US bans additional strains of E. coli bacteria from meat - 16 Sep 2011  
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The US Department of Agriculture has announced that, besides an existing ban on the 0157 strain of E. coli, as of March 2012, ground beef found to contain six other strains of the potentially deadly bacteria will also be prohibited.

Known as Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, or STECS, the six strains include 0026, 0111, 0103, 0121, 0045 and 0145. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, these six types of E. coli bacteria caused more people in the USA to become ill in 2010 than the original 0157.

Although the new law does not ban the 0104 strain, which recently sickened thousands of people in Europe and caused more than 50 deaths, the USDA’s head of food safety Dr. Elisabeth Hagen stated that the agency is considering adding it in the future.

Our thanks, US government for your efforts to safeguard public health by expanding the list of hazardous bacterial contaminants in meat. May people everywhere realize the benefits of plant-based fare in bringing optimal human, animal and environmental well-being and peace of mind.
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