New California, USA official to promote veganism and green living - 21 Jan 2011  
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New California, USA official to promote veganism and green living. The California Democratic Party recently held its Assembly District Election Meeting (ADEM) for the 41st State Assembly District. During the conference, three-time Emmy Award- winning filmmaker Mr. Cary Brown, also a recipient of the Greenest Hero recognition from Supreme Master Ching Hai, was elected as an Assembly District Delegate. Speaking with Supreme Master Television, Mr. Cary Brown commented on his new leadership position.

(All in English)
Cary Brown, 3-time Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, 41st State Assembly District Delegate, California Democratic Party, USA – Vegan (M):
I hardly feel like a leader of the community. I’m part of a team, part of a family. As the Supreme Master has taught us, being part of a family gives you power, gives you substance, and gives you reason for living. The 41st district which I’m a part of is a very large area. And, it’s such a mix of people, but at the same time it’s a mix of people who care. And it’s an honor to serve in this position.

VOICE: Cary Brown will be serving on the committee for healthy food, with a focus on seniors and school children. As a representative for fellow citizens, he expressed his support for the eco-conscious, vegan lifestyle in serving the highest goals of California, and indeed, the world.

Cary Brown (M): I would very much like to see additional use of fruits and vegetables. A reduction of meat and meat products. I’d like to make a difference in directing people, helping people understand that there is a value in a vegetarian lifestyle, and vegan lifestyle. We’re lucky to have Supreme Master TV. It gives a voice to all of us who are vegans. It helps direct a movement which is important, not only for ourselves, but for the world. We care about our planet. We care about our people, and we care about our animals. And that combination of caring and energy and direction, will make this all possible.

VOICE: A hearty congratulations, Mr. Cary Brown, on your newly elected role. Blessed be such caring endeavors as yours in ushering humanity toward a kinder, healthier future. 2011 ADEM Candidates
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