US journalist chooses the vegan lifestyle. - 13 Mar 2010  
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Mr. Grant Butler, an arts and food writer for the widely distributed Pacific Northwest newspaper, The Oregonian, decided to try the plant-based diet for the month of February and chronicled his impressions in his “Going Vegan” series.

Reporting after the month ended, Mr. Butler has affirmed the continuation of his vegan commitment. Explaining his decision in the article “Staying vegan: After a month of plant-based eating, the adventure continues,” he wrote:“…It hasn't been a trouble at all. I've been exploring a whole new range of grains and legumes,
which has made cooking exciting and varied… Dining out hasn't been  a problem, either, and I've barely made a dent in the long list of places I'm eager to try out… I've experienced plenty of physical benefits.

I've dropped an astonishing 12 pounds in 28 days, without having to count calories or feel hungry all the time. At night, I'm sleeping better… As a result, I have tons of energy, and have been able to decrease my dependence on coffee and Diet Coke to get through the afternoon.

The best thing about my vegan exploration, though, has been the dialogue that's developed directly, and through the miracle of the Internet, with vegans around the globe…

It's great to know there are so many people out there who are concerned about animal welfare and the environment.”

VOICE: Our sincere appreciation, Mr. Grant Butler, for sharing your experience of the transition to a lifestyle of healthy and compassionate eating. May more and more people enjoy its multifold benefits as they join in making the easy switch to lifesaving, wholesome vegan fare.

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