Enlightening Entertainment
Aulacese (Vietnamese) Film: The Light of Truth (In Aulacese)    Part 1   
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du. Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “The Light of Truth” chronicles the holy life of Shakyamuni Buddha, an enlightened Master in India in the 5th century BCE. His profound and sacred teachings, which include Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Noble Path, and Tripitaka, have brought salvation for innumerable souls. Buddhism, now propagated around the globe, is one of the major religions in the world.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the film “The Light of Truth,” screenplay written by Võ Đình Cường, directed by Triệu Hoàng Quân, and produced by Diệu Giác Temple. It will be presented in four episodes, with performances by Công Hậu as Prince Siddhartha, Tuyết Lan as Queen Maya, Việt Trinh as Princess Yasodhara, Hữu Nghĩa as King Bimbisàra, Nam Anh as King Suddhodana, Di Thảo as Queen Mahaprajapati, Thanh Tùng as Ananda, Thạch Ngà as Devadatta, Đồng Khởi as Chandaka, Thành Tân as Kaundinya, Vĩnh Lộc as Brahmin Yogi, and other artists.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. We wish you peace and joy in the eternal love of Heaven and Buddha. Farewell for now, and we’ll see you next week.

Let us go to the southern part of the Himalaya mountain where the Buddha was born. Buddha was born into the world to deliver sentient beings. O humanity, know you not O humanity, know you not An enlightened Master has come. He’s the Most Compassionate, the Most Wise. He’s the bright light shining in the world.

It’s incredible. Look at the somersaults! The somersaults are awesome! They’re really good!

Why are you people holding a festival?

Because Queen Maya has just given birth to a prince. (Really?)

Greetings, Yogi.

Why are you celebrating?

Because Prince Siddhartha has 32 blessed features.

Greetings, Elder. Why are the people of Kapilavastu celebrating?

Nine months ago, Queen Maya had a dream...

What an unusual dream! Where’s the royal maid?

Yes, Your Majesty. Did you have a good rest last night?

Thank you, dear. I had an unusual dream last night. Go get a dream interpreter here for me.

Yes, Your Majesty, I’ll go right away.

Long live Your Majesty the Queen! This humble person is honored to be the interpreter of your golden dreams.

Be at ease, respectful sir.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

Last night I dreamt of a six-tusked white elephant that flew down from the heavens and entered my side. This dream worries me very much. Can you tell what it means?

A hundred prostrations to Heaven’s will! Ten thousand bows to Earth’s will! Countless beings will be delivered. This is a sign of luck. The law of impermanence gives way to the miraculous Truth. A great, auspicious omen has come. The Queen will give birth to a prince whose talent and virtue are unsurpassed.

Oh, is it true? If so, I must inform the King about this.

Trust my words, Your Majesty. Please ask other good dream interpreters; they will all tell of the same revelation.

Praise the Almighty! My prediction has come true.

Devisakha, do you know what the sign is?

I wonder why this strange light appears. But if I’m not mistaken, this is definitely an auspicious sign.

Hear ye! Hear ye! Today, the King ordered a national celebration. The entire Kapilavastu will be decorated with lights. On the occasion of Queen Maya’s giving birth to a royal son, the King grants a general amnesty to all. Hear ye! Hear ye!

Be at ease! I’m grateful to the Almighty for bestowing upon me a son to continue the lineage and preserve our royal ancestral legacy.

I also thank my beloved queen for giving me a beautiful son. I’ve waited for this great happiness all this time.

Your Majesty, a yogi called Asita from the East wishes to present himself on this occasion of the Crown Prince’s birth.

Invite him in!

Order obeyed.

Respectful greetings, Your Majesty! This humble person, Asita, from the eastern Himalayas, has come here despite the long journey upon learning that an extraordinary person has been born. May I entreat Your Majesty for a glimpse of the Crown Prince?

All right. Bring the Crown Prince here!

Alas, the one and only in Heaven and on Earth indeed! Your Majesty, the Crown Prince is not an earthly man. He’s the most precious flower of humanity, which only blossoms once in tens of thousands of years.

Why are you crying, Yogi? Will calamity befall the royal family?

Your Majesty, I’m crying for my ill fate, as I wasn’t born in his time. Alas! I’m too old now and will soon die. I won’t be able to listen to the jeweled words of His Highness.

Is that so? Tell me everything about it.

Didn’t you notice, Your Majesty? The Crown Prince’s 32 blessed features foretell that he will be a great king who rules over the world. Your Majesty, the symbol on his chest proclaims him the lord of the three worlds, a true guide for all beings. What a great blessing for the royal family!

But, O Maya of great virtue! You’ll leave this mundane world in 7 days to ascend to the Trayastrimsàs Heaven for your merits are immense, and your earthly debts are finished. You’ll suffer no more.

Your Highness, why don’t you have your breakfast? If you don’t eat, how can you be healthy? I may end up being reprimanded by the King for not taking good care of you.

Respected Auntie, this fruit dish that you cooked with lamb meat, I can’t eat it.

It’s difficult to understand the Crown Prince. Since the Queen passed away 10 years ago, I’ve always been by his side. As he grows up, it becomes harder to understand his actions and thoughts.

Respected greetings, Teacher.

Greetings, Your Highness.

I’m ready this morning to receive your instruction.

Today, we continue to learn about the things a future king like you needs to know.

Please instruct me. Do you mean to teach about the virtues of a king? I’ve contemplated about this through my role as a Crown Prince. Respected Teacher, I’m very afraid to be of talent but lacking virtue. That’ll bring disaster.

