Veg trend gains momentum on International Peace Day - 26 Sep 2009  
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In recognition of the United Nations’ International Day of Peace, participants around the world launched “Peace Begins on Our Plate” events, which encouraged people to make the connection that a veg diet creates a more harmonious and healthier environment.

Danielle Williams – Artist, New York, USA (F): The things that we eat, how we take care of ourselves, reflect how we take care of the world.

University student – Costa Rica (F): We should begin by not consuming animals, who don't do anything to us.

VOICE: Attendees were also directed to lend their support by visiting and signing a petition for worldwide adoption of meat-free Mondays.

Mr. Marcelino Sierra – Senior health consultant, Chile (M): Stop eating meat, stop consuming meat; you are going to save money,you will improve your quality of life and therefore will prolong your stay on this beautiful Earth, and it is also a way to contribute, to not contaminate our planet.

VOICE: Our Association members also participated in the “Peace Begins on Our Plate” event.
Meet Free Movement participant – Hong Kong (F): I found the information very detailed and very useful.

VOICE: Free and delicious vegan cuisine was provided, as well as free veg cooking classes.

Meet Free Movement participant – Australia (F): I’ve been struggling with my idea that I need to be a vegetarian because of climate change.

SupremeMasterTV : Is this cooking demonstration helping?
Meet Free Movement participant – Australia (F): Oh, yes, I am loving it. It’s great.

VOICE: We thank all organizers and participants of this successful and meaningful global event.
With humanity’s greater consideration and compassion, may we soon welcome a peaceful, vegan world!
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