Enlightening Entertainment
Aulacese (Vietnamese) Chèo Traditional Opera: The Lullabies of Two Mothers - P1/2 (In Aulacese)      
Today’s Enlightening will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a nation that has a long-standing traditional culture. Aulacese music is very rich; since ancient times, there have been many musical instruments that move the soul with a wide variety of sounds like those of the copper drum, gong, lithophone, bamboo xylophone, cymbals and panpipe. In 2003, Elegant Music, a form of Huế royal music, was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an intangible cultural heritage of the world.

Âu Lạc’s music represents the unique features of each region, for example, Quan Họ folksongs in the North, Huế tunes in the Central, and cải lương (modern folk opera) in the South. In addition, there are many other forms of music, including hò (work songs), lý (village songs), ceremonial songs, Aulacese classical opera, chèo traditional opera, Hồ Quảng opera, and so on.

Indeed, music has been deeply instilled in the hearts of people in this beautiful country, and has been cultivated until this day. Northern Âu Lạc has a folk art called xẩm singing that is very popular in the northern plains and midland. This genre, in the old time, was performed by minstrel bands.

In a gathering with a small group of our Association members some years past, Supreme Master Ching Hai was inspired to spontaneously compose and sing in the xẩm style a poem she had written in her late 20s in Germany. The poem was originally written in English which the poet herself translated into Aulacese.

We now invite you to enjoy an excerpt of the xẩm singing “We Don't Live More Than One Hundred Years!” composed and sung by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I mean tonight I was nuts! But so what: Aren’t the rest of us!... Otherwise how could we carry on living, For life isn’t worth a thing!?

You know that I am still in love with you! But that has nothing to do... I cannot please everybody, So I will please me! That doesn’t mean you are not right; We all have only one life!

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

Chèo traditional opera is a folk theater art which originated from the regions near the mountains and from the plains of northern Âu Lạc. There are varied opinions about the beginning of chèo traditional opera: the earliest time is believed to be in 4th century BCE and the most recent is 14th century, at the end of the Trần dynasty. Chèo is a narrative genre of folk theater, recounting stories through a combination of music, singing and dance.

One of the unique features of chèo is a skillful portrayal of subtle gestures and movements. During festivals, people in the plains of northern Âu Lạc often look forward to watching chèo traditional opera. The lyrics are infused with folk poetry and proverbs; tragedies are usually counter-balanced with satires. Chèo is replete with the pure simplicity of the common folk, yet equally profound in meaning.

The chèo traditional opera “The Lullabies of Two Mothers” is about two boys born on the same day and how their development was shaped by their mothers through the advice embedded in their lullabies. The two lullabies fostered two contrasting personalities, leading their lives to inevitable endings.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the chèo traditional opera “The Lullabies of Two Mothers,” written by playwrights Nhật Minh and Doãn Hoàng Giang. This opera is presented in 2 episodes, with performances by Thanh Nhàn as Queen, Hương Quế as Second Queen, Hà Quân as Prince Vương Tùng, Đình Hưng as Prince Vương Thảo, Thanh Hường as Ngân Hà, Nhật Điềm as Field Marshal, Anh Tuấn as Tiểu Quân, Thanh Hải as Warden, Quang Lâm as King, Quỳnh Mai as A Sa, and other artists.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. May you and your family be blessed with peace and joy. Farewell for now.

Attention, everyone! Listen carefully! Listen well!

Listen carefully! Listen well!

Here comes the good news!

The Queen gave birth to a baby boy.

The Second Queen also gave birth to a baby boy.

Two princes have been born to the King. They are brilliant and handsome. Both are radiantly beautiful.

Who will later ascend to the throne?

Who will continue his family lineage?

What happy news!

I lull you with the words of Heaven and Earth. You’ll become wiser through life’s trials, through continuous rain and scorching sun. O child, remember your gentle mother’s words, that is to uphold righteousness and kindness unswervingly, and requite all love and affection fully. Offer to the world a thousand melodies, fragrant scent and sweet fruits.

O beloved son, sleep well. Grow up to seize the throne for yourself. One day presiding over the royal palace is better than many thousand lives living in poverty. Grow up fast, O child, to seize the throne.

Be careful, son! You’ve just stepped on a flower. Pick it up and re-plant, dear. Vương Tùng, listen to my advice: Flower is a precious product of Heaven and Earth, as a human is a wonder of Creation. You must cherish every blossom, every leaf, every human with lofty, magnanimous love. Seeing suffering, you must feel compassion. You must be sympathetic with the hardships of your fellow humans.

Vương Thảo! Why walk around it? Just trample on those flower beds to come here to me. Don’t be afraid of ruining the flowers that you tread softly. If you’re concerned for every leaf on the branch, how can you secure great achievements? Your ambition must be like the immense sky and sea. It must be the golden throne on high, the royal mantle that I have dreamt of for you.

Brother Vương Tùng!

Ngân Hà!

Brother Vương Tùng!

Ngân Hà! I have a feeling that you only have the words “Vương Tùng” on your lips.

No! You’re both my father’s students. I esteem you both equally.

No! I see it clearly in your eyes. So, the two brothers have but one young lady. Two princes have only one gentle miss. How do we resolve this? There must be a duel.

Then I surrender. I’ll concede this beautiful princess to you.

Concede me! What if I really am your beloved? You’ll give me up still? How terrible you are!

I don’t want a...

fratricidal strife.

Well, how about this? Let’s pretend that Ngân Hà is a princess. You and I are princes from neighboring countries, who come to ask for her hand. Do you agree?

That’s fine, I agree.

Oh, whose proposal should I accept? I can’t accept both, can I?

No! A girl can’t have two husbands. So brother Vương Tùng and I might have to duel. The winner will be king and will have..

The loser will have to go tend the buffalo and cut the grass. Agree?


But, O brothers, it’s just for fun, okay?

We’re just having fun.

Let’s begin.

Pick up your sword, dear brother.

