Enlightening Entertainment
Aulacese (Vietnamese) Film: A Tiger that Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenge - P1/4 (In Aulacese)      
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du.

Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “A Tiger That Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenge” chronicles a young man’s experience on the path of spiritual practice for eternal liberation. The story also offers counsel for renunciates to build strength on the protective power of the spiritual community and the guidance of the respected master while on the noble journey of the soul.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the film “A Tiger that Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenge,” written by the Venerable Thích Chân Tính and produced by Hoằng Pháp Temple.

It will be presented in four episodes, with performances by Bhiksu Tâm Khải as Head Monk, Bhiksu Tâm Hải as Discipline Monk, Thiên Bảo as Hùng, Thanh Điền as Hùng’s Uncle, Kinh Quốc as Brother Hai, Công Ninh as Foreman, Dương Cẩm Lynh as Hà, Hoàng Mập as Plump Novice, Hoài An as Thủy’s mother, Lý Nuôi as Skinny Novice, Bích Vân as Thủy, Châu Kha as Thúy, with the participation of respected monks in Hoằng Pháp Temple and other artists.

Please join us next Thursday for part 2 on Supreme Master Television.

Supreme Master Ching Hai caringly sent gifts to the artists and professionals who participated in the opera “The King Who Plowed,” broadcast on Supreme Master Television. They shared their thoughts and expressed gratitude toward Master. Continuing from last week, following are heartfelt words from the performing artists and professionals who have contributed to glorify and enhance Âu Lạc’s theater arts.

Opera actor Mạnh Hùng as Sấm:

Respected Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television viewers, today Supreme Master Ching Hai sent her care and gifts to us artists. This is truly a very great happiness.

Opera actor Mạnh Hùng and actress Trang Nhung as Hương Sen dedicated to Supreme Master Ching Hai an excerpt from the opera “The King Who Plowed.”

I’m leaving, knowing not my return day.

O love, know you not my pain in separation? I’m not the person you love. Thus you leave the village and a once famous ancestral profession, which is in ruin now. Feel you not the torment?

My heart is tangled with a hundred cares. Who causes the woe of parting? Who took my many days and nights of hard labor? Such an ungrateful job, I want to leave it for good! What is there to regret about?

Our pains we cannot share with each other. Now you depart, knowing not the day of return.

Knowing not the day of return.

On the New Year occasion, I’d like to wish Supreme Master Ching Hai and all viewers a year of abounding health and happiness.

Actress Tuyết Lan as Hương Sen’s mother:

Respected Supreme Master Ching Hai, today I’m very honored to receive Supreme Master’s gift

I am very touched by the love that Supreme Master Ching Hai has for our group as well as for me. This New Year, I respectfully wish Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television staff good health and a New Year with many new accomplishments.

Opera actor Quang Sáng as Village Mayor Cửu:

Today, we are very delighted to receive Supreme Master Ching Hai’s care, both mentally and materially. Supreme Master Ching Hai loves humankind as well as all animals. Her nature is truly noble. Thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai. On the New Year occasion, I wish Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television staff good health and a lot of new achievements.

Opera actor Duy Khương as Village Chief Quých:

I’m opera actor Quách Duy Khương. Supreme Master is an exceptionally compassionate person. She helps all those who are in trouble. She is a selfless spirit who not only helps human beings but also all beings. In the New Year, I would like to wish Supreme Master Ching Hai good health and abounding happiness.

Opera actress Bích Việt as Miss Mai.

I would like to wish Supreme Master Ching Hai and viewers a New Year full of happiness and health.

And opera actor Mạnh Thắng as Attendant Nhỡ: I would like to send my best regards to Supreme Master Ching Hai, Supreme Master Television, and all viewers. Bích Việt and I would like to dedicate to Supreme Master Ching Hai and viewers a folk song from Hà Nam Province.

Gazing up to see the high mountain The road to the peach flower cavern is far Gazing up to see a precarious scenery Evening falls on a rocky and deserted forest Sun shines upon the tea orchard Hear you not birds’ song calling forth springtime? A sky azure, a thousand flowers display their bright colors. Our love is as beautiful as the myriad blossoms as the myriad blossoms.

We sincerely thank the playwrights, directors, artists and professionals who contributed your talents and efforts to bring about valuable chèo traditional operas. Thank you for your endeavors to preserve chèo, a performing art in Aulacese traditional culture. We wish you and your families all the goodness, upliftment, and happiness in life.

Thank you for joining us on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Words of Wisdom is coming up. Farewell and we’ll see you again.

A human life is ephemeral with both joy and pain. Who in this world knows not sorrow, as life is transient? Love one another, live for others. Look up at the sky above, look down at the deep river Learn to share to comfort each other. Together to brighten the world with a loving heart. Too much crying or sorrow would not change what happened. Who among us humans hasn’t shed tears for romance, life, and money? Stand up, wipe away your tears, and start a new tomorrow. Laugh to forget unhappy times, and peace will come into our lives again. Laugh to forget unhappy times, and peace will come into our lives again.

Please come down for your breakfast, ma’am.

It’s time for breakfast already, dear?

Yes. Please come in to have your breakfast.

Thank you.

Did you sleep well last night, Mom? Please have your breakfast.

Do you plan to go anywhere today?

Yes, Mom. I must go to work.

Today is Sunday and you still work?

I’m rushing to build the patriarch shrine for the temple to have it opened in time on October 15. So I need to work on the days off.

You know that I’m getting old?

I know.

You should settle down in marriage to ease my mind.

You worry too far in the future.

No one is certain about life and death. Just like your father – he was only 50 years old when he passed on.

You’ll live a long life up to 100 years old.

How do you know?

I can tell by physiognomy that you’ll live very long.

You’re beating about the bush to avoid getting married, aren’t you?

Life is long; I’ll think about it later.

But do it soon so that I have a grandchild to keep me company in my old age.

Hi, brother Minh!

Hi, brother Hùng!

How is the work?

It’s progressing well. The underground electrical installation needs to be done today so that it can be delivered to the carpentry group tomorrow.

Be careful when doing electrical work.

We’re always extremely careful. Safety is above all.

Be careful! I’ll go in to see the head monk for a while.

See you later.

See you!

Try to do it fast, brothers! (Yes.) Hùng Công! Encourage the brothers to speed it up.

Yes. Do it faster, friends!

Let me do it for you.

Greetings, Your Venerable.

Buddha be praised! Please have a seat.

