Enlightening Entertainment
Constructive News for an Elevated Planet: - P1/3The Middle East, Africa and North America / P2/3 Asia and Oceania / P3/3 South America and Europe      
Welcome distinguished viewers! September 7, 2010 marks the Fourth Year Anniversary of Supreme Master Television. For four consecutive years, with your delightful and loyal company, we have had the privilege of bringing you constructive news from various regions of the globe.

At this urgent time for our planetary home, humanity is being urged to end the conflicts we've created with one another, Mother Nature, our animal co-inhabitants. Nations everywhere are answering the call for peace and understanding, as reported by our international correspondents. On this joyful occasion, please join us for this presentation of event highlights in Supreme Master Television's Constructive News for an Elevated Planet.

The Middle East

Our tour around the world begins in the Middle East and Africa, where diplomacy and charity have reigned over the past year.

From the beautiful United Arab Emirates, Greetings! I’m standing before the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. There has been a lot of humanitarian activities in the region this past year. Kuwait sent her 4th humanitarian aid shipment to Yemen and funded the building of a new hospital in Lebanon. And the United Arab Emirates donated US$10 million to support projects in the Maldives. In ecology news, Saudi Arabia has been working to enhance the organic farming sector. Here in the United Arab Emirates, there has been good news about women’s achievements.

In May 2010, Dr. Hessa Abdullah Ahmad Al Otaiba became the United Arab Emirates’ first ambassador to the Vatican and the Vatican’s first ever female envoy to represent her country. Earlier in the year, speaking at the Arab Women’s Leadership Forum, United Arab Emirates Prime Minister His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum called for government support for professional women in all fields. Reporting for Supreme Master Television, from Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

In more good news, in spring 2010, Lebanese and Syrian leaders renewed relations. They since continued strengthening cooperation. In Lebanon, plans began to plant more than a million trees annually. Jordan’s Hashemite Charity donated hundreds of tons of food aid to comfort the less fortunate in Gaza, Palestine. Moreover, after the approval of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (who is also a medical doctor), a smoking ban on all public places took effect in April.

Implementing its own smoking ban since the end of 2009, the Palestinian Authority also raised taxes on the price of cigarettes to encourage smokers to quit. It was the fourth increase in two years – and it won't be the last. With Iraq's smoking ban, which was actually one of the first in the Middle East, media are banned from advertising cigarettes and instead inform about smoking harms.

Public education continues through newspaper, through Iraqi TV Prevention is the most important factor in the public health. May all be healthy, safe, and happy!

Halo from Iran to the world! This year, Iran continued developing peaceful relationships with other countries while affirming support for the elimination of nuclear weapons. In May, a new cardiac bio-implant manufacturing plant began constructing lifesaving cardiac valves from human-made materials, replacing the need for live transplant tissue.

In especially exciting news, more Iranian people are quickly joining the veg trend for their health and to save the planet! Reporting from Iran for Supreme Master Television.

Shalom (Peace)! In December 2009, the Israeli government issued a ban on the sale of alcohol between 11 PM and 7 AM, and prohibited alcohol sales to youth less than 21 years of age. After developing a way to double our crop output with 30% less water, in June officials went to several African nations to share the method. The Ministerial Committee on Law unanimously approved a ban on all import, export, production and marketing of fur. That’s some constructive news from Israel, for Supreme Master Television.

I would like to thank Supreme Master TV for giving me the chance to have programs on the Palestinian people and their heritage, and just show the world the beauty that they have and the art that they have within their heritage and their history and their culture. And all this is, of course, to promote peace among all people. The world cannot live together unless they have peace among each other. I wish you all the best and congratulations.

From the Middle East, let's now go to Africa and our correspondents on location.


Greetings. In February 2010, an historic visit was made by Chadian President Idriss Deby to Sudan to work towards a goal of regional peace. In North Africa, Morocco launched the first integrated solar-thermal power station in Africa. Tunisia hosted a BioExpo 2010 as one of the top two largest organic farming countries in Africa.

Algeria began building 70,000 homes for people in underserved areas. In June 2010, Egypt opened a border crossing with Palestinian Gaza. And Libya donated palm trees and expert care assistance to Botwsana to help her agricultural development. Reporting for Supreme Master Television.