Your Highness, from now on, please accept me as your student because my knowledge is limited, but your intelligence is infinite. I cannot teach you. Once a phoenix is fully grown, no other birds can soar higher than it. But, O son of the virtuous Maya, I admire you not only for your brilliance, but also for your respect for me.

O Teacher that I have always loved and esteemed, please don’t be contrary to the customs such that I’ll be a disrespectful student. For the purity of my heart, please come teach me whatever you wish . I promise never to mention that again. I still remember your advice: “Be contented to preserve your dignity. Talk less to avoid making mistakes. Watch your every word. Guard your thoughts like a soldier guards a citadel.”

Devadatta, you defeated me in the horse race yesterday. Are you racing again today?

I wouldn’t dare. Have I ever won a horse race over you? Yesterday, you stopped the horse by yourself, perhaps because your horse was unwell. Now, I want to try another type of entertainment.

Devadatta! I know what you intend to do. Stop, O the bloodthirsty one!

Your Highness, this animal was shot by royal cousin Devadatta. He sent me here to ask you to return her.

Although the royal cousin shot this bird, it’s I who rescued her. Royal cousin Devadatta is her enemy, I’m her benefactor. Therefore, I can’t give her to Devadatta. Go back and tell Devadatta: If he wants this animal back, come see me. (Yes.)

Bring me the horse! (Yes.)

This animal is from the sky; it doesn’t belong to anyone. Now that I shot her, she belongs to me.

No. I’ve said that no one has the right to inflict pain on an animal to force him or her into one’s possession. This animal is mine because I love her, and she’s grown fond of me. If you don’t agree, go see the royal officials. We’ll ask them to judge.

Fine! Let’s see who’s the reasonable one.

So you all understood what I meant. Court dismissed!

His Majesty’s decision is very wise! We must think thoroughly about this issue. You’re right!

The officials are here; let’s ask them to help determine.

Please stand up!

We await your instructions.

That’s what happened. So, what is your judgment?

Your Highness, what the royal cousin said was correct?

Yes, Devadatta shot down this bird, and I picked her up.

Birds in the sky, fish in the water, all belong to nature. Whoever catches them will enjoy them.

I agree with the Crown Prince: The bird befriends those who love her, not those who kill her.

You can’t speak in such general terms. Although animals have intelligence, they can’t communicate it; they have emotion but can’t express it. We, as humans, though small physically, can conquer all beings. Therefore, whoever shoots the bird owns the bird.

Respected officials, if life is truly valuable, then he who saves an animal’s life deserves to keep her more than he who wants to kill her. One is killing and destroying, the other is protecting and building. The bird should be given to the Crown Prince.

Thank you for taking your time to judge.

We’re taking leave now, Your Highness.

O beloved bird, it’s clear and sunny. The wind blows favorably this way. Find your way back to your flock. Take flight, child!

Go quickly! Get rid of the hungry, the poor, and the sick! Take them deep into the forest. Don’t let His Highness see them, understand? (Yes.)

Stop the carriage!

See that, son? From the green fields at the distant horizon to this forest, all belongs to us, father and son. Such a beautiful and peaceful kingdom will be yours later. You should go and check out everything.

Royal Father, after roaming the whole day, I’m so happy to see that life is content and peaceful everywhere.

Royal Father, actually, it’s not as completely restful as I thought. I saw a struggle for survival. Farmers’ hands are soiled and their feet muddy from making a living. All their strength in life is being exchanged for a handful of rice. And how fierce it is the way living beings destroy each other! Is that life, Royal Father?

Siddhartha, I personally accompany you on this tour so that you can gain vast understanding, but you’re not pleased. What am I to do? Let’s return to the court!

Attention, citizens of Kapilavastu! There is a beauty contest tonight at the King’s royal palace. Beautiful women and noble ladies everywhere are welcome to attend tonight’s contest to receive the noblest prize. Attention, everyone!

Do you remember what Yogi Asita said about the Crown Prince?

Yes, I remember very clearly, Your Majesty.

I hope that his first prophesy comes true, that is the Crown Prince will be a great king. But watch closely, it seems that he wants to abandon the precious throne, so I’m very worried.

Your Majesty, please don’t be concerned. I think only the flame of love can hold His Highness captive. A thousand copper wires won’t be able to stop his adventurous spirit. but one strand of hair from a beautiful woman is sometimes stronger than iron chains.

Welcome, Princess of Kanadikiet and Princess of Adana. Welcome, Princess of Kusinagara. Welcome, Princess of Sravastidhatha. And finally, welcome, Princess Yasodhara.

Do you have anything for me?

O the most beautiful of all beauties! All the precious gifts were given away. But will you accept this as a replacement?

I’ve caught the bait. Now we must find a way to entice that phoenix out of the layers of blue clouds.

Your Majesty, the envoy that went to King Suppabuddha to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage has returned.

Send them in to see me.

Order obeyed.

Long live Your Majesty.

Be at ease. Tell me the outcome quickly.

Your Majesty, King Suppabuddha very much appreciated your thoughtful consideration, but he said: “According to Sakya’s custom, anyone who wishes to have the Princess’ hand in marriage must go through martial arts contests, and only the most skillful candidate may marry the Princess.”

This custom doesn’t change even for my son, the Crown Prince?

King Suppabuddha stated very clearly: There is no exception even for His Highness Siddhartha, although he’s well aware that His Highness is a talented and virtuous man.

