey and accomplishments. With Heaven's blessings, may you continue as a true champion of life as you share your wholesome vegan health as well as your love for the cherished animals and all beings.

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