Enlightening Entertainment
Aulacese (Vietnamese) Chèo Traditional Opera: The Third Princess - P1/3 (In Aulacese)      
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a nation that has a long-standing traditional culture. Aulacese music is very rich; since ancient times, there have been many musical instruments that move the soul with a wide variety of sounds like those of the copper drum, gong, lithophone, bamboo xylophone, cymbals and panpipe.

In 2003, Elegant Music, a form of Huế royal music, was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an intangible cultural heritage of the world. Âu Lạc’s music represents the unique features of each region, for example, Quan Họ folksongs in the North, Huế tunes in the Central, and cải lương (modern folk opera) in the South.

In addition, there are many other forms of music, including hò (work songs), lý (village songs), ceremonial songs, Aulacese classical opera, chèo traditional opera, Hồ Quảng opera, and so on. Indeed, music has been deeply instilled in the hearts of people in this beautiful country, and has been cultivated until this day.

Northern Âu Lạc has a folk art called xẩm singing that is very popular in the northern plains and midland. This genre, in the old time, was performed by minstrel bands.

In a gathering with a small group of our Association members some years past, Supreme Master Ching Hai was inspired to spontaneously compose and sing in the xẩm style a poem she had written in her late 20s in Germany. The poem was originally written in English which the poet herself translated into Aulacese.

We now invite you to enjoy an excerpt of the xẩm singing “We Don't Live More Than One Hundred Years!” composed and sung by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I mean tonight I was nuts! But so what: Aren’t the rest of us!... Otherwise how could we carry on living, For life isn’t worth a thing!?

You know that I am still in love with you! But that has nothing to do... I cannot please everybody, So I will please me! That doesn’t mean you are not right; We all have only one life!

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

Chèo traditional opera is a folk theater art which originated from the regions near the mountains and from the plains of northern Âu Lạc. There are varied opinions about the beginning of chèo traditional opera: the earliest time is believed to be in 4th century BCE and the most recent is 14th century, at the end of the Trần dynasty. Chèo is a narrative genre of folk theater, recounting stories through a combination of music, singing and dance. One of the unique features of chèo is a skillful portrayal of subtle gestures and movements.

During festivals, people in the plains of northern Âu Lạc often look forward to watching chèo traditional opera. The lyrics are infused with folk poetry and proverbs; tragedies are usually counter-balanced with satires. Chèo is replete with the pure simplicity of the common folk, yet equally profound in meaning.

“The Third Princess” is an Aulacese chèo traditional opera based on the legend of the One-thousand-Eye One-Thousand-Hand Mother Buddha in the treasure of Buddhist folklore. “The Third Princess” recounts the merit and virtue of King Trang Vương’s Third Princess, who exhibited piety, compassion, and a boundless spirit of sacrifice. This tale is also a wakening bell about the dire retribution of actions that harm virtuous and true spiritual practitioners.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the Aulacese chèo traditional opera titled “The Third Princess” by playwright Trần Trí Trắc.

This opera will be aired in 3 episodes, with performances by Ms. Vân Quyền as Third Princess, Mr. Hải Điệp as King, Ms. Hồng Minh as Queen, Mr. Quốc Anh as General Ngưu Mã, Mr. Ngọc Kình as Physician Triệu Chấn, Ms. Huyền Thanh as Princess Diệu Âm, Ms. Thanh Mạn as Princess Diệu Thanh, Mr. Vũ Ngọc as Clown, Mr. Đoàn Vinh as First Prince Consort, Mr. Trần Hải as Second Prince Consort, Mr. Xuân Vượng as Abbot, Ms. Thu Biên as Elder Nun, and other artists.

Last week, we presented the conclusion of the modern folk opera “A Tale of Karma (Retribution),” based on the poem “Words of a Piglet” written by Supreme Master Ching Hai in her late 20s.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has sent gifts, her love and best regards to those who contributed to this modern folk opera. We now will continue to share some thoughts and feelings by artists and professionals in the art of modern folk opera as well as their words of appreciation for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s loving care.

