Enlightening Entertainment
"White Heart Baekgu” – A South Korean Musical Inspired by a Real Dog - (In Korean)      
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Korean, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Greetings sweet viewers! On Jindo Island off the southeast coast of South Korea, the residents are proud of their native dog, the Jindo dog.

The musical, "White Heart Baekgu," is based on the true story of one Jindo Island dog named Baekgu. In 1995, Baekgu, meaning “white dog,” traveled over 300 km over seven months to return to her original caregiver after being taken to the mainland. Please enjoy this children’s musical that brave Baekgu inspired, a production by Yeil Musical Company from South Korea.

The wide wide sea That high high sky That sea is all ours That sky must all be ours They’ll last forever like children’s hearts

Hey, Pansuk!

Huh? That’s Sori’s voice.

You guys left me out! I’ll make you pay for that.

Hey guys! Let’s hide! Come on!

Let’s go!

Pansuk, just wait till I get you! Huh? Where have they gone? Fine, you think I can’t find you? Huh? Where are they? Maybe over here? Hmm. Are they over there? Where did they all hide? Where on Earth did they all hide? Oh! It’s a doggy. Wow, it’s so pretty. Hey, what’s your name? Hm? You don’t know? You’re silly not to even know your name. I’m Sori. Glad to meet you. Let’s shake hands. Wow, you know how to shake! Hi!

You look so cute. How beautiful! You’re pretty and as bright as peach flowers there. Where did you get lost? Why are you alone outside?

Come here, doggy!

Wow! She’s really pretty.

Yes? Hi, isn’t she beautiful?

Wow. In last night’s dream, an angel in a white dress gave me a gift and went away It must be you That’s why you are as white as snow We’ll live together now


Hey, doggy friend!

I just shook hands with her.

Really? Let me try.

Okay. Try.

Shake! Shake!

Oh? She doesn’t listen to you.

Tada, Dongyee!


Not attractive.

Sori, where did you get the dog?

From the sky.

From the sky?

I mean it. She came down from the sky.

Stop kidding me.

I’m serious. That’s why her fur is white.

I still can’t believe it. How could a dog come down from the sky?

Then don’t believe me.

If she had wings, it’d be a different matter.

Sori, let’s go make her a house.

Okay, Dongyee! Let’s go!


Guys, let’s go!


No, boo!

Let’s build the house before the sun goes down Now it’s done and it’s really beautiful

Is this Dongyee’s house? It is, alright.

Oh, it’s Mrs. Bengduk! Guys, hide! Min-seon!

Is anyone home?

Who’s there? Huh?

It’s me, Mrs. Bengduk.

How are you, Mrs. Bengduk?

Oh my! You have made such a beautiful dog house.


Yes? Oh my goodness! What are you looking at?

Oh my goodness! What is that?

I’ll give you yummy food soon, okay? Please wait a moment, doggie.

Is that my Whitey? Oh goodness gracious! Whitey! It’s really her, it’s our Whitey alright!


Kids! I’m home.

I’ll take you home.


How you doing, Sori?

Good, Dad!

How are you, Dad?

Dongyee! (Daddy…)

Glad to see you!

How are you, ma’am? What brought you here? Someone stole my Whitey.

Someone stole Whitey?

My husband lost the dog to a thief on his way to the market. So I was searching for her throughout the village. And found your kids are the ones that had stolen my Whitey.

Ma’am, please take back what you said.


That dog was lost and left alone. So Sori brought her here.

That’s right!

Okay, whatever. Since I found my Whitey, I’ll take her with me now.

Please go away. Go on and take him away.


Oh my, what a temper he’s got! Okay, Whitey, let’s go! Yes, yes, let’s go.

Dongyee, the dog…

Mrs. Bengduk!

Did you call me?

The dog, would you sell her to us?

What? (Oh?) Oh, sure, why not! I was going to sell her at the market, anyway.


How much do you want to buy it?

Why don’t you have a seat here?

This one is expensive.

Oh is she? Here, please.

I’m not sure but she’s probably worth 10 sacks of rice.

I see, 10 sacks of rice – what?!