Welcome to Togo and West Africa. The Women’s Guild of the Presbyterian Church of Togo and Ghana has been promoting vegetarianism. They taught 1,000 women about the harms of eating meat and the benefits of a vegetarian diet. Also, Ghana hosted the Second West African Vegetarian Congress which emphasized the vegan diet to halt global warming.

Elsewhere in West Africa, Dakar National University Hospital in Senegal inaugurated an organic garden to provide patients with free, healthy fresh veggies and herbs. Signing off from Togo, West Africa for Supreme Master Television.

Halo from Cameroon! This year, farmers in Cameroon and four other African nations were trained in organic farming methods. With 5,000 farmers obtaining certification, there resulted a dramatic boost in sales of their produce. In eastern-central Africa, Rwanda became the second nation after Mozambique without British constitutional links to become a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.

In addition, Tanzania naturalized 162,000 previously displaced Burundi people. Commending the action as the most generous of its kind anywhere, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) encouraged other countries to do similarly. Reporting from Cameroon for central Africa.

Welcome to South Africa! First, in neighboring Angola, the government succeeded in providing clean water to many citizens in Benguela province. And the Zimbabwean government granted new licenses to newspapers in support of greater freedom of the press. In South Africa, 30,000 guns were surrendered in a 3-month National Firearm Amnesty program for removing weaponry to further peace. The 2010 Soccer World Cup was held in South Africa. It was a time of unity and pride for all of Africa!

Oh Africa! Reporting from South Africa for Supreme Master Television.

I want congratulate and convey my great appreciation for Supreme Master Television and Supreme Master Ching Hai on their 4th Anniversary. Supreme Master Ching Hai's vision and mission in sharing love, peace, harmony and a better understanding how we could all live together for a better world is how I live my life.

I hope you have many more anniversaries and continue to positively impact the world and make a difference in the lives of others. Happy Anniversary Supreme Master Television and Supreme Master Ching Hai. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Let's find out about some of the memorable events that have occurred during the past year in North America.

North America

Welcome to Washington, DC, USA, our nation’s capital. Some of our most shining achievements this past year include President Barack Obama’s leadership in forging a world free of nuclear weapons through both an arms reduction treaty with Russia and a meeting on global nuclear non-proliferation.

By upholding our own commitments under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, we strengthen our global efforts to stop the spread of these weapons.

US First Lady Michelle Obama cultivated a bigger organic vegetable garden while continuing to encourage children to eat more fresh produce and to exercise. Finally, a 98-year effort came to close in March 2010 when the US Congress voted to approve a healthcare reform bill designed to assist those in need. Signing off in Washington DC for Supreme Master Television.

Welcome to Texas, a big Southern US state with an even bigger heart!

In charity news, 40 of the United States' billionaire families and individuals joined philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet to pledge at least half of their wealth to charity – that's a combined donation value of US$125 billion! In veg news, Maryland state leaders went veg for Veg Week for health and the planet.

Try vegetarianism. The health benefits are self evident and the environmental benefits are great. And in August, the final 4,000 US combat troops departed from Iraq, as thousands more soldiers returned home and were happily reunited with their families. Supreme Master Television, Dallas, Texas, USA

Salutations from San Francisco, California, the first city in the USA to encourage plant-based eating by declaring Mondays “Vegetarian Day.” There are now a total of 12 Loving Hut vegan restaurants in California and Arizona alone.

Here's a trend we look forward to seeing more of: Due to strong customer demand, Cruzer Pizza in Los Feliz, California recently transformed into a vegan restaurant. In the nine months since the change, business has been better than ever! Who knew saving the planet could be so good for business, people, and animals! Reporting from San Francisco, USA.

I just want to say to everybody: Join me! Be Veg, Go Green, 2 Save the Planet.

Be veg. Take care of the planet and be nice to animals.

We want everybody to Be Veg, Go Green, 2 Save the Planet!

In constructive news from Canada, the annual Group of 20 (G20) and Group of 8 (G8) meetings were held here in Toronto in June, the same month that the Canadian government forgave the Republic of Congo’s debt. The government has also been boosting support for the organic farming sector.

