Mercy for Animals to air pro-veg announcements on MTV - 2 Nov 2011  
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In an effort to raise the awareness of millions of young adults toward ending animal cruelty, a series of public service announcements have been approved for airing on the popular US music channel MTV.

The announcements, which will be broadcast initially in New York and Los Angeles, portray peoples' moments of awareness about the suffering of animals that prompts them to re-evaluate their consumption of meat.

With plans to air nationally, Mercy for Animals founder and President Nathan Runkle said that the announcements are intended to inform especially young persons about the plight of farmed animals who suffer for industries that include eggs and dairy as well as meat, in the hope that they would consider the adoption of vegan fare.

Our big bravo and accolades, Mercy for Animals, for sharing this information that helps bring a more vivid awareness of our sentient animal co-inhabitants to youths and elders alike.

May your endeavors be graced with success as the seeds of care for all beings leads to plant-based meals being enjoyed by people across the globe.
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