Hospital chefs say they’ve made the best veggie curry in all of England - 25 Jan 2011  
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Hospital chefs say they’ve made the best veggie curry in all of England. As part of a Food for All Hospital Catering Project, catering staff at the University Hospital Aintree in Liverpool, England sought the help of the Vegetarian Society and its Cordon Vert Cookery School training courses to develop a new vegetarian curry. The chefs are now confident that the dish, which contains baby corn, snap peas, mushrooms, and red peppers is the best in the country. In fact, its popularity has become so widespread that it has been added to the menus of patients and visitors alike. Hospital catering manager Sandra Higgins remarked, “It’s a very healthy dish, packed full of vitamins and we’re really grateful to the Vegetarian Society for helping us to develop such a great meal. This helps ensure that patients get tasty, nourishing food to keep their strength up and aid in their recovery from treatment.”

Bravo, chefs and staff of University Hospital Aintree and our appreciation, Vegetarian Society for what sounds like an incredible veg dish! May many other facilities be similarly inspired to create such sumptuous plant-based fare for its delicious and health- restoring benefits to all.
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