Brother Vương Tùng! So, you won. Brother Vương Thảo, you lost, all right? Now, one will become the king. The other will go tend the buffalo and cut the grass. Vương Tùng! Come to me.

Ngân Hà! (No!)

I’m the winner!

I lost!

How could you resist this maneuvering?

Vương Thảo! I’m defeated already.

Ngân Hà belongs to me, and the throne also belongs to me.

Vương Thảo!

Respected greetings, master.

Look up at me. Look straight into my eyes and listen to my question. Where did you learn that despicable back-stabbing move? What I did I teach you every day? Repeat to me.

O Father! We were just playing.

Be quiet! Speak!

Master has always taught: “When confronting his enemy, a gentleman still acts rightly and straightforwardly.”

How is Vương Tùng related to you?

We’re blood brothers. But, respectful teacher, this was just a game.

Yes, it was just our game.

Even in a game, people show their every quality: a pure and bright quality, and a vile quality.

But, master...

Vương Thảo!


Our respectful greetings, Mother!

Stand up. Esteemed Field Marshal! I’m a mother who has failed to teach my son properly. Please pardon me.

Your Majesty, I just hope that His Highness fully understands the moral principles, so I had to resort to using strong words.

Your Majesty. Respected Field Marshal, Your Highness the Princes and gentle miss.

Bow to greet them, son.

Respectful greetings, Your Majesty and Your Excellency Field Marshal.

Warden! (Yes.) Why is it that you show up here discourteously, and who is the child you bring along?

Your Majesty, Your Excellency Field Marshal, do you recognize this child? He’s my son. His name is Tiểu Quân; he was born on the same day as the two princes. But he is an unfortunate child. His mother passed away right after giving birth to him, so I’ve been like a rooster raising his chick alone. That day, His Excellency Field Marshal, pitying a motherless child, offered monetary support for our livelihood.

Your Excellency, he’s now grown up. May he pursue swordsmanship under your patronage? I just want him to have a better life than me, a lifelong warden.

I find this child to be agile and intelligent. All right, I agree to let him join the two princes to practice swordsmanship.

Teach him to be filial to his father, grateful to his teacher, loyal to his country. That’s how you two repay my favor.

We’re very grateful, Your Excellency.

Now students! Listen! From this day on, Vương Tùng is the eldest brother.


Vương Thảo is the second brother.


Tiểu Quân is the third brother. (Yes.) And Ngân Hà is the youngest sister. (Yes.) You should treat one another as flesh and blood, all right?

Yes, we’ll remember your words.

Brothers and sisters are like bodily parts. Love one another wholeheartedly. Share your happiness. Show kindness to comfort lonely hearts. Hold a constant love for one another lifelong. Clouds may drift on, the world endures. Stick together in hardship, separate not in poverty. Though the world is ungrateful, keep your vow intact.

Brotherly affection changes not through rain and shine. Gratitude fades not in time of perils. Though life is still difficult, our hearts are steadfast through storms. We’ll engrave our sacred vow on gold and stone.

Hey kid!

Yes, Second Brother. I’m here.

Say it again!

I’m present, Second Brother.

I told you to say it again. Who allowed you to address me as Second Brother? You should know your place. Listen to my question: Who am I?

You’re Prince Vương Thảo, His Majesty’s son.

And who are you?

I’m Tiểu Quân, the warden’s son.

Then how dare you call me Second Brother? I’m no brother to you.

It’s our master’s instruction; otherwise, I wouldn’t dare.

You and I are only brothers in front of him. Off school, you’re just a servant. Even your father is my servant, much less you. Understand?

Yes, I understand.

Walk! (Yes.) Stop! Hold up the wood stick for me to practice fencing.

Your Highness is holding an iron sword, and I’m holding this wood stick. How can I ward off?

You can’t? Even so, you must! Take this!

Oh, Your Highness!

On guard!

O Your Highness, I’m so much in pain, I could die. All humans’ flesh and skin are the same. How can a broken branch or a cut flower not be hurt? Whose flesh and skin would feel no pain, O God? Your Highness, I beg you! How can a broken branch or a cut flower not be hurt? Your Highness, I beg you!

Be quiet!

O Your Highness, I’m so much in pain, I could die.

It’s nothing and you moan like death is near. What a coward!

Yes, I’m a coward.

If you pursue swordsmanship, you must learn endurance.

Vương Thảo! O God, Tiểu Quân! How come?

O God, how did you get injured like this?

What happened?

Nothing at all. He and I were just practicing fencing.

I practiced to defend Prince Vương Thảo’s attack.

Vương Thảo! It’s just practicing, and you treated Tiểu Quân like this?

Practice should be like real, so that in battle, one can destroy his enemy.

Tiểu Quân, is it very painful? Ngân Hà! (Yes.) Please apply medicine and dress his wound. (Yes.)

The guy is only pretending!

Vương Thảo! These are such horrible cuts, and your said that Tiểu Quân is pretending?

What a fake weeper!

O Tiểu Quân, tell me what happened.

Your Highness... I...

Don’t address me that way. What did our teacher say? We should treat one another as siblings.

Your Highness, but...

You’re saying it again! I’m your elder brother.

Yes, you allow me to address you as such. But Prince Vương Thảo wouldn’t let me. He often tells me, “You’re the warden’s son, a dirt poor person of the lowest class. How dare you be my brother!”

Just ignore him. He’s used to being domineering and mean. But brother Vương Tùng and I still consider you our loved one. You’re my elder brother. There’s no social rank that separates us. Now, do you feel better?

I do, noble lady.

It’s not right! Brother Tiểu Quân! Let me hear it again. Who am I to you?

You’re a noble lady.

Incorrect! Say again, what am I to you?

Ngân Hà, you’re my younger sister.

That’s right!

His Majesty just arrived. Please welcome and greet him.

Where are the royal maids? Prepare to greet His Majesty upon his arrival. (Yes.)

Long live Your Majesty!

Protocols waived.

I respectfully wish Your Majesty longevity.

