Enlightening Entertainment
Aulacese (Vietnamese) Film: A King Named Pig (In Aulacese)      
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du. Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “A King Named Pig” is based on an Aulacese legend about a decent young man who led a hard life but nonetheless was destined to be King. The story is a reminder that worldly good fortune and position are bestowed by Heaven in accordance to one’s merits and character, not something that humans can scheme to seize or keep for themselves.

We now invite you to enjoy the film “A King Named Pig,” written by screenwriter Nguyễn Đông Thức, directed by Nguyễn Minh Chung, and produced by Phương Nam Films, with performances by Cao Đạt as Pig, Minh Nhí as Province Chief, Thúy Hòa as Little One, Việt Hùng as Camp Leader, Lê Bình as Monk, Đắc Vinh as Vagabond, Tuấn Hùng as Deity Statue, and other artists. Martial arts movements were guided by master Mã Vĩnh Trinh.

We thank you for your company on Enlightening Entertainment. Words of Wisdom is coming up next. Please tune in to Supreme Master Television next Thursday for the Aulacese classical theatre titled “What Came From Heaven is Returned to Earth” by playwright Nguyễn Diêu Trì. So long for now.

Once upon a time, there was an orphan who was adopted by someone to be his errand boy. People called him Pig. However people mocked him, Pig paid no attention and went on with his life. At age 18, Pig came to live with a high-ranking official.

It tickles! Oh God! What are you doing?

It’s too high for me to wash.

Clean carefully. If you damage the 3 red moles on my sole, even your entire family lineage can’t compensate for that great physiognomy of mine.

Don’t worry, sir! If I accidentally damage your great physiognomy, I alone am capable of making it up to you.

What did you say? You dare to be rude to me, piggy face?

I told you the truth.

Goodness! You even talked back to me? Let me tell you: you’re not worth even a penny, how can you compensate me?

I can; otherwise I wouldn’t say so. If you don’t believe me, look here!

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine! What!?

O sir! I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I don’t dare do it again. I’m sorry, sir.

Could it be true? There are nine red moles on his back. I’ve seen with my own eyes! How could Pig have such a great physiognomy? This boy definitely will be a king or a lord later on. If I let him become king or lord, what is left of my dignity?

Are you tired? Have some water to feel better.

Thank you, Little One!

Thank what? It’s just some water and you even thank me. But it’s already noon, why don’t you rest then eat lunch?

Let me finish chopping all this firewood, then I’ll rest. I can eat a little late, it’s okay.

But you must take a shower before I’ll let you have your meal.

Taking a shower? I just had it five days ago.

My goodness! You took a shower five days ago? How terribly dirty you are! But if you don’t take a shower, I won’t let you have your lunch. I won’t talk to you either. You’re so smelly, who can bear to stand near you? Did you hear what I said?

Yes, I did! Taking a shower? All right. I will, after I finish chopping the wood.

Don’t forget! (Sure.)

You must be discreet; if you let anyone know, I’ll kill you. Understand?

O Little One! I took a shower and I’m clean now. Is the bowl of rice on the table for me?

O Pig! If you eat it, you’ll die. But if you don’t, you’ll die too.

Little One, I don’t understand what you said.

O Pig! If you eat it, you’ll die. But if you don’t, you’ll die too.

Little One, what’s the matter? Tell me!

If you eat it, you’ll die. But if you don’t, you’ll die too.

Thank you for saving my life.

Thank me for what? I’m happy that you’ve escaped death. But I don’t know why the Province Chief wants to kill you?

I don’t understand either.

Why is he so wicked? He intends to kill you. If he can’t make it this time, he’ll definitely try to harm you again. Why don’t you go hide away?

Hide? (Yes.) But where am I to hide?

Anywhere, as long as you’re not near him, then he won’t try to harm you anymore.

You’re right. But how about you?

Me? I’ll escape to my grandma’s village. Then he won’t be able to catch me.

Where is your grandma’s village?

Very far! You wouldn’t know even if I tell you.

Little One, if we go our separate ways, will we be able to see each other again?