I’m deeply disappointed. I know my son’s skills in literature and philosophy are unsurpassed, but as for martial arts, how can he compete with the champions, like the archery skill of Devadatta the horse-riding skill of Anuttara, and the swordmanship of Nanda?

Your Majesty, I know His Highness is highly competent in martial arts because His Highness’s teacher is my friend. Your Majesty need not worry. His Highness is just being humble.

Today is the contest’s day. Why are you sad, Princess?

Don’t you understand how I feel? I’m getting closer to leaving my Royal Father, without knowing who among the contestants will be my lifelong companion. I secretly wish that the Almighty will bestow upon me the man I have dreamt of.

The first competition, Heavenly Equestrian Marathon, is among Royal Highnesses Devadatta, Nanda, Anuttara, and Crown Prince Siddhartha.

Bravo, Crown Prince! Bravo, Crown Prince! His Highness is remarkable!

In the Heavenly Equestrian Marathon contest, the winner is Crown Prince Siddhartha and his horse Kanthaka. Next is the archery competition. Welcome, Royal Highnesses Nanda and Anuttara to the arena! Next, welcome, Crown Prince and Royal Highness Devadatta!

Crown Prince and Royal Highness. His Highness is a great archer! He’s a marksman!

Where is Siddhartha’s arrow?

Is there a better bow for His Highness Siddhartha to use?

Your Majesty, there is a very heavy bow made of black copper in the Ximbahanu Shrine. I’m only afraid that His Highness can’t pull it.

Guards! Go quickly and bring back the bow for His Highness!

Wait! Let me try it first!

Too heavy! It’s very heavy!

Bravo! Something sounds like thunder!

That’s the Crown Prince Siddhartha’s shooting with the bow from the Ximbahanu Shrine. I saw two guards carrying it here earlier. It’s awesome!

Here is the outcome of the archery competition: The winner is His Highness Siddhartha.

Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du. Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “The Light of Truth” chronicles the holy life of Shakyamuni Buddha, an enlightened Master in India in the 5th century BCE. His profound and sacred teachings, which include Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Noble Path, and Tripitaka, have brought salvation for innumerable souls. Buddhism, now propagated around the globe, is one of the major religions in the world.

We now invite you to enjoy part 2 of the film “The Light of Truth,” screenplay written by Võ Đình Cường, directed by Triệu Hoàng Quân, and produced by Diệu Giác Temple,

with performances by Công Hậu as Prince Siddhartha, Tuyết Lan as Queen Maya, Việt Trinh as Princess Yasodhara, Hữu Nghĩa as King Bimbisàra, Nam Anh as King Suddhodana, Di Thảo as Queen Mahaprajapati, Thanh Tùng as Ananda, Thạch Ngà as Devadatta, Đồng Khởi as Chandaka, Thành Tân as Kaundinya, Vĩnh Lộc as Brahmin Yogi, and other artists.

In the previous episode, Queen Maya dreamt of a six-tusked white elephant that flew down from the heavens and entered her side. The Queen then gave birth to Prince Siddhartha who had 32 blessed features. From early childhood, Prince already had a heart of compassion and extraordinary wisdom; according to the prophecy, His Highness would turn out to be a great king or a great enlightened Master.

To keep the Crown Prince at the court to continue the royal ancestral legacy, King Bimbisàra asked the beautiful Princess Yasodhara of Sakya to marry the Prince. But according to Sakya’s custom, if the Crown Prince wished to have the Princess’ hand in marriage, he would have to win martial arts contests.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. May you and your loved ones be graced with wisdom and noble love. Farewell for now, and we’ll see you next week.

Next is a sword duel between two royal relatives Nanda and Anuttara.

Welcome, Crown Prince Siddhartha. Welcome, Prince Devadatta.

Congratulations, Your Highness! You’re extraordinary. You didn’t let His Majesty down.

That’s enough to prove Your Highness’ talent and virtue. I now offer my precious gem to you.

Bravo, Your Highness Siddhartha!

O beloved Prince, why are you always sad? How about I call the royal maid to entertain you with story-telling? You used to like it when you were unhappy.

No. Today I’m in no mood to listen to the tasteless daily stories of the human life. Yaso! (Yes.) Stay with me here in the dark. Have these artificial lights turned off so that I can awaken my inner light.

You may leave! Wait! Put out all the candles in this room for me! (Yes.)

O beloved Yasodhara! Do you hear it? Every time I rest my head on your arm, I feel something billowing inside like unrelenting waves rolling on the sand beach, then receding into nothingness. Those were times I yearned to travel beyond high mountains and vast seas. There were days I followed the sun from dawn to dusk. There were nights I stayed awake with the moon and stars to envision other horizons where there are souls that I adore, where there are people I haven’t met, but I’m sure they will welcome me. Yet I’m confined in these 3 layers of citadel’s walls. How can I be happy? O universe! I hear you now.

What did you hear, darling?

O winds from thousands of directions! I’ve heard the laments.

Oh, wandering! We’re the winds wandering for many thousand centuries, searching for a peaceful rest which doesn’t exist on Earth. Where are we from? When did we begin? When will we rest? Where will we end up? We never know. At times, we even screamed amid the mountains over the immense seas, yet resentment and hatred still return, then again, we weep among the whizzing pines. Being wind and cloud, we still feel sorrow and suffering, as any human does – a human life is like a puff of wind. We’ve traversed hundreds of rivers and thousands of mountains, witnessed countless cases of decadence and upheavals: bodies squirming in pain, desperate voices shrieking in the dark night, the smell of burnt flesh on the pyre, the stench of blood on the battlefields. O Prince! Listen to the streaming tears of anguish, the bitter resentment of myriad withering autumns. O world! There’s a long sigh of sorrow. Why do you still wallow in fleeting pleasures? Wake up now! Wake up, Your Highness, the son of kind-hearted Maya. Set out now! Find the way of liberation for humanity to follow. Set out now, beloved Prince!