Your Venerable, is there any other changes to that drawing?

No. Just proceed as is.

Thank you, Your Venerable.

Try to complete it in time for the opening at year’s end.

Yes, I’ll try.

Have some water! (Yes.) How old are you?

I’m 26.

When did you graduate from the school of architecture?

I graduated when I was 23.

Very good! You still have both your parents?

My father passed away over 10 years ago.

Do you have many brothers and sisters?

No. I’m the only son in the family.

Does your mother go to the temple regularly?

She does occasionally.

Bring her here someday to enjoy the scenery and worship the Buddha.

Yes, Your Venerable.

Take these books to read and understand more about the Buddha’s teaching.

Yes, thank you.

And this CD is for you mother.

I’ve always wanted to study Buddhism. It’s so precious that you give me this book.

Read it carefully to understand the fundamentals of Buddhism.

On behalf of my mother, I would like to thank you. Please allow me to return to work.

Try to do a good job.

Yes, Venerable. I take leave now.

Buddha be praised!

Electrical shock! Hurry up!

What happened to Minh? Take him the emergency hospital! Hurry up!

You just came? Have a seat, dear.

Auntie, I’m bringing you a box of moon cakes.

Thank you, dear. You don’t teach at school today?

No. Today is Sunday, so I’m off.

Oh, I forgot about that.

But Hùng is not home today, Auntie?

He went to work already.

He doesn’t take off even on Sunday?

I heard that he hurries to finish a construction for the temple, so he works on Sunday too. There he is.

Hi Mom, I just came back.

You just came to visit?


O Mom!

What is it, son?

The head monk gave you this CD about the Buddha’s life.

It’s so kind of him to send me a gift.

I give you this book.

Thank you.

Play it, son. (Yes.)

Halo, it’s me, Mom. Where are you going? Yes, yes, I’ll be home right away.

Mom, I’m going to change my clothes.

Auntie, I have something urgent. I probably have to go home.

Sure, dear.

Bye, Auntie! O Auntie, please tell Hùng I must leave to take care of something

Sure. Come visit me when you have time.

Yes. I take leave now.

Have some coffee, master. O master, your mother is not up yet.

Go call her again, please.

O ma’am! O master! O master! She doesn’t open the door still.

O Mom! Where’s the door key?


O ma’am!


Ma’am! Don’t scare me, please.

O Mom!

O ma’am! Ma’am!


Ma’am! What should I do now, master? O master!

Wake up, Mother! What’s wrong with you, Mom? Don’t frighten me, Mom! O Mom! Wake up, Mom! Don’t scare me, Mom!

Is it you, Uncle Năm?

Please come over to our place right away. My mistress... I don’t know what to say. O Uncle Năm! Please come right away! Please come right away. I’m so scared.

Don’t leave me, Mom!

What’s the matter, Hùng?


What is your mother’s illness? But... why...?

I have no idea. O Mom!

Call the doctor here for an autopsy to see if she was poisoned by anyone.

No, Uncle. My mom is gone already! Leave her alone. The doctor will cut her open. I don’t like that, and the procedure is complicated. We’d better think of my mother’s burial. O Mom!

Please allow me to take care of the funeral arrangement.


Come, everyone, to the living room to discuss the funeral.

A human life is ephemeral with both joy and pain.

Who in this world knows not sorrow, as life is transient? Love one another, live for others. Look up at the sky above, look down at the deep river Learn to share to comfort each other. Together to brighten the world with a loving heart.

O brother, like I said, help me rebuild my mother’s tomb.

Go take a look at the models then. I’ll build the tomb according to the model you choose.

Too much crying or sorrow would not change what happened. Who among us humans hasn’t shed tears for romance, life, and money? Stand up, wipe away your tears, and start a new tomorrow. Laugh to forget unhappy times, and peace will come into our lives again. Start anew, my friend. Mourn no more, she has gone already. Sorrow only makes life dismal. Wipe away the tears on your lips. As time passes, you’ll forget.

That’s all a human life is about: Name, birth date, death date. How meaningless!

Don’t be so pessimistic!

Don’t you see? No one has ever escaped death.

Don’t talk about death anymore. Today, we should go find a model of a tomb to build for her. What about that one?

That’s fine.

All right, we’ll use this style.

Stand up, wipe away your tears. Laugh to forget unhappy times. Sorrow only makes life dismal. Wipe away... Wipe away the tears.

Buddha has shown me the truth about the impermanence of life. His teaching guides my path. O Mom, I can’t get married to give you grandchildren. I’ll be a monk. I’ll follow Buddha’s path to find the Truth and be liberated from all suffering. Please forgive me, Mom. Come on in! Are you in yet, Tấn? What a beautiful house! O God! Wow, what a splendid decoration! Have you heard anything? Young master will explain it to us soon anyway. Oh, I think he’s coming out. Beautiful house! He’s coming. Greetings, young master!

Today, I invite everyone here to discuss some matter. You’ve been tenant farmers on my parents’ land all this time. Thanks to you that my family is well-off today. First, on behalf of my family, I thank everyone.

We’re grateful to your parents. We thank you. You’re very kind for sure. Thanks to your parents and you that we have a comfortable life. Thank you, sir and ma’am. Thanks, young master.

Please quiet down, everyone. (Yes.) Today, on behalf of my parents, I’ll donate all the land you have leased from us to do farming so that you’ll have full and permanent ownership.

We’re so happy! Your parents are very kind-hearted. Thank you, young master. Thank you very much. Our family is so blessed!

What is it you called me here for, Hùng?

There’s something I need to discuss with you.

What is it? Tell me.

My parents worked hard all their lives to secure wealth. When they died, they couldn’t bring anything with them. What belongs to the world, goes back to it. I find it so meaningless.
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du.

Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “A Tiger That Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenges” chronicles a young man’s experience on the path of spiritual practice for eternal liberation. The story also offers counsel for renunciates to build strength on the protective power of the spiritual community and the guidance of the respected master while on the noble journey of the soul.

We now invite you to enjoy part 2 of the film “A Tiger that Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenge,” written by the Venerable Thích Chân Tính and produced by Hoằng Pháp Temple, with performances by Bhiksu Tâm Khải as Head Monk, Bhiksu Tâm Hải as Discipline Monk, Thiên Bảo as Hùng, Thanh Điền as Hùng’s Uncle, Kinh Quốc as Brother Hai, Công Ninh as Foreman, Dương Cẩm Lynh as Hà, Hoàng Mập as Plump Novice, Hoài An as Thủy’s mother, Lý Nuôi as Skinny Novice, Bích Vân as Thủy, Châu Kha as Thúy, with the participation of respected monks in Hoằng Pháp Temple and other artists.