Oh my! Oh, I’m sorry.

It hurts! Sir, hands off!

Oh my bottom hurts. Ow.

Could you possibly give me a discount, please?

There are plenty of brown Jindo dogs but white Jindos like this one are rare. If you don’t want it, I’ll sell her to someone else.

Let’s go, Whitey! Ouch, my bottom.

Oh! Daddy!

Okay! I’ll buy the dog.

Oh, Dad!

Eh? Why, are you sure?

Of course. I’ll set out on my ship at dawn and make the payment as soon as I return.


You’ve got a deal. I’ve got children of my own, so I can’t refuse. Alright, you take this dog.

Really? Hey guys, come out!

Oh my! Where did they all come from?

Halo, ma’am!

Halo, sir!

Hi, guys!

Thank you, Dad! (Sure.) Thank you very much, Mrs. Bengduk.

Don’t mention it.

Wow, doggy!

At any rate, don’t forget to pay me. If you don’t, I’ll take the dog back at double the price!

Don’t worry. I’ll definitely keep my word.


Oh, goodness, I have to get going. See you later. (See you.)

Good-bye, Mrs. Bengduk!

Now don’t just love the dog, give her a good name, alright? (A name?) She’s not your ordinary dog.

Yes, what shall I name her?

Vacuum cleaner.

Okay. You’ve got to give her a nice name now.

Yes, Dad, please give her a pretty name.

Okay, let me think.

Vacuum cleaner.

Hey kids! Do you have a name in mind?


Pardon? (Baekgu!)

Baekgu, I like Baekgu!


Yes, it’s a white dog so Baekgu (white dog) sounds good.

Wow, it’s a great name, Dad! (It is.)

Yes, I like the name, too, Daddy. Hey doggy! Your name is Baekgu from now on, Baekgu.

Wow, Baekgu!

You’re the best!

All right. I have to prepare for the sailing tomorrow, so you guys play with Baekgu.

Yes, Daddy!


Good-bye, Dad!

Good-bye, sir!

Play nicely together!


Daddy, you’re the best!

My father calls you Baekgu ‘cause you’re a white dog My father calls you Baekgu ‘cause you’re white Baekgu, do you know what is in the deep blue sea? Let’s fill our heart with dreams Looking at the flaming sun over the horizon there Let’s nurture our dreams What is in the wavy sea? I’m wondering about the blue sky and the red sun

Goodbye! Huh?

Sori! (Yes.) The ship is coming.



But I don’t see Dad.

Me neither.

Strange! He must have heard us.

What happened to Dad…?

I’m sure he’s okay, he’s inside the ship. Dad!

Sori! Sori!

Sori! Dongyee!

What happened, Pansuk?

Your dad….

Our dad? What about our dad?

Into the sea… (What?)

What into the sea?

He fell off into the sea!


What did you say?

Dad’s on the ship. Dad must be inside the ship! Come with me, Baekgu!


Dad! Sori’s here!


Answer me, Dad!

Dad… Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!

Some time later...

Sori! And Dongyee! Where have they gone off to again?

On the orchard path to the outskirts of the village...

Come with me, Baekgu!

Baekgu, catch me if you can!

Where have you two been?

Halo, Mrs. Bengduk.

Hi, and how’s Baekgu?

Huh? Why do you ask about Baekgu?

Why do I ask?

Please don’t talk about Baekgu.

Dad passed away because of Baekgu!

What in the world? What are you taking about? I sold her at a bargain for you.

Goodness! By the way, didn’t you hear the news?

What news?

A visitor came here from the mainland to buy Baekgu. (Pardon?)

Buy our Baekgu?

What? You don’t want to sell Baekgu?

Please it’s none of your business. I won’t sell Baekgu.

I said I’m not selling Baekgu!

Okay, then. I’m leaving now. But when you need me, you’re always welcome to come to me, okay? I’ll help you sell Baekgu at a high price. The visitor said he would make Baekgu a fighting dog.

What? A fighting dog?

A white dog like Baekgu is made for fighting. Besides, she would meet her mother at the dog fighting ring. Goodness, hey! You know, no matter what, you have to treat Sori’s illness. Chances don’t come too often, you understand? Alright.

