Enlightening Entertainment
Celebrating the United Nations Universal Children’s Day      
This is a song for the children The children all over the world From Canada, Europe and Mexico to Russia, America and Tokyo, We are the hope and the future Please give us the freedom to grow Hand in hand we will learn today Hand in hand we will work and play

Making new friends wherever we may go We start out by saying “Hallo”


(Hallo in French)

(Hallo in Hebrew and Chinese)

(Hallo in Hebrew and Chinese) Hallo

(Hallo in Spanish)

(Hallo in Greek and Swahili)

(Hallo in Greek and Swahili) Hallo

(Hallo in German)

(Hallo in Romanian)

(Hallo in Turkish)

Having new friends can be like living in one great big family A family of children, we start out by saying “Hallo”

This is a song for the children, the children all over the world. From India, Africa and Italy to China, Australia, and Germany, In so many ways we are different. In so many ways we are the same Hand in hand we will celebrate Hand in hand we’ll communicate

Making new friends wherever we may go We start out by saying “Hallo”

Hallo (Hallo)

(Hallo in French)

(Hallo in Hebrew and Chinese)

(Hallo in Hebrew and Chinese) Hallo (Hallo)

(Hallo in Spanish)

(Hallo in Greek and Swahili)

(Hallo in Greek and Swahili) Hallo

(Hallo in German)

(Hallo in Romanian)

(Hallo in Turkish) Having new friends can be like living in one great big family A family of children we start out by saying “Hallo” Welcome!

Welcome beautiful viewers! Today is Universal Children’s Day, established by the United Nations in 1954 to celebrate childhood and promote mutual understanding among children around the world. We have just listened to the International Children’s Choir from the United States singing “A Song for the Children.”

It was performed during Supreme Master Television’s 2nd Anniversary Concert, “A Cultural Celebration Honoring All Life,” with special guest of honor Supreme Master Ching Hai. As a spiritual teacher and humanitarian, Supreme Master Ching Hai has always given special love and attention to the world’s children.

Little ones, I haven’t taken care of you and given you fruit jellies for a long time. You’ll definitely get them today.

You have to meditate regularly to have wisdom when you grow up. Don’t wait till you have grown up to start to meditate. It will be too late, right? You learn ABC and the Chinese phonetics from a young age, don’t you? (Yes.) It is so good that you learn ABC and the Chinese phonetics from a young age. Then you can write and read when you grow up.

Similarly, it is best for you to start practicing spiritually at a young age so that your wisdom will expand as you grow up. As during this 1999 lecture in Israel, Supreme Master Ching Hai would often speak of the children’s purity and nearness to God.

Children, they are so carefree, so they very, very easily get to God, instantly, anytime! They are much better than us.

I think some of you must remember when you were very young, from the day you were born until the age of three or four. Some of you still remember the contact with God all the time.

Now we grow up, we forgot completely. And that’s why the Bible also mentions that “you have to return, you have to become as a child again in order to enter the Kingdom of God.”

Indeed, children are humanity’s hope for the future. On this important occasion, the United Nations Universal Children’s Day, we invite you to hear the wishes of children from across the globe, as expressed through candid interviews and musical performances.

First, some veg kids from South Korea have gathered to sing a song and talk about what they’d like to be when they grow up.

Green forest, blue sky flowing crystal streams So flows our rainbow-colored dream It’s the beautiful planet Earth We protect its peace We change it for the better We are the light of the world We are the hope of the world

Hallo children!


I’m so glad to see you. I’m so very pleased to see all these pretty and lovely children. Today we’re going to tell about our future dreams. If any of you has a wonderful dream, please raise your hand and share about it. So, whoever wants to share, raise your hand.

Here, here!


I want to be a professor.

A professor, that’s great. Why do you want to be a professor?

Because I want to teach children in a fun way.

Ah, I see.

I want to be a traveler who travels around the world.

Ah, you said you want to be a traveler, why do you want to be a traveler?

I saw the world map and I felt that our country is really small. So I want to go around the whole world and learn lots of things.

Wow, amazing!

I will teach people science when they don’t know about something.

Ah, that’s really great. And what else do you want to be?

A painter.

You want to be a painter, that’s wonderful. What do you want to be?

A cook. You want to be a cook. A vegetarian cook?



I want to cook vegetarian food and give it to people.

Ah, that’s such a beautiful dream.

What do you want to be?

A scientist.

A scientist, ah, that’s very nice.

I want to invent a robot to help poor people.

Ah, wow, that’s also wonderful dream.

I’m five years old. I’m going to be a cook.

I’m six years old and there are so many things I want to be. To make it come true, people say that I have to study hard. And read a lot of books. It’s a little difficult. When I read books I get to think about lots of things. This looks like me.