Actor Tiểu Bảo Quốc in the role of Tự:

I would like to convey my greetings to viewers of “A Tale of Karma (Retribution)” broadcast by the respected and beloved Supreme Master Television. I had the honor of participating in the opera “A Tale of Karma (Retribution)..”

In the opera, there were scenes in which we had to construct a pigpen. Then we had to borrow the little pigs, or the mother pigs, to film the scenes from the screenplay. While we borrowed a little pig, the mother pig in the pen was upset. She wanted her baby back. She tried to break the stable. She hit the fence. She used her mouth to bite the bamboo poles, and the bamboo poles ripped her mouth. We artists realized how determined she was in demanding her baby back. That was a mother’s love. Seeing her mouth bleeding, we couldn’t bear it.

We told the film crew to take it easy so we could plead with her and comfort her into letting us borrow her baby to film. But while performing, I looked over at the mother pig and saw her eyes following her baby. Her eyes were like that. I felt very uneasy. I couldn’t bear it. Seeing such motherly love, how could we not be touched? In the role of a pig dealer, it's a part I had to try to perform successfully. But the way I felt about it… In the scene of my baby's first birthday, I had to kill a baby pig for a party with friends. But when I was holding the knife, my heart was broken.

I knew it was pretend, but I knew this character was going to kill the pig. And in the opera, there were words expressing the piglet's feelings. As I was sitting there listening, I felt it in my heart. I realize that animals also feel pain when people slaughter them. They also know sorrow and suffering, just like us humans. So after filming, when it was time for a meal and the food was served, if there was pork or chicken, or any animal meat in the food, the artists probably couldn’t eat it. Because in our hearts, there was a feeling of sadness and sympathy.

So I conclude that as humans, in my feasts, when I eat or drink or do whatever to serve myself, I think I won’t ever kill again. There are other ways to serve the needs of human life without having to kill. As humans, we are all inclined to goodness. We all have compassion. So I hope that viewers will not kill anymore.

I dare not advise anyone; I just wish to share my feelings with viewers. I’d rather eat vegetables and fruits to subsist and pass the day. I just want to say that we humans also need to eat to survive, but we don't necessarily have to kill. I just hope that everyone will love the animals more and stop killing them.

I am Tiểu Bảo Quốc. I’m very grateful for Master’s gift. On behalf of the artists contributing to the opera “A Tale of Karma (Retribution),” I would like to wish Master longevity and good health so that Master’s heartfelt wishes may be realized. I hope Master will have more operas such as “A Tale of Karma (Retribution),” and we artists will support Master. We only hope to contribute our humble effort to do what is good for the world or for spirituality.

Actress Yến Nhung as the Pig Caretaker:

Respected Supreme Master Ching Hai. My name is Yến Nhung. I also took part in the opera “A Tale of Karma (Retribution),” playing the role of a poor woman raising two pigs. I like the opera very much. Maybe that role is well-suited for me. Today I also received your gift. Thank you very much, Master. May everything go according to your will, and I wish you good health always.

Studio secretary Nguyễn Đình Trực:

My name is Đình Trực. In the opera “A Tale of Karma (Retribution)” that has just been completed, my job was studio secretary. I feel that the opera has a very good theme. It advises people to avoid killing in their lives. During the time of making the opera, the film crew was very respectful. It’s a spiritual opera, so our film crew was trying our very best to do it.

And through the opera, we would like to share with viewers a message, that as we live in this life, we need to be kind. There is a law called the law of cause and effect. What we sow, so shall we reap. Master also sent gifts of appreciation to the film crew. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Master for caring about our crew and wish Master abundant health.

Painter Phương Tần:

My reverent greetings, Master. I had the honor of working on the modern folk opera “A Tale of Karma (Retribution)” based on the poem “Words of a Piglet” by Supreme Master Ching Hai. During the course of my work, together with different groups, the director, the film crew, the production team, and everyone, I felt they were very happy. Now I also received a gift from Master; I am very grateful to Master.