While Hùng was in the midst of wealth and success, his mother suddenly passed away. This made him realize that the world is ephemeral and full of suffering due to the cycle of life and death. After the funeral service, Hùng gave the tenant farmers all of his lands and fields. He also sold his family’s home, determined to become a monk to study Buddha’s teaching.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Up next is Words of Wisdom. So long for now.

Let bygones be bygones, son. Don’t let your mind wander anymore, or you might end up getting sick.

I don’t think aimlessly. I’ve considered it thoroughly. I plan to take all my possessions with me when I die.

Can one take along his possessions after death? Are you okay, Hùng? How do you take them with you?

I have a way. Simply by giving away all my properties.

Are you out of your mind?

No, I’m of sound mind. Yesterday, I invited the farmers who worked on our land all this time, and I’ve transferred to them all the rights to use our land.

Are you insane, Hùng? Your parents spent all their lives working hard to build up an estate for you. Why did you give it all away as soon as your mother passed away? Are you crazy?

Respected Uncle, please calm down. By giving it away, I think I’ll still have it. That’s how I can take it with me. That’s the best way to keep my possessions.

You’re certainly insane! You drive me crazy too the more you talk. I’m going insane.

Respected Uncle, I wish to ask something of you today.

Speak up!

Will you help me sell this house and all the assets? I want you to use that money for charity.

What? You want to sell this house? You’re going to live on the street?

No. I’ll lead a monk’s life in the temple.

Becoming a monk?

Your Venerable, please allow me to become a monk.

What is your reason?

My mother passed away all of a sudden. Thanks to the Buddha’s teaching, I have realized the ephemeral nature of life and the human body. I wish to follow the Buddha’s path, to find truth about life, death and reincarnation.

Very good! You’ve built good merit for many lives to know about Buddha’s teaching and take the vow of monkhood now. However, being a monk is difficult. You’re going against the world’s current, doing things people deem hard to do, enduring things people deem hard to endure. Do you think you can pursue the Buddhist path to the end?

Yes, Your Venerable. I’ll try.

Buddhist practitioners must go through many hardship and challenges. Only those with high ideals and aspirations could make it. I hope you have enough patience and perseverance to overcome all tests to realize your goal.

Thank you, Your Venerable.

Good man. Good deeds. Perceiving the ephemeral nature of life, Renouncing the mundane life Gaining immeasurable merit. Simple and Pure Earth Maha Bodhisattva be praised! Now, virtuous man! The hair on your head has been formed from time immemorial due to accumulated rebirths and afflictions, which can’t be eradicated by yourself, but can only be erased with the help of the sangha (spiritual community). Now, I’ll shave your head for you.

It’s done. You’re more good-looking and brighter now with your head shaved.

Thank you.

A bhikshu when his hair is shaved,

First, upholding the ten precepts

First, upholding the ten precepts

Then upholding the bhakti’s precepts.

Then upholding the bhikshu’s precepts.

Today we’ll continue from the sentence “First we learn about the precepts.” Get ready to write it down.

O Hùng!

She’s Nhất Tâm’s girlfriend.

Really? So beautiful!

But he still left her to become a monk.

You marry her then!


Someone is looking for you over there.

Wait for me in the guest house.

How long does the class last?

It’s almost over.

Okay, I’ll wait for you in the guest house.

Hùng dear!

You shouldn’t address a monk by his worldly name.

What should I call you if not by your name?

To a novice, you call him brother; to a long-time practitioner, you call him master.

So, how are you, brother?

Thank you, Miss. I’m fine.

My God, why did you call me Miss, dear? Oh, I’m sorry. Brother, why did you call me Miss?

It’s being courteous. You shouldn’t call yourself a sweet term when speaking to a monk.

Goodness! What should I call myself then?

I find that lay Buddhists refer to themselves as “children” when speaking to the masters.

What about for a novice like you?

I have no idea. You may call yourself by your name. But I’ve already had a new name.

What’s your new name?

It’s Nhất Tâm.

But why should you change your name when living here?

Anyone who becomes a monk is given a new name.

The atmosphere seems so stuffy here. Can we go outside to talk? It’s more relaxing.

No, I can’t. The rules here are very strict. One may only receive visitors in the guest house, and time is also limited.

What kind of practice that’s so harsh?

Buddha be praised! Master calls you, brother.

Buddha be praised! I’ll be right there.

Hurry up! He’s waiting for you!

Buddha be praised! I’m sorry Thúy. See you at another time.

Wait, dear! I have a gift for you.

Just put it on the table. The rules don’t allow me to take it from your hands.

Why is it so difficult? All the hurdles are against me.

Please understand. See you some other day.

I’m going now. Take care, dear.

Dear, dear, all the time!

Ouch! Ouch!


Good monks, today you all practiced very well. Time is up now. Let’s take a rest. Amitabha Buddha be praised!

How is their progress?

Amitabha Buddha be praised! Your Venerable, the monks’ study here is good.

Take good care of them. They are the future of Buddhism.

Yes, I know.

How is Nhất Tâm’s study?

Amitabha Buddha be praised! Your Venerable, his practice is very good, but he is quite inattentive to his study.

Can you find out exactly why is it so?

Amitabha Buddha be praised! I think he seems to be more interested in meditation. Every time in the classroom, he always closes his eyes to meditate. After class, he’d be in his room to recite Buddha’s name and doesn’t contact anyone at all.

That’s a good case. But… not good enough.

Amitabha Buddha be praised! Your Venerable, I think he’s still very young. When one enters monkhood, he must first learn the precepts well before focusing on the practice.

You’re right. He was shocked upon his mother’s sudden death. Finding that human life is impermanent, he’s determined to devote to spiritual practice. You should find out more, and tell him the duties of a renunciate.

Yes, Your Venerable.

Tomorrow morning, tell him to come see me.

Buddha be praised! Yes, Master!

Hi, brother.

Buddha be praised!

Do you know where Nhất Tâm is?

No, I don’t. Please come to the guest room. It’s over there. Buddha be praised!

Wait! Miss, Miss… Amitabha Buddha be praised!

Buddha be praised!

Amitabha Buddha be praised! You come here to look for Nhất Tâm, right?


