Enlightening Entertainment
Luka Nižetić - Acclaimed Croatian Singer and Animal Advocate (In Croatian)      
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Croatian, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, Croatian, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Hey, you're here, to love me, just one day of your life like I love you all my life. Open the crazy dance, let all your beauty release the light. How it would be, only the heart knows. Dance with me like for once before, for me you are a ray of sun. In my sails, be the wind, as with you my step is light.

Luka Nižetić is an acclaimed, greatly talented singer from Croatia. With his debut album “Premijera” recorded in 2006, Luka is best known for his hit songs, “Sometimes I Wish” and “Springtime.” The singer has also been dedicating himself to campaigning against the cruelty of human use of animal fur. For his outspoken endeavors in defense of animals exploited for fur products, Supreme Master Ching Hai sent to Luka a letter of special thanks.

Now, let’s get to know more about Croatia’s singing sensation Luka Nižetić. We had the honor of meeting him and his likewise accomplished sister, Croatia’s well-known television and radio personality Petra Nižetić.

Luka grew up with his older sister Petra in Mertojak, a part of Split, one of the largest cities in Croatia. From a young age, Luka showed exceptional interest in music, which led to his early training for a strong musical foundation. Luka had lessons in piano with a nun, in singing and composing from a music professor. He also studied with noted Croatian opera singer Sanja Erceg-Vrekalo. Growing up, Luka and Petra’s artistic side were encouraged.

At home I paint, I pursue drawing, painting and photography. These are my hobbies, some of my loves which amuse me in my free time. I and my sister have inherited an artistic ability from our mother. I especially got my mother's genes and have fully gone on this artistic side, but Petra is half and half.

Petra Nižetić went on to distinguish herself in journalism and became a host for HRT (Croatian Radiotelevision), a leading national radio and television broadcast company. She has hosted many programs, including the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest.

As for Luka, at the age of 17, the gifted artist composed his first song called “Oh Crazy Town,” which was selected by Croatian composer Zdenko Runjić to be in his 2001 MHJ music festival. There, Luka’s song won three silver honors and the second prize by a panel of experts.

In 2004, he signed a contract with Menart Records and produced his first album, “Premijera,” debuting a number of popular singles. A performance of the song “Springtime” at the Dora song competition in 2005 sent Luka Nižetić soaring to fame. He was soon nominated for the Porin prize, the Croatian equivalent of the Grammy Award.

Since I met you I'm not the same anymore, everyone knows it already. And I wonder what it was with me. What is the spell with which you enchanted me. Spring is, and restlessness is in me. From happiness, I would embrace the universe.

I can describe myself as being more introverted normally more so than in my personal life, than when I'm on stage. Stage and music are a medium where I completely open myself as a person and there I can be what I want. There are no disguises and there I feel the best.

Luka has been busy creating new music albums. In the song “Springtime,” he appeared with Nostalgia, the well-known klapa, a traditional Croatian capella group.

For this album too, I have some agreements with a new talented klapa. I have collaborated with a Macedonian group, the female choir Ezerki. Now on my next album, I will appear and collaborate with the Kočani orchestra. This is a quality, popular trumpet band from Kočani in Macedonia. We will make some really unusual collaboration. I'm always interested in something new, to discover some new collaborations.

It is spring and the grass is fragrant. My heart says you're the right one for me, for me.

It is spring, and restlessness is in me. From happiness, I would embrace the universe. It is spring and the grass is fragrant. My heart says you're the right one. for me, for me.

Spring is, and restlessness is in me. From happiness, I would embrace the universe.

Spring is and grass is fragrant. My heart says you're the right one. Spring is, and restlessness is in me From happiness, I would embrace the universe. Spring is and grass is fragrant. My heart says you're the right one. for me, for me.

What does spirituality mean to you and how do you express it in songs?

For me, spirituality is everywhere around us. We only need to recognize it, and right way put it on a tray, and then serve it to people, to the close ones. In songs, too, of course.

I think that my goal in life is, since I was a little boy, to pursue music and through music entertain people. Not only entertain people, but sometimes to speak to people, too, to give some advice through campaigns I make with Animal Friends, telling people something through what I’m doing, through what I like.

