Enlightening Entertainment
Vacation Time - A Kids Show      
Halo ladies and gentlemen. It’s summertime again in the northern hemisphere! There will be no more school and no more homework, so we will have a LOT of time doing EVERYTHING we want to do. Wouldn’t that be just great? So, what’s your plan for summer vacation?

I’m-a chillin’ by the lake With my buddies and my pet I think I’ll jump into the water and I’ll get myself all wet ‘Cause it’s vacation time I’m on vacation time It’s a time we all enjoy Every adult, girl and boy It’s vacation time

All the ducks and geese are playin’ And the birds are flyin’ high Everybody’s happy, as the summer passes by ‘Cause it’s vacation time I’m on vacation time It’s a time we take a rest Or do the things we like the best It’s vacation time

Long long ago, in Australia, our most ancient ancestors told the Stories of Dreamtime. Stories of Dreamtime are about the creations of our Earth, people, plants and animals. They told these stories by making dot paintings. Today, we will learn how to create our own dot paintings just like the Aborigines of Australia did thousands of years ago.


Halo, I’m here with my friends today, because we’re going to do a very good environmental activity for children. Do you know what an environmental activity is?


One that doesn’t hurt the environment. We’re coming to you from Brisbane, Australia. And today, we’re going to do some Aboriginal painting, using natural resources.

Natural resources are things from nature, so we’re going to go and find things from nature to do our painting with. We’re not going to use paintbrushes today.

Are we going to use our fingers?

Oh, our fingers!

No, we’re going to use natural resources, things from nature, we’re going to use sticks!

We’re going to go looking for some sticks, and we have found some recycled paper today. We have drawn our hand on the paper.

We’re going to be doing some dot painting using natural resources, sticks and leaves and…ha! Look Gabe! What did we do? Ahh!

We didn’t use containers, we used the leaves.

We didn’t use containers, we used leaves. We found some leaves, and we put our paint on the leaves and we’re going to dip our sticks in the paint on the leaves and do some dot painting.

Where are the sticks?

We have to go and find them in the Australian Outback.

I know where we can get sticks!

Do you? Can you help us?

Right up the top.

Up the top.

We’re going to go and find some sticks. So, we’ll see you in a minute. Okay.

What you have to find is a little stick.

Ha! Look, this is a really good one, this is a good one that you can use for painting.

You need more than one. You need maybe three. Three little sticks each is a good idea. Seanne, would you like one of mine? I’ll share mine with you. Ok more, come on! Excellent, let’s go!

Very good, excellent. Hold on to that. Okay, now we are going to go back. Are you ready? (Yes!) Everybody got sticks? (Yes!) Let’s go back and now we have to go and paint our hands with Aboriginal dot painting.

Aboriginal people from Australia, they are famous for their dot paintings. So today, we’re going to use our sticks just like they do and use them to dot paint on our paper, and make a design on our hands. Can you all dot? Use your sticks and put some beautiful paint on the end like this and dot, dot, dot.

And you can do a beautiful design on your hands. Let’s get painting!

I’m doing different colors.

You’re doing different colors! That’s beautiful! Very, very good. Me too, I’m doing different colors.

Now on our paintings today, we’re going to write something. Do you know what we’re going to write? (What?) We’re going to write one wish that we have for the world. (A real one?) A real, real, really, really real and true wish that you have for the world.


Ah, wow, it’s beautiful!

How’s everybody going with their dotting? We’re coloring in, very good.

Next, we will take a look at our friends’ dot paintings and hear their wishes for the world! So keep your dial tuned here to Supreme Master Television. We’ll be right back.

We’ve been working oh so hard Every day we go to school But vacation is a time where having fun’s the only rule ‘Cause it’s vacation time I’m on vacation time We’re going to have a little fun Soak up a little sun It’s vacation time

Welcome back to Enlightening Entertainment. Renata and other children have just finished their Aboriginal dot paintings and they are going to show us their masterpieces. But before that, let’s sing a song with them – an Australian song!

Okay, so, before we show you our beautiful paintings today, we’re going to do a little song with some Aboriginal actions in it. Are you ready everybody? When I sing eucalyptus, what you are going to do? Eu-ca-lyp-tus, Eu-ca-lyp-tus! When I sing cockatoo, what you are going to do? Cock-a-too, Cock-a-too! When I sing wallabies and wombats, what are you going to do? Wallabies and wombats, wallabies and wombats, very good.