Kindly go to the guest room. This is the monks’ area. Lay people are not allowed to enter. Don’t you see the sign over there? Here is the forbidden sign, Miss.

I’m sorry. I didn’t see it. But if I’m not mistaken, I met you once in the guest room the other day, right?

That’s right. I’m the only special one in this temple. Anyone who sees me once will never forget me.

O brother! How long have you been a monk?

Over three years.

But why do you want to be monk?

Why? Because I like to.

O God! Spiritual practice is arduous, and you said you like it?

Who said a spiritual life is hard? It’s a real joy!

But what do you eat to become so fat?

I eat rice.

I know that. What I meant is what do you eat with rice?

With bean sauce, fermented tofu, tofu, and cucumber.

Really? Have you ever had something else as supplements?

What are supplements?

Like once in a while, you’d pretend to eat some meat or fish.

Buddha be praised! This temple is 100% vegetarian. No mixed breed at all. Don’t think up wrong ideas! Buddha be praised!

But how come you’re so fat being a vegetarian?

It’s just my body composition. If your body is not picky, you’d gain weight with any little food.

Really? I thought you must have consumed elephant’s milk.

You have a good sense of humor. I must get back to work. If my master sees me chatting with you too long, he’ll scold me.

Wait! Brother!

What is it again?

Please do me a favor by calling Nhất Tâm for me.

You can go to the guest room and ask the reception monk to help you.

But I’ve waited since this morning. Please help me.

Since this morning? And you haven’t seen him?


All right, sit on that rock and wait for me. I’ll go find Nhất Tâm for you.

Thank you, brother.

Nhất Tâm is meditating now.

What is meditating?

It’s sitting with crossed legs like this, two hands placed like this, and eyes closed. There! That’s meditating.

But why must one do that?

It’s to fight against the Maya (King of Ghosts).

King of Ghosts? Are there a lot of ghosts in this temple?

A lot! My God, they mess about everywhere!

But I see nothing at all.

How can you? They’re living ghosts, not dead ones.

Living ghosts?

Living ghosts with long hair, wearing white shirts and pants, high-heel shoes, and even carrying a purse. Goodness! They’re all good-looking ghosts!

Who are they?

Those ghosts? Those ghosts (ma) are called Ma-đăng-già (Maatangi).



Who is Maatangi?

If you want to know who Maatangi is, go ask brother Nhất Tâm. He’ll answer you right away.

Let me go in there then. I’ll call brother Nhất Tâm and be right back.

You can’t do that!

But I’ll go out right away after I call him.

You can’t. The rules here are very strict. Women aren’t allowed in the monks’ quarters. Don’t go in there.

But I know that if I go in and call him, brother Nhất Tâm will come out right away,

He’s meditating. How can he come out? He is meditating. He can’t come out. No! He meditates. He can’t come out. Don’t go in!

Please do me a favor. I’ll reward you greatly.

All right, I’ll help you. No need for reward. But next time when you come here, remember to read this sign for me, all right?

Yes, I’ll remember.

What help do you want? Tell me. Any message, I’ll tell Nhất Tâm for you.

Will you give this to him? But never mind. I’ll come back another day. I’ll take leave now.

Amitabha Buddha be praised!

Buddha be praised!

She talked and asked a lot of things. Yet she made no offering and would only do so when brother Nhất Tâm comes out. What an unreasonable person!

What are you looking at? I myself get no offering, much less you. Go back to work.

Buddha! Amitabha Buddha be praised!

Kindly recite in a softer tone, brother.

You can hear me reciting even in your meditation? You do your meditation, I do my study. Why pay attention then be bothered by it? Amitabha Buddha be praised!

Your Venerable, I’ve focused on meditation, neglecting my study and duties as a monk here. Please allow me to repent.

It’s good that you’re aware of it. A renunciate must study the precepts during his first five years, then he can learn the sutras and meditation. Precepts are the foundation for a spiritual practitioner. Precepts are also the foundation for liberation. Because precepts bring concentration, which brings wisdom. Studying other disciplines without the precepts is like building a house without a solid foundation. The house will easily collapse.

Your Venerable, I’ve become a renunciate to solve the matter of life and death. Here I have to do a lot of studying that is not suitable for my aim in spiritual practice. Today, I ask your permission to leave the monk community.

All right. If you think staying here isn’t suitable for you, you may go and learn from other eminent masters.

Your Venerable, I didn’t mean to go look for another master. I just wish to go to a quiet place to focus on my practice alone. I wish to resolve the matter of life and death right in this lifetime. Please allow me.

Look at that tree! After being planted, it’d take time to bloom and bear fruits. You just sowed the seed but you wanted to reap the fruits right away. Is that possible?

I’ve made up my mind. Please allow me, Master.

A renunciate should rely on his master and spiritual community for at least five retreats. He must understand Buddhist precepts and teachings well before leaving his master. The ancient masters said: “A tiger leaving the mountain loses his power; a monk leaving his community heads to his ruin.”

It means that: A tiger that is away from the wild will be vulnerable to being attacked. A monk who leaves his spiritual community to practice alone is prone to violate the precepts and ruin his spiritual life. I don’t agree for you to go practice alone like that. It’s very dangerous. You should reconsider it carefully.

Thank you for your advice, Master.

Amitabha Buddha be praised!
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du.

Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “A Tiger That Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenges” chronicles a young man’s experience on the path of spiritual practice for eternal liberation. The story also offers counsel for renunciates to build strength on the protective power of the spiritual community and the guidance of the respected master while on the noble journey of the soul.

We now invite you to enjoy part 3 of the film “A Tiger that Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenge,” written by the Venerable Thích Chân Tính and produced by Hoằng Pháp Temple, with performances by Bhiksu Tâm Khải as Head Monk, Bhiksu Tâm Hải as Discipline Monk, Thiên Bảo as Hùng, Thanh Điền as Hùng’s Uncle, Kinh Quốc as Brother Hai, Công Ninh as Foreman, Dương Cẩm Lynh as Hà, Hoàng Mập as Plump Novice, Hoài An as Thủy’s mother, Lý Nuôi as Skinny Novice, Bích Vân as Thủy, Châu Kha as Thúy, with the participation of respected monks in Hoằng Pháp Temple and other artists.

While Hùng was in the midst of wealth and success, his mother suddenly passed away. This made him realize that the world is ephemeral and full of suffering due to the cycle of life and death. After the funeral service, Hùng gave the tenant farmers all of his lands and fields. He also sold his family’s home, determined to become a monk to study Buddha’s teaching.