And in sports, Vancouver hosted the 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Reporting for Supreme Master Television from Toronto, Canada.

Greetings from Quebec, Canada. This year in April, the Montreal Millennium Summit was held to discuss poverty elimination from different angles, including climate change and its devastating impact on millions of people. The Summit also discussed the reconstruction of Haiti in light of the January earthquake tragedy and thus reflected the solidarity shown in the Americas and internationally.

It was while the earth was shaking and everybody was running, I went to see and I saw that the house had collapsed on my mother.

On January 12, 2010, a huge earthquake devastated the capital and other parts of Haiti. The people prayed to God, mourned, and were grateful for the help from all over the world. Giving her loving support over the next months was Supreme Master Ching Hai, who ensured that specific urgent needs were met, for medicine, food, and shelter. The Haitian people gladly embraced the wholesome vegan fare and felt renewed hope for their future.

Thank you, Master Ching Hai!

Halo green viewers! In May 2010, Costa Rica inaugurated her new president, Her Excellency Laura Chinchilla. With her leadership, Costa Rica banned new gold mines to protect the environment, and is continuing to preserve the country’s rich biodiversity. In fact, according to the 2010 Environmental Performance Index, Costa Rica ranked in the top three worldwide! This is Supreme Master Television from Costa Rica. See you later!

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

In constructive news from Mexico, in April 2010, Mexico City inaugurated a bike sharing program called “Ecobici.” In fact, thanks to government efforts, studies announced that the city’s air quality improved substantially compared to a decade ago.

With worsening climate change, officials also recognized the need to restrain livestock activities to conserve water. We look forward to bold leadership to save the planet before the coming COP 16 United Nations Climate Change Conference hosted here in Mexico. Reporting from Mexico for Supreme Master Television.

In a November 2009 videoconference in Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai encouraged all world governments toward leading roles in the needed shift to veganism to save the planet.

The governments have the power to make this urgent transition to the organic vegan diet. First, they should ban all animal products, informing people about the facts of animal products, explaining that because it’s poisoning their co-citizens and piling up far more costs than any gains, economically and environmentally, and because it’s eating up our planet.

According to respected Dutch scientists, tens of trillions of US dollars can be saved by world governments if all the world becomes vegan. In addition, the governments of the world have the power to make the veg trend an exciting movement for everyone toward a healthier lifestyle.

We thank you for your presence as we mark the coming 4th Year Anniversary of Supreme Master Television, your constructive global TV channel. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for part 2 of 3 of “Constructive News for an Elevated Planet” from Oceania and Asia. Now, please join us for Words of Wisdom, up next after Noteworthy News. May your days be joyful and bright.

A message that I can send to the viewers is to continue to listen this good, good TV station. We have to listen to it because it can give us some energy. Keep on going. Long life! Fourth Anniversary already, four years already! So I wish you a long life, a long life, even an eternal life, and I also wish you many realizations. Hope is something that is always there, so I send you much hope, much love.

Thanks Supreme Master for all the promotion about veganism you are doing. Myself, I am a vegan, and for all the reasons; for environment, for health, and especially for the animals. Please remember, Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet.

Hi, my name is Zorianna Kit, and you are watching Supreme Master TV. Happy 4th Anniversary! That is so exciting. Looking forward to celebrating many, many more with you in the future.

Happy 4th Anniversary, Supreme Master Television! Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!
Welcome distinguished viewers! September 7, 2010 marks the Fourth Year Anniversary of Supreme Master Television. For four consecutive years, with your delightful and loyal company, we have had the privilege of bringing you constructive news from various regions of the globe.

At this urgent time for our planetary home, humanity is being urged to end the unfortunate conflicts we've created with one another, Mother Nature, our animal co-inhabitants. Nations everywhere are answering the call for peace and understanding, as reported by our international correspondents. On this joyful occasion, please join us for this presentation of event highlights in Supreme Master Television's Constructive News for an Elevated Planet.

Hi, my name is Kirsty Sword Gusmão from Timor-Leste. I’m the Chair of Fundasaun Alola, or the Alola Foundation and Goodwill Ambassador for education. I’d like to wish everyone associated with Supreme Master Television a very happy 4th birthday and many happy returns.

