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Shining World Leadership Award: His Excellency Dr. Salih Mahdi Mutlab al-Hasnawi, Health Minister of Iraq (In Arabic)      
Today’s program will be presented in Arabic and English, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

A country that upholds the values of peace by abolishing its army…
A president who rescued thousands of refugees’ lives…
A former US vice president who brings the world’s attention to global warming…
A celebrity who advocates for human rights…
An animal lover who works tirelessly for the defenseless…
An international organization that provides humanitarian aid regardless of national boundaries…
A worldwide humanitarian agency that protects human life and alleviates suffering (Red Cross)

These are among some of the distinguished people, countries and organizations in our present day society that have made a positive difference on our planet through their noble actions.

For the purpose of recognizing these caring actions, and in response to the reports about many positive developments in the world, Supreme Master Ching Hai founded the Shining World Leadership Award in March 2006. The pure crystal award represents the shining noble ideals of the honored individuals, nations and organizations whose pioneering work and selfless dedication have significantly contributed to the harmony and beauty of our planet.

“Thank you for this award and most significantly, thank you for the work you’ve done and are doing, and are encouraging others to do to awaken humanity to its responsibility – to live a compassionate life and to do so in honoring the spirit in all beings.”

The founder of the Shining World Leadership Award, Supreme Master Ching Hai, is a world- renowned spiritual leader, humanitarian and artist, who herself has brought immense benefits to the world through her inspiring words and shining example. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s own selfless service and devotion to all beings have been highly lauded by world leaders and governments.

She also brings love around the world where there is hate. She brings hope where there is despair, and she brings understanding where there is misunderstanding. We don't have enough people like the Supreme Master. If we had somebody like her in every country in the world, we will have eternal peace, eternal love.

For decades, Supreme Master Ching Hai has exemplified unconditional love through her worldwide humanitarian work.

Love your family members wholeheartedly; sacrifice for them whenever necessary. And to other members of mankind just show your love universally, and help whoever needs your help. That is the way of love.

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s wisdom and compassion have been a source of inspiration for countless people worldwide. And she further encourages positive work through the Shining World Leadership Award. Thank you, Shining World Leaders!

Halo gracious viewers. In the two and a half years that His Excellency Dr. Salih Mahdi Mutlab al-Hasnawi has been Iraq's Minister of Health, the visionary doctor has been making exemplary efforts to rebuild and reform the country’s health system.

Recently, to help reduce statistics that currently estimate 55 people die each day from smoking, Iraq’ Parliament has imposed a new smoking ban in all government, school, and other public sector buildings. Iraq now joins Israel, Jordan and Qatar as other Middle Eastern countries that have also banned smoking in public places.

For this life-saving legislation, the Iraqi Health Minister, His Excellency Dr. Salih Mahdi Mutlab al-Hasnawi, was honored with the Shining World Leadership Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai. From the start, Iraq’s new smoking ban has been promoted actively through a mass media campaign, and is implemented by example – starting with the government itself. His Excellency Dr. Salih Mahdi Mutlab al-Hasnawi, explained.

When I address as Minister of Health, I work on many aspects of that. First, to increase the level of primary health care centers in Iraq, increase the number; and increase its quality up to the standard, at the same time to look for what’s the risk factor.

And one of the most risk factors, as you know is the smoking, so I started a campaign, and after that we introduced to the Government and to the Parliament, legislation about, we called it, “Protection from Smoking Effects.” And now, in each ministry of all the Iraqi Ministries, there is a committee in the Ministry for smoking prevention, and in each governmental organization, there is a committee.

The smoking ban is just a part of the Iraqi Health Ministry’s dedicated efforts to improve people’s access to healthcare both inside and outside the country. Recently, a new Medical Office for the Ministry was installed in Amman, the capital of Jordan. It will play an important role in the provision of health care to the Iraqi patients and community living there. Dr. Wasan Aboud Al-Alwan, the director of the new Iraqi Health Center and the Iraqi Embassy Attaché, introduced us to this important project.

It’s a health office attached to the Iraqi Embassy and it’s mainly for coordination and for support of Iraqis living in Jordan and for patients coming to Jordan for treatment. We hope to be the focal point of communication and coordination with the Jordanian Ministry of Health, and with other governmental and non-governmental organizations.

On this historic occasion, health officials from Iraq and Jordan, including the respective Ministers of Health from Iraq and Jordan, attended the new office’s opening ceremony.

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious. Your Excellency the Jordanian Minister of Health The Honorable Dr. Nayef Alfayez, our sister Dr. Naema Alqaseer, the representative of World Health Organization office in Iraq, Your Excellency the Ambassador, ladies and gentlemen, Peace be upon you. It's our pleasure to announce the opening of the health care office of the Embassy of Iraq in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Director of the new Iraqi Health Center and Health Attaché in Jordan, Dr. Wasan Aboud Al-Alwan addresses the significance regarding the launching of the new Center.

We have been waiting for this day for quite a long time. The Iraqi Ministry of Health and the Jordanian Ministry of Health, both attended and supported the event, and the Ambassador of Iraq as well; and all other doctors, professors living here and businessmen and families living here and Jordan. We had this get-together to celebrate the opening and announce the existence of this, and also to increase awareness of what activities and what services we will be providing.