Teacher said we have to exercise too. I can do yoga. Pretty cool, yes? I have to paint diligently also to become a painter. I want to meet extraterrestrials! When I become a scientist I want to make spaceships. These are all our precious dreams.

Now is the really important moment. Time to eat! This is truly delicious and nutritious vegan food. When we eat this, we’re going to be strong and healthy. On the blue planet Earth, our dreams will come true. We have a lot of dreams for our future. Please watch over us!

Universal Children’s Day recognizes the irreplaceable value of our young generation and raises awareness on ways to improve their welfare. Endeavors to better the lives of children take place on many levels. At the international level, the United Nations held a summit recently in September 2010 to assess the eight Millennium Development Goals for reducing poverty, hunger and disease while increasing education and protecting the environment.

In fact, most of these goals directly affect children, who make up more than one-fourth of the world’s population. The landmark meeting highlighted achievements in some countries such as in providing education to children.

Education doesn’t just beat poverty, it beats disease. It beats inequality. And for girls, education is nothing less than a lifesaver from stigmatization, insecurity and violence. It’s the issue that cuts across all others.

Please help us politicians. You have had an opportunity to go to school. Now you are here and meeting at the UN. Please make sure that 69 million children get the chance to go to school.

Seeing the God-given potential in every child, Supreme Master Ching Hai has worked tirelessly for the children over the decades. She personally visited and gifted to youth charities and schools worldwide, from orphanages in Armenia and Côte D’Ivoire, to educational programs in Slovenia, the Philippines and Nepal, to organizations helping child soldiers in Chad.

At a 1998 benefit concert which celebrated her music and poetry, Supreme Master Ching Hai contributed US$250,000 to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the Starlight Children’s Foundation in the United States. In her constant humanitarian aids to disaster-afflicted countries, she would ask that special care be provided to the under-protected children.

Thank you Master Ching Hai!

Thank you Master Ching Hai for the food!

Hi, Master Ching Hai! How are you? I'm a stranger named Nolise. I am 15 years old.

If everyone thinks like you think and does what you do, in my opinion, there will be change everywhere. Kisses. Thank you.

I love you Master Ching Hai.

Through stories and prizes, she encourages her young disciples to be filial and virtuous. She also honors role models all over the world through the Shining World Hero Award and Shining World Compassion Award, among others.

In addition, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s #1 international bestselling books, “The Dogs in My Life,” “The Birds in My Life,” and “The Noble Wilds.” These have become favorite treasures for many young hearts by reminding them about their own originally free and compassionate nature.

I’ll like to tell our elders to stop killing animals. As the Bible says the ancient people lived in harmony with animals and lived longer; I want things to be like that in the future.

Our program honoring the United Nations Universal Children’s Day continues when we return. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to our program observing the United Nations Universal Children’s Day.

What would you like to learn?

I would like to learn how to make the environment clean and green.

Do you pray to God?


What have you prayed for lately?

For protection for everyone, so that hopefully they’d stop the destruction of the ozone layer.

Do you pray to God?


What have you prayed about lately?

About that… He take care of my family, and all the living beings.

What would make you feel safe?

When there is no war and there’s friendship among all nations.

For the children to grow in full happiness and well-being, all wars must stop. Conflicts leave direct physical, emotional, and psychological scars on the young. In addition, the financial cost of just one day of war could instead have built many schools, or could have fed millions of children with nutritious food. One of the most frequent wishes we heard from the children themselves was the wish for peace.

I hope the world will be more peaceful.

I wish Earth would be safe and without war.

Do you have a wish for planet Earth?

I wish that peace prevails as soon as possible.

We have to love each other in order to stop violence and in that way, we’ll move on. The basis is love. Nowadays, we children should live in a Golden Age, we should live longer and better.

What would happen if we would have world peace?

All the countries would be good with each other and have neighboring relations. Travelling by the people would be easy.

How would the world look like, if there would be world peace?

All of us would be happy. All of us would live peacefully.

In Palestine, students from the Dar Al-Tifel Al-Arabi Institute sing about their dream to walk together in safety and freedom.

I dream that I walk rejoiced, fly away without restrictions, and pass by without restrictions, without limits, without barriers
Let's work together, work together, work together for our dream Let's dream together, play together, work together for our dream for our dream, for our dream
Let's work together, for our dream I dream that I have a garden with a place for children with a place to play in without problems or risks Let's work together, work together, work together for our dream
Let's dream together, play together, work together for our dream for our dream, for our dream Let's work together, for our dream
I dream of a dove that is beside me carrying an olive branch carrying good news that peace in Palestine will prevail
Let's work together, work together, work together for our dream
Let's dream together, play together, work together for our dream for our dream, for our dream Let's work together, for our dream

I hope to live in a joyful world.

I wish to live in an environmental-friendly world.

I wish for no more killing in this world, more loving towards animals.