My beloved Queen, stand up. Why observe formal etiquette with me?

Which palace have you indulged at lately to leave me all alone in my chamber these past few months?

O sweet Queen, there is no other palace. I’ve been so occupied in national affairs. Last night, seeing myself in the mirror, I realized that I’m already in the fading twilight of life. I suddenly felt heavy-hearted, thus I came here to ask my Queen... my Second Queen, and see how the children are doing to plan for the future.

What else is there to plan for? That golden throne is readily reserved for Vương Tùng, the Queen’s son.

Beloved Queen!

And me, being a lowly second queen, I must accept it.

O sweetheart!

Alas! How can humans resist what is predestined by Heaven?

Beloved Queen!

My ill fate, I must bear it. O Your Majesty! Please don’t be concerned.


Why bother to pity a woman? It’s my fate. I just feel sorry for myself.

I’ve always loved and missed you, so you shouldn’t sorrow. I blame myself for being so indifferent. How do I manage worldly affairs? O sweetheart, why are you crying? Listen to me! Please stop crying. But I haven’t yet made the decision whether it’ll be the first son, the second son, the Queen’s son or Second Queen’s son. Everything rests upon me. Don’t worry, dear. Oh, I haven’t seen you for a few moons already, is that right? I really felt so uneasy to let you spend lonely nights.

I couldn’t sleep well for several months straight, sadly waiting for my beloved in my forlorn chamber.

O dearest! I’m here already. Please don’t feel bitter.

Your Majesty!

I’ll stay here to keep you company and happy tonight.

O Your Majesty!


Your Majesty!

My dearest!

Royal maids! Present heated ginseng for His Majesty. (Yes.)

Oh! Sweetheart!

Your Majesty!

Your Majesty!

My love!

Your Majesty!

O master, we were having fun. Why did you leave?

Fun? I don’t care a bit. I couldn’t stand playing with that son of a commoner.

Then you’re wrong. Without commoners, where would kings and lords come from? Without the multitude, who is there to extol the king? Without the water, what will support the boat? And without farmers, even kings would be sitting there starving!

Insolent! You’d better be careful when talking to me.

Yes, yes. What is this? The old man’s royal mantle! Since it’s here, I’ll try it on for a little bit.

Goodness, O master!

To see if I deserve to be a king.

O master, please! It’s impossible.

Clown! (Yes.) Help me!

But please hurry up, master!

Take a look at me!

O master, who wouldn’t look good with this mantle on? Even those as ugly as ghosts would look handsome and dignified. Even a loser or a weakling would look like a hero.

O court officials! (Yes.) Convey my order: (Yes.) Have lanterns and flowers decorated everywhere. Order everyone to sing and exalt the King.

Order obeyed! O God! Where are the master and lady of the house? He’s eating big portions of food, leaving the poor starving to death.

What did you say?


You dared sing to make fun of the one on the high throne!

No, I didn’t!

Imperial guards! (Yes.) Chop his head off and display his dead body as an example for all!

Order obeyed! Behead, behead, behead...

Vương Thảo!

Respectful greetings, Mother.

You’re dismissed.

Yes, with your permission, Your Majesty.

Vương Thảo! (Yes.) You crave to wear that royal mantle?

Yes, Mother...

I’ll help you obtain the royal mantle.

What did you say?

You should remember: Ngân Hà loves Vương Tùng because of the throne. So if you want to have her, you must...

I must what, Mother?

You must not be empty-handed.

I understand. It means I must be the victor, by all means.

Exactly! I’ll help you so that you won’t be an empty-handed person. So you have to take action. Any moment of delay and your life is insecure and shaky.

You can help me then.

Even I have to jump into the fire to help you, I’d be willing.

Well then... Listen to what I’ll tell you, Mother. I told Vương Tùng to come here to practice fencing. You only need to...

O God! Must we do that?

Mother! You just need to bear a little pain.

But I...

Mother! Didn’t you just tell me even if you must jump into the fire, you’d still do it?

O Vương Thảo, I’m afraid...

Look, Vương Tùng is coming. Please help me, Mother.

Just do as you plan. (Yes.)

Vương Thảo!

Brother Vương Tùng!

Respectful greetings, Mother.

Vương Tùng, stand up, son. Stand up, dear! Let me take a look at you. Handsome, very handsome! I heard the Field Marshal praising you so much. I wish that my Vương Thảo can be like you.

Respectful Mother, Thảo studies very well. He’s not inferior to me at all.

You’re humble so you’re just saying that, but my Vương Thảo has to learn a lot from you.


Vương Thảo, ask your elder brother to show you the fencing moves your teacher has taught him.

Yes, please teach me the additional lessons you have learned.

All right!

That’s right! Stay here and show your younger brother to practice fencing. Let me go inside to prepare ginseng tea for you two.

I’m grateful, Mother.

All right, teach me now.

Vương Thảo! Our teacher taught that the apricot flower movements must be gentle and flexible.

The apricot flower movements must be gentle and flexible.

Like a butterfly hovering, like the breeze blowing in the veranda.

Like a butterfly hovering, like the breeze blowing in the veranda.

All right, let’s begin.

Vương Thảo! Be careful, dear.

Assassin! Guards...

Your Majesty, what is the matter?

Arrest Vương Tùng immediately. He’s the assassin.

Your Majesty, I’ll die for sure!

Second Queen!

I didn’t expect it to end up like this.

O God, why did this happen?

Didn’t you see, Your Majesty? Vương Tùng’s sword is stained with blood.


O Vương Tùng! I love you even more than Vương Thảo. What wrong have I done that you have the heart to do this?

O God! How could such a thing happen? Summon the Queen here! Vương Thảo! (Yes.) Tell me what’s going on.

Respectful Royal Father! I was practicing fencing with brother Vương Tùng. Right when Mother brought the ginseng tea out for us, he brandished his sword and struck her again and again.

My God! Dearest Queen!

Your Majesty!

Vương Thảo! That’s not true! It wasn’t like that!