Visual effects specialist Duy Hòa:

Respected Supreme Master Ching Hai, thank you very much for Master’s concern. May all of Master’s wishes come true on the virtuous spiritual path. D. Hòa

Musician Thái An, executive producer Thành Chiến, actress Như Quỳnh as Giao, actress Thy Phương as Gia, actor Hữu Tài as the Elder Fairy, actress Hồng Thủy as the Mother Pig, cameraman Quốc Kiệt, makeup artist Tuấn Tú, light specialist Văn Trực (Tô Trực), costume specialist Bảo Ly, and singer Bích Phượng have contributed to Supreme Master Television’s previous programs. They also received gifts and loving wishes from Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I’m Artist of Merit Tấn Giao. Greetings, viewers of Supreme Master Television, broadcasting worldwide. I wish to ask that everyone Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet! I wish you all happiness, joy and faith in life always.

Greetings, global viewers watching Supreme Master Television. I think we should Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet! Let’s carry that out together! Thank you all.

I’m actress Yến Nhung. You’re watching Supreme Master Television broadcasting worldwide. Let's Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

I’m Đình Trực, studio secretary for the modern folk opera “A Tale of Karma (Retribution).” I would like to convey my warmest regards to viewers watching Supreme Master Television, broadcasting worldwide. Let's Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

We gratefully appreciate all artists and professionals who contributed in the modern folk opera “A Tale of Karma (Retribution),” which conveys a message of peace, bringing numerous benefits to the multitude. We wish you and your family abundant blessings in Divine grace. May the field of modern folk opera as well as other traditional arts continue to thrive to illuminate noble qualities within each of us.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. We wish you and your family peace and happiness always. Farewell for now.

Long live the King! Be at ease! I, Trang Vương, sit high on the emperor’s throne; my authority is renowned far and wide. I have but three beautiful daughters. Two princesses have settled in marriage.

The Third Princess still holds high her price, waiting for her prince consort.

I’ve made the choice. That is a man of both virtue and talent, General Ngưu Mã, head of the court. Upon Third Princess’ consent, I’ll set the wedding day and pass the throne on later.

Respected Royal Father!

What is it, child?

My husband, Prince Consort Triệu, is ranked first in literature in the court. Why won’t you pass him your jewel seal and gold sword?

Respected Royal Father! My husband is second court subject and ranked first in swordmanship in the court. Is he not capable of succeeding the King and preserving the throne?

Every bird loves to hear himself sing.

You’re only good at backbiting people. That’s kitchen literature!

Don’t be envious! Father is still breathing, and you already want to take over the throne.

Who is fighting over the throne?

Who else?

Greedy woman!

You two sisters are very discordant.

So, what skills do the two Prince Consorts have?

Respected Royal Father, my husband has a gift for spontaneous poetry.

My husband is talented at archery.

How about the Prince Consort who is first in literature compose a good poem to entertain our royal family?


O honey, Father asked me to compose poetry!

Just wave your magic pen to humiliate that girl Diệu Âm.

All right.

Show off your talent, honey.

Respected Royal Father and Mother, a beautiful poetic inspiration just came to mind. I’ve just set it to music. May I sing the poem...

What’s the poem?

“The Toad.”

Goodness! The Toad?

Very well. Sing it, toad!

A toad wanting to sing!

A toad, O toad!

Beautiful, honey!

The toad is God’s uncle.

That’s right!

When the toad opens his mouth, Heaven must rain. The toad sits there. (Sits there!) The toad jumps out. (Jumps out!) The toad holds a flower in his mouth.

That’s a toad. A toad. (A toad.) A toad. (A baby toad.)

Your Majesty, First Prince Consort’s poem is excellent indeed. I’m an illiterate, but I also wish to compose a few parallel verses.

Go ahead, Clown.

His Excellency composed the toad poem.

That’s right.

