Media report--Vegi-Info Magazine features interview about Loving Hut - 22 Oct 2010  
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Media report: Vegi-Info Magazine features interview about Loving Hut. “Vegi-Info - Magazine for Vegetarianism, Animal Rights and Ethics” is a bi-lingual in print and online European publication with thousands of readers across several German- and French-speaking countries. A recent issue featured an interview conducted in Switzerland with a staff member of the vegan restaurant Loving Hut, a fast-growing international chain encouraged by the original concept of Supreme Master Ching Hai featuring affordable and delicious plant-based fare.

(Originally in German)
Q. “How many Loving Hut restaurants already exist?”

A. “At present, there are more than 169 Loving Hut restaurants all over the world. And, we are planning to open more to spread the message of the plant-based vegan diet.”

Q. “When will the first one open in Switzerland?”

A. “We have plans to open at least one Loving Hut in every country all over Europe and hope that one will be opened in Switzerland very soon.”

VOICE: Noting the international restaurant’s successes, showing photographs of a Loving Hut locale in Formosa (Taiwan) and the vegan Loving Hut hotel in Austria, the magazine article also shared Loving Hut’s wish for a truly sustainable world.

Q. “How was it possible that so many Loving Hut restaurants could be established in such a short time?”

A. “We are very lucky to have such a large amount of support for our vegan idea from people from all walks of life. We believe that the vegan diet will bring health and harmony to everyone’s life since there will be no cruel killing of animals for food any more. Also, the vegan diet is the fastest way to cool the earth and save the planet since it lessens 50 % of the global warming effect. For these reasons, especially because of the urgency of global warming, we believe that this is the time for us to do something to spread the vital message of a plant-based vegan diet to the people of the world… We salute all vegan restaurants because they are heroes of the era, in this time of urgency.”

VOICE: Vegi-Info Magazine, we appreciate your informative sharing of the good news about the Earth-saving, caring vegan lifestyle. May more and more people discover the humane and healthful joys of plant-based fare.
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