While at the temple, Hùng dedicated his time to meditation and neglected studying the teachings. He also believed that staying at the temple was not suitable for his ideal of entering monkhood. He finally left the temple and found a remote place to focus on the practice of meditation.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Up next is Words of Wisdom. We bid you farewell.

Amitabha Buddha be praised.

O Brother! Why didn’t you stop when I called you?

Amitabha Buddha be praised. Because you kept calling “O Brother,” I didn’t know who you were calling. If you called me “Fat Brother,” I’d know right away. You’re looking for brother Nhất Tâm, aren’t you?

Yes. Do you know where he is?

I told you many times before. How do I know if you don’t?

Please show me where he is.

I must get to work now. My master is coming. Please ask him.

Yes, thank you.

Amitabha Buddha be praised.

Greetings, Your Venerable.

Buddha be praised.

May I ask you something?

What is your question, child?

Please have a seat, Master. Your Venerable, may I ask if you know why Nhất Tâm left the temple?

It’s a matter of affinity. If there’s no more affinity, he’d leave.

Could you tell me where brother Nhất Tâm is now?

He left on his own, so I don’t know his whereabouts.

It was probably because I came here and disturbed him so much that he left.

That is one of the many reasons.

I truly love him very much. He already left; I feel very sad.

You should sacrifice your selfish love to let him open his heart to all beings. Togetherness and separation are the nature of this world. Separation will come sooner or later. Ponder deeply on this to live in peace.

Amitabha Buddha be praised.

Amitabha Buddha be praised.

Your Venerable, I’ve just arrived.

Please come to the guest room.

Give more thought to what I’ve just said. When you feel sad, come to the temple, so I can help resolve your sorrowful entanglements.

Thank you very much, Master.

Buddha be praised.

Amitabha Buddha be praised.

Amitabha Buddha be praised.

Amitabha Buddha be praised.

Is this your first time here?

Yes, it’s our first time.

How do you know about this remote temple?

Your Venerable, on New Year, we’re committed to making offerings to 10 temples in remote areas. And the locals showed us here.

How many temples have you visited so far?

This temple is the 9th one.

One more temple will make it ten.

If you happen to know any temple, please show us so that we can make it ten.

Let me see. But there isn’t any other temple in this isolated area.

Please try to remember. Is there another temple around here?

Ah, I remember now. More than 1 kilometer from here, there is a young monk’s abode. We heard he was an architect before becoming a monk.

Is that right, Master?

That’s right. His name is Nhất Tâm. Before he stayed in an abode about 500 meters from here. Once in a while he went down to the populated area for alms. But the buffalo herder kids disturbed him so much that he left. Then he went deep into the forest to stay.

Is the road there difficult to travel, Master?

It’s quite difficult.

What do you think? Are we going there, Hà?

Let’s try.

The road going there is also dangerous and isolated.

The more difficult the task, the more merit one earns. Let’s try it.

Let’s go now; otherwise, it’s getting late.

Please come in to the temple for a vegetarian meal.

Master, we wish to go inside and make offerings to the temple. Amitabha Buddha be praised.

Please come inside.


I see no temple at all!

It’s here though. His temple is just that thatched hut over there. I’m so happy! We made it, finally.

A true Truth seeker, indeed!

Keep it down.

Listen! (What?) He’s a real ascetic, isn’t he? Where can he find food at such a deserted place?

Someone must be making offerings to him or he wouldn’t survive.

I wonder why he sits eye-closed like that?

Who knows! He’s probably reciting the scripture.

If he’s reciting the scripture, when will he open his eyes? How about we take a stroll and sightsee for a while?

Let’s do that.

I wonder how much longer his scripture reciting will be? How about we just call him?

Can we do that?

It’s disrespectful, but what else can we do?

Just take the risk anyway.

Greetings, Master.

Greetings, Master.

Greetings, Master.

Greetings, Master.

I’m sorry. This is an isolated area. What is it that you come here for?

Yes, Master. We come to make offerings. Please forgive us for disturbing your spiritual practice.

How did you know that I’m here?

A nun showed us the way here.

I’m sorry. I have no tables or chairs here. I hope you can stand.

It’s all right, Master.

Master, how do you survive in such an isolated place?

I sometimes go down to people’s houses 2 kilometers from here for alms. Each time gives me enough food for a week.

Each time going for alms lasts you for a whole week?

I eat only once a day, so it doesn’t take much.

Please allow us to make offerings. Every week, we’ll bring rice and food here for you, so you won’t have to go beg for alms.

Thank you. Since I don’t want to bother anyone, I came to this remote place to practice spiritually. Please don’t be concerned about my situation.

Please allow us to sow some merit.

We’d like to make offerings to you.

I’m here for spiritual practice, not trading, so I don’t need money.

Please accept it so we can have some merit.

Please understand. I don’t spend money here. It’s only harmful for me to keep money here. Please understand.

The Master is right. It doesn’t help to keep money here. How about we buy things to make offerings? That’d be better.

When did you start going to temples?

We’ve just begun.

What is your purpose of going to the temple?

We go to the temple to pray for merits and benefits.

You should take refuge in the Three Jewels, and study the Buddha’s teaching to learn more about the purpose of going to the temple.

We’ll do that, Master. Please teach us more later on.

We’d like to take leave now. It’s a long way, we’re afraid it’s getting dark soon. We’ll be back here.

Amitabha Buddha be praised.

Goodbye, Master.


We take leave now, Master.

You just got here? (Yes.) Come in, Thủy is inside. I’ll lock the door for you.

Thank you.

Come in, Hà.

I’m terribly thirsty.

Have some cake. Master Nhất Tâm is quite handsome, but he chose to be a monk. What a waste!

He’s not only handsome but also an architect.

I wonder why he chose to be a monk.

Who knows? He might have been lovelorn.

Stop talking nonsense. What are we to buy to make offerings to him tomorrow?

Buy anything he lacks or needs, such as rice, sugar, bean sauce, and dried fruits and vegetables for long time use. Then we’ll see what else he needs.

We should buy him a gas stove for convenient cooking.

That’s right. Let’s hurry off to go shop, so we can bring to him tomorrow.

Amitabha Buddha be praised. We’ve just arrived, Master.

Greetings, Master.

Amitabha Buddha be praised. Greetings to you both.

Today we bring rice, food, and some utensils here as offerings to you.