I am Jamtani, an environmental activist congratulations on your 4th anniversary. Wish you all the success and may you keep on bringing enlightenment to your viewers.


Today let's first hear from our correspondents in the Pacific region reporting for New Zealand, Samoa, and Australia.

Greetings to all of you!

Greetings from New Zealand! As the Maori say, “E raka te mauī, e raka te katau,” meaning: A community can use all the skills of its people.

Recognizing that only a healthy community can be the most useful, the government passed tougher laws restricting alcohol as well as a 10% increase in the tobacco tax – which brought the price of one pack of cigarettes to over US$10. One smoking cessation group noted that a previous tobacco tax increase resulted in triple the number of callers seeking help to quit the habit. Reporting for Supreme Master Television from New Zealand. Farewell!

Halo! On April 28 this year, Samoa ratified the Convention on Cluster Munitions. It is one of the most important international disarmament treaties. Samoa will join 31 other nations to clear all contaminated land within 10 years and be rid of all stockpiles within eight. Wishing peace and love to all from the Samoan people!

G’day everyone! We’re in Brisbane, Australia. This past year, Queensland and Victoria banned smoking in cars with children, South Australia prohibited tobacco product displays in shops, and the Australian government allotted funds to reduce smoking among indigenous groups. In environmental news, a recent report indicated that livestock grazing is the cause of most of Australia’s tree clearing.

We looked at what was driving deforestation; what was driving loss of biodiversity; what was driving soil degradation; what was driving soil loss in Australia; what was driving water quality loss in Australia and we found that there is a common cause. The common cause is land clearing for raising livestock.

Meanwhile, the eminent Professor Frank Fenner of Australian National University warned that climate change is spelling mass extinction for many species – including our own. The good news is, alarming facts lead to lifestyle changes: a veg trend has been on the rise!

Halo everyone, people of the world. Come to Australia. Get down here, have a vegetarian barbeque with us. We’ll all have a good time.

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

This is Supreme Master Television in Australia.


In constructive news from Asia, regional friendships have been growing stronger than ever. For instance, foreign ministers from Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan signed an agreement to work together in halting illegal drug and weapons activities for greater regional peace.

Tajikistan and Pakistan, along with Russia, are assisting Afghanistan in economic development, and Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan reached an agreement on shared borders, with Uzbekistan welcoming people displaced due to conflict from Kyrgyzstan . In addition, China continued deepening elations with Formosa (Taiwan), India, Myanmar (Burma), Japan, and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

We'll also find out how the Earth-saving veg trend has been gaining momentum in this region. Let's now go to our correspondents.

Halo everyone from China! I’m standing at the beautiful Beihai Park in Beijing built by emperors many centuries ago. In cultural news, the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai brought the world together in a huge celebration of culture and sustainable ideals with tens of millions of international visitors!

Next, China's state-owned leading food processor, the National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation, supports the “Low Carbon Family, Modern Lifestyle,” including promotion of the plant-based diet for health and the planet. Finally, to protect regional wildlife, Yichun City of Heilongjian banned all hunting and fishing throughout a 4 million hectare forest. Supreme Master Television reporting from Beijing, China.

Halo from Mongolia! This year, Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj called for a ban on the death penalty and announced a moratorium on capital punishment. Mongolia thus was honored with the Shining World Leadership Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai. Meanwhile, Mongolian people also are extending compassion and saving lives, as reflected in the rapidly growing number of veg eateries! See you later from Mongolia!

Yes, we are at the Gwanghwamoon Gate in Seoul, South Korea! In humanitarian news, our country recently boosted anti-malaria aid to neighboring North Korea. As we know, peace begins with us – and at the dining table. South Korean leaders and co-citizens thus have supported the organic vegan diet.

The major cause of global warming is rather methane gas. We absolutely have to reduce meat consumption.

I want more people to know that the vegetarian diet is crucial to creating a good environment.

Vegetarianism is progress!

Also, Loving Hut in South Korea, as encouraged by Supreme Master Ching Hai, have been among the fastest growing in the world this past year.

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Reporting from Seoul, South Korea.

