Hormones in milk and meat linked to cancer. - 25 Jan 2010  
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Based on over two decades of research, the American Public Health Association has voted to oppose the continued sale and use of genetically engineered hormonal (rBGH) milk, as well as meat infused with sex hormones. An estimated 42% of large dairy businesses in the United States inject at least some of their cows with rBGH to make them produce more milk, with the milk then carrying the substance IGF-1, which has been linked to breast, colon, and prostate cancers. Hormones in beef are also widespread, with most cattle receiving a hormone implant in the ear to increase their weight, a process that is repeated again prior to slaughter.

According to the Cancer Prevention Coalition, these potent substances remain in the meat in quantities that are 20-times higher than normal. For instance, an 8-year-old boy who has eaten two hamburgers has ingested enough of the hormone estradiol to raise his levels 10%. The coalition states that it is thus not surprising that childhood cancer rates have risen by 38% since 1975, along with other reproductive cancers in adults such as a nearly 60% increase in both testes and prostate cancers.

American Public Health Association and Cancer Prevention Coalition, we appreciate your vote to prohibit the sale of disease-causing milk and meat. May such life-threatening conditions forever cease as plant-based fare becomes the norm in protecting the health and well-being of all.

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