How troublesome it is for you!

No problem at all, Master.

Why, you bought so many things!

These are daily necessities.

Please take this gas stove back home. There’s a lot of firewood here that I use for cooking to save money.

It’s all right. We can manage. Feel free to use it, Master.

Next time, kindly don’t bring anything else. I’ve forsaken all material comfort to come here for spiritual practice to attain liberation. I don’t want to be entangled by anything anymore.


Please rest, Master. Allow us to go in to prepare food.

Just rest, Master. We’ll help do the cooking.

You have to go home to take care of your family.

Don’t worry, Master. We’ve arranged everything already. We’re going now.

He’s very handsome, don’t you think?

No need to say. He’s both good-looking and intelligent.


What’s the matter?

My finger got cut.

Cutting your finger? What were you day-dreaming about?

Thinking of Buddha, of course!

Are you sure it was Buddha?

You’re terrible!

Are you done, Thủy? Let’s cook quickly; it’s getting late.

You go in first, Hà. Let me finish the cutting.

I’ll go cook the rice first, all right?


Yes, Mom.

Iron this set of clothes for me, dear.

Yes, give it to me, Mom.

You’ve gone out a lot lately.

I went to the temples, not going out for fun.

Before, when I asked you to take money to the temples as offerings, you refused to go. Why are you visiting temples so often now?

It’s thanks to the monk who teaches me Buddhism that I’ve become awakened.

What temple do you go to?

It’s very far away, deep in the forest.

Why such a distant temple instead of closer ones?

Because that temple is very poor.

Is the monk young or old?

He’s still young.

How many monks are there in that temple?

Just one monk.

He’s a young monk who practices alone, and you’re a young woman. Your frequenting there will bring on a bad reputation. I don’t want you to go there anymore. It’s far and unsafe.

I’ll be fine.

There are many closer temples, why don’t you go there?

Because that temple is poor, so I want to make offerings to help the monk.

That’s very good. But you’re a young woman. Traveling such a long distance is dangerous.

I go with Hà, not alone, Mom.

If you don’t listen to me, don’t blame me later on.

Too much crying or sorrow would not change anything. Who among us humans hasn’t shed tears? Stand up, wipe away your tears. Laugh to forget unhappy times.

I knit this scarf myself, sending all my heart to you. Wear it to be warmed by my faithful love. Our sweet memory will never fade.


Halo, Hà? Are you free today?

I have to go visit my hometown. But, what is it, my good friend?

I was going to ask you to go visit the monk with me.

Next week then.

That’s fine. Okay, bye!

Greetings, Master.

Amitabha Buddha be praised.

Master, allow me to take a picture for souvenir. Thank you, Master.

Why do you come alone today?

Hà had to go back to her hometown.

The road is distant and isolated; it’s very unsafe to travel alone like that, especially since you’re a woman. What makes you come here in such a hurry?

It’s getting chilly lately. I’ve just finished knitting a sweater, a cap and a scarf, so I bring them here for you to wear.

Thank you, Miss. I’m used to the hot and cold weather.

I hope you will kindly accept them so I can be blessed.

Thank you, Miss.

The master is back there.

O Master!

O Master! Dũng, go help Master carry the water bucket.

Greetings, Master.

Amitabha Buddha be praised. Greetings, Miss.

Let me, Master.


Greetings, Master.

Last time, I told you don’t bring anything here anymore.

Please accept them, Master. Master, this is Dũng. He lives near my home. He wishes to be a monk, so I brought him here to be helped by you.

How old are you?

I’m 15 years old, Master.

What grade are you in at school?

I’m in the 10th grade.

Do you still have both parents?

Yes, I do.

Do they allow you to leave home to become a monk?

Yes, they do.

To be honest with you, I’ve been a monk for just over a year. I left my Master and the monk community too early, so now I don’t know much about Buddhist rituals. As for my seniority in spiritual practice, I’m not allowed to accept disciples. As for the ceremony to help lay Buddhists take refuge in the Three Jewels, I’m also in the dark, much less the protocol to receive a monk.

You’re just being humble. Please help Dũng, Master. He’s good-natured and longs to become a monk. If he can stay here to study with you, it’d be very good.

What you said makes me feel more ashamed. Knowing his wish, I also want to help him, but I myself don’t understand much, how can I possibly help? Only now do I realize my mistake in leaving my Master and the monk community too soon.

Please have compassion to help Dũng, Master.

I can only advise Dũng to go to my Master’s temple to become a monk. There, he will be taught and trained very thoroughly. To be honest with you, the set of wooden fish and bell you offered me, I don’t even know how to use them properly, so how can I teach anyone?

You’re so humble, Master.

It’s the truth. I’m not being humble at all. Listen to me, young brother. It’s best for you to be a monk at my Master’s temple.

Since Master already said so, we should go back to discuss it over.
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du. Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “A Tiger That Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenges” chronicles a young man’s experience on the path of spiritual practice for eternal liberation. The story also offers counsel for renunciates to build strength on the protective power of the spiritual community and the guidance of the respected master while on the noble journey of the soul.

We now invite you to enjoy part the conclusion of the film “A Tiger that Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenge,” written by the Venerable Thích Chân Tính and produced by Hoằng Pháp Temple,

with performances by Bhiksu Tâm Khải as Head Monk, Bhiksu Tâm Hải as Discipline Monk, Thiên Bảo as Hùng, Thanh Điền as Hùng’s Uncle, Kinh Quốc as Brother Hai, Công Ninh as Foreman, Dương Cẩm Lynh as Hà, Hoàng Mập as Plump Novice, Hoài An as Thủy’s mother, Lý Nuôi as Skinny Novice, Bích Vân as Thủy, Châu Kha as Thúy, with the participation of respected monks in Hoằng Pháp Temple and other artists.

While Hùng was in the midst of wealth and success, his mother suddenly passed away. This made him realize that the world is ephemeral and full of suffering due to the cycle of life and death. After the funeral service, Hùng gave the tenant farmers all of his lands and fields. He also sold his family’s home, determined to become a monk to study Buddha’s teaching.

While at the temple, Hùng dedicated his time to meditation and neglected studying the teachings. He also believed that staying at the temple was not suitable for his ideal of entering monkhood. He finally left the temple and found a remote place to focus on the practice of meditation.

