Vegetarian fitness coach calls for plant-based cleanse. - 29 Mar 2010  
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US personal fitness trainer and vegetarian Bob Harper, known for his role as weight loss coach on the American reality television program, “The Biggest Loser,” calls on Twitter followers to be vegan for at least a day.

Posting the message on the social networking site Twitter, Mr. Harper stated: “Your Challenge today is to go the next 24 hours, starting now eliminating ALL animal products.

Good for your heart AND the environment!!” Mr. Harper meanwhile continues to post food recommendations such as his favorite vegan cheese, Vegan Rella, and meat alternatives such as Garden veggie protein products.

Many thanks Coach Harper for your helpful tips on staying fit through the plant-based diet! May many be inspired to adopt the vegan challenge as a lifelong practice of wholesome vitality and peace of mind.

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