Greetings everyone! In 2010, Japan has continued her leadership in assisting other nations with donations and expertise.

For example, the government has helped with nutrition for Nepali children, climate change mitigation in Laos, and food security in Mozambique. Also, two major Japanese companies, ITO EN Ltd. and Shiseido Co., Ltd. pledged to end animal testing on their products. Meanwhile, vegetable farming and veg living is gaining more interest. Supreme Master Television, Tokyo, Japan.

Welcome to Âu Lạc (Vietnam)! With deep care for her citizens, Âu Lạc extended a smoking ban to all public places, began providing millions of elderly citizens with permanent housing and healthcare, and millions of rural residents with education and job training. In environmental efforts, governments and citizens are striving to protect wildlife, especially endangered animals. Reporting from beautiful Âu Lạc (Vietnam) for Supreme Master Television!

Halo everyone from the Land of Smiles! In good news from Thailand, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Suwit Khunkitti has been honored with the J. Paul Getty Award for outstanding efforts in eliminating illegal wildlife trade and creating corridors for their passage. Also, the Thai government is supporting a new solar farm among the rice fields in Ayutthaya Province. May Buddha bless all good deeds! This is Supreme Master Television, Thailand.

Greetings from Formosa (Taiwan)! In 2010, Asia’s biggest solar power plant was launched in Kaohsiung County. Most importantly, the veg trend has reached unprecedented heights in Formosa this year. Governments and schools rally for meat-free meals.


Global warming is becoming worse. As to the vegetarian diet, I think we can encourage it.

Doctors and chefs encourage a healthy veg diet.

We must take great care and change our habits.

There’s no need to spend money; just stop eating the animals.

This is Supreme Master Television in Taipei, Formosa.

Greetings peaceful viewers! In 2010, Indonesia was privileged to host a couple international climate change conferences. For instance, in April, the first International Muslim Conference on Climate Change was held in West Java, Indonesia, seeking ways to motivate Muslims in upholding “khalifah,” or stewardship of nature.

Among the steps that we need to save this Earth is to have more organic farming, encourage people to eat less meat. Even in Islam, there is a teaching which is laid down on that, which we are now asking all the ulama (Muslim scholars) to translate that so that they are aware of this.

This is Supreme Master Television in Indonesia.

Extreme weather events have been linked to global warming – such as the recent rains and mudslides in China and massive floods in Pakistan. Causing much sorrow, they have reminded us of the plight we as one humankind must face together to save lives and the planet.

In late July, Pakistan experienced her worst ever floods that displaced over 20 million people and claimed at least 1,600 lives.

We suffered a lot, we had a lack of clean water and had to drink flood water.

Pakistan's government has been working to provide relief directly as well as supporting international efforts despite vast challenges.

We need rapid, huge support. There are millions of people displaced.

Have great courage, do not despair and have a strong sense of hope. I’m here to bring the hope and future, better future for all of you.


As always, Supreme Master Ching Hai quickly sent financial help and our Association's relief and medical teams to do their part. With prayers for the affected, may disaster victims everywhere be protected and such events subside through our gentler lifestyles. Reporting for Supreme Master Television.

Greetings! Afghanistan has been making progress towards peace and prosperity. In June, around 1,600 delegates concluded a three-day peace jirga, or traditional council by affirming their support for President Hamid Karzai’s peace proposal.

We need the advice from all different parts of our country.

What’s more, this year, the western Afghan province of Herat has had its first successful saffron harvest, as a new good livelihood source for farmers. That’s news from Afghanistan for Supreme Master Television.

Namaste (greeting)!

Thanks to the Indian government, every child is now guaranteed free education. Also, all citizens in Assam state receive basic healthcare. In animal welfare news, Bihar ordered a strict enforcement of ban on dolphin hunting, Orissa implemented measures to protect endangered turtles, and Karnataka joined other states in banning cow slaughter. That’s just some of the caring news from India.

Halo! May Buddha bless you! This year Nepali government leaders sought to raise awareness of the rapid melting of the Himalayas due to global warming by holding the highest altitude cabinet meeting ever at the 5,240-meter Mount Everest Base Camp.

