Another case of anthrax disease in cattle confirmed - 29 Jul 2010  
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The third case since May of the deadly bacterial disease has been discovered in the state of North Dakota, USA. Causing painful sores  and fevers, anthrax commonly infects herbivorous animals who ingest its spores while grazing.

These spores can remain dormant in the ground for up to centuries, becoming active with extreme conditions such as heavy rainfall, floods or even drought.
Anthrax is also highly lethal in humans and is spread via direct contact or by consuming the meat of diseased animals. In 2005, anthrax caused the death of approximately 1000 cattle, bison, horses, sheep, llamas as well as deer and elk in North Dakota alone.

We are thankful, North Dakota officials, for the alert to this dangerous condition and pray that such diseases of suffering for animals and humans alike are eliminated as more and more people realize the safety and humane health of the plant-based diet.
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