O brother Vương Tùng! What did I do wrong that you wanted to make me an orphan for life?

Vương Tùng!

Vương Thảo!

Vương Tùng!


Is it true, son?

No! This tragedy is inconceivable.

Your Majesty!

My dearest!

Mother, it wasn’t like that. I didn’t expect it was like a nightmare that drove the movement of the sword. Who knows the truth behind this? O wise Heaven, please look into this injustice. Heaven and Earth are the witnesses.

Stop it! Ungrateful child!

Why are you standing there quietly all this time? What did you teach him that he became such an impious son?

Your Majesty, this must be a misunderstanding.

What did you say?

That is true, Father! I don’t believe that brother Vương Tùng is wicked. He’s a gentle and kind-hearted person. How come injustice befalls his life?

If everyone thinks that Vương Tùng was wrongly accused, then I must be the deceitful one. Please just take my life. Don’t waste your time interrogating! As a lowly Second Queen, I’ll have to endure it.

All right, my dear.

Your Majesty. I’m unfortunate to have given birth to a foolish child. Allow me to take all punishments in exchange for my son’s life.

No, Mother! If I sin, I’d like to serve the sentence. I can’t be so unfilial and inhumane to let you bear the punishment for me.

Stop it! Don’t weep and plead anymore to irritate my ears. Ungrateful Vương Tùng! You’re a beast, so you should go live in the jungle with the wild.

Royal Father!

Your Majesty!

Your Majesty.


Your Majesty, I don’t believe that brother Vương Tùng is cruel. He’s caught in a bad retribution, as the world is still full of treacherous plots. Your Majesty, I don’t believe that brother Vương Tùng is wicked. He wouldn’t hurt a leaf on the tree, how would he want to harm Her Majesty Second Queen?

Ngân Hà! If you said so, then my mother must be a dishonest person? My mother wrongly accuses brother Vương Tùng to harm him?

Your Majesty!

If today I can’t manage my family, how am I able to take care of national affairs? I hereby entrust the trial of Vương Tùng upon Second Queen.

Your Majesty!


Your Majesty, I wouldn’t dare do so.

O dearest, you’re the injured one, so you should be the one to judge your offender.

Royal Father has permitted you already. Just pass the judgment, Mother.

Well then... I shall obey Your Majesty’s wish.

Go ahead, my dear!

Listen, everyone. I spare Vương Tùng the death penalty.

I’m very grateful, Your Majesty.

Wait! I ask only to cut off his two arms and send him to the jungle.

Vương Tùng!

O God! Losing both arms isn’t any different than a death sentence. And living in the jungle, how will he be able to survive from the wild beasts?

Where is the warden?

I’m present.

Imprison the Queen in the isolated palace. Cut off Vương Tùng’s arms to make an example for everyone. Bring his two arms back for me to confirm. Is it clear?

Order obeyed!


Vương Tùng!

Listen! (Yes.) Execute the order exactly!


O Heaven, know you not this agonizing pain? O dark clouds cover a sky shrouded by wind and rain. Blue Heaven, know you not our anguish?

You may go back. (Yes.) Go back! I’ll send Prince Vương Tùng’s two arms back to the court. O Your Highness! Are you exhausted? Please sit down here for a little rest.

Elder, don’t call me Prince. I’m no longer anybody, just a criminal awaiting the punishment.

No, Your Highness is always a Prince to me.


You’re being wrongly accused. A net set out, a trap dropped on your head. Alas, I can’t understand the ungratefulness in the world. It’s just for a little power that family members destroy one another. What an ungracious and deceitful world! People can be so wicked and merciless! Why do they harm even loved ones? How tormented I am, O Prince!


Why must an upright and honest person endure injustice, O Heaven?

O Elder! I’ve already accepted my tragic fate. Please carry out the punishment. Cut off my two arms to give to the one who gave the order.

What? I have to sever your arms? O God! Why this dreadful moment?
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a nation that has a long-standing traditional culture. Aulacese music is very rich; since ancient times, there have been many musical instruments that move the soul with a wide variety of sounds like those of the copper drum, gong, lithophone, bamboo xylophone, cymbals and panpipe. In 2003, Elegant Music, a form of Huế royal music, was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an intangible cultural heritage of the world.

Âu Lạc’s music represents the unique features of each region, for example, Quan Họ folksongs in the North, Huế tunes in the Central, and cải lương (modern folk opera) in the South. In addition, there are many other forms of music, including hò (work songs), lý (village songs), ceremonial songs, Aulacese classical opera, chèo traditional opera, Hồ Quảng opera, and so on.

Indeed, music has been deeply instilled in the hearts of people in this beautiful country, and has been cultivated until this day. Northern Âu Lạc has a folk art called xẩm singing that is very popular in the northern plains and midland. This genre, in the old time, was performed by minstrel bands.

In a gathering with a small group of our Association members some years past, Supreme Master Ching Hai was inspired to spontaneously compose and sing in the xẩm style a poem she had written in her late 20s in Germany. The poem was originally written in English which the poet herself translated into Aulacese.

We now invite you to enjoy an excerpt of the xẩm singing “We Don't Live More Than One Hundred Years!” composed and sung by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I mean tonight I was nuts! But so what: Aren’t the rest of us!...
Otherwise how could we carry on living, For life isn’t worth a thing!?

You know that I am still in love with you! But that has nothing to do...
I cannot please everybody, So I will please me!
That doesn’t mean you are not right; We all have only one life!

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

Chèo traditional opera is a folk theater art which originated from the regions near the mountains and from the plains of northern Âu Lạc. There are varied opinions about the beginning of chèo traditional opera: the earliest time is believed to be in 4th century BCE and the most recent is 14th century, at the end of the Trần dynasty. Chèo is a narrative genre of folk theater, recounting stories through a combination of music, singing and dance.

One of the unique features of chèo is a skillful portrayal of subtle gestures and movements. During festivals, people in the plains of northern Âu Lạc often look forward to watching chèo traditional opera. The lyrics are infused with folk poetry and proverbs; tragedies are usually counter-balanced with satires. Chèo is replete with the pure simplicity of the common folk, yet equally profound in meaning.