What’s more, in July, an all-woman mountain climbing team set off to climb the tallest peaks on each of the seven continents to raise awareness on climate change. To show how green they really are, all nine Nepali women became vegan for the tour!

So we need to act now, both at individual levels, things that we can change in our lifestyle, and also at the level of government.

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

This is Supreme Master Television in Nepal

During an October 2009 climate change event in Formosa (Taiwan), honored guest Supreme Master Ching Hai shared via videoconference the promise of a brighter future should humanity do what it takes to halt climate change.

So, what should we insist on giving up to save our only planet?

The answer you have already, that is, we give up meat and then we plant organic vegetables. Very simple, very simple. It’s not much change, not much demand on anybody at all. At least give up meat and the world will become a paradise. And we will continue to have this world and a better world to live in.

Thank you for your precious presence for today’s program celebrating Supreme Master Televion's 4th anniversary. Please join us again tomorrow for the final episode of our 3-part presentation, featuring news highlights from South America and Europe. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News. May Heaven protect you and your loved ones.

I think Supreme Master Television is a very precious TV station because it is very meaningful and informative for people to learn so many things. Congratulations on the 4th anniversary of Supreme Master Television.

May your television bring benefits to society. And we, from Purna Paskibraka Indonesia of Bali Province, strongly support Be Veg, Go Green, 2 Save the Planet.

Hi, I am Intan Ladyana. I would like to wish a Happy 4th Anniversary to Supreme Master TV. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!
Welcome distinguished viewers! September 7, 2010 marks the Fourth Year Anniversary of Supreme Master Television. For four consecutive years, with your delightful and loyal company, we have had the privilege of bringing you constructive news from various regions of the globe.

At this urgent time for our planetary home, humanity is being urged to end the unfortunate conflicts we've created with one another, Mother Nature, our animal co-inhabitants. Nations everywhere are answering the call for peace and understanding, as reported by our international correspondents. On this joyful occasion, please join us for this presentation of event highlights in Supreme Master Television's Constructive News for an Elevated Planet.

South America

In South America, leaders worked together toward harmony and mending ties, notably between Colombia and Venezuela. Reaching across the Atlantic, the Mercosur regional bloc, including Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, signed an agreement with the European Union on sustainable development. In addition, Bolivia hosted the “People’s World Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth,” in which over 35,000 people from around the globe particpated to discuss how global warming can be kept to within a one-degree rise.

Before we had plenty of rain. Now, it has practically changed: There is hail, wind, there is drought, there is much heat.

Because the livestock exploitation preys on forests, preys on the Earth, there is a very strong trend which goes against this agriculture geared to the business of maximizing profit.

Our correspondents bring us more constructive news highlights.

Halo! We are in front of the Chapel of Santa Maria de los Angeles in Bogotá, the capital city of Colombia. The Chapel of Santa Maria de los Angeles was opened in 1920 and chosen by the most famous people of Bogotá to perform their religious ceremonies.

In June, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reported that Colombia’s illegal drug control policy adopted in the past few years is getting good results. [Illegal] coca production declined by 16% within one year, a much bigger decline than in the region. With prayers for a drug-free and harmonious world, this is Supreme Master Television in Bogotá, Colombia.

Halo everyone from São Paulo, Brazil!

Thanks to measures implemented by the Brazilian government, the National Institute of Space Research announced a 50% reduction in Amazonian deforestation from August to November 2009 compared to the same time period in 2008.

Of course, there is still a long way to go to save the Amazon, “the lungs of the Earth,” which is why we are glad that the country’s largest city, São Paulo, started Meatless Mondays since November 2009. It was launched by the Secretary of Green and Environment of São Paulo Dr. Eduardo Jorge Martins Alves Sobrinho and the Brazilian Vegetarian Society.

The issue of global warming is the most widespread challenge that humanity has ever faced.

Reducing meat consumption and being vegetarian is the most effective contribution that each one of us can do in the fight against climate change.

May we soon have a saved and greener planet! Reporting for Supreme Master Television.

Greetings from Peru!

In November 2009, Peruvian Production Minister Mercedes Aráoz called on other neighboring states to cooperate together to limit individual military spending and thus allocate more for social programs. In more good news, Peru is working to provide safe drinking water and sanitation to 4 million people, as assured by President Alan García Pérez. Supreme Master Television, Perú.

