Enlightening Entertainment
Mongolian Celebrations of the Lunar New Year (In Mongolian)      
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Mongolian, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Thai and Spanish.

Welcome, graceful viewers to Supreme Master Television. Mongolia is rich in the culture and tradition of the native people, and the lunar new year is certainly one of their grandest celebrations. In Mongolia, the first month of the year is called the White Month, which symbolizes a pure and clean start to the year.

On the first day of the white month, family members gather together, wishing each other joy and happiness, and at the same time leaving behind any negative feelings of the past. Families commemorate this special time with an abundance of food. They are decked in their colorful traditional clothes representing the tune of the year to come.

On the first morning of New Year, Mongolian men climb up to the mountain to refresh their spirit.

This year, the weather has been so pleasant

Yes, indeed.

Be brave! Excellent!

Hurrah, hurrah! Hurrah, hurrah!

Mongolia’s traditional long song is very unique and it conjures up images of Mongolia’s vast and enigmatic landscape.

The sun over the placid world All over this world Shining with no waning you are

Warm greetings!

Warm greetings to you too!



Come to your grandma, my son.

Wow! What a big boy you are.

Respect for elders is also deeply embedded in Mongolia’s culture. In greeting, the younger people support the forearms of their elders to show their respect.


Happy New Year!

The celebration is exciting.



What a long journey you have made to come to greet us! How was your trip?

Hurray! Hurray!

Walking with grand and grander steps Having shoulder length hair Yundenguuguu from Dalaivan province The men born so pure Walking with wide and wider steps Having triple braided hair Slender and handsome Undenguuguu The man born pure and without melancholy Out of worry about the penetration of the freezing wind A high-neck shirt was sewn for you Hurrah! Hurrah!

My children, I wish you all a peaceful and joyous new year. May all become vegan as my family and enjoy the blessing of Heaven, joy, and peace. Hurray! Hurray!

Kind viewers, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. When we return, we will continue with Mongolia’s traditional Lunar New Year festivities.

Gracious viewers, welcome back to Enlightening Entertainment. Let’s continue as we join the rich cultural Lunar New Year celebrations of Mongolia. The Mongolian people love music with all their heart and soul. It’s no wonder that music and song are an important part of new year gatherings.

Hurray! Hurray!

Triple hills of pignolia

I will cross it on my white-brown horse With you, sweetheart of my spirit Let’s sit down for a while and feast Triple hills of raisin I cross it on my bald gelding horse With you, my contemporary darling Let’s become friends and feast Triple hills of reed I will cross it on my chestnut horse Let’s sit down together in vibrant color and feast With you, my predestined spouse Let’s sit down together in vibrant color and feast With you, my predestined spouse

My children! A great and pleasant spring season we are having this year. The Year of the Ox is passing by and the Year of the Tiger is coming! The start of the new year has been very pleasant. Our family is expanding with newborn babies and new families. It has been such a pleasant time. So, we would like to wish that the Year of the Golden Tiger be full of happiness, joy and the abundance of peace and blessings from Heaven.

In the coming New Year of the Golden Tiger, the family enjoys peace. May all wishes of children, nephews and nieces come true, and may they live in good health and joy. And I offer the blue fabric, a symbol of the blue sky of Mongolia!

Full of immense quality, your beautiful face is just like a clear mirror. When I see it, my perfect self indeed embraces my soul.

Indeed embraces my soul. Hurray, hurray, hurray!

New Year’s Greetings to our beloved Master. Hurray, hurray, hurray!

Be veg. Go green. Save the planet.

This concludes our glimpse into the warmth and gaiety of Mongolia’s traditional Lunar New Year celebrations. May the melodious and joyful culture of the Mongolian people continue forever.

Happy New Year! Hurray, hurray, hurray!

Be veg. Go green. Save the planet.

Loving viewers, thank you for your pleasant company today. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News. May all your noble wishes for the new year come true.

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