Please, go away! And please don’t ever come back!

Oh! Oh, you are so stubborn. Anyway, when you need me, come down to the Date Tree Village, eh? Oh I do feel sorry for that tiny girl.

Dongyee, what is a fighting dog?

A dog that fights.


Yes, if Baekgu becomes a fighting dog, you can be cured!

Huh? Do what to Baekgu?

No, I’m sorry! I’m wrong.

I despise you! How could you even think of making Baekgu a fighter dog!

I’m sorry, but we need money to buy medicine for you.

No! I’m not going to be sick.


Even if I’m sick, I will never part with Baekgu. No, I won’t.

Sori! Are you okay? Wake up, Sori! Don’t collapse, Sori!

Hang in there! I’ll go to the town to get some medicine. Hang in there, Sori! You too, Baekgu!

When love leaves and the tear drops fall, deep sorrow fills my small heart.

Baekgu! I’m sorry! We have to part. Wherever you are you have to be well. Okay?

As the musical continues tomorrow, we’ll find out how Baekgu ends up being taken hundreds of miles away across land and sea, and then makes an incredible journey back home to the family she loves.

Thank you for your company on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please join us tomorrow, Wednesday, July 7, for the second and final part of “White Heart Baekgu,” a musical from South Korea that was inspired by a true story. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May you and your loved ones be together in happiness.
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Korean, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay,Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Halo friendly viewers!

The musical, "White Heart Baekgu," is based on the true story from South Korea of one Jindo Island dog named Baekgu. In the previous part of our presentation, we met a little girl named Sori, who found a lovely white dog and brought her home. When the dog’s owner Mrs. Bengduk came looking for her dog, Whitey, Sori’s father offers to buy the dog from her. But just afterward, the children’s kind father passes away in an accident.

The children manage to keep their beloved dog Baekgu, but soon, young Sori becomes very sick. She desperately needs medicine. Join us as we continue this children’s musical by Yeil Musical Company from South Korea.

All alone, Sori and her older brother Dongyee have no choice but to part with Baekgu in order to save Sori’s life. Mrs. Bengduk sells Baekgu to a person in a city far away on the mainland. Baekgu is then thrown into the cruel world of a dog fighting ring, where dogs risk their lives just for heartless entertainment.

It is here that Baekgu is reunited with her mother.

Is this really real?

Are you really my mom? Time has passed And I have met my mom here I miss those happy moments

Tears well up in my eyes But I’ll never cry again Because I’ll have to go back home someday.

Baekgu is eventually wounded in a fight.

Are you alright, Baekgu? But Baekgu, Baekgu, you mustn’t stay here. This isn’t a place where you belong. You must escape from here. You must go back your home. Mom is old now. I’m useless. Hurry! It’s dangerous to be here. Go now, go! Take care of yourself. Baekgu!

Go now.

I can’t go. I can’t go. I won’t go alone. I would rather stay here.

You have your caregivers. They are waiting for you, your caregivers.

Looking at the moon, at the moon, I made a vow Looking at the stars, at the stars, I sang A happy childhood is vivid in my memory but time flies

Once green, now fallen leaves scattered on the street The wind blows with lonesomeness through my fur Looking at the moon, at the moon, I made a vow Looking at the stars, at the stars,I sang Now I want to go back

Run, run Run, run, run

No matter how rough the road back home is Farewell, Baekgu Despite the rain and wind, thunder and lighting, you must not look back because you must go home.

Dongyee, how do you think Baekgu is doing now?

She’s probably doing alright. I wasn’t so nice to her at first, but they say the person who took Baekgu is very rich.

Really? Then, Baekgu must be eating lots of delicious food. Yay, I’m excited for Baekgu!

Perhaps, her ears stand up straight now and her legs grew all long and slim.

I really miss Baekgu. Pointy ears and long legs and soft fur…

How clever you are.

Oh my, who’s that? Isn’t that Sori and Dongyee? Hey, kids! What are you doing out here?

Halo, Mrs. Bagduk.

Hi, what are you doing outdoors in such cold weather? Are you waiting for Baekgu again?