The chèo traditional opera “The Lullabies of Two Mothers” is about two boys born on the same day and how their development was shaped by their mothers through the advice embedded in their lullabies. The two lullabies fostered two contrasting personalities, leading their lives to inevitable endings.

We now invite you to enjoy the conclustion of the chèo traditional opera “The Lullabies of Two Mothers,” written by playwrights Nhật Minh and Doãn Hoàng Giang, with performances by Thanh Nhàn as Queen, Hương Quế as Second Queen, Hà Quân as Prince Vương Tùng, Đình Hưng as Prince Vương Thảo, Thanh Hường as Ngân Hà, Nhật Điềm as Marshal, Anh Tuấn as Tiểu Quân, Thanh Hải as Warden, Quang Lâm as King, Quỳnh Mai as A Sa, and other artists.

The Queen and Second Queen both gave births to royal sons. While Prince Vương Tùng grew up in the Queen’s lullaby filled with kindness and righteousness, Prince Vương Thảo’s mind was only instilled by the Second Queen’s words of thirst for fame and usurping the throne for power. The two princes studied martial arts with the Marshal who also accepted to teach Tiểu Quân, son of a warden. The Marshal advised all his students to bond in brotherhood.

While Vương Tùng loved Tiểu Quân as his own brother, Tiểu Quân was bullied by Vương Thảo. One day, Vương Thảo and the Second Queen plotted to accuse Vương Tùng of intentionally harming her. Permitted by the King, the Second Queen ordered to have Prince Vương Tùng’s arms cut off . He was to be sent to the deep forest and his mother the Queen to an isolated palace.

Supreme Master Ching Hai caringly sent gifts to the artists and professionals who contributed to the opera “The Lullabies of Two Mothers,” broadcast on Supreme Master Television. They shared their thoughts and expressed gratitude toward Master.

Playwright Vũ Nhật Minh:
Respectful greetings, I’m Nhật Minh, the playwright of the opera “The Lullabies of the Two Mothers.” My respectful greetings to Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television’s viewers. I’ve been with this profession for 50 years, but this is the first time I feel it’s a great honor when a work I wrote and created are being broadcast worldwide. My immense and sincere appreciation to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I’m very touched to know someone who has dedicated all her life for spirituality. I myself also wish very much to do good deeds. If I’m not a person who aspires for goodness, I certainly could not have written such an opera. She has done all these good deeds , not just for a group of people, but for humanity at large. She loves the animals and also takes care and provides medical treatment for them. That’s even greater. If a person like this can be multiplied among humanity, then this world will be a very good place.

Protecting the environment by being veg is a very practical thing, very useful, during this time. Now when passing by restaurants and bars on the street, I feel repulsed, very sickened. I myself now eat sesame, peanuts, and more vegetables. Protecting the environment doesn’t just mean no littering, no producing toxic gases – not just that.

In addition to that, the vegetarian diet is a way to protect this environment. I think that viewpoint is a wise one. I admire that very much. And of course I support it wholeheartedly. Many meals in Buddhist temples are very delicious. You don’t feel that you are eating vegetarian at all. If people can do that on daily basis, if they can alter their dietary habit, that’ll be very ideal. Just replace it completely so that one can’t really see the selling of real meat, of pork out there anymore, but all they see on sale are vegetarian foods, then surely it’ll become a normal thing.

Actress Thanh Nhàn as the Queen:
I’m Thanh Nhàn, an artist of merit in Chèo Art Group. I find Supreme Master Ching Hai a very talented person, who has brought very precious love to everyone, especially the artists. As artists, we very much wish to meet Master as soon as we can, and we also wish Master good health.

Actor Đình Hưng in the role of Vương Thảo:
I wish good health and the best for Supreme Master Ching Hai. She has promoted our traditional performing art globally and it has been enthusiastically received by viewers in various nations.

Actor Đình Hưng and actress Thanh Nhàn sang the Quan họ folk song “Having Charm Still” in respectful dedication to Supreme Master Ching Hai:

Stage director Bùi Đắc Sử, actress Thanh Hường as Ngân Hà, actress Quỳnh Hương Mai as A Sa, actor Thanh Hải as Warden, and actor Anh Tuấn as Tiểu Quân, all of whom have contributed to Supreme Master Television before, also received gifts along with Supreme Master Ching Hai’s affection and well-wishes.

We sincerely thank the playwrights, directors, artists and professionals who contributed your talents and efforts to bring about valuable chèo traditional operas. Thank you for your endeavors to preserve chèo, a performing art in Aulacese traditional culture. We wish you and your families all the goodness, upliftment, and happiness in life.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. Please tune in on Supreme Master Television next Thursday for the Aulacese modern folk opera “Filial Loquat-Leaf Medicine" by playwright Bửu Truyện. So long for now.

Tiểu Quân!

Brother Vương Tùng!

Why are you here?

Brother Vương Tùng!

Tiểu Quân!

Brother Vương Tùng!

Tiểu Quân, you should go home too. Your tears, however much, will not save me.

O brother, why must it be this tragic? How will you survive without your arms in the dark, deep forest, amidst misty rain and storms?

Tiểu Quân!

Brother Vương Tùng!

Tiểu Quân! Don’t worry for me. I can endure this pain.

Brother Vương Tùng!

Go back, my dear! O Elder! What are you waiting for? It’s getting dark. Please cut off my arms to bring back to the Second Queen before it’s late. Don’t be afraid that you will hurt me. Don’t pity me anymore. This order must be carried out sooner or later. Without my arms to bring back to the court, you will be charged with disobeying order. Don’t feel pity for me anymore. It must be done anyway, Elder!

O God! Severing your arms is like severing my own. That is plunging this knife deep into my heart.

Tie me up, Elder! Don’t become an offender because you pity me.

Your Highness, I’ll tie you up.