Now when I sing kangaroo, it’s not a jumping kangaroo. It’s using your hands. Show me how you do it. Kang-a-roo, Kang-a-roo.

Eu-ca-lyptus Eu-ca-lyptus
Cock-a-too Wave your wings Cock-a-too
Wallabies and wombats Wallabies and wombats
Kang-a-roo Kang-a-roo
These are all things from our country, Australia.
This time we’re going to go, really, really, really.
(Loud!) Fast and loud!

Eu-ca-lyptus Eu-ca-lyptus
Cock-a-too Cock-a-too
Wallabies and wombats Wallabies and wombats
Kang-a-roo Kang-a-roo
Wallabies and wombats Wallabies and wombats
Eu-ca-lyptus Eu-ca-lyptus
Kang-a-roo Kang-a-roo
Cock-a-too Cock-a-too

How about we go and get our painting and show everybody our one wish for the world?

Let’s go and get our paintings.

So now we have finished our aboriginal dot painting. We’ve used natural resources. What have we used, what’s this one called.


Paint and?


Leaves and sticks, yes.

The Aboriginal people, when they used paint, do you know what they used to do? (What?) What did they do? They used to rub two…? (Rocks.) Yes! They used to rub two rocks together and get the powder and then put a little bit of water and use paint, but today we had to use some water paint.

So we have all done a beautiful dot painting. Everybody hold up your paintings! Aren’t they beautiful!

On our paintings today, we have written our one special wish for the world. So I might ask Seanne first. It’s Seanne turn. Seanne, what is your special wish for the world?

Looking after pets.

That’s a nice one, looking after pets nicely.

And Angel, what’s your wish for the world?

Everyone goes to a fun house a week.

Everyone goes to a fun house every week. That sounds like a great idea!

Look. This is Gabe’s painting with sticks and he says that his one wish for the world is? (Cookies!) Cookies and for everyone to…?


To share! Yeah, that’s a great wish. Well done, very good.

Arianna, what’s your special wish for the world?

My wish for the world is so that everyone could be vegan so that the world can live for longer.

Wow, that’s a great wish, everyone to go vegan. I like that wish.

So, at your house maybe you can do a nice environmental activity. Maybe people at home can find sticks and leaves and do some dot painting like we did today. Do you think that’s a good idea? (Yeah!)

Wow! Those were some really fantastic wishes! Do you have a wish for the world? If we believe, some day all good wishes will come true. Now let’s sit back, relax and enjoy a song about a pig, a duck, an ant, and a cow. It goes like this.

Pinky, Pinky, Princess, soaking up the rays. and silent beams of love extend to her piglets in the hay.

Tina has no desire for such an idle state. Although for some to be a park duck, Is a ticket on the “gravy train.”

Antenna’s up for tourists, to insinuate a place. At a picnic banquet, And introduce the family to the human race.

Bernard’s proudly bovine, a picture of strength and grace. In his youth he was imprisoned, and would snort at manmade gates. But a lovely vegan freed him, and restored his faith. Now in the green fields, He shines out love…

All the ducks and geese are playin’ And the birds are flyin’ high Everybody’s happy, as the summer passes by ‘Cause it’s vacation time I’m on vacation time It’s a time we take a rest Or do the things we like the best

What a fantastic day! I learned so many things. First, I learned that an environmental activity is one that doesn’t hurt the environment. I also learned how to make an Aboriginal dot painting. What else? We also know that animals are our friends. And the best way to be kind to the environment and our animal friends is to Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet! Let’s hear our pals in Australia say it one more time.

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Bye-bye! Bye-bye! See you!

Thanks for joining us today on Enlightening Entertainment. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May you have fun and smile wherever you are! Bye for now!

We’re going to have a little fun Soak up a little sun It’s vacation time It’s a time we like to share Let everybody know we care It’s vacation time

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Hear about fascinating findings such as these from Dr. Jeffrey Long, a physician who is on the forefront of near death experience research on the first of a three part series beginning Monday, July 19, on Science and Spirituality.

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