Healthy bones from plant-based foods - 25 Aug 2009  
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Research has shown that a high-protein diet from meat and dairy sources is also highly acidic and causes one’s body to excrete calcium in an attempt to maintain pH balance.

This in turn weakens bones.

Swiss scientists have found that such a high-acid diet causes 74% more calcium to be expelled than a low-acid one.

According to nutrition professor and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, Joan Salge-Blake, a low-acid diet that emphasizes vegetables, fruits and whole grains actually helps retain calcium.

Moreover, a plant-based diet is not only good for the bones, it also lowers the risk of hypertension, stroke and heart disease.

Professor Salge-Blake, Swiss researchers and all other participating scientists we are grateful for this reminder
of yet another advantage of the animal-free diet. Wishing everyone the healthful stability of an organic vegan lifestyle.

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