Hùng thought that he was able to avoid the woes of group living, but little did he know that obstacles were coming his way. During the New Year, two young women Thủy and Hà came to his quiet abode, one of the 10 secluded temples that they pledged to make offerings.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has sent gifts to Hoằng Pháp Temple in sincere appreciation of the temple’s elaborate efforts in producing many films and modern folk operas with profound spiritual significance. The Venerable Abbot Thích Chân Tính remarked that the purpose of the Hoằng Pháp Temple is to disseminate Truth teachings to benefit the public and thus everyone is encouraged to widely share DVDs produced by the temple.

Supreme Master Ching Hai also sent gifts and loving regards to artists and professionals contributing to the film “A Tiger that Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenge,” broadcast on Supreme Master Television. They expressed their thankfulness for her caring.

Actress Châu Kha as Thúy:
Greetings, respected Master. I have received your gifts. I’m very happy. Thank you, Master, for sending me a gift from afar. We don’t know what the next plan is in the near future, but we’ll try to take part in more Buddhist films like this.

Actor Hoàng Mập as Plump Novice:
I’m very happy to receive the gift and very grateful to Master Ching Hai. I also received Master’s lucky red envelope. Thank you so much, Master. I’ll read this book to understand the most precious and treasured things Master has put into this book. I also admire Master very much and I hope I will meet Master one day.

Actress Bích Vân as Thủy:
Greetings, Supreme Master Ching Hai. Thank you, Master, for sending me gifts. This New Year, I wish Master abundant health and peace. May all your wishes be fulfilled to help those whose lives have met with much hardship and to teach young people morality.

As an actress, keeping the body in shape is very important. I like to eat vegetables, so I’m often told that I look a little younger than my age. Besides, animals are fed with drugs, which is not good for the animals themselves and not good for our health when we eat their meat. The best thing we can do is grow vegetables and fruits at home and use them. I think eating meat or food made from dairy, artificial colorings and chemicals is not good. While doing filming that took place at the temple, I love to eat tofu or stir-fried beans with soy sauce. It feels light. At home, I also eat like that.

Actor Công Ninh as Foreman:
Today I’m very touched when I receive New Year’s gifts from Supreme Master Ching Hai. I greatly treasure her fond regard and hope Supreme Master Ching Hai will produce the most valuable films about spiritual and life. I sincerely thank Supreme Master Ching Hai. May Supreme Master Ching Hai have a New Year of abounding health and happiness.

Actress Dương Cẩm Lynh as Hà:
I’m actress Dương Cẩm Lynh. I felt very glad when I received your gifts and I’m very honored to be known by you. I’d like to send my deep gratitude to Master and wish Master good health. On the occasion of New Year, I respectfully send my best wishes to Master.

Singer-songwriter Khánh Loan who wrote and performed the film’s theme song:
I’d like to send my heartfelt gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai. You gave me a meaningful gift upon New Year. I’m the one who sang the theme song in the film “A Tiger that Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenge.” I’d like to wish Master Ching Hai great health so as to have many contributions to the world and Buddhist monastic practitioners. Amitabha Buddha be praised.

Since I realized that being vegetarian is very good for our health, I started to eat vegetarian one day a month, then increasing to 3 days a month. After that, on the 7th lunar month, I ate vegetarian for the whole month. I felt very good, peaceful and all things went very smoothly and favorably.

I advise everyone to be veg. First, it is good for our health. Second, it reduces killing. It is good for all aspects of health and spirituality. I’m singer Khánh Loan. I’d like to send my warm greetings to viewers of Supreme Master Television broadcasting worldwide. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Actor Thiên Bảo as Hùng, actor Kinh Quốc as Brother Hai, actor Lý Nuôi as Skinny Novice; director Xuân Phước; script supervisor Ngọc Thy; cameramen Lê Trí and Nguyễn Huỳnh; set specialists Thành Thuận and Trọng Thái; makeup specialist Tường Vy; lighting specialists Đức Thái and Thái Bình; voiceover group Phước Trang - all of whom have contributed to Supreme Master Television before, also received gifts along with Supreme Master Ching Hai’s best wishes.

Supreme Master Television sincerely thanks Hoằng Pháp Temple, all the artists and professionals who contributed to the film “A Tiger that Leaves the Mountain Faces Challenge” as a reminder about the meaning and value of spiritual practice and enlightenment in a human life. We wish you blessings in your daily lives as well as in your endeavors to uphold spiritual and artistic values and to bring peace and goodness to the public at large.

We thank you for your presence on Enlightening Entertainment. Words of Wisdom is coming up next. Please tune in on Supreme Master Television next Thursday for the Aulacese modern folk opera “Four Happy Ties” by playwright Trương Vũ. Farewell for now.

What’s up?

Come here, I’ll tell you something!

What is it?

I’m stuck in here now. How can I crawl out?


Just get out!

Why didn’t you use that way? It’s too late now.

Why did you crawl in there?

Drag him out.

Get out quickly!

Drag him out for me.

Get out quickly, man.

Quickly, man. Where is he?

He’s grooming himself.

Goodness! He... Where is he now? What are you doing?

I’m checking out the place.

Are you buying a house? You’re a thief, not a photographer. Get down! Follow me.

Bend your back. Lower.

I know, man.

Be quiet, you all! Hurry up!


Get in!

Get in! (Yes.) Sit quietly!

That’s right!

Stop talking nonsense.

Where do you hide your gold and silver? Give me all your dollars! Hurry up! Where is it?

Take anything you want. I’m a monk. How can I have any money to give you?

A monk without money, but uses a gas stove and an inlaid chest?

Where do you hide your possession? Bring it out here quickly! You guys! Search everywhere for me! (Yes.) Collect all valuables and bring them out here.

You search over there.

If you make any move, I’ll kill you.

Go ahead to search. Take anything you can find. If you want to kill me, go ahead. I have no money to give you.

We only take possessions. We don’t kill people. Find anything yet?

We’ve searched everywhere and found nothing.

What’s in your hand, anyway?

A wooden fish.

Why do you take it?

So that people know we’ve robbed a temple.

My God! So you have proof for the police to arrest you faster? Throw it away!

I’ve found something, big brother.

You did?

Look here!

Money? Gold? (No.)

So what is it?

A magic lamp!


Are you insane? It’s an oil lamp, not a magic lamp.

No. It’s not! Normally, it’s an oil lamp. But when I rub it, Buddha will emerge; it’s a magic lamp.

Where? Rub it for me to see.


Let me rub it for you to see.

Where? Show me!

Show up, Buddha! Come on!

