Study reveals that tobacco negatively affects DNA - 18 Jul 2010  
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Researchers at the US-based Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research found that cigarette smoke exposure changes gene expression, or the way that genetic information is converted into cell structure and function. The study, which is the largest of its kind ever conducted, evaluated 1,240 people and identified 323 genes that were negatively impacted by tobacco smoke.

Lead author Dr. Jac Charlesworth said, “Our results indicate that not only individual genes but entire networks of gene interaction are influenced by cigarette smoking.

Never before has such a clear link between smoking and transcriptomics been revealed, and the scale at which exposure to cigarette smoke appears to influence the expression levels of our genes is sobering.”

Thank you Dr. Charlesworth and team for this comprehensive study showing clearly how tobacco adversely impacts health. We pray that more and more people protect themselves from disease by choosing a smoke-free lifestyle.
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