Why not? If you still think of me, I’m sure we will meet again.

I’ll miss you for sure. How about you?

How can I forget you? I already promised you at noon that if you take a shower, I’ll let you have your meal.

I had a thorough bath. I’m not afraid of hunger anyway. I’m just afraid of not being able to talk to you.

You’re talking strange! If you starved to death, who would I talk to? Here it is! You’re not going to die anyway!

We’ll eat together, all right?

Rascal! Who let you lie down? It’s a waste for me to raise you for years. You betrayed me, didn’t you? Didn’t you? Get up! (Yes.) Now, tell me, where’s that piggy boy?

I really don’t know.

You said you don’t know? Are you going to tell me? I’ll poke a hole in your face! Are you going to tell me? Goodness, you’re dodging me? Stop! You’re trying to run away? Stop!

Move! Quickly!

O mister, let go of my husband!

O honey!

O mister, please let go of him!

Stay away! It’s the King’s order. No one can go against it.

Let go of him, mister!

My dear!

Let go of him, please!

O wife!

Let go of him, please!

If I take pity on you two, who will pity us?

My child is still very young! Please let go of him.

He’s going to do labor work for only a few years. Stay away!

Please take pity on us!


Move quickly!

Take care of our child and mother. Wait for my return!


Don’t cry anymore! Go home!

O honey!

Remember, all right?


Sister, why was your husband taken away?

It’s not only my husband, but all the men in this village. Anyone who couldn’t afford to pay the King to exempt himself from labor work was taken away.

How a King can be so merciless?

O sister! Why did two deaths happen at the same time?

We’ve suffered from hunger for a year. Anyone who couldn’t bear it, died. The village’s population is down to a half now. If this situation goes on, there won’t be anyone left.

But why is it so?

The King ordered villagers to pay three times their rice tariff. We had a poor harvest and didn’t have enough rice to eat. People have been starving and died one by one.

You piggy face! Come up! Goodness! What a hustling!

You thought you could escape my hand? It’s not that easy, son! This time, you’re going to die.

Sir, what crime did I commit that you want to kill me?

You haven’t yet, but you will someday. It’s your back that harms you, not me.

My back?

What else? Those 9 red moles on your back wreak havoc on you.

If I must die because of my 9 red moles, then you probably can’t stay alive either.

What do you mean by that?

You have 3 red moles on your sole, don’t you? They will harm you just like they do to me.

Nonsense! Liar!

What are you standing here for? Kill him!

Who are you that dare interfere with a mandarin’s work?

I just defend the helpless.

Don’t you see how “helpless” I am? You think you’re good? You want to die, don’t you?

Soldiers! Kill him! O mama! Who is it? Run!

Thank you for saving me.

Why did they want to kill you in the middle of the road?

The Province Chief said that I had 9 red moles, so he must kill me.

Why is it so?

I don’t know either.

Then they intended to kill you. It’s best that you follow me to the mountain, because you won’t be able to escape them here.

What will I do in the mountain?

Be a mountain bandit.

Mountain bandit? I don’t like it. I want to be a decent person.

No, no. We only rob from the rich and give to the poor.

Besides, I don’t know martial art; I’m afraid to trouble you if I follow you.

All right. It’s up to you. Try to take care of yourself.

You’re this village’s Deity; the villagers built a shrine to worship you. Yet you let them suffer hardship like that? Why are you still standing here? Go away!

All right! For now, I’ll let you stay here to endure the elements like the people, so I have some room to sleep.

Your Majesty.

Who are you?

I’m grateful that you visit my place. I’ve done the villagers wrong, indeed. Please give me a chance to redeem my sin, Your Majesty.

I’m not the King. I’m just Pig, penniless and orphaned. I just came to spend a night at your place. If you don’t allow it, I’ll go somewhere else.

Your Majesty, I’m not mistaken at all. You’re a king by fate. You will be King in the coming days. I was informed that you’d come here and I am obliged to show you the martial art skills.

Show me martial art skills? What for?