Come out, baby!

Doesn’t this face look very familiar, big brother?

You fool!

Crazy! Search everywhere for me.

Yes, yes.

Why don’t you get valuable things?

Gather all valuable things.

Where do you hide them? Tell me quickly, or I’ll end your life.

Take anything you want! Thank you. I give you all those things.


Don’t say like that, you hear? We are thieves. We take anything we like. We’re not begging for offerings. It hurts our pride!

That’s right.

But be quiet! Don’t say “robbers.” It’s very sinful. Just burglars.

Collect things quickly! Go get the car to carry stuff away. Hurry up!


If we stay here long, the police will come and we’ll be in big trouble. Geesh! These guys are demented! Hurry up!


Tell Hai to hurry up.

Stay put! One small move and you’re dead!

Stuff it in! Quick!


Yes. Take those things, big brother.

Do it quickly.

Thank you. You can have all those.

Hurry up, guys. (Yes.) Be quick!

Girl! Why are you here so late?

After work, I had to run some errands. I finished just now.

How are your parents?

They’re fine. Thank you, Thủy. Lately, it’s been raining continuously. So chilly! I have to wear a scarf and extra clothes. Thủy!

Right, it’s quite chilly lately.

Thủy, my company is organizing a four-day weekend trip to Đà Lạt. Do you want to join?

Are you going?

Of course.

Then I’ll go with you.

Really? (Yes.) Let me go downstairs to get something to drink. I’m so thirsty! So, get ready, all right? We’ll leave this weekend.

Oh, I forgot. I’ll be tied up with two weddings on that day. I can’t go.

Really? (Yes.) Can you ask brother Hải to go instead?

That’s not possible.

Try to arrange it, then.

Let me see.

Try, okay? We have a get-away trip only once in a while. Well, it’s getting dark. I must leave.

Where did you get such a nice scarf?

It’s a gift from a friend. I’m leaving now. (Sure.)

Could the master give it to her? That can’t be. She couldn’t have beat me to it.

Elder brother, I’m going to my friend’s birthday party and won’t be back until tomorrow. Please tell Mom for me.

How come you go out so much like that? If you don’t go to the temple, then you visit your friend. Drive carefully!

Please close the gate for me.


Where’s everything? O Master!

Amitabha Buddha be praised.

Greetings, Master.

Greetings, Miss.

What happened to all the things in your place, Master?

Some robbers came to clean them up for me a few days ago.

They’re sure looters! They not only made no offerings to a spiritual practitioner, they even robbed him.

Why do you come alone today?

Hà is busy, so I’m going by myself.

What is so urgent that you must come like that?

O Master, today is my birthday. I bring over a birthday cake for you to celebrate my birthday.

You’re all soaked from the rain. Where do you get clothes to change?

I did bring them along.

Be careful or you may catch cold!

I planned to stay at my friend’s home tonight, so I brought along my pajamas. May I go change my clothes?

Ah, a snake! O Master, help me!

Please have some cake, Master.

Thank you, Miss. I only eat one meal a day and wouldn’t have anything else besides it. Feel free to enjoy your cake.

Master, today is my birthday. I hold you in high esteem, so I didn’t mind travelling far to this isolated place to bring this cake as an offering to you. Please have some so that I will be blessed. Master, if you can’t take a lot, then please eat a little for my blessing. Please have some, Master.

Please understand. I don’t eat at the wrong time.

Just have one bite to make me happy, Master.

Please stand up, Miss!

Please have another piece.

It’s enough. I ate it out of high regard for you.

Thank you, Master.

Are you all right?

I got dizzy.

Try to get up, Miss.

Please help me onto the bed. Please give me some water.

I’m sorry, Master.

Enjoying a flower, then taking a shower!


How do you feel?

I feel much better now. Thank you, Master.

It’s late already. Can you go home?

I can’t drive now. Please allow me to stay overnight.

Spending the night here?

If you find it impossible, please help drive me home.

Drive you home?

I’ve troubled you so much. I probably caught cold since I got caught in the rain. How about you do the coin rubbing for me?

If I feel better, I’ll go home by myself.

Coin rubbing? (Yes.) I’ve never done it before.

It’s not difficult. Just rub with the coin wherever I show you.

I have no medicated oil here, nor any rubbing coin.

I’ve got medicated oil in my bag. For the rubbing coin, you can use a spoon. Please help me sit up. Please get the bag for me. Please get me a spoon.

Please help me; rub the coin on my back.


Elder brother!

How dare you seduce my sister!

This is a lesson for you.

Stop beating him!

You, jerk!

Elder brother!

You too! Bad girl! Go home!

I didn’t do anything.

Your did that and you said you did nothing? Come home with me.


Hurry up!

Elder brother!

Go! Give it up, man!

Brother, stop beating him, please.

You go home with me! If anything happens to my sister, don’t blame me if you get in trouble.

Are you all right, Master?



Go now!

Let me go!


O Master! Let go of me!


Elder brother!

Get your motorcycle, then go home!

Master, I’m so sorry that you got in trouble because of me.

You’re still standing there? Go!

Elder brother!

Hurry up!

I’m sorry, Master. Please don’t be mad at me.

Go quickly!

Elder brother!

I’m warning you. If anything happens to her, you’ll know what I’m made of.

Thank you.

Thanks to your coming in time that I escaped trouble. Master’s warning is very correct.

“A tiger leaving the mountain loses his power; a monk leaving his community heads to his ruin.” O Master, I just got beaten up, but haven’t yet perished.

A human life is ephemeral with both joy and pain. Who in this world knows not sorrow, as life is transient? Love one another, live for others. Look up at the sky above, look down at the deep river Learn to share to comfort each other. Together to brighten the world with a loving heart. Too much crying or sorrow would not change what happened. Who among us humans hasn’t shed tears for romance, life, and money? Stand up, wipe away your tears, and start a new tomorrow. Laugh to forget unhappy times, and peace will come into our lives again.

Start anew, my friend. Mourn no more, she has gone already. Sorrow only makes life dismal. Wipe away the tears on your lips. Please wipe away your tears. As time passes, you’ll forget. You’ll feel happy and love will return. Life is still long and holds many dreams. There is still me and you in the world.

Too much crying or sorrow would not change what happened. Who among us humans hasn’t shed tears for romance, life, and money? Stand up, wipe away your tears, and start a new tomorrow. Laugh to forget unhappy times, and peace will come into our lives again.

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