Hear ye! Hear ye! Tomorrow, Crown Prince Siddhartha will tour the capital. His Majesty ordered for all streets to be decorated beautifully to welcome His Highness. No one is allowed to expose unsightly or distressful views. The aged, feeble or disabled are not to stay about on the street. All cremations must be changed to another day. Those who don’t abide will be severely punished. Attention, everyone!

Let’s go quickly, Elder!

You people here! Move quickly! These sick people are so slow!

Have pity on them, please!

Hurry up! Don’t you hang around here! All right, move quickly! Why are you still standing there? Quickly!

Go home, Elder!

Start packing up!

A thousand Springs to the Crown Prince! A thousand Springs to the Crown Prince! The Crown Prince is so good-looking! A thousand Springs to the Crown Prince!

Stop! What an adorable child! Come to me!

This is for you.

Thank you, Your Highness.

It’s a blessing to meet His Highness face to face today. That’s right.

All right, Chandaka! Let’s move on.

Yes, Your Highness.

Continue on!

His Highness looks so kind-hearted. He looks very majestic. A thousand Springs to the Crown Prince!

Look, sweetie! The Crown Prince looks so stately, doesn’t he?

Go away! Go!

Yes, sir.

Get away!

Stop! Chandaka! What is it? Is that a human? How come he doesn’t look at all like anyone around me?

Your Highness, this is an old man. At birth, he looked like everyone else, but the destructive force of time has made him like that. It’s normal. Don’t be concerned, Your Highness.

Chandaka, you said this is normal? So, I, Yasodhara and everyone will become like that?

Everyone will, eventually, when they grow old.

Let’s go back, Chandaka! I don’t want to go anymore. (Yes.)

Your Highness, it’s meal time. Please come in, Her Highness the Princess is waiting.

Go tell the Princess that I’m not hungry yet. I want to be alone. (Yes.)

Why are you so sad after your tour outside the citadel today? Did anything displease you? Regardless of what happened, our love is enough to bring happiness to us.

O sweetheart, this happiness we have isn’t permanent. Some day we will be old, feeble and ugly. Time will spread over our hair layers of silvery ashes. Your clear eyes will turn opaque, your rosy lips will lose their luster and these two beautiful hands will shrivel like dry sticks.

Say no more, O beloved Prince! Listening to those dismal forecasts, my fragile heart is as if broken to pieces.

Yaso, have courage to hear me through, because I feel something inside me, inside you and everyone crumbling further every day. The force of time is destroying the most precious things in a human life. I hear inside me, inside you and everyone the thunderous sound of carriages carrying those treasures away, one after another. Yet everyone simply watches the destruction, feeling helpless. We hold desperately onto the treasures inside us as if holding onto a shadow or grasping a breath of air.

You seem very tired. Let me help you go inside.


Yes, Your Majesty, I’m at your command.

I’ve just dreamt of seven bad signs. Quickly invite the senior official here for a discussion, then summon the Crown Prince here for my instruction.

Order obeyed.

Your son, Siddhartha, respectfully greets the Royal Father.

Be at ease, son.

Did you have a good rest last night?

Last night, I dreamt of seven bad omens. Those seven signs foretold that you will abandon the throne and luxurious palace. I’m so worried.

Royal Father, last time you wished to please me, so you ordered people to hide all the unsightly and suffering scenes, and only display happy ones. I don’t know how to fully repay that favor.

No. I didn’t cover up anything I just had the guards clean up the streets; that’s all.

Royal Father, I think what I saw isn’t truly people’s everyday existence. May I implore you to magnanimously allow me to get in contact with the commoners’ lives to see clearly how they live and work, so that I understand more thoroughly about life.

All right. I’ll let you find out what daily existence is all about.

I’m very grateful to you, Royal Father. Please allow me to take leave.

Your Majesty, senior official Kaludavi wishes to present himself.

Invite him in. (Yes.)

Long live Your Majesty!

Be at ease! Last night, I dreamt of seven signs which foretold of the Crown Prince renouncing worldly life. I invited you here to discuss this, but then I just had another idea. I’ll let him go and find out about people’s everyday lives. Tomorrow, order a group of guards to disguise themselves and secretly follow the Crown Prince to protect him.

Your Majesty, your abrupt decision makes me nervous.

Don’t worry. I’ve thought it through. My son was greatly moved by the sight of people in distress because he just saw it for the first time. But this time, he will get used to other scenes of suffering and won’t feel as shocked as before. I should let the Crown Prince acquaint himself with the outside world. In fact, people always see better as outsiders. Daily contact will make him less emotionally sensitive.

Your Majesty is very wise, indeed!

Chandaka, take me outside the citadel. (Yes.) Remember to call me “Elder Brother.” Let no one know who I am, you hear?

Yes, Your Highness.


Oh... Elder Brother.

Let’s go.

Come buy freshly arrived apples, Sir. Good brocade!

Be loyal to your country. Be pious to your parents. Be loyal to your country. Be pious to your parents. Greatly respect the virtuous. Kindly treat the righteous. Forgive the ignorant. Be loyal to your country. Be pious to your parents. Greatly respect the virtuous. Kindly treat the righteous. Forgive the ignorant.

Help me, anyone!