Besides having a golden voice, Luka Nižetić also has a big heart with a soft spot for animals. He teamed up with Animal Friends Croatia, an organization for the promotion of animal rights and vegetarianism, in a campaign to ban all sales of clothes, shoes or other products made of animal fur. Luka appeared in billboards and posters throughout the many cities of Croatia with the slogan, “Say No to Fur Now and Forever.”

I'm a great admirer of animals since I’ve known myself, and was a little boy, then automatically this powerful feeling and reaction arise when I see that someone harasses animals for any sake.

I think that there is a great selection of materials today, and such a wide choice of materials which can be used that look good, and are as warm as animal fur, even better. So my opinion is, "Why abuse animals for something like that, when there are different alternatives? Why not use those alternatives which look equally good, which are equally warm?

It is important to love animals, then you love the people, too. Right, sister?

That’s right, brother.

Luka’s sister Petra Nižetić is like-minded with her brother on the importance of protecting animals.

I'm interested in what is your attitude regarding animal protection and what should be done?

In any case I think that everyone must start from oneself. Now, how much one can do depends on him/her to decide how much to contribute, but definitely everyone must start from oneself and it is the last time to start undertake something.

From where did you get the idea for the program you’re doing on HRT named "Only Good Stories"? I'm interested where you found inspiration and how it will be developed in the future?

In the early days, When my mother and Father were young, there was negtive news, too but I think that Many more positive things became visible. In any case, that somehow prompted us in some ways; on Croatian television When many people watch television shows, it indicates that in our society there are still positive stories, and affirmative news, there are people who take care of others.

Nearly half of the programs were about shelters for animals. There we have had two dogs who needed to be taken care of. After the program we found someone to take care of them, people who called in. We’re pointing out, I would say, all the problems, and vegetarianism, we absolutely will do a program because I support it.

What do you think about veganism?

Definitely I support vegetarianism and veganism.

Do you intend in your career to thematically dedicate your songs to awaken love toward animals and being generally friendly companions with them?

Yes, I think perhaps not only to animals, but perhaps point to some other things too, which torment our planet Earth. We all have to be aware of the situation which we are in, and all together contribute to that. The late Michael Jackson did a lot on it and I try to follow him in this regard,

For his caring endeavors to protect our furry animals, Supreme Master Ching Hai sent a letter of special thanks to Croatian singer Luka Nižetić. The following is an excerpt:

“Dear Mr. Nižetić, I wish to express our sincere thanks to you for your spirited stance against animal cruelty. Courageously voicing your attitude, you are leading the way forward towards a harmonious future between humankind and our co-inhabitants of the Earth. Your tremendous support for the Animal Friends Croatia campaign, “Croatia Without Fur,” sends a noble message of compassionate awareness to the fashion industry, that now is the time to move away from animal-based fur, avoiding needless killing of innocent animals…

Your gracious efforts are helping to elevate our globe to a higher consciousness, and pave the way to a new golden era where all of God's creation can live together in harmony… Wishing you ongoing success, prosperity and all the best in Heaven's grace. With Great Honour, Love and Blessings, Supreme Master Ching Hai”

Beautiful! It's beautiful. Thank you very much.

Mr. Nižetić was also presented with Supreme Master Ching Hai’s #1 international bestselling books, “The Dogs in My Life,” “The Birds in My Life,” and “The Noble Wilds,” along with other books and lecture DVDs.

It is a great honor. Thank you very much. I just can’t wait to go home and slowly browse and read the books and DVDs. Thanks very much to Master. Thank you very much.

Many thanks and admiration, Luka, for your noble endeavors to help our animal friends. Wishing you and Petra all the best in both your shining professions as living role models as well as in your campaigns to help create a more caring world.

We would win the world, just never say to me it’s all the same to you

Dance with me like once before, for me for me you are a ray of sun.
In my sails be the wind, as with you my step is light.
Let’s dance with me like once before, for me for me you are a ray of sun.
In my sails be the wind, as with you my step is easy.
Let’s dance with me like once before, for me for me you are a ray of sun.
In my sails be the wind, as with you my step is light.

Delightful viewers, thank you for your company on today’s program. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. May your heart be blessed with love and compassion.

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