We will be starting on a more simpler level on advising and increasing awareness for patients, for example, with diabetes, and then importance of diet in general, and hoping to progress from that point forwards.

The Iraqi Health Ministry places an emphasis on preventive health measures, including a nutritious diet.

We start a project with the children. And we have a project that the healthy diet for children and the schools. And I think this is the first year we create such a project. So we start with the young people, the leader of the future.

When we return, we’ll find out more about how the smoking ban is implemented in Iraq, and join in the presentation of the Shining World Leadership Award to the honored recipient, His Excellency Dr. Salih Mahdi Mutlab al-Hasnawi, Health Minister of Iraq. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to our program featuring the honored Shining World Leadership Award recipient, His Excellency Dr. Salih Mahdi Mutlab al-Hasnawi, Iraq’s distinguished Minister of Health. In August 2009, the Iraqi Cabinet approved a draft bill to ban smoking in public places. The intent of the bill was to increase public awareness on the dangers of tobacco and cigarettes and to reduce the number of smokers in Iraq.

In fact, when counted daily, more Iraqi people are casualties of smoking-related illnesses than from conflict. A smoking ban would thus help to save an untold number of lives. In effect, the law prohibits smoking in all public spaces both indoors and outdoors, as well as on public transportation and in sports facilities. Tobacco companies are required to place warning signs on packages and shops are banned from selling cigarettes to youth below age 18. Media are banned from advertising cigarettes. Rather, they broadcast information about the harms of smoking.

Moreover, the Iraqi Health Ministry works in cooperation with other ministries and educational institutions in administering coaching programs to raise awareness of smoking and its health risks. With far-sighted vision, Iraq’s Health Minister Dr. Salih Mahdi Mutlab al-Hasnawi knows that the long-term benefits are worth the full-scale efforts now to prevent smoking. Public education continues through newspaper, through Iraqi TV, but always there are some message [to] the people that the effect of the smoking is bad and so on.

I think if we continue within the next 10 or 20 years, the health expenditure will decrease. Because as you know there’s a lot of disease caused by smoking and it costs the Ministry of Health a lot. So prevention is the most important factor in the public health.

In recognition of his landmark legislation to protect the public health by banning smoking in all public places within Iraq, His Excellency Dr. Salih Mahdi Mutlab al-Hasnawi was honored with the Shining World Leadership Award.

Now, the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association is bestowing the Shining World Leadership Award to the Minister of Health Dr. Salih al-Hasnawi.

As-Salamu Alaykum (Peace be with you). Honorable officials, distinguished guests; it is my great honor today to be here in Amman on behalf of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

“Your Excellency, it is with great pleasure and gratitude that we present to Iraq the Shining World Leadership Award. This award is presented in recognition of your landmark legislation to reduce smoking and promote the health and well being of Iraq’s citizens. Your country now joins the assembly of many other noble nations fighting tobacco addiction in the Middle East including Jordan, Qatar, Turkey, Emirates and Afghanistan.

Your courageous stand against this addictive and harmful drug will save many lives and avoid unnecessary family hardships and heartbreaks. The new bill being reviewed by the Iraqi Parliament proposes a ban on smoking in all government, school, and other public sector buildings. The goal is to eventually forbid smoking in offices, cafes, and on public transport as well. Substantial fines of up to 4,000 dollars for violating the law will promote its adherence and smooth and effective implementation.

The government’s heartfelt loving concern for her citizens will ensure the nation can remain strong as it rebuilds itself anew returning to a cultural haven, endowed with prosperity and harmony. Public health equates to productivity and longevity, and your wise and progressive new measures to achieve these goals will help return Iraq to her former glory. May Allah bless your nation with peace and infinite love for excellent governance.

For inspiring constructive change towards a healthier world, and for being a dedicated and noble role model, we hereby applaud the great deeds of Iraq and the esteemed Minister of Health, Your Excellency Salih Mahdi Mutlab al-Hasnawi. With Great Honor, Love and Blessings, The Supreme Master Ching Hai”

I will now present to you the award.

Thank you. And this is the letter from Supreme Master Ching Hai, for you.


Thank you very much for this award, which is a big motivation for me to continue my view and my philosophy and the Ministry of Health in Iraq.

His Excellency Dr. al-Hasnawi further shared his appreciation to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her affirmation and encouragement of the Iraqi Health Ministry’s endeavors.

Thank you very much for Supreme Master Ching Hai. Earlier, when I received the message, the letter from Supreme Master Ching Hai, I’m surprised that is an organization in the world, following the public health and the smoking. And literally, I feel so happy because there’s people, we don’t know them, but they are looking for the public health everywhere in the world, preferring the humanistic approach. So thank you very much for Supreme Master Ching Hai. Thank you very much!

Our sincere appreciation, Your Excellency and the wise Ministry of Health and Iraq for all your measures that improve the lives of your co-citizens. May many governments be similarly inspired to strive for the blessing of clean air and a smoke-free world. May Allah bless your noble leadership and good-hearted people for a brighter and glorious future for Iraq.

Thank you for your company on our program featuring this honored recipient of the Shining World Leadership Award. Now, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News. May your life’s journey be marked by courage and nobility.

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