That’s right. Tiểu Quân, come tie me up. Give Elder a hand.

Tiểu Quân, what are you doing? Don’t forget that Vương Tùng is your brother.

There’s no other way, Father. Sooner or later, you’ll have to bring brother Vương Tùng’s arms back to present. All right, stay back, Father!

My God! Tiểu Quân! You’re so eager, aren’t you? You’re very quick, aren’t you?


I wish to ask you one thing, Father.

What is it?

Please cut off my arms instead of brother Vương Tùng’s arms.


Tiểu Quân!

What did you say?

Please cut off my two arms to replace His Highness’.

O God!

No! Tiểu Quân! Why are you doing that? I’m the indicted. Why should I make you endure calamity?

O elder brother, please give me a chance to requite your kindness for me. You taught me to shun evil deeds. You taught me to live proudly. I’ve shared moments of joy. Allow me to bear this pain of yours once.

Please don’t, Tiểu Quân!

O Father, please cut off my two arms.

My God, what a tragedy! What an agony! But my son is right. He’s learnt to be a true human. He’s learnt to love wholeheartedly the person who offered him guidance. And I, as his father, have to plunge this knife into my own kin whom I have nurtured for years.

O Elder, I beg you not to do that. Don’t destroy Tiểu Quân because you pity me.

But my son was right! He’s done such an extraordinary thing that as a father, I’m so proud of him though it’s very painful.

So Father, what are you waiting for? Save His Highness. Save my elder brother, Father!

Tiểu Quân!

Don’t fear that you will hurt me. I can take it. These are the stabs of kindness and affection. Please don’t feel anguished. You’ll see me smile when the knife comes down.

No! Tiểu Quân! Elder, please don’t do that! O Elder! Tiểu Quân!

O Vương Tùng, where are you drifting to now? In the cold palace, yet I feel like sitting on fire. All my love and longing, I’m sending into the lullaby of yore. I lull you with the words of Heaven and Earth. You’ll become wiser through life’s trials.


Vương Tùng! O God! O my pitiful son, where are your arms?

They were cut off per order of the one who detests me, Mother!

So where do you live now?

I’m in your lullaby. I hastened back upon hearing the song of the past.

Are you cold?

Your lullaby has always warmed me. I only feel sorry for your being alone in the cold palace.

O child, your arms were severed by your father’s order. Where are your two hands of purity and compassion? Those hands that dared not even touch the branch for fear of causing flowers to fall. Hands that dared not pull the bow for pitying the bird who would be robbed of her mate. Those gentle hands were hated and resented. Nets are being cast all over, where are you taking refuge?

I dwell in the deep forest, and I’m saddened only from missing you. My fate I’ve accepted, I just feel tormented for getting my kind mother in trouble. O Mother, forgive me. Where do I go in the deep, forlorn forest? Trees block the way, darkness stretches. I long for you unceasingly. You were unjustly incriminated because of me. O Mother, we’re separated now. I’m amidst a desolate, remote forest.

Oh, I find no sight of you in my earnest lullaby. In anguish, I pine for the olden days. Alas, what a misery of human life! Vương Tùng!

What is the matter, Your Majesty?

Oh God, I just saw Vương Tùng!

Your Majesty, the isolated palace is well protected, how can Vương Tùng get in here? It’s just that you so much love and long for him that his image comes back in an illusion. Now, please receive the Queen.

My greetings to you, sister. Goodness! We haven’t seen each other only for a short while, and you look so emaciated. I gave orders that you must be taken care of every minute regardless. Why did they let you end up in such a condition?

Your Majesty, I was demoted by the court. As a servant, this is very good already. I’m very thankful to you. But your compassion makes me shed tears. This seems to be just a game of cat and mouse. You’re here with a honey tongue and a vile heart. What is your purpose of coming? Just tell me. Don’t give me this stale double-talk.

So you know! I’ve come to crush your pride. If you’re sensible, kneel down and beg me for a pardon. I’ll spare your life.

You want to turn me into a coward. But may I say that you’ve tried a useless thing.

That means you’re willing to die.

Because living cowardly is just a form of death anyway.

All right, then you have to die.

I have to die?! Where is the royal decree to execute me? Let me see it with my own eyes.

Here is the royal decree.

My God! It’s His Majesty’s written document. Then please go back and report to the King: “This servant is grateful to him and will carry out his sentence.”

Guards! (Yes.) Bring me a sheet of silk! (Yes.)

Vương Thảo!

Here! Handle it yourself!

Wait! Please forgive me. Vương Thảo! Being imprisoned in the isolated palace, she’s as if dead already. I beg you. That’d be too wicked, too cruel!

No! No cruelty, no hero. If one wants all, then he must dare do all.

Vương Thảo!

Didn’t you teach me like that all the time?

I beg you, son.

Go back and rest, Mother. Leave it to me. Warden!

I’m present.

After the sentence is carried out, bring the corpse of this servant to the inner palace to me as proof. Is it clear?

Order obeyed!

Oh God! Why is it so? Until now, those who came to the isolated palace served their sentences for life. Why is there a royal decree today for death penalty? I think...

If the King decrees death, then his subject has to die. O Vương Tùng! My singing will cease from now on. No longer will there be my lullaby in the wind calling you back. Vương Tùng! Farewell, son!

Hold it! O Queen, stop it! My God! Why? What happened?

Your Majesty, the Prince brought your decree here to force the Queen to commit suicide.

I ordered her to die? No! I issued no such decree. But where is it now?

Your Majesty, the incumbent Crown Prince took it away already. I haven’t seen it.

I’ve never issued such a decree!

Your Majesty!

O Queen! Warden! (Yes.) Listen to me! From now on, besides me, no one is permitted to enter the isolated palace at will. If someone violates, I won’t spare his life.

Order obeyed!

My Queen!

Your Majesty!

My Queen!



Who are you? Why are you coming here?

Who are you anyway?

Your two arms?

You don’t need to know about it. Just go away!


Who are you to dare dismiss me? It should be me who can throw you out of here. Do you know where this is?

