Anthrax outbreak spreads through Bangladesh and now Bulgaria - 13 Sep 2010  
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Bangladesh has been placed under high alert since August 18 due to the outbreak of the disease, which was first detected in Sirajganj District, where 38 people were sickened after eating meat from an infected cow.
Since then, Bangladesh’s Institut of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research has reported that the disease has spread to eight districts,with nearly 500 people and over 200 animals confirmed infected.

Meat consumption in the capital has been noted to be reduced due to fears of the disease, whose symptoms include severe pain, skin lesions and swelling that can lead to death.

Officials have responded with animal vaccinations and local education programs in an attempt to halt further spread of the infection. In the European country of Bulgaria, two men age 70 and 32 were recently admitted to a hospital in the Danube city of Ruse after they slaughtered a goat and fell ill with anthrax symptoms.

Both tested positive for the disease and are being treated. Our appreciation, officials, for your efforts to inform the public of this dangerous livestock-borne disease.

It saddens us to know of the suffering to both animals and humans, and we pray that everyone soon turns to the safe and humane plant-based lifestyle,for the utmost vitality and peace of mind.
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