Livestock reduction is key for Copenhagen’s deep emission reduction goals - 13 Dec 2009  
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Livestock reduction is key for Copenhagen’s deep emission reduction goals


At the two-week United Nations Climate Change Conference in Denmark, discussions have continued to revolve around how much global temperatures should be allowed to rise, with low-lying countries vulnerable to sea level rise calling for no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius increase. Even at this level, many such as the tiny island nation of Tuvalu are likely to be submerged. But a new study was presented at the conference on Saturday that highlights a very important component in limiting temperature rise.

As delegates weigh in on proposals leading up to a final agreement, a summarized draft document calls for more drastic emission reductions than have been committed to thus far by industrialized nations. In addition, for the first time, text has been proposed that would allow “interstate cooperation” to help countries with anticipated relocation of possibly millions of global warming refugees.

Meanwhile, countries have been pledging future financial aid to vulnerable nations, with European Union leaders agreeing to funding €7.2 billion over the next three years. Anders TURESSON, Chief Negotiator for the Sweden, Presidency of European Union:
These monies should be used for public support, adaptation, mitigation, and capacity building, with an emphasis on the least developed countries.

Meanwhile, Brazil stepped up efforts to protect the Amazon rainforest, a vital climate regulator whose deforestation is a major source of greenhouse gases. Supreme Master Television recently spoke with Brazilian Ambassador Paulo Alberto da Silveira Soares about the government’s plan coinciding with the Copenhagen summit. Paulo Alberto da Silveira Soares – Brazilian Ambassador to Singapore:
Brazil is really the only country that came, weeks ago, before any other countries with a very straight forward proposition, a target of curbing CO2 emissions between 36 to 39% and 80% reduction in deforestation in the Amazon area.
A new study released on Saturday at the Copenhagen conference found that livestock raising is the biggest source of greenhouse gases, at more than 50%, and that about 75% of total Amazon deforestation was to clear grazing land for cattle. Brazilian sociologist Marley Winckler has more to share about this message. Marley Winckler – Sociologist, President of Brazilian Vegetarian Society:
If you really want to mitigate greenhouse gases, you must address meat production.

The Brazilian government announced this week that it will use satellite surveillance in an effort to ensure that cattle ranchers do not destroy more land than they are already allotted and that violators will not be granted permits to transport their cattle to be slaughtered. We asked Ambassador da Silveira Soares his thoughts about changing dietary consumption to being meat-free as an immediate solution for both government and people. Paulo Alberto da Silveira Soares – Brazilian Ambassador to Singapore:
We need a big effort, Brazil is net producer of meat. So we have to make more than a campaign and make people more aware that for the health, of me, you and everyone in the world, less consumption of meat only helps your health and climate change.

We thank His Excellency Mr. Alberto da Silveira Soares, Ms. Winckler, and all negotiators and leaders who are working to chart our world’s best future course. May we work together to halt climate change Through the organic vegan diet and farming practices, for the survival and happiness of all.

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