Where this is!

This is the deep forest, my place of refuge. Go away and leave me alone.

How bold of you! You’re disabled but still dare talk rudely in front of me. Aren’t you afraid of losing your head?

Aren’t you afraid of losing your head?

Ladies, don’t threaten me; just go away. Don’t be wordy.


So, sisters... (Yes.) Give this disabled guy a lesson. O sisters, leave him to me.

Today, I’ll let you know the fencing skills of mountain girl A Sa.

Hold it! Please stop, Miss! Oh God! Tiểu Quân! What made you upset with my disabled younger brother?

This is my mountain camp, and he dared trespass. When I questioned, he even told me to get lost. Insolent!

I’m so sorry, Miss. My apologies to you all.

Who are you? Why are you here?

You don’t need to know who we are. If you want to kill me, go ahead!

Tiểu Quân!

If you want a duel, then duel!

All right, I’ll take on both of you!

Please lessen your wrath, Miss! If my younger brother has done something that displeases you, I sincerely apologize. Tiểu Quân, since we lost our way into her mountain camp, we are at fault. Apologize to her, brother!

Apologize now!

I apologize.

Please lessen your anger. Let’s go, brother.


Hold it! You haven’t answered my question yet.

You’re not the court’s soldiers; you have no right to interrogate us.

Tiểu Quân! Respectful Miss, we lost our way in the forest. My brother encountered a wild animal, so he got hurt.

That’s not true. I grew up in the wild. That wound wasn’t inflicted by a wild beast but by a sword or spear. Girls! (Yes.) Capture them!

Hold it! Please stop, young ladies.

Oh God! His Excellency! Master, why are you here?

The court is all in turmoil. What for do I remain there? I went looking for you.


But how come it’s like this?

Tiểu Quân has been enduring the calamity in my stead.

Tiểu Quân! Tiểu Quân!

Master! There was no other way. Brother Vương Tùng’s arms are of more service to the country than mine.

What did you just say? Who is Prince Vương Tùng?

This is Prince Vương Tùng!

How come I heard that Vương Tùng was a rebel who wanted to harm the Second Queen, creating chaos in the court. He was punished by getting his two arms cut off and dismissed to the forest. Why are you still standing here with your arms intact?

Miss, this is indeed Prince Vương Tùng. But it isn’t like what people said. Prince Vương Tùng is not a wicked person. He didn’t harm the Second Queen. He didn’t create turbulence in the court.

And my disabled brother here was willing to offer his two arms so that I may remain whole physically.

Oh Lord! Is there really such a thing? So you’re a person of noble spirit. You sacrificed yourself to take on the misfortune for your loved one. You’re an extraordinary man. You’re a rare person in this world.

Oh, Miss...

Please come to my father’s mountain camp. Who knows, someday we may be able to help you reclaim your throne.

We’re very grateful to you.

Someone is coming, it seems. Retreat, everyone! Let us take care.

O Vương Tùng! I’ve searched for you all over the mountain and forest. I’ve braved hunger and thirst these few days looking for you. I’ve searched for you and yearned to see you and share your pain. Where can I find you? Alas! The deep forest is forlorn and endless. Where are you in the thousands of mountains? Do you hear my calling, wherever you are? It’s the earnest voice from my very heart. O love, I’ve crossed the mountain looking for you. You’re traceless like fish in the sea, birds in the sky. The deep forest and distant stream see no sight of you.

Ngân Hà!

Vương Tùng!

Ngân Hà, calm down, dear. It’s me!

Oh God! Is this Tiểu Quân? What does this mean?

Ngân Hà!

Father! Why are you here? What does this mean, Father?

Tiểu Quân has endured the misfortune for Vương Tùng.

My God! Brother Tiểu Quân!

Ngân Hà!

Brother Tiểu Quân!

Ngân Hà!

Suddenly, the old King groped his way to the isolated palace to save that slave’s life. He told me to present the forged royal document for his judgment in a court meeting. O Vương Thảo! You must find a way, or we’ll lose everything. It was you who forged your Royal Father’s writing to order her to die. Vương Thảo!

Why are you in such a panic? As soon as you met with any difficulties, you’re like a hen choking on hair. Yet you aspired after great achievements. How? Mother, listen! I’ll seize the throne!

My God! You dare do such a thing, Vương Thảo?

Just wait and you’ll see everything.

Vương Thảo!

His Majesty has arrived!

O God! What am I to do, Vương Thảo?

Stay calm, Mother.

Yes... Yes...

Long live the King!

I take great pain to inform you that the Queen and Prince have committed a serious crime by forging my royal decree. It’s intolerable by court’s law, thus I summoned you to decide on a judgment.


So, what is your opinion?


Royal Father, so you already know what the court’s opinion is. That royal decree was issued in my own writing. A son acting on behalf of his father, what’s your concern? But it’s about time.

What did you say? What time?

It’s time for you to step down from the throne and I’ll replace you to rule the country.

Vương Thảo!

That time has come already?

Sure! You’re old now. Your strength is waning; your hand can’t hold steady the brush; you can’t sit firmly on the throne when your legs are shaking.

Vương Thảo!

I’ve become a fading sunlight in the evening of my life.

Your Majesty!

I remember it now. There was a time you sneakily tried on the royal mantle to practice being a king.

The practicing period is over. Now is the time I put it on for real, Father. Now, please step down, Father! (No!)

Vương Thảo!

Come on! Do it quickly, Father. You walked up to the throne so lightly before. Why is it so heavy for you to leave it now, respected Father? Officials? (Yes.) Quickly help my father down so that I can preside over the court for him. (Yes.)

Hold it, Vương Thảo! I beg you! Don’t you think anymore of father and son relation? Don’t you care anymore for moral conduct?

What did you teach me, Mother? O beloved son, sleep well. Grow up to seize the throne for yourself. Now is the time I seize it.

O Vương Thảo, sooner or later, the throne will be yours. Vương Tùng already had his arms cut off and sent to the deep forest. No one else can compete with you now. Why are you in such a hurry to do that?