What happened to you? Tell me! Why are you groaning so much?

Why is he groaning so miserably? Is there a cure? Tell me!

Your Highness, this man has an infectious disease. There is no cure.

But Elder Brother, let go of him, or else you will be infected.

Oh, you must feel very pained, don’t you?

Chandaka, this disease can be transmitted to me?

Yes. Let’s go, Your Highness. This disease is very dangerous.

No, I can’t abandon this man.

Move away!

Where are they taking him?

They are taking him away for treatment. If you meet another sick person, don’t get close, Your Highness. The disease will transmit to you. But this isn’t the only illness. There are many other dangerous illnesses, such as cholera, smallpox, chickenpox, and many more. Oh, how can I possibly name them all? Who knows when those negative diseases will enter us? It comes quietly like a snake crawling under the grass, like a tiger stalking by the stream, but when it surfaces it happens like lightning.

So humans always live in fear and anxiety?

Yes, Your Highness. From what I know, human life is like that. As a man of great wisdom, you also know that there are always surprises awaiting us. If we don’t run into this mishap, then we’ll run into another until we’re exhausted. That is the day we breathe our last breath. I think this is your concern.

Mom, why did you abandon me? O Mom! Don’t you love me? Why did you leave me?

There it is! The fire will burn, and a human corpse will turn to ashes in four directions. That’s the end of a life. No one can avoid that. Though I live in a glorious palace and have this strong and youthful body, in the end those things are meaningless to me.

Your Highness, please wake up, so I may have a few words.

What do you wish to say, my beloved?

O Prince, my hopes have all vanished. I just dreamt of three unfavorable signs for my future. In the first dream, there was a cow as white as crystal, walking across the street. He had a diamond sparkling like a star on his forehead. He walked leisurely toward the citadel’s gate. Then there was shouting in desperation: “If you people let the cow go, this citadel will lose its splendid beauty.” But the cow walked on. No one can stop him. I ran after him, put my arm around his neck, and called the soldiers to close the citadel gate, but the cow gently walked straight out. In the second dream, I saw something bright as lapis lazuli in the firmament approaching our citadel gate and a gust of wind passed by, the flag pole above the gate snapped, and another flag rose up.

Don’t be distressed. You’ll be comforted by an immense love. Though those dreams are the foreshadowing of events to come, though Heaven and Earth turn upside down, though everything changes, and despite whatever happens to us, have faith that I’ve loved you and will always love you. Now go back to sleep, my beloved Princess. Do you know that day and night, I think of a way to deliver this world from suffering? My love encompasses the whole universe, then to you the one who has always been by my side and taken care of my happiness, how can I not feel deep affection? Though my body is like an eagle flying all over the world, my heart will always be with my loved ones. It will be a great comfort for you to think that one day, due to your sacrifice, the whole world lives in peace and happiness. Be courageous and magnanimous to shoulder with me some of humanity’s suffering. Oh, how wonderful are the visions in your dreams!

It’s not so, O Prince! I’m very afraid because I heard frightening voices: “The time has come!”

I haven’t heard about your third dream.

In the third dream, I saw myself looking toward where you lay but you were not there anymore.

The time has come!

Those voices woke me up. What is that voice if not a sign that I’m about to die or that you’re about to leave me? Don’t leave me! It’d be a pity for me, O Prince!

Try to go back to sleep, love!

It’s late into the night. I must choose one of the two paths: Glory or compassion? Do I want to be a great king or forsake the throne and go out into the dusty world? I will go out into the world, in the silence of the dark night. I read my fate in the silvery light of the moon and stars. I’ll go; I’ll renounce the throne. I don’t want to conquer by the sharp sword. I don’t want to be a king whose chariot wheels are steeped in the red blood of a thousand battlefields and leave a dreadful memory for posterity. I want to set my pure foot on the path of hardship: the ground as my bed, leaves as my clothing, and alms as my food. I just want to eradicate the misery of humanity. I must sacrifice everything and struggle until the day I find a remedy for suffering. I believe that there is such a cure, as there isn’t a treasure that can be obtained without effort or that one needs not use all his might, intelligence and a powerful love to secure it. O humanity writhing in pain! O suffering world! Because of you, I renounce my title, forsake the valued throne, forgo golden days and jeweled nights, tear myself away from the clinging hands of my gentle wife, sunder myself from the strong love of my Royal Father, abandon my newborn now lying by his mother. From now on, I’ll never repose on this bed again. O Royal Father, gentle wife, infant son and nation! Please bear this separation until the day I attain enlightenment.

O dark night! Press down the eyelids of these beautiful women and shut tight those lips. Let not a drop of sentimental tear fall down, let not a call of loyalty hold back my steps. Everyone, I’m going to leave you. I can’t stay in this palace to witness your beauty withering away with time and feel helpless about it. I’ll go find for you a peaceful life, an everlasting beauty. I bid you all farewell. I’m leaving now.


Yes, Your Highness.

Bring the horse Kanthaka here for me.

But where do you want to go at this dark hour?

Keep it down!

Yes, it’s because everything is still in darkness that I must go. I’m leaving to escape the throne that keeps me confined. I’m going to seek the Truth to deliver beings.

You forsake the throne, forsake a kingdom of which you will be the ruler to take up a beggar’s life.

That’s my wish. I wish not to be attached to this small kingdom in order to love the vast universe. I forgo these treasures to go find humanity eternal treasures. Bring the horse Kanthaka here!

Please think of His Majesty’s anguish and the Princess’ sorrow. If you go away, who will protect your loved ones?

