Enlightening Entertainment
2010 Mother’s Day International Celebration with Our Association Members & Friends    Part 1   
Greetings and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment for our Mother’s Day celebration. Mother’s Day, which arrives this year on Sunday, May 9, is celebrated in many parts of the world to honor all beloved mothers as well as those who are like mothers to us.

Near this time is the birthday of Supreme Master Ching Hai, which is joyfully celebrated by our Association members with immense happiness and gratitude for her precious presence on Earth and her unconditional love for all beings. As a spiritual teacher who sets a noble example of selfless giving, kindness, and care, Supreme Master Ching Hai is often affectionately called by the revered title of Mom.

With deepest appreciation, our Association members dedicate heartfelt greetings, songs, and performances in honor of Mother’s Day and Supreme Master Ching Hai’s birthday. We now invite you to enjoy the first of two parts of our Mother’s Day celebration program on today’s Enlightening Entertainment.

Our most beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai and all cherished viewers, On this most Divine day, from the Brisbane Center in Australia, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude and heartfelt wishes of love to you. We wish you a very Happy Birthday and a Happy Mother’s Day. May you have good health, happiness and beauty, always. We pray that all beings follow in your Divine footsteps of love and:

Be veg, go green, save the planet. Master, we love you. Happy Birthday Master and A Happy Mother’s Day!

I may not able to tell you often how much you mean to me. Since I was born in this world from your love came my strength, and guidance in my life. Thanks to you, my mother. Every time I’m sad, you are with me. Thanks to you, my mother. I pray to God to take care of you. Thanks to you, mother.

On the day of Your birthday, Beloved Master, Like a mother you love us, Like a mother you guide us, Like a mother you teach us. On this special Mother’s Day, we wish that all the children of this world will follow your wise advice and become vegan!

Let’s praise Master with songs and dances on this special day. Let’s announce her noble deeds. May her voice be heard in the whole world. Praise songs Praising songs Let’s sing them for Master Ching Hai at all times.. Glorious songs Praise songs Let’s sing them for Master! Children and elderly, let’s come together. Sing with us to praise the great Master. Then we are saying her blessing is with me forever and ever.

Glorious songs Praise songs
Let’s sing them for Master Ching Hai at all times.
Glorious songs Praise songs
Let’s sing them for Master!
Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance!

Glorious songs Praise songs
Let sing them for Master Ching Hai all times
Glorious songs Praise songs
Let’s sing them for Master!
Praise songs Glorious songs
Let’s sing them for Master Ching Hai at all times.
Praise songs Glorious songs Let’s sing them for Master!

Mother is my most beloved. May our hearts be one through all lifetimes. I am also the most beloved of my mother. Forever I will be with you. I love you, Mother. I wish you a very happy Mother’s Day.

Master, to us you are much more than the sunshine shining.
We can feel your love even in the smallest things,
in the butterflies, the humming-bird,
in the Great Kiskadee bird, in the children smiling,
in colorful flowers, in the most delicate details drawn,
as if they were colored by a brush, leaving the eyes enchanted.

Master, we feel your sweet presence also in the rain that falls during sunny afternoons,
making an alliance in the skies in a rainbow of beautiful colors in veils.
Master, we feel your sweet presence also in the rain that falls during sunny afternoons,
making an alliance in the skies in a rainbow of beautiful colors in veils.
The Great Love of Creation reveals itself.
The Great Love of Creation reveals itself among us. Reveals itself among us.

Cherished Master, we thank you for your love and care for our planet. We wish you and all mothers of our world a Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy birthday, Master!

Master, we wish you a happy birthday and we love you!

To all the mothers in the world, thank you so much!

May goodness be upon you by the grace of God. We, from Bali Center, Indonesia, would like to say Happy Mother’s Day to Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television viewers. Wishing all the mothers be blessed with eternal love and compassion. Thank you. May peace be upon you by the grace of God.

Thank you, Mama Ching Hai.

Moonlight over the West Lake, a beautiful paradise on Earth.
We grow up happily. We have joyous days.

because of you, the most beautiful Mama in the universe.
Sweet dew from Heaven, And the Quan Yin Method,
We are elevated and cleansed, We can practice spiritually
because of you, the greatest Mama in the universe.

Ching Hai, Ching Hai, Supreme Master,
Ching Hai, Ching Hai, beloved God Mama,
Your holy love has emanated everywhere, spreads mercy and grace
And blesses all beings with peace
And blesses all beings with peace
to guide all the beings to peaceful and safe home.