But I want it right now.

That’s so wicked, so ruthless, son!

That lesson you taught me, Mother. Vương Thảo! Why walk around it? Just trample on those flower beds to come here to me. Do not be afraid of ruining the flowers that you take gentle steps. If you’re concerned for every leaf on the branch, how can you secure great achievements?

O Vương Thảo! I’m pleading to you, son!

I remember clearly what you taught me. All right! Stand up, Mother. Go back to rest!

Vương Thảo! Son...

Go back!


Now, are you going to step down, Father? Court officials? (Yes.) Quickly help my father down so that I can preside over the court for him. (Yes.)

I get it, now.

We also understand now.

It’s too late when I realize things. I alone shed tears of regret. Alas! It’s too late! I’m beset with many traps. How tormented it is to be betrayed by your loved ones! Oh, I deserve it anyway. I’m surrounded with darkness. Even repentance is pointless like passing clouds and wind. Here! This is my whole life of building an empire. Take it!

No need! The new King doesn’t need worn-out clothes. Guards! (Yes.) Take the old man to the shack in the corner of the flower garden. Send soldiers to guard him carefully day and night. Don’t let him wander outside to embarrass the new King.

Yes. Please, Your Majesty.

Bow to the new King!

Court officials? (Yes.) Put up lanterns and flowers to extol Heaven’s Son! (Yes.)

Urgent report!

What is it?

A very strange army is besieging the citadel with the support of the people in the capital.

Block access to all the citadel’s gates. (Yes.) Royal guards! (Yes.) Charge out there for a mortal combat!

Urgent report!

What is it again?

The citadel’s gates are open. The capital city’s residents and the strange army are rushing in.

It’s come this far... I have no choice but to fight to death. This sword I have trained with for years. I’ll show the worthless bandits the new King’s swordsmanship.

Vương Thảo, stop! Kneel down to surrender! No one can save you now.

Oh God! Vương Tùng?! Am I awake or dreaming? Are you a human or a ghost? His arms are still intact. Why is it so? So whose arms were brought back? Go away anyway. I’ve seized the throne; I’ll never release it.

But you’re surrounded by soaring flames. And the cowardly court officials have all run off in disarray.

You’re left alone with deceitful spirits. Kneel down to admit your crime and accept your death.

Kneel down and admit your sin.

So, you left the court all this time to lead your army of rebels back here.

I brought the benevolent troops back to eradicate a traitor. Kneel down to admit your crime!

Kneel down to admit your crime!

No! I’d never kneel. If I couldn’t be king, I’d rather be a cold corpse.

Vương Thảo! I didn’t mean to come back to fight over the throne with you. Alas! Was it just because of that throne that brothers destroyed one another?

Vương Thảo, where is my son? Oh God! Vương Thảo! My son! O beloved son, sleep well. Grow up to seize the throne for yourself. You’re dead. Who killed him? Was it me who killed my own son?

Take that corpse away!

That’s right. I killed my son by my lullaby full of ambition. Vương Thảo, my son. Where are you? Wait for me! Vương Thảo!

I lull you with the words of Heaven and Earth. You’ll become wiser through life’s trials.

Your Highness, I’ve brought the Queen here from the isolated palace.


Vương Tùng!


Vương Tùng!

O Mother, I’ve wronged you. It’s my fault to let you endure this plight.

No, it wasn’t your fault. But where is your father? I heard that the rebellious Vương Thảo dethroned His Majesty your father. So where is His Majesty now?

I bow to the new King!

O Father, it’s me!

My son? What son do I have left? One son had his arms cut off and sent to the forest by me mistakenly. The other son has become an emperor. Who is left to call me his father?

No, Father, please wake up! It’s me, your son. I’m still your Vương Tùng from before.

Vương Tùng? Is that you, really?


My God! Vương Tùng!


Vương Tùng, my son! Don’t you resent me?

No, Father. We both were deceived. How could I bear any grudge against you?

Oh God, Vương Tùng!


But Vương Tùng, son, how come your two arms are still intact?

Respected Father, dear Tiểu Quân has endured the misfortune for me.

Tiểu Quân!

Your Majesty!

O Tiểu Quân! So it was you who sacrificed your two arms for Vương Tùng to remain whole physically. O Tiểu Quân! I’m deeply grateful to you.

Your Majesty!

Tiểu Quân!

Your Majesty, I was just an adopted brother, but Vương Tùng treated me like his relation by birth. I vowed to sacrifice to requite his kindness.

Tiểu Quân!

Your Majesty. For that reason, I cut off Tiểu Quân’s arms to bring back and deluded Your Majesty.

Deluding me? No, it was a sacred delusion. I’d like to bow to you in gratitude and admiration.

Your Majesty!

Everything happened just like a dream of loftiness and lowliness, of purity and wickedness amidst laughter and tears. Just for the high throne, people are willing to do all deceitful things, causing so much bloodshed and misery.

Your Majesty!

Royal Father.

Your Majesty.

My Queen! Vương Tùng!


I now pass this throne to you, son, and keep in mind this painful lesson. Remember it from your childhood till your manhood. It’s extremely difficult to be a true human, son.

I’ll remember it, Royal Father.

All my people!


Have lanterns and flowers put up to celebrate Heaven’s Son!

Attention, everyone! Listen carefully! Listen attentively! Here comes the good news! The Queen has returned to her palace. The Second Queen was sent to the dark prison. Everything is as clear as black and white. Everything is now discerned. The Queen joins the King in a blissful family reunion.

That tale is a happy one.

When you still have charm, many wait upon you, but when the charm is gone, you walk alon e. Are you available?

I’m still available. I’m not yet betrothed.

And I have no one.

O joyous festival…

When you have charm, you sit under the pine tree. But when the charm is gone, you sit by the rose bush picking flowers.

If you love me, please come by my house, so my parents can know about you, and our wedding date can be chosen.

O joyous festival…

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