It’ll help you later. Please receive it, Your Majesty.

Oh God! Who carried the statue out here? It’s very heavy. This is very strange! We’ve tried, but couldn’t lift it.

What is it? Stay out!

Come and see. The mandarin is coming.

Who is it? Who dares move the statue out here?

We have no idea. It just happened.

How was that possible? Nothing happened by itself. Who? Who moved it?

Your Honorable, since this morning we villagers have tried to move this statue back to where it was. But we couldn’t do it, really.

Be quiet!

I’m quiet!

I’m tired of listening to you. You’ve fattened yourself but couldn’t move that statue?

No, I couldn’t.

Be quiet! I’ll poke this thing through your mouth now. Nonsense! Useless! You two! Carry it!


Oh God!

I told you it can’t be moved. We’ve already tried it! Everyone has tried it!

What about these guys who stand there doing nothing? Go move it!

Yes! Let’s try it again! Try harder!

Stop! Don’t move it, everyone. You can’t! (Why?) Your Honorable!


Last night, in my dream, a Deity told me that the King ordered him to stand here to endure the elements to share the hardship with everyone, so he can’t be moved anywhere.

That’s right. The Deity said so in the dream.

The King has appeared?

That’s right.

Telling the Deity to stand here?

That’s correct.

The Deity dares not go back in?


Could it be him?

Virtuous young monk!

Your Venerable, you called me?

I told you to clean the statue. Have you finished it yet?

Your Venerable, I did already.

You have? Why is the statue still covered with dust?

I’ve just finished cleaning it.

I didn’t say it groundlessly. There’s still dust on the shoulders and hat of Guan Yu statue.

Those places are too high for me to reach.

You should find a way. Go clean it now. (Yes.)

Your Holiness, you’re too high. Please sit down so I can wipe off the dust.


Stand up when I finish cleaning, or else my master will scold me.

Is it truly so?

Yes, it is. I found it strange, so I came to report to you.

Thank you, Your Venerable. I won’t forget your merit.

Buddha be praised! I wouldn’t dare accept it.

Please! (Yes.)

Stay out! Where’s the camp leader?

He’s up there.

Respected Chief, today on the way back, I saw the soldiers escorting an arrested monk.

What? A monk?

That’s right.

Can this be true?

What did you say?

Last night, a deity came in my dream, telling me to go greet a wise king at the foot of Kỳ Sơn Mountain. He’s a monk.

If it’s truly so, we’ve found a wise king.

Exactly! We’ve found a wise king. Those imperial guards! They probably know about him, so they want to get rid of him. Follow me! (Yes.) Brothers, stop what you’re doing! We’ve found a wise king. But he’s now in trouble. Come with me, all brothers! Let’s rescue the wise king.

We’re in one mind with you.

Hurry up! Go quickly!

What? Who are you people?

Mountain bandits.

Woe to me! I only take the criminal to the palace for his trial; I didn’t bring along any gold or silver. Stay off the road, or else don’t blame me if anything happens to you. You hear?

What? Your gold and valuables? If needed, I’d go directly to your palace to get it. I wouldn’t bother to stand here in the road.

What do you want?

Release that man.

He’s a criminal. If you interfere, you’ll be accused as being accomplices.

That’s fine with me.

Well then don’t blame me for being rough. Soldiers! Fight!

Fight! Ouch! It hurts! I’m finished this time!

Everyone, stop and drop your weapons!

Drop your weapons!

Tell them to retreat now!

Retreat! Run! Ouch!

Long live Your Majesty!

Long live the King!

Wait! It’s so strange what you said.

Your Majesty, we vow to wholeheartedly follow you to build the empire.

You must be mistaken. I’m not the king. I’m just a destitute orphan. If you say like that, I could be accused of a royal offense and beheaded.

Your Majesty, we’re not mistaken at all. Last night, a deity told us in our dream to go greet the wise king this morning. Your Majesty, you’re the wise king that we’ve been waiting for.

But who are you? I don’t understand what you said.