Warm regards from Santiago, Chile!

On February 27, 2010, a massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake hit Chile which claimed more than 500 people while affecting two million more. There was an outpouring of international aid from near and far, and Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately contributed emergency aid and sent our Association’s relief team to help the most afflicted.

Thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai, for the contributions here in the city Constitución.

The good news is that Chilean people are recovering and also embracing the planet-stabilizing veg diet. As reported, meat consumption in Chile saw a marked decrease in 2009. With hope and gratefulness, reporting from Chile!

I would like to congratulate you, send all my love for the great work you do in defense of nature, in defense of the planet, in defense of the animals. We are many people now, so courage, strength, and let’s go keep going forward! Go Green, Be Veg 2 Save the Planet!


The nations of Europe led by example through their humanitarian efforts and endeavors to protect the environment. With 1.2 billion people who still lack access to potable water, the European Commission has been placing more focus on this valued resource, while making generous aid donations around the world. The European Commission is also working to allow more refugees from areas of conflict and developing nations to settle in member states.

In May 2010, over 500 European mayors gathered to sign a declaration known as the Covenant of Mayors to pledge to reduce carbon emissions more than 20% by 2020, beyond the European Union’s goal. In December 2009, European Parliament held a hearing titled “Climate Change and Food Policy: Less Meat = Less Heat,” inviting as speakers former Beatles artist Sir Paul McCartney, and Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, esteemed Chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and vegetarian.

What can the European Parliament do, and the governments of the world? I suggest that they could encourage and guide people to reduce meat consumption. It's no longer a personal choice. This is something that’s going to affect the whole of the planet.

From Supreme Master Television for Sir Paul McCartney. How do you think we can encourage people to change their eating habits, education-wise, and also in the compassion issue?

I think what needs to be done is to point out the dangers of not changing our eating habits. There are a lot of facts available. I think we just have to encourage people, to guide them, to help them make the transition. But I think it’s doable, it’s very possible.

I think we have to use every means to mitigate the emissions of greenhouse gases, and I’d submit to you once again that cutting down on meat consumption would be an extremely effective way of doing so.

Our correspondents bring us more laudable news from location.

Greetings from Paris, France! We are in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral. This year the French government donated €32 million towards the availability of clean water in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) and placed the foundation stone for a new industrial park in Bethlehem, Palestine, donating €10 million for the infrastructure. Also, the Ministry of Sustainable Development is planting nectar-bearing flowers along 250 kilometers of roadsides to help revive populations of honey bees. See you later from France!

Welcome to Spain! We’re here in Granada, the city of the Alhambra, monuments declared World Heritage Site. Animal rights were a strong theme this year in the country as Catalonia became second community, after the Canary Islands to ban bullfighting. And in sports news, Spain won the 2010 FIFA World Cup championship! Those were highlights from Spain for Supreme Master Television. Finland has banned cigarettes from being displayed in stores.

In addition, smoking is prohibited in cars with passengers under 18 years of age. Over the next three years, tobacco vending machines will be phased out. Within the coming 30 years, the nation hopes that the debilitating addiction will no longer exist. Also, the Helsinki City Council voted for a weekly vegetarian day throughout the city’s schools to help mitigate climate change, save costs, and protect health. Here’s to a long life, from Finland!

Halo peace-loving viewers! Here in Slovenia, a neighborly friendship has been growing. To ease Croatia’s entry to the European Union, in November 2009, the Prime Ministers of Slovenia and Croatia signed a historic accord that accepts international arbitration regarding a shared border. After the agreement was ratified in both countries, it was further approved by Slovenia’s public referendum in June 2010. Wishing harmony to all, reporting from Slovenia!

That is indeed great news for Croatia as well. In more news to look forward to, Croatia signed a declaration on forming a joint rail company with Slovenia and Serbia to enable more efficient transport and easier international travels. What’s more, with the leadership of the new Croatian President Ivo Josipovic, our country entered a new era of cooperation with Serbia. Reporting for Supreme Master Television.