Stand up, Chandaka! I can’t remain here to indulge in selfish pleasures. Because of my love for my Royal Father, my wife and son, I’m leaving to find eternal love for humanity. Now, go bring the horse here for me.

Kanthaka! Help carry me off on a very, very long journey! Tonight, I set out to find the Truth, though I know not yet where to find it. But I will not halt my steps until I discover it. Kanthaka, be courageous! Let no obstacles stop you. Though impeded by a thousand webs of trials, high citadels or perilous mountains, you must gallop like lightning to help me. Later, if I attain enlightenment, you will reap part of the merit.

Your Royal Highness!

Chandaka! Look at that!

Your Highness!
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du. Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “The Light of Truth” chronicles the holy life of Shakyamuni Buddha, an enlightened Master in India in the 5th century BCE. His profound and sacred teachings, which include Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Noble Path, and Tripitaka, have brought salvation for innumerable souls. Buddhism, now propagated around the globe, is one of the major religions in the world.

We now invite you to enjoy part 3 of the film “The Light of Truth,” screenplay written by Võ Đình Cường, directed by Triệu Hoàng Quân, and produced by Diệu Giác Temple,

with performances by Công Hậu as Prince Siddhartha, Tuyết Lan as Queen Maya, Việt Trinh as Princess Yasodhara, Hữu Nghĩa as King Bimbisàra, Nam Anh as King Suddhodana, Di Thảo as Queen Mahaprajapati, Thanh Tùng as Ananda, Thạch Ngà as Devadatta, Đồng Khởi as Chandaka, Thành Tân as Kaundinya, Vĩnh Lộc as Brahmin Yogi, and other artists.

In previous episodes, Queen Maya dreamt of a six-tusked white elephant that flew down from the heavens and entered her side. The Queen then gave birth to Prince Siddhartha who had 32 blessed features. From early childhood, Prince already had a heart of compassion and extraordinary wisdom; according to the prophecy, His Highness would turn out to be a great king or a great enlightened Master.

To keep the Crown Prince at the court to continue the royal ancestral legacy, King Bimbisàra asked the beautiful Princess Yasodhara of Sakya to marry the Prince. But according to Sakya’s custom, if the Crown Prince wished to have the Princess’ hand in marriage, he would have to win martial arts contests. With his unsurpassed talents and virtues, the Crown Prince won all contests and married Princess Yasodhara.

Though living in opulence and happiness beside his beautiful wife, the Crown Prince always had an intense yearning for enlightenment. After touring outside the capital, he realized the impermanent fate and suffering lives of people. One night, he absconded from the royal palace to find the way of liberation for humanity.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. Farewell for now, and we’ll see you next week.

Thank you very much. I feel deep affection for you. I’ll forever remember this day.

Take Kanthaka back for me.

Your Highness!

Here are the sword and the royal mantle. I don’t need them anymore. This jewel-studded belt and my hair, please take them back to present to my royal father. Remember to tell His Majesty to forget me temporarily until the day I return in the glorious light of Truth. All right, go on home now!

Your Highness! Please allow this humble person to follow and attend to you, even if I have to endure countless hardships.

That cannot be, O Chandaka! I can’t let you follow me when I haven’t found the way ahead. Go home with Kanthaka! No one can tread an unknown path. I alone must find it. Go home!

Farewell, Your Highness. Please take care of yourself, physically and spiritually!

That year, Prince Siddhartha was 29 years of age. He left home to seek the Truth and began the life of “one bowl for alms from a thousand homes, traveling alone on a ten thousand miles journey.” O beings, follow the path of the Buddha’s teachings! The golden light of Truth has shone upon the world. O humanity, escape together the suffering realm! The golden light spreads everywhere, sparkling atop myriad waves of deep blue water. The golden light of Truth has shone upon the world. Nirvana is where beings are liberated from misery.

May I know what sect this is, respected Elder Brothers, and your method of practice?

We’re people who vow to lead an ascetic life. This method is taught by Sage Bhargava.

Alas, life is miserable already! Why make it more painful for yourselves?

The Sage has taught: If a practitioner dares to torture his physical body, his soul will escape the physical body to ascend to the heavens. Our body is like a piece of firewood set ablaze for the smoke to soar up to the clouds.

That gently drifting cloud is water evaporated from the sea. It will drip down on Earth to become streams and rivers, then end up back in the sea. Will the ascetics be able to escape that cyclical law?

O respected Elder Brother! Having bought heavens with so much blood and bones in the market of woes that you created, I’m sure you’ll return to misery when your term in Heaven ends. I’d like to advise you to leave that dangerous game. A pure and noble soul needs a wholesome and healthy body to dwell in. Why do you beat up and wreck your body till it exhausts and collapses in the middle of your long journey?

My good man! We’ve chosen this path and are determined to reach our destination. If you feel you can’t do the same for you can’t overcome physical weaknesses, then go elsewhere to practice spiritually.

If there is another path, show me!

I dare not. Please allow me to take leave.

O apricot flowers along the hillside! Has it ever occurred that out of sorrow, you blight your fragrance and color yourself? O weeping willows that flourish harmoniously in nature! What secret do you have to cheerfully rise up on the windswept Himalayas, humming under the vast firmament? O flock of birds that gaily fly about under the sky! Have you ever wanted something else that you lose the desire to sing and torture yourselves in hopes of a better life? Yet, there are humans, the eldest brothers of all beings, who’d use their brains to afflict more pain upon themselves, digging early graves for their own lives.

