Enlightening Entertainment
Shining World Hero Award: Small Life-Savers with Big Hearts      
Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

On today’s program, we meet two clever boys, Marudhupandian of India and Dinesh from Sri Lanka. In separate incidents, they each displayed remarkable selflessness and quick wit, without which a large number of people would not be alive and well today. These are their stories.

It was an ordinary morning for 13-year-old Marudhupandian, who lives in southern India’s Tamil Nadu state. He and his two-year-old baby sister were watching the Vaigai Express, en route from Madurai to Dindigul, pass by their home. As the last of the carriages passed, however, a loud noise caught their attention. A rail had gotten dislodged from the tracks. No train would be able to pass again without getting violently derailed.

After the train passed by, a rail of nearly 3 feet was lying away at a distance of 15 feet.

With frenzy, I thought to inform to somebody. So I rushed to my father and informed him. He instructed me to inform the gatekeeper of Sillanayakan patti.

Knowing that another train would be coming soon, Marudhupandian ran as fast as he could to the gate about half a kilometer away.

At that time, my son came back after informing the gate keeper of Sillanayakkan patti, and shown me the wound and the bleeding from his soles due to the pricking stones. While I told him that those were done for the good deeds, again a passenger train from Dindigul to Madurai was coming. And I started to cry, worshipping my beloved deity Lord Ayyappa.

I cried. I cried, “Oh, the train is coming and how many people are going to be affected!”

As Marudhupandian’s parents wept helplessly for the innumerable passengers who would surely be hurt as the train came nearer and nearer to the broken section of the railway tracks, the boy remained clear-minded and quickly looked for a solution.

While crying, an idea struck me, that if I show a red color cloth, the train will stop. At the time, my baby sister was wearing a red-colored T-shirt, and I removed it and ran in-between the rails, waving the cloth.

Just in the nick of time, the train stopped several meters from danger.

After the train stopped, the train driver came down and asked me, “Why have you stopped us?” and I answered, “Sir, the rail has been broken.” He inspected the rails and said that I had rescued so many lives, and blessed me to be well, and went away. That’s all.

The driver went on to inform the railway station of the broken track, averting two other passenger trains bound for that same track, thus preventing potentially catastrophic accidents.

For his unhesitating life-saving actions, Marudhupandian was commemorated by Southern Railways and received a bravery award by the Prime Minister of India, His Excellency Manmohan Singh. In addition, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored him with the Shining World Hero Award, along with a US$500 gift toward his school books.

“Dear Marudhupandian, It is with the greatest pleasure and gratitude that we present to you the “Shining World Hero Award.” This Award is presented in recognition of your outstanding valor and courage in the face of danger, and your exemplary life-saving act of selfless assistance. …Words cannot express our admiration for your supreme act of super heroism young Marudhupandian!

The rewards and accolades conferred upon you by Southern Railways and by His Excellency Prime Minister Manmohan Singh are a testament to your calm and fearless character and a measure of the magnitude of the daring and spontaneous act of courage you performed on that remarkable day – a 10 on the Richter scale of heroic deeds!

For your purity, compassion and bravery, for uplifting our world with your inspirational example of selflessness, and for being a gallant and noble role model, we hereby applaud and celebrate the incredible deeds of Marudhupandian, beloved young train and lives saving hero of India. With Great Honour, Love and Blessings, The Supreme Master Ching Hai”

The recipient was presented with the award plaque, letter, and US$500 for his school books, as well as a customized Hero T-shirt. Throughout the ceremony, Marudhupandian and his family were very humble and gracious.

Like this, all are praising me. I think, “Am I fit for these?” For stopping the train, all people are praising me. All are glorifying this as a brave action. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s people came to honor me. I was not expecting those people. “Is this a dream?” I thought. The people rewarded me with cash. My father, mother, even my family is grateful to them. We thank them.

I thank the people of Supreme Master Ching Hai for visiting. But we were not expecting these, that you will be visiting. By God’s grace you have visited, I am happy.

Even as time was running out and those around him were in despair, what kept Marudhupandian from giving up?

In that train, there may have been people like my father, mother, and even my baby sister, or even like me. So that idea struck me. An idea struck me to save the lives. I was happy for saving the lives. I was happy for saving the lives.

Let us now go to Sri Lanka, where we meet young Dinesh Sandakelum of Mahiyangana, another boy with a harrowing tale of courage.