Your Majesty, we’re citizens of villages in this province. We couldn’t bear the cruelty of the King and his mandarins, so we went up the mountain together to practice martial arts and wait for an opportune time to dispatch troops to eliminate corrupted mandarins, bringing goodness to decent people.

Your Majesty, people have lamented so much because of those corrupted officials. Everywhere, people suffer poverty and hardship. They were forced to do hard labor, and countless have perished. Your Majesty, please let us follow to serve you so that we may accomplish a great aspiration.

Your Majesty, you are truly destined to be the King. The village Deity has told us so, and we totally believe in that omen. Please rise up for the sake of people. You’ll definitely gather many people to follow you.

I understand now. If that is what you want, let’s stand together to build our country. We’ll share both the blessing and misfortune. What do you think?

Long live Your Majesty.

Long live the King.

Since then, talented heroes from everywhere came under Pig’s leadership. Pig’s troops won every battle, making the mandarins miserable many times. After defeating the imperial army, Pig was officially crowned as King and was beloved by his people.

Brother Pig!

Little One! Is it you?

You’re the King now, brother Pig?

And you’ll be Queen. Would you like it?

Supreme Master Ching Hai has caringly sent gifts and her love to the artists and professionals contributing to the film “A King Named Pig,”

broadcast today on Supreme Master Television. They expressed their gladness and appreciation of Master’s fondness for them.

Screenwriter Nguyễn Đông Thức:

I have received Supreme Master Ching Hai’s gifts from Master’s representative for airing the Aulacese ancient legend film (“A King Named Pig”). I’m very grateful. Nguyễn Đông Thức March 14, 2011

May the promotion of Buddhism and a vegan diet continue always.

Costume specialist Tuyết Mai:

Respectful greetings, Master. We're behind-the-scene staff, yet Master still thinks of us. We're very happy to receive Master's gifts. Thank you, Master. I'm very touched because this film I did long ago. May all of Master's wishes be fulfilled and may Master have abundant health.

Actor Minh Nhí as Province Chief:

Respectful greetings, Supreme Master Ching Hai. I’d like to thank Master very much for your gift. I’m very touched. I respectfully wish Master great health and happiness always and whatever Master wishes for will be attained. During important festivals, the temples have many delicious vegetarian dishes. I like kiểm (coconut pumpkin soup) the best. I think being vegetarian gives us many merits Good luck will come to us, and good health, of course. Eating vegetarian, we don’t have cholesterol in our blood, for example. Or we don’t get obese or have high blood pressure.

Actor Việt Hùng as Camp Leader, director Nguyễn Minh Chung, assistant director Đức Hùng, script supervisor Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Trâm, designer Trịnh Thiên Tài, costume specialist Hằng Nga, and light specialists Năng and Thịnh – all of whom have contributed to Supreme Master Television before – also received gifts along with Supreme Master Ching Hai’s best wishes.

We sincerely thank all the artists and professionals participating in the film “A King Named Pig,” a work of art based on a truly meaningful Aulacese legend. May you always receive the adoration of the audiences as well as be blessed with much good luck in your daily life with your cherished ones.

Respectful greetings to viewers watching Supreme Master Television broadcasting worldwide. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Actor Lê Bình as the Monk:

I was surprised upon receiving Master’s gift for the legend film “A King Named Pig.” That’s a very great encouragement for me to continue the artistic path and to try to do more good deeds, helping others and the community. I thank Master very much. I thank Master’s kindness and affection for actor Lê Bình. I’m also wanting to adopt the vegan lifestyle. I’ll read Master’s cooking recipes to make vegan dishes for me, as well as for my friends and family. I think that being veg means minimizing the killing of animals.

Being veg can lessen hatred and resentment. Our heart will feel that the material life isn’t important anymore, and our mind will be light and carefree. It’s better than having a heavy physical body and a dull mind. These are just a few of my heartfelt words. I promise to Master one thing that I will try to cook with the vegan recipes that Master taught. May Master enjoy abundant health and great peace of mind and body. Thank you, Master. Amitabha Buddha be praised.

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