I’d like to respond with the... (What?) the crab poem.

Go ahead, Clown,

All right, here it is. Heaven sends a rainfall, crabs, shrimps, shellfish and frogs are all sent adrift. Heaven sends a shower, shrimps, crabs, shellfish and frogs all scurry out. It’s obvious that the crab is the talented one. As the crab raises his nippers, the frog utters a frightened scream. The frog then opens his mouth wide. He swells his cheeks, turns up his eyes, bragging about his wisdom. He thinks his poetry is unmatched. Unexpectedly, this frog just sheds his tail and sneaks away.

What an insolent chap! My poem is so exquisite, and you dared say it’s kid stuff. How rude!

It’s Second Prince Consort’s turn.

Respected Royal Father, my husband would like to demonstrate his skill.

I can’t shoot an arrow, darling!

Just shoot, darling! My husband would like to begin.

Respected Royal Father and Mother, I’d like to prove my skill. Where can you run to escape this arrow of mine? Into that black cloud. I did it!

O Second Prince Consort! Your arrow didn’t go through the cloud either.

Enough! Stop all these crazy games! If later, our country is in peril, whom can I rely upon?


Summon General Ngưu Mã to the court!

Please enter the court, General Ngưu Mã.

I, Ngưu Mã, First Court Official, respectfully wish Your Majesty longevity.

Be at ease!

I’m grateful to Your Majesty’s kindness.

General Ngưu Mã! (Yes.) At the court, you’re a loyal subject. I consider you my kindred friend. Today is my birthday celebration, won’t you be inspired by the occasion to spontaneously compose a poem?

With Your Majesty’s permission, I’d like to comply. “Trang Vương shrine is surrounded by auspicious five-color clouds. Jeweled trees and golden fruits shine gracefully. Lofty heavenly throne boasts a lasting kingship, once renowned for seizing a hundred citadels.”

Excellent! “Once renowned for seizing a hundred citadels.” Fantastic!

What about your martial arts skill? Show your talent, General Ngưu Mã.

What you said suits me well, my Queen.

So, let see you fence.

Your Majesty, one must study Wu Qi and Sun Tzu in the art of ruling and learn the martial skills of Quách Nhĩ, Sào Do. Soldier! (Yes.) Bring in the prisoner under death penalty! Your Majesty, this is the prisoner about to be beheaded. I have him here to try showing a strike of my sword.

Are you planning to behead that prisoner right here?

Please do not worry, Your Majesty the Queen! My sword goes smoother than that of the headsman.

Hold it! Today is my birthday celebration. I don’t want to witness a bloodshedding scene. Let him go back!

Yes, Your Majesty. Order obeyed. Soldier! (Yes.) Take him away.

Well done! You’re very good! With your literary talent, you’re worthy of a high statesmanship. With your martial arts skill, you belong to the level of masters. I’ve made up my mind to bestow upon you the Third Princess’ hand in marriage.

Thanks to His Majesty’s wisdom that a hero and a beauty join in matrimonial union.

I’m deeply grateful, Your Majesties the King and Queen.

So where is my youngest daughter?

She’s in the royal garden, carrying a lamp on her head to pray for the King to become more benevolent everyday, the country to be prosperous, and people everywhere to live in peace. Summon Third Princess here!

I, Third Princess, kneel before the throne, wishing the Emperor longevity with many springs and crane years.

My beloved daughter, a precious and fragile form, why are you carrying the lamp on your head?

Respected Father and Mother, my heart longs for the sea of enlightenment and the shore of liberation. I pity sentient beings for their wrongdoings out of ignorance. Pray that they turn toward the light.

Third Princess, child! You’re a princess in the golden palace, a lofty rose of royal lineage. Your father on the very high throne is seeking a son-in-law to succeed his noble heavenly kingship.

Third Princess, I’ve made up my mind. You’ll join General Ngưu Mã in marriage.

