Enlightening Entertainment
Celebrating Father’s Day 2011 with Our Association Members & Friends      
Wonderful viewers, welcome to our 2011 Father’s Day celebration. Today in many parts of the world, families are creating happy memories as they extend their special love and appreciation to their dads, granddads, and fatherly cherished ones, for being who they are. As we join in honoring all the fathers around the globe, we sincerely thank our Heavenly Father for the gift of life and immense love and blessings.

We also offer our heartfelt gratitude to our beloved spiritual teacher Supreme Master Ching Hai, who has always been a loving parent to many people, guiding with her illuminating wisdom and comforting with her profound care. We now present a poem written by Supreme Master Ching Hai in her youth titled, "Loving Note for Father," from the poetry collection, "Pebbles and Gold."

Dear father, what must I do to warm your heart With a child's falling tears?
As your dreams of affluence faded, Heard you not mother's silent sighs?
Her frail body toils from morning 'til night, Knowing neither joy nor peace.
Her beauty and youth faded Shouldering with you sadness and sorrow.

Today I have to tell you Papa, that time will change nothing. We'll always be together, without end.
Today I have to tell you, Papa, I love you more than anyone. And when I'm next to you, all the fear goes away.
And sometimes when you arrive at night, and sleep has already overtaken me, you are next to me and watch me sleep and I feel so happy.
I am going to grow to your great size, and I will see the world like you.
I will understand you much more and better and I will triumph in life.

Today I have to tell you, Papa, I love you more than anyone. And when I'm next to you, all the fear goes away.
And sometimes when you arrive at night, and sleep has already overtaken me, you are next to me and watch me sleep and I feel so happy.
I am going to grow to your great size, and I will see the world like you.
I will understand you much more and better and I will triumph in life.

Greetings, beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai and all fathers around the world.

It’s Father’s Day and we are honored and privileged to have this opportunity to send an abundance of sunshine and love to you from the beautiful city of Brisbane, Australia.

We wish every father, in every household in every country around the world, the warmth and blessings of Heaven’s loving grace on this very special day.

With all of our eternal love and gratitude to you, Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Happy Father’s Day!

I wish you’d look at my pale face For the sake of God If you look at me, all of my pain Will be cured just by one glance

My kind Master, Supreme Master Ching Hai, we thank you for all of your love that you give to the universe. My beloved father, the patient one in my difficult times of childhood, I kiss your hands thankfully. Cherished viewers of Supreme Master TV, Happy Father's Day to you and to all fathers in the world.

You are number one in the world, my father. I love you, Dad.

I love you so much, too.

You are our hero. I love you.

I love you so much.

Happy Father's Day from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!

Daddy, you are the sun in my heart, warming me since I was a child. Daddy, you are the mountain in my heart, bestowing me with confidence and giving me strength since I was young. I still remember my childhood when you were working outside and I was expecting you to come home earlier every day. Kissing my face with your stubble, your love filled my little heart with happiness.
Now I’ve grown up. Daddy is no longer young. With tears on my face, I am full of gratefulness. Ah, I’ve grown up. Looking at Daddy’s aged face, I see a brighter smile, as well as wisdom and strength that you’ve cultivated over the years. O Daddy, in my heart, you are the hero, the eagle, the ocean, the mountain and the azure sky.

On Father’s Day, we would like to express our gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His protection and blessing. On this special day, we thank our beloved Master, who is our Parent, for her unconditional love and guidance. To all the fathers we wish a peaceful and happy life, inner wealth and satisfaction from their beloved children’s growth. May all dads live in Heavenly grace, and may their courage and selflessness help in saving the planet.

To Supreme Master Ching Hai and all viewers of Supreme Master Television worldwide, we from Yogyakarta, Indonesia would like to convey Happy Father’s Day. May all fathers in the world receive infinite peace and love.


On this occasion of Father’s day, we are going to present to you a song in one of our local languages is called Luhya.

Father, you are the best, no one like you.
Father, you are the best, there’s no one like you.
Father, you are the best, there’s no one like you.
Father, you are the best, there’s no one like you.
Father, you are the best, there’s no one like you.
In case of trouble or happiness,
Father, you are the best, there’s no one like you.
Father, you are the best, there’s no one like you.
Father, you are the best, there’s no one like you.

Happy Father’s Day from Nairobi, Kenya!

Daddy dear, tell me please, is the world really round?
Tell me where is the bluebird of happiness found?
Tell me why is the sky up above so blue?
And when you were a child did your daddy tell you,
What becomes of the sun when it falls into the sea?
And who lights it again bright as bright can be?
Tell me why can't I fly without wings through the skies?
Tell me why, Daddy dear, are there tears in your eyes?

Little one, little one, yes, the world's really round.
And the bluebird you search for will surely be found.
And the sky up above is so blue and so clear,
So that you'll see the bluebird if it should come near.
And the sun doesn't fall when it slips out of sight.
All it does is make room for the moon's pretty light.
And if children could fly there'd be no need for birds
And I cry, little child, 'cause I'm touched by your words.

Don't be sad, Daddy dear, if it's true the world's round.
I will search 'round the world till the bluebird is found.