Children so naturally love nature, animals, and life. But today, they are more vulnerable than ever to the harms of environmental destruction, disease outbreaks, and harmful and addictive substances pressed upon them knowingly and unknowingly.

Our goal is to focus on the importance of educating our kids about healthy eating; to highlight the little ways that each of us can add more healthy fruits and vegetables to our diet, something that I think about all the time as a mother.

a personal message from concerned families

1, 2, 3

You’ve got the whole world in your hands
You’ve got the whole world in your hands
You’ve got the whole world in your hands
You’ve got the whole world in your hands
You’ve got the flowers and trees

Our children trust us to protect them. But it is no longer just in our hands. Now, their future is in yours. Decisions you make in the coming days will change our future forever. New science shows that feedbacks have been underestimated, pushing us toward runaway climate change.

This really is the last chance we have, you have, to turn around from impending climate disaster. This is not a time for compromise, not a time for hoping the science is wrong. This is a time for courageous decisions. Please, fight climate change like your life depends on it. Because our children’s lives do.

…whole world in your hands

your last chance our last chance We already have dangerous climate change 2 degrees C is too much Global emissions must peak now

In a 2009 videoconference in Germany, Supreme Master Ching Hai urged for a vegan world – first to save the planet for the children’s sake, as well as to preserve their inherent great qualities.

We all wish our children to grow up intelligent, loving and kind, but what do we teach them from the beginning of their very fragile life? What do we teach them? We push the symbol of violence into their mouth. Even if they spit it out, we force them to put it back in again until they get used to it.

Violence is what we teach our children, and we expect them to be loving and kind. Not only violence, that piece of meat or fish or animals, that also decreases their intelligence, decreases their loving quality, humanity. So we expect our children to be the best, and we give them the worst.

The worst of all the worst is the meat diet. So, how about promise that our children will be what we expect them to be without a meat diet? Intelligent, loving and kind, and noble beings.

Our elders, our fathers, mothers should give us love. They have to plant love within us. No one will hurt others. Like this, we’ll live freely with a better future. Apart from love, let’s talk about wisdom. Wisdom makes children become intelligent and grow up calmly, so we children need it also to improve.

Well, I would like to eliminate all drugs and please take care of the world. Because later we would regret it.

One day, when I’m a grown-up, there will be flowers on the trees, and I will protect the animals; there will be peace thanks to the Master; there won’t be war in the country. there will be harmony between humans and animals so that Earth will be Heaven for all of us. My message to my dad, my mom and my grandmother is a message for them to be vegan.

Now, let’s go to Beijing, China, where vegan children add their support for saving the planet.

We Chinese kids wish for a better and better environment in China, so that we will have better living conditions when we grow up.

We Chinese kids wish all kids around the world a Happy Children’s Day!

I wish all people around the world will become vegan. I wish that everyone will become vegan; that everybody will become vegan; that everybody will love and protect small animals.

I wish the small animals can live happily. If we eat their mothers, little animals won’t have moms anymore.

I wish everyone will protect our wonderful, Earthly home.

I wish everyone would love the Earth.

I wish people will work together to save our Earthly home.

I wish the Earth will become more beautiful.

Spread the love.

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

I’m an angel; I’m your baby. I flew, flew, and flew to meet my mommy and daddy here. We will happily go Home together.
Ah, I’m your baby, a happy baby. Love me dearly and we will go Home together.
I came to Earth to meet my mommy and daddy as promised. It’s been a while since we last parted.
Let’s be veg now to save the Earth. May the Earth become peaceful like Heaven.
Ah, I’m your baby, a lucky baby. Love me dearly and we will go Home together.
Ah, I’m your baby, a lucky baby. Love me dearly and we will go Home together.
Love me dearly and we will go Home together.

On Universal Children’s Day, we thank all the dedicated individuals, groups and governments who are working for a hopeful future for the innocent children. Our gratefulness as well to Supreme Master Ching Hai for the love she so boundlessly gives to these precious souls. To all the children, what a blessing and inspiration your presence is to the world! With prayers for your protection and bright future, may all your praiseworthy wishes come true.

Together we can make a difference Together we can make a start
So put your hand in my hand This song comes straight from the heart

Nothing can stand between us - united we are strong - with you my friend beside me I know where I belong

We are the children of tomorrow It’s all up to us to find a better way
We are the children of tomorrow We won’t let a thing stand in our way

We can change the land together We’ll make the world a better place
With peace and love forever Friendship will lead the way

We’ll teach the next generation We believe we can
Join in our celebration The future is in our hands

We are the children of tomorrow It’s all up to us to find a better way
We are the children of tomorrow We won’t let a thing stand in our way
We won’t let a thing stand in our way We won’t let a thing stand in our way

Thank you for your loving company on today’s program. Please now join us for Words of Wisdom, on Supreme Master Television. May Heaven bless all the pure-hearted children.

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