O Venerable, yesterday I came to request medicine to revive my young son who was bitten by a snake. You said: “Go to a house that never had any dead person, ask for a handful of ash.” There is plenty of ash, but not the kind to save my son as you said.

Please stand up. There is no such ash because death is the universal law for all beings. I told you to go find that ash so that you can realize that as a human, one must go through death and separation.

Any other advice for me, Venerable?

Yesterday, you thought only you knew suffering. Now you understand that all beings must undergo that experience. Don’t cry and lament because your tears can’t alter the harsh law of nature that everyone must endure. Go bury your son! If I could save your child, I would, even if it cost my blood and bones.

Such joy! Here is Yogi Alara Kalama’s ashram. Respected master, I’ve long heard that you are a scholar well-versed in scriptures and Sankhya philosophy. Please allow me to study dharma in your ashram.

I know that you left home to dedicate your life to acetic spiritual practice, so I’m very happy to welcome you into my ashram. Just follow my teachings. This is my path: Eat just enough to sustain life; wear just enough to cover your body; where you eat or sleep is of no importance; happiness doesn’t exist on Earth; the world around you is but ash and dust; sit in contemplation diligently; one will gradually attain first, second, third and fourth dhyana, slowly rise to the state of infinite space, then boundless knowledge; and upon reaching the ultimate level, one is born into No-thought Heaven.

Respected master, after many days of contemplation to reach the state of neither-thinking- nor-not-thinking, is there still the self in that samadhi? If there isn’t, why is it called the neither-thinking-nor- not-thinking samadhi? If there is, does that self have sentience? If that self isn’t sentient, it is no different from the plants. Without sentience, how is it possible to avoid being bound by the contaminated world?

Very admirable! Siddhartha, my path isn’t yet the ultimate method to liberation that you are searching for. Feel free to make your choice.

I’m very grateful, master. Please allow me to take leave. May you attain full enlightenment.

I already met the ascetics. I’ve practiced with Alara Kalama, and then with Uddaka Ramaputta. They are all followers of the Sankhya school. Although their knowledge is somewhat different from one another, their methods of practice are the same. No one knows the path to liberation. That path, perhaps I must find within myself.

O poor little goat! Wherever you go, I will carry you to follow your herd to the destination. I haven’t found a cure to deliver all beings; at least I can deliver you alone from suffering.

Where are you taking these goats?

King of Rajagrha ordered us to hand over our sheep and goats as sacrifices to the deities tonight.

I will follow you there then.

O deities! This is the pure blood of innocent goats. Please happily dip your hands in it to cleanse the King of his sins. Please use their fat to burn up all the wrongdoings of the entire kingdom. From now on, please don’t show your anger by wrecking havoc upon this Rajagrha.

Stop that! Your Majesty, please don’t let that person kill an innocent animal. Please allow me to explain.

What a surprise! Who are you? Where are you from? Tell me what you wish to say. My kingdom Rajagrha is now beset by many plagues and disasters.

Everyone desires to live but also likes to kill. Killing is easy, but none of us humans can create life. Though beings have different forms, all lives are one and the same. Holy scriptures teach that: Humans, after death, can reincarnate as animals. Many animals will become humans. Humans and animals, therefore, are connected like siblings. Animal blood cannot cleanse human sins. Asking the Almighty to forgive our sins is useless. If those deities are all good, they can’t tolerate such a cruel deed.

If they are cruel, they won’t become good regardless of how many animals you kill to offer them. But whether good or bad, they can’t pardon anyone. Each is responsible for his own wrongdoings. That is the immutable law of cause and effect. The more we kill, the more calamities befall us. Alas, how peaceful, happy and sorrow-free this world would be if humankind loved animals and had no heart to kill them to make offerings or to eat. If only humanity can sustain themselves with vegetation!

Eunuch, take this! Read it aloud for me to hear if it’s all right.

Order obeyed. Here are Your Majesty’s words: “Since time immemorial, we’ve committed a grave sin – we killed animals to make offerings to the deities. But from this day on, no one is allowed to shed any animal’s blood because all beings have the same life. And remember always that goodness will await the kind and righteous people.”

Please have a look! What do you think about my decree, Your Highness? I’ll have it engraved on the stone pillar, then carved on wood for distribution.

Your Majesty, this royal decree will be a source of merit to help you avoid all disasters.

Your Highness, you’re of a royal family, born to rule over the world, not to live on everyone’s alms. Please stay here with me and impart your knowledge to the people. Then when I pass on, this kingdom will be yours to govern.

Your Majesty, I left my royal father, wife, son and my country to search for the Truth. You should not keep me here. I can’t sit in peace on the golden throne and jade dais, while my ears still hear the laments of humanity. My heart is vastly disturbed by life’s illusions. Please let me go, Your Majesty. When the Truth brilliantly reveals itself to me and shines upon the world, I’ll return here to repay your kind consideration.

Please accept my sincere gratitude. Without you, my hands would have been stained with many beings’ blood. I always hope that you will return to this small nation. May you soon attain enlightenment so that I will also be saved.

Please halt your steps. There is a royal decree from His Majesty.

Stand up, gentlemen. Please go back. Until I find the path to liberation, I won’t stop in my journey.

Please think of Kapilavastu’s future to return to your position as a Crown Prince.

His Majesty is distressed night and day by your departure. The entire Kapilavastu is in turmoil because of this news. Please think of Her Highness the Princess and your son.

What a pity! It’s His Highness’ destiny. He can’t do otherwise. Let’s go back and ask His Majesty for a group of yogis to accompany and help him in his practice.