Amitabha Buddha be praised! Love is a tie of retribution; spiritual practice is a source of blessing. Pitying the world immersed in misery and distress, I dare not think of earthly pleasures but vow to follow Buddha.

Impossible! Ngưu Mã, your husband, will succeed me to govern the kingdom later.

Please understand me, Royal Father. Compassion is like the bright golden moon. Filial piety and loyalty are like a cloudless sky. I dare not dream of fame and high position, splendid dais and luxurious palace.

I’m the King who rules over people. My word is a royal decree, do you hear?

O Royal Father, why tire your golden form talking to her? Filial impiety should be punished.

Or perhaps she’s just outwardly opposing, but inwardly delighted. Respected Royal Father, going against the will of one’s father is disloyal. Isn’t she afraid of people’s slander?

Respected Royal Father...

No asking, no pleading. I’m already determined.

I wish to say that I agree to get married.

What? You consent to get married?

That’s King Trang Vương’s virtuous and filial daughter!

But if I must, I’d like to marry someone dedicated to saving people. He sympathizes with people’s pain, hears their lament, and has pity on sentient beings in hardship. That man is...

Who’s that?

The physician Triệu Chấn.

What? Are you trying to insult me? Trang Vương’s son-in-law, a physician, will later succeed me to rule the kingdom? No! Summon Doctor Triệu Chấn!

I’m Doctor Triệu Chấn, on my knees, awaiting Your Majesty’s order.

Doctor Triệu Chấn!


I know you’ve contributed greatly to the country. I now grant you gold, silver and gems. You must leave the royal palace immediately!

Your Majesty, what offense did I commit?

What offense? You’ve seduced my daughter. Now, leave this land!

Your Majesty, Third Princess is a young lady like a jade leaf and gold branch. I dare not covet a high position as to blight the king-subject affection. If Your Majesty wishes that I return to my homeland, I shall do so. As for gold and silver, I dare not accept. I bid farewell for thousands of miles apart!

Doctor, this is my fault. O Triệu Chấn! I thought that from his high throne, my kind father would understand his daughter’s feeling. Unexpectedly, we’ll be separated by seas and mountains. The royal court loses a loyal and virtuous subject. Unable to requite someone’s kindness is another pain in this ephemeral world. With this one bow, I bid you farewell.

Thank you, my kindred soul; we’ll be thousands of miles apart from now on. I bid adieu in tears and vow to remain a loyal subject.

Triệu Chấn!

Farewell, Princess!

Triệu Chấn! Triệu Chấn!

Court dismissed!

I’m asking you one last time. Will you marry General Ngưu Mã?

Respected Royal Father, if you won’t allow me to choose my lifelong companion, I’ll devote my entire life to spiritual practice. These long tresses, I shall offer to the compassionate Buddha. I’ll part with my youth to dedicate my life to good causes.

You’re such an unfilial daughter, daring to act disobediently in front of your parents. Soldiers! (Yes.) Bring a sheet of white silk here! Here’s a sheet of white silk. I’ll let you handle it yourself.

O child! My King! Please have pity on her. I’ll talk to her behind the royal curtain. She’ll know to obey her Royal Father.

Having a regard for your words, I’ll spare her life. Have her dismissed from the royal palace! I don’t want to see her face for even a moment!

O King! (Mother!) My child!

O mother!

I love and cherish you like gold and jade. (Mother!) But how can I resist your father’s order? Just stay away temporarily, and I’ll try to arrange something.


O child, I wouldn’t expect you to commit a serious offense. Tomorrow, you’ll go far away. From now on, we’ll be a great distance apart. When will I see you again?

O Mother, don’t be sad. I pray that Heaven be the witness. In tears, I bow to you and leave.

O child!

I’ll follow the way of the Buddha and his monks. Though enduring scorching sun, pouring rain, or stormy wind, I vow to save suffering souls through reciting the scriptures.

Third Princess, child!


I recite the scriptures diligently from dawn to late night, avoiding the red dusty life and leaving behind worldly troubles. At this temple, I burn the incense and light candles. I recite Buddha’s name for a tranquil mind.


