A course on veganism is being offered in Oregon, USA - 18 Aug 2009  
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The Master Vegetarian Program in Portland demonstrates the effect our food choices have on our health and the environment.

It is being co-sponsored by Northwest VEG, People's Food Co-op and the National College of Natural Medicine.

Guest speakers, discussions, field trips, cooking demonstrations, and volunteer work are all included in the
multi-faceted exploration of the plant-based diet.

At the completion of the course, a Master Vegetarian certificate will be presented to participants.
Kudos, Northwest VEG, People's Food Co-op and the National College of Natural Medicine, for showing the many benefits of the compassionate diet.

May all individuals soon realize the urgency of following the planet-affirming vegan way of life.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/killers_it/71

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