Son, tell us the way you saw it while you were coming home.

When I was returning from Sunday school, a tractor passed me. After the tractor had gone up ahead, I looked at the canal and I saw an umbrella coming. Thereafter, when I looked again I heard people shouting.

The cries for help were coming from the Loggaloya River, a tributary of Sri Lanka’s longest river, Mahaweli Gang. The tractor had fallen into the 12-meter deep river with five people still aboard! Dinesh Sandakelum Rajapaksha, who was used to swimming in the canal with his father since an early age, did not hesitate to jump in to save them. Despite being only nine years old, a little over a meter tall and weighing 26 kilograms, he was confident about what to do.

I rescued four people.

Would tell us in what age group they are in?

Age of 34, 35-like. There was a small two-year-old also.

Another rescued person was 47 years old. Unfortunately, one of the adults succumbed to the deep river before Dinesh could help him.

My son came home after Sunday school with wet clothes. Then I asked him, “How did the clothes get wet? He said, “A tractor fell in to the canal. I rescued four. I could not rescue [one person],” and my son cried at that time.

So we left home soon and went to the place to see the incident was true. My son had rescued four persons. A lot were gathered there. I felt so sorry. Because at his little age, he had done a such a thing, I felt very much sorry for that such a thing has been done at this age. Many were very happy about my son’s heroic act. I am also very happy about this act.

When your son came home and explained, didn’t you feel anything like when the son jumped to the canal and rescued people, something could have happened to my son, etc?

When my son swam in such a reservoir and did this kind of thing, something could have happened to my son. I shouted asking, “Son, why did you go to do this?” He said, “Sorry mother, since I saw it, I thought I should immediately jump and rescue them, and went to do so.”

In fact, this was not a first-time experience for Dinesh Sandakelum – he had also rescued two people in the same river at the age of eight!

For his courageous act of heroism, the Nalanda College in Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo, awarded him with a full scholarship. He also was honored by His Excellency President Mahinda Rajapaksa at the Presidential Secretariat.

For Dinesh’s family who are rural farmers, the scholarship, which would last through his college education, was a wonderful surprise. Dinesh is now an excellent swimming athlete at his new school, and dreams of being in the Olympics someday. He is known to share his lunch with classmates. Moreover, his instincts to put others before himself carry over in his wish to help others in the future:

What is your future prospect?

To be a doctor.

Supreme Master Ching Hai commemorated Dinesh’s brave deeds with the Shining World Hero Award, as well as a US$2,000 gift.

“Dear Dinesh, It is with much pleasure and gratitude that we present to you the “Shining World Hero Award.” This Award is presented in recognition of your extraordinary bravery and outstanding courage in saving precious lives. Such an incredible lifesaving rescue effort from one so young inspires adults and children alike. We are all so proud of you! At the tender age of nine, you have motivated our world with your altruism.

…We sincerely wish you all the best in your future studies and a life filled with Heaven’s boundless grace. For your outstanding bravery and selfless acts of sacrifice, for your unconditional love towards others in need, for your strength and speed, and for being a courageous and noble role model, we hereby applaud and celebrate the heroic deeds of Dinesh Sandakelum Rajapaksha – Super Boy with a mighty heart! With Great Honour, Love and Blessings, The Supreme Master Ching Hai”

In addition to receiving the award plaque, recognition letter, and US$2,000 reward from Supreme Master Ching Hai, Dinesh accepted even more gifts, including Supreme Master Ching Hai’s #1 international bestselling books, “The Dogs in My Life” and “The Birds in My Life.”

We are so proud that this small Sri Lankan hero has been recognized by such an organization and presented this award and the cash prize.

Today this Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association presented a cash award and plaque to me and my son at Nalanda College. I offer my heart full of gratitude. Today my son was awarded with gifts and cash prizes by Supreme Master Ching Hai. My son received these gifts and cash prizes. We offer our honor and thanks.

Our grateful salute to today’s young Shining World Hero Award recipients, Marudhupandian and Dinesh, for your gallantry and timely actions that saved the lives of so many at such tender ages. May you and your noble-hearted families be blessed with health and happiness, always.

Lovely viewers, it was a pleasure having you with us today. Now, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom, coming up next after Noteworthy News. May Heaven’s light illuminate your lives.

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