That’s right! His Highness will be the One of Great Compassion, Great Mercy, Great Wisdom and Great Virtue as foretold by yogi Asita. All right, let’s go back!

Tune for me a musical chord, not too high nor too low. The music emanating from the six chords are melodious. Let not the musical chord be too stretched! Let it not be too loose! Or the melodic sound will disappear. Tune for me a musical chord. I’ll continue tuning and searching...

I’m surprised that those people have such a good idea. Perhaps, in searching for a world-saving melody, I’ve over-stretched the musical chord. If I’m not careful, it’ll snap while I still need it. I must re-nourish the physical instrument.

Give me another drink of milk. Come closer.

Respected sage, I cannot come near you because I’m a pariah. My getting close to you will taint your purity.

Love and the need for it are the strings connecting everyone together. There is no social class in the same red blood. There is no race in the same salty teardrops. Each person wasn’t born with a tilak mark on his forehead, or a pearl necklace on his neck. In the Court of Conscience, one will reap exactly what one sows. You may let me have the drink. There is nothing to fear.

I take leave now, O sage.

O mistress, the Mountain Deity appears on that rock over there. He is sitting cross-legged, with his hands on his legs. He looks so majestic. We’re so blessed, because he rarely manifests.

Lead me to him, Radha!

Our bow to the Noble One for blessing us! Please accept this humble offering which I personally prepared with all sincere gratefulness. Respected One, are you pleased with it?

What did you offer me that tasted so good?

O Noble One who has blessed us!

I cooked it with the best rice that I carefully selected among the rare varieties. I also added fragrant herbs and precious flowers from the garden. But all my efforts can never be compared to your boundless grace.

This is the child, the gem, the life that you have bestowed upon my family.

May your happiness be long-lasting. May the burden of life not weigh down heavily on your child’s shoulders. I’m not any god. I’m just a person like anyone else. For six long years, I’ve seeking the light of Truth to share with sentient beings. I believe I will find that light, for I saw a glimpse of it many times, but I couldn’t hold on to it, perhaps because I was too physically exhausted. Today, your milk porridge has helped me regain my strength. I don’t know how to repay that favor.

Oh, my heart is like a small orchid, which can be kept afresh by just a few drops of morning dew. I wish not to be repaid for any favor. My life passes peacefully in the tender light of my family. I live without demanding or rejecting anything, yet I always believe that tomorrow will be better than today because I realize that bad deeds beget misfortune and good deeds bring good fortune. Good rice seed gives a chain of golden grains. My motto now is to lessen desire and expand love. I’m taking leave now, O Noble One. May you live long.

You’ve taught a good lesson to your so-called master. You understand without studying scriptures. You walk on the right path without any guide, like a pigeon naturally flies in the right direction. But how many people understand and live as so in this world? Therefore, I must search for the Truth. May you fulfill your duty as a mother and a wife. And I, I’ll seek the way to liberate humankind.

O the Most Holy Child of the Universe! The regal life of luxury can’t tie you down. Thousands of temptations can’t blind you. You’ve used a will as powerful as the cascading waterfalls and as firm as the mountains to overcome your attachments to physical desires, especially emotions. You’ve brought out your wisdom that’s as bright as the sun to search for the path of liberation. You’re about to achieve your goal. Hasten! You still have to win the last battle and then your spiritual merit will be complete. Quicken! The darkness of hundreds of thousand years is awaiting you to shed light upon it.

Although my blood may dry up and my bones may rot, I will not leave this place if I haven’t found the Truth.

I’m the Life-thirsting Devil. What is more valuable than life? Why did you abandon it?

I’m the Fame-craving Devil. O son of King Suddhodana! How foolish you are! You’re a talented and renowned man, of a noble and royal lineage. You’re about to succeed the throne with unmatched honor and power. Yet you’ve chosen to be a beggar, leading a vagabond life from place to place.

I’m the Devil of Pleasures. You were living in a palace of pleasures, with warm quarters in the winter, cool quarters in the summer. You ate only delicacies, drank only fine wine, heard only sounds of lutes and flutes, and saw only mesmerizing dances by beautiful women. Why are you so foolish as to forsake everything and come here to lie down in the snow and fog?

O manifestations of the mundane world who cling to fleeting illusions! Leave this place! You cannot tempt me.

I’m the Devil of Anger. I destroy all and kill all. No one can stop me from setting fire in people’s hearts, burning down everything. We sow catastrophes everywhere, and the entire world will be ruined because of us. O Siddhartha! We’ll make you our disciple.

Siddhartha! We’re Devils of Ignorance. How bright can your light be to illuminate the way for humankind? Don’t waste your time! The more light emitted from you, the more darkness we pour out. Day by day, little by little, we’ve sown ignorance for many millions of years. And now the whole world is submerged in it. We dare you! What kind of light can you use to erase all shades of ignorance?

How is this filthy and lowly world worthy of your efforts to save it? Follow us to ecstatic realms to enjoy the lofty pleasures together.

Destroy this world, and your path will take you to the inferno.

All are delusions! You’re only after the shadow. Just vain hopes! There is no way to save humankind. Your Path will be useless in a world steeped in passions. Liberating humanity from transmigration? Who’d be crazier than that?

O beloved Prince! Do you know how miserable I felt when you left the palace? I’ve wept many tormented days. I’ve longed for your return. My eyes grow dim with tears, yet not a trace of you was seen on the way home. Come back to me! You’ll rest your head on my arms like when you were still my reason for being.

A delusion like any other worldly delusion, you can’t fool me. Vanish quickly with the darkness!

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