Baekgu will come. She’ll come back to Sori, ma’am.

What? Baekgu will come home?

Yes, ma’am, Baekgu will come home. Right, Dongyee?

Yes, Sori.

Oh poor things! It’s been all this time since Baekgu was sold and she’ll return? Besides, she’s far away from here, more than 1,000 miles!

Goodness, so no need to tremble in the cold weather. Hurry and go inside the house or you’ll catch a cold.

No, we’ll wait here outside. We’ll wait for Baekgu.

Okay, as you wish. Whether you wait or not, it’s none of my business. Alright, gosh. Oh my goodness, it’s so cold!

Yeah, Sori. Let’s go in as she says. You’ll catch a cold.

I’ll wait a little longer, Dongyee. If I’m cold, then Baekgu must be cold too.

Okay, Sori. Then let’s wait a bit longer.

Really? (Yes.) I miss Baekgu.

Where are you Baekgu? The yellow street light is smiling at you. The angel is giving back to us our dream Giving back to all the children in the world their dreams At the end of long sorrow, there is always happiness So pretty and beautiful I’m trying to give that happiness today Give strength to all the people in the world

Dongyee, Baekgu will come back, right?

Of course she will.

It’s cold!

It’s cold, Sori. Let’s go in and put on more clothes and come back.

Okay Dongyee. Dongyee, it’s snowing! Wow, it looks like Baekgu’s white fur!

Yes, Sori. I have a feeling there will be good news today!

When Baekgu comes back, I’ll make her a nice soy-paste soup.


Shall we make a snowman?


Let’s make the snowman real big. (Okay.) You have to make the big bottom one.

Well if you say so, I’ll go and...


It’s cold! Dongyee!

I’m sorry Sori! It was my fault.

You better stay put!


What’s the matter?

Look over there. Baekgu is coming back!


She’s crossing the Jindo bridge!

She is! I told you she would come back!

Yes, Sori, Baekgu is coming back!


Climbing over mountains and crossing the ocean Overcoming snow and wind

She’s back

Street lights are welcoming her with a bright smile

Saying halo to me

For home I’ve run a thousand miles Oh for love I’ve run a thousand miles to this peaceful place

I’ve come back to this place

to this beautiful place

I made it back

I said I would I said I’d come back I said I would I said someday I’d come back There, that village is my hometown The house where I used to live in my childhood is there where white smoke from thatched houses rises up in clouds Where kids would follow an oxcart I’ve come back to this place I’ve come back to this beautiful place I’ve come back home I’ve come back to my sweet home

Thousand miles searching for my caregiver Thousand miles searching for love I’ve come back to this beautiful place I’ve come back (to this beautiful place) to this peaceful place I’ve come back I’ve come back again I’ve come back again


Looking at you who has returned I have tears in my eyes I’ve been thinking of you every day Waiting for you I felt we were going to meet again But how did you come back?

Oh my goodness, what happened? What a big surprise! The impossible has happened!

Mrs. Bengduk!

Oh my, Dongyee! How on Earth did Baekgu come back? She can’t even speak, how did he come back?

I told you Baekgu would find her way back to Sori!

You’re right, I was wrong!

Children of the world Let’s all love each other Just like Baekgu who came back Let’s love Let’s love one another Never changing love and friendship Never changing love and friendship Love and friendship forever Love and friendship forever


Today, Baekgu’s village is named after her, and her heartwarming story lives on in a monument, a statue, and in people’s hearts throughout the land. We thank the talented Yeil Musical Company for allowing us to share this production.

Thank you for your company on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May you and your family be healthy and loved.

Embark on a pilgrimage to three sacred sites in Jerusalem. The Church of Saint Anne, the mother of Mary, the Church of Saint John the Baptist, and the Tomb of the Virgin Mary.

I’m very pleased to pray in this Basilica of Sainte Anne because it’s, according to the tradition, the place of birth of our Blessed Virgin Mary. So it’s a very big privilege and grace for us, and for all of you who are able to visit the Holy Land.

Watch The World Around Us, Sunday, July 11, on Supreme Master Television.

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