Little one, there's no need to go wandering too far;
For what you really seek is right here where you are.

Show me where, Daddy dear, and here's what I will do;
I will take the dear bluebird and give it to you.

Dear, the bluebird's the love in your heart pure and true.
And I found it the day Heaven blessed me with you!

We always appreciate your love, Supreme Master Ching Hai! You are our father and mother to us.

Thank you very much.

All the fathers on Earth, we are always grateful for your efforts.

Japan was struck by the devastating Great East Japan Earthquake. We wholeheartedly appreciate Supreme Master Ching Hai and all the people in the world supporting us. We the Japanese are doing our best all together. Everyone, thank you very much.

This is Happy Father’s Day from Uganda.
We are strong men, we are strong
We are strong fathers, we are strong
We are strong fathers, we are strong
We are strong fathers, we are strong
Fathers show us love, true love
Face to face will you laugh or cry?
Fathers show us love, true love
Face to face will you laugh or cry?
We are strong men, we are strong
We are strong fathers, we are strong
We are strong fathers, we are strong
We are strong fathers, we are strong

This is Happy Father’s Day from Uganda.

He is my father, with round eyes, white teeth, and big smiles every day.
He is my father, with round eyes, white teeth, and big smiles every day.
I want to sit beside him, because he loves to take me to the theater.
I want to be with him always, because he loves to see me happy.
He is my father, with round eyes, white teeth, and big smiles every day.
He is my father, with round eyes, white teeth, and big smiles every day.
I want to sit beside him, watching the sunset at dusk together.
I want to be with him always, going to his favorite beach together.
He is my father. He is my father.

With the gentle breeze comes the Spring,
the season of awakening and renewing;

With the rolling thunder, comes the Summer
the season of abundance and growth;

With the fall of the colorful leaves comes the Autumn
the season of harvest and homecoming;

With the elegant snow comes the Winter
the season of resting and peace;

And with you, Supreme Master Ching Hai, comes the season of eternal Love
that bonds us all together in the circle of life.

To Supreme Master Ching Hai, to all viewers of Supreme Master Television, and to all fathers around the world, Happy Father’s Day!

We from Indonesia would like to say Happy Father’s Day to all fathers around the world. Thank you for your guidance, examples, and love that give warmth and encouragement to the world.

Precious gift, precious gift, from Heaven
it has arrived and has filled me with joy and love.
I can’t help it and I want to shout it:
Beautiful darling that God has sent to me, just for me!

I want to be like my dad I will make a mustache with shaving cream,
his necktie and shoes I will use, yeah, yeah, and I'll go to work like him.
Like my dad, like my dad how nice it would be to be like my dad.
Like my dad, like my dad how nice it would be to be like my dad.

We dedicate only one day to our father, but our father dedicates to us all the days of the year.
That is why on this special day, we wish:

Happy Father’s Day! Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet! Bye!

We only dedicate one day to Dad, but Dad, every day of the year.
That is why on this very special day, we say:

Happy Father’s Day! Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

May God bless you. We from the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association of Bali, wish you Happy Father’s Day! May all be blessed. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet! May there be peace on Earth.

Father, you are an example for me for a meaningful life.
You taught me to be good and compassionate, good and compassionate,

helpful to my neighbor, conscious of my duty.
For all your precious lessons
I’m grateful to you now, I’m grateful to you now.

May all the fathers be blessed for their dedication, sacrifice and protection. We love you!

You have given me so much love.
You’re a bright torch in my heart for me to begin my life with faith.
Your teaching gave me confidence.
This love you specially give to me.

Rain or shine, without a word of lament, you endure all hardships to bring up your children.
That we grow up into good people, your wish is very humble.
You teach your children to be wise.
Father’s favor is like a high mountain.
Looking after your children all your life, you mind not any hardship.
How I miss my gentle father as he came to pick me up every time school was over.
All my love I give to you, Dad.
My happy smile warms your heart.
You wish I’ll grow up soon. You mind not any hardship, rain or shine.
You spend all your life bringing me up.
You wish I’ll grow up soon. You mind not any hardship, rain or shine.
You spend all your life bringing me up.
You wish I grow up soon. You mind not any hardship, rain or shine.
You spend all your life bringing me up.
“Father’s favor is as high as the tallest mountain. Mother’s kindness is like the water flowing from the source.” “Wholeheartedly show respect to our parents to fulfill our filial duty as a child.” On this Father’s Day, we’d like to express our gratefulness to all the respected fathers for your favor of giving birth and bringing us up. May Heaven bless the gentle fathers in the world with good health and peace always in God’s eternal love.
For all the respected, big-hearted fathers in the world, thank you for being our heroes and role models! May you always be blessed as you carry out your noble responsibilities. Our special thanks, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for your deep affection as a devoted spiritual parent whose leadership is steering our planet toward a more peaceful future. We are grateful beyond words for your irreplaceable presence on Earth.
Splendid viewers, thank you for your company today. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom, coming up next. Wishing you and your loved ones safety and happiness in Heaven’s grace. Happy Father’s Day!

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