Enlightening Entertainment
Dominican Republic Civil Defense: Dedicated to Saving Lives (In Spanish)   

Greetings, pure-hearted viewers, and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment
on Supreme Master Television. On the Hispaniola Island between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, we find the Dominican Republic, one of the most gorgeous countries of the planet. The country’s beauty manifests as much in her splendorous landscapes as it does in the loving nature of her 10 million citizens.In a July 2011 videoconferences,
Supreme Master Ching Hai noted the goodness of the people of the Dominican Republic during a discussion about the negative phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle
in the North Atlantic Ocean where over time many ships and aircraft have been known to disappear. The Dominican Republic is near both to the Bermuda Triangle yet also has the positive phenomenon of many Spiritual Blessing Lines crossing her territory.

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