Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale promotes kindness through delicious taste appeal. - 6 May 2011  
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From April 23 to May 1, the third annual Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale was held by over 140 groups across six continents.

Participant – Chicago, USA (F): It’s really good, it’s tasty!

Participant – Âu Lạc (Vietnam) (F): I think these cakes are delicious!

VOICE: With coverage by international media like CNN who even shared some vegan recipes online, the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale, started in 2009 by the US-based Compassion for Animals, has become more popular each year.

Funds raised from sales benefit a variety of causes, ranging from animal rescue to humanitarian efforts.
Members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association also participated in New Zealand, Formosa (Taiwan), South Korea, the USA, Âu Lạc (Vietnam), and Australia. Thousands of irresistible egg-free and dairy-free cookies, cupcakes, donuts, breads, and more were sold or given away for free in no time!

Supreme Master TV – Busan, S. Korea (F): We are having a vegan bread tasting event for Vegan Bake Sale Day in front of Loving Hut in Busan, South Korea.

Participant – Busan, S. Korea (M): The vegan bread tasted really good without milk and eggs.

Supreme Master TV – Taipei, Formosa (F): Today, Taiwan University is having a charity bake sale.

Participant – Taipei (M): I bought a piece of apple cinnamon cake. It’s delicious.

Participant – Pingtung, Formosa (M): I think the dessert tastes more delicate without adding milk and eggs.

Supreme Master TV – Nimbin, Australia (F): The crowds have been sampling the delicious variety of vegan food on offer all morning. And we’re virtually sold out. Reporting from Nimbin, Australia.

VOICE: Many bakers learned about the wide variety of quality substitutes for milk and egg products as customers were also surprised and satisfied at the range of animal-friendly alternatives.

Participant 1 – Ohio, USA (F):The egg industry is so cruel.

Participant 2 – Ohio, USA (F): Look at these, all vegan! All vegan – cruelty free! (It’s cruelty free.) No animals are hurt. It’s so good to come here to be able to eat this stuff, it’s so wonderful!

VOICE: Hats off, Compassion for Animals, all participants and organizers on the sweet success of the World Vegan Bake Sale. May the delight of such cruelty-free treats encourage people everywhere toward the kind alternative of vegan fare.

Group: Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!
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