The gates of Heaven are open to the world,
showing the light of the present with her voice sweet and permanent.
Infinite love is spilled, inspiring eternal songs all over the world and giving thanks.
Gentle wind, crystalline waters, trees, flowers and animals.
Humans learning to be humans.
We thank you beloved Master, for feed us tenderness,
to clean our countenance, to purify for us the word and intercede for our lives.
Thank to you beloved Master.
I know more of Christ, I love the Almighty, I feel my nature,
I understand my physical being, my mind, and other beings.
I sing to you, light of the universe, with my charango, my quena and zampoña,
near the lake, the river and the breeze, animals, mountains
and plants, filled with your vast harmony.
Happy Birthday blessed Supreme Master Ching Hai!

We humankind should cherish we our beautiful nature.
Our splendid nature gives us shining light for all time.
We cherish the creation for humankind to reside.
She gave birth to humankind.
Cradled them in her bosom lovingly.
We love you, Mother Earth.
May you be immortal because we love you, Mother Earth.
We love our heroic epic of generations, rich with history,
We love the heroic ones and the enlightened ones

Mother Earth, you gave birth to humankind.
Cradled them in her bosom like a baby.
And we love and cherish Mother Earth.
May you be immortal because we love you
Mother Earth May you be immortal because we love you, Mother Earth.
Happy birthday O beloved Master!

M is for the million things you gave us,
O represents the beautiful origin of our souls,
T is for the tears you shed to save us,
H is for your heart of purest gold;
E is for your eyes, with love-light shining,
R means right, and right you’ll always be,
Put them all together, they spell MOTHER, A word that means the world to us.
Happy Mother’s Day to Supreme Master Ching Hai and all mothers around the world.

(Puyuma vocalizations of joyful friends)

Happy Birthday, Supreme Master Ching Hai. We love you!

Cherished and sweet Mom,
A tree which sways, a small boy who sings,
that is the life, the life, the life which you gave me.
A fruit basket in the summer, the green and soft grass under my feet,
That is the life, the life, the life which you gave me.
Evening sweetness before the night, Profound silence and peace found again,
That is the life, the life, the life which you gave me.
I hear in the woods the newborn bird,
The song of the spring, The laughter of reunited friends.
Thank you Mom, for the life which you gave me!

A lovely Mother´s Day! To beloved Master Ching Hai and all mothers in the world!


To all the mothers in the world, we want to express our utmost gratitude for your boundless love, sleepless nights, and eternal care for your child. You are the Divine incarnate who brings the Heavenly love on Earth.

On this very special occasion, we express our deepest thanks to our Divine spiritual mother, our beloved Master, Supreme Master Ching Hai, to whom thanking in words is never enough. On behalf of all Nepalese brothers and sisters, we wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day and a happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Master, Happy birthday to you!

Let’s be veg and make others so.

Let’s be veg and make others so.

To save the environment, everywhere let the green grow.
To save the environment, everywhere let the green grow.
Let’s be veg and make others so.

Let’s be veg and make others so.

Fruits, grains, vegetables taste like quenching nectar.

We shouldn’t take life and we shouldn’t be meat eaters.
Fruits, grains, vegetables taste like quenching nectar.

We shouldn’t take life and we shouldn’t be meat eaters.
Come and give up killing, violence and negative feelings in our hearts.
Let us recognize ourselves and turn toward God.
Let’s be veggie and make others so.
Let’s be veggie and make others so.

To save the environment everywhere let the green grow.
To save the environment everywhere let the green grow.

Let’s be veggie and make others so.

A rainbow of love opens The world took a new turn The sun and the moon
have been married
And will bloom like a lemon flower The stars are calling
Happy Birthday Master, from Chile, Thank you for saving the planet!
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday beloved Master
Happy birthday to you! Be veg! Go green! Save the planet!

Love Me! Love Me! Like you've never known anyone.
Love Me! Love Me! And love only Me!

Love Me! Love Me! Like you've never loved anyone.
Love Me! Love Me! And I will set you free!

Forever and ever, We'll be together Beyond sorrow and fears
Forever and ever Beyond all frontiers

Follow Me! Follow Me! To the Land of Harmony.
Follow Me! Follow Me! Follow only Me!

Love Me! Love Me! More than that of your life.
Love Me! Love Me! I am your true Life.

We'll be together Forever and ever Beyond sorrow and fears,
Forever and ever Beyond all frontiers

Love Me! Love Me! More than all glories. I am your Glory.
Follow Me! Love Me! And love only Me!

Follow Me! Follow Me! To the Land of Harmony.
Follow Me! Follow Me! Follow only Me!

Love Me! Love Me! More than that of your life.
Love Me! Love Me! I am your true Life.

We'll be together Forever and ever Beyond sorrow and fears
Forever and ever Beyond all frontiers

Love Me! Love Me! More than all glories I am your Glory
Follow Me! Love Me! Follow only Me!
Follow Me! Love Me! Follow only Me!

Thank you, kind-hearted viewers, for your delightful company! Please tune in again tomorrow for the second and final part of our 2010 Mother’s Day celebration. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom. We’ll see you again soon. Wishing all a blissful Mother’s Day!

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