Buddha be praised!

Have you struck the bell and burned incense on the altar?

Respected Master, we’ve taken care of everything. Great lotus is offered to the precious tower. Aloewood scent wafts from the incense urn. Celestial fruits, betel, and cinnamon fill the tray of ephemerality.

You all are very good and very industrious. Nun Diệu Ngọc!

Buddha be praised!

Today it’s your turn to meditate. Recite all five chapters of the scripture. When the candle on the altar is out, go back to the contemplation room to enter samadhi. Buddha be praised!

I’ll follow your instruction, Master.


Buddha be praised.

Go in to prepare the candle and incense for nun Diệu Ngọc to meditate.

Amitabha Buddha be praised.

Beloved fellow practitioners, the Buddhas taught: There are many thousand kinds of “humans.” Which “human” is the most precious?

Amitabha Buddha be praised! The most precious “human” in the world is “humane.”

Which human quality is adorable?

Amitabha Buddha be praised! Virtue is an adored quality in the world. We recite the scripture, chant Buddha’s name, pray to the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and sages to send the light and extend jewel arms to lead beings to the blessed land. Amitabha Buddha be praised!

Who among the saintly sages and ancient saints has ever collected gold and gems, donned belt and purple robe, fought over fame and wealth, boasted literary talent and martial skill?

Like the flying crow, running rabbit and fast- turning weaver’s shuttle, alas, how brief is life! Focus upon the Land of Bliss, continue to recite.

Master, I was kneeling to recite five chapters of the scripture. I’m not used to it so I haven’t attained peace yet. Please forgive me, Master.

During samadhi, did you see anyone come to disturb at our temple gate?

No, I didn’t, Master. I only perceived the sound of the wind and a pervading fragrance.

So, your soul left your body and returned. I praise your outstanding virtue. Your spiritual path still has many spikes and thorns. I advise you to be steadfast and persevere.

I’ll follow your words. What we sow so shall we reap. I just pray to the wise Buddha for support and blessing.

Amitabha Buddha be praised! Now I ask you this. Do not keep the truth from me. Are you Third Princess, the youngest daughter of Trang Vương, who left home to practice at Bạch Tước Pagoda?


When you first came, I already suspected it because of your noble form, your air of decency and your extraordinary intellect. I wish to give you serenity and peace of mind. I don’t want to stir up your hidden sorrows. Now King Trang Vương ordered a search for his daughter who seeks refuge in my pagoda. If you don’t tell the truth, the renunciates will be held accountable one day.

Respected Master, your inquiry evokes sorrow in me. I’m indeed King Trang Vương’s daughter.

Buddha be praised!

Because my Royal Father forced me into marriage, I had to hide here, seeking refuge in the Buddha.

O Heaven! Are you truly the Third Princess? I’ve heard of your virtue from other renunciates that you have the affinity to attain enlightenment. Because of King Trang Vương’s misdeed, you have to wander far for spiritual practice. Now, as a devoted Truth seeker, you’ve come here, just remain here then.

Buddha be praised!

Though calamity may befall me, I just hope that you practice sincerely and attain enlightenment.

Amitabha Buddha be praised! I’m grateful to you and the renunciates for helping me. I vow to keep my faith in Buddha’s path.

Buddha be praised!

Now, with your permission, I’ll go clean up the meditation room, then carry water from the Fairy well to prepare for the vegetarian meal after the ritual ceremony.

Soldiers! (Yes.) Go search inside the pagoda and bring all renunciates out here for me to identify.

Amitabha Buddha be praised! It’s a tranquil secluded temple. Why disturb a Buddha worshiping place?

Listen, Abbot! I obeyed King Trang Vương’s order to search this pagoda for the Third Princess who fled home to seek refuge at the Buddha’s place. Rumor has it that she hides in Bạch Tước Pagoda. Tell me if it’s true!

Is that true? Report truthfully!

Come out here! Come!

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