Halo! Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in July signed a new ban on drunk driving. The new zero tolerance law, which came into effect in August, is to reduce accidents and is similar to other government protective actions against drugs and gambling. Russia is also on track to be rid of all chemical weapons. And here in Moscow, people celebrated their first veg fest in July-August. Reporting for Supreme Master Television from Moscow.

Halo! This year in 2010 Turkey welcomed the historic visit of Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani, expanded the rights of Turkish Kurds, and welcomed a group of Turkish Kurds who relinquished their weapons to support peace. Diplomatic relations with Armenia were re-established and trade with Greece was expanded. Animal rights also advanced with the introduction of a free 24-hour animal ambulance. Reporting from Turkey for Supreme Master Television.


This year, Cyprus began work on the largest wind farm in the Mediterranean. We also implemented one of the toughest indoor smoking bans in Europe to protect public health.

In addition, then-Greek Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat resumed peace talks, with both affirming their wish to resolve issues for the benefit of all residents on the island of Cyprus. Efforts were renewed to build a new border crossing to further strengthen relations.

And in June, Sufi Muslim mystic Sheikh Nazim traveled from the north to greet Pope Benedict XVI. That’s constructive news from Cyprus for Supreme Master Television.

Good day from Cologne, Germany! A new film, “The Fourth Revolution: Energy Autonomy,” debuted in cinemas in March demonstrating that the world can meet 100% of energy demand through sustainable energy. As organic agriculture grew more popular, Bremen became the first German city to introduce a weekly Veggie Day. And scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research recently highlighted the importance of reducing meat and dairy to curb emissions. Supreme Master Television, Germany.

Welcome to Holland! This past year, the Netherlands donated US$23.5 million to Sudan for safe water. In May, a new documentary, “Sea the Truth,” exposed the destruction of fishing. As the United Nations reported, all the world’s oceans could be completely depleted in just 40 years. The film’s answer? Stop eating fish – to keep the oceans alive so that they can keep us alive. Signing off from the Netherlands for Supreme Master Television.

Greetings from London, the United Kingdom. In a landmark study published in the prestigious Lancet medical journal, British researchers determined that reducing livestock production and meat consumption are the only way to meet the country's ambitious carbon emission reduction goals – and the least expensive. It’s also the best for improving overall public health, as the study calculated that the UK would prevent thousands of meat-related fatalities a year.

You can't ignore the food and agricultural sector if you're serious about reducing greenhouse gas emissions quite dramatically, which is what we know has to be done.

A greater awareness of the climate costs of all of our actions, including our choice about what we eat, is urgently needed.

There's many people who don't consume very much animal products and meat and other animal products, some who are purely vegetarian and vegan, and all these different dietary patterns are compatible with a healthy lifestyle.

May we all choose the plant-based diet to save our lives and the planet. Supreme Master Television, London, United Kingdom.

So, to return ourselves and our world to a purer state, we have to stop the killing of innocent animals. Stop it now. Stop it now and turn to the merciful way of life. The natural way of life that God intended us to live, which is the vegan diet. This will restore the conscience of every person who adopts such a lifestyle as well as the planet itself.

This has been our 2010 constructive news review from around the world, celebrating the upcoming 4th year anniversary of Supreme Master Television, your constructive global TV channel. Now, please join us for Words of Wisdom, up next after Noteworthy News. May Heaven bless your life with peace and happiness.

Although I am new to know about Supreme Master Television I see that the network does more than its share in bringing the good news to households. I will also do my best to make more and more people enjoy this network. I celebrate the 4th Anniversary of Supreme Master TV in the broadcasting world.

I want to wish you good luck and success in your mission and your spiritual evolution. As a researcher of near-death experiences, I definitely support the idea of respecting all life including the life of animals, which clearly in my mind has a soul. So being vegan, not killing animals for me is a sign of very high evolution and I believe promoting this universal respect and love for all living beings is a very noble cause and I wish you great success on your mission. Happy 4th Anniversary to Supreme Master Television! And Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Supreme Master Television will be four years soon and that is worth some congratulations. Supreme Master Television focuses on the positive news. And there’s not enough positive news. It should be much more. And I found it very nice that Supreme Master Television makes an effort to do that! So congratulations for the 4th year, let’s go for 10!

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