Enlightening Entertainment
Here II Here - Higher Consciousness that Rocks    Part 1   
Have you heard the call A whisper in the wind
When you fly and when you fall
You can hear the voice within

From where ever you may stand
From whichever point on Earth
There’s spirit in your hands This moment is giving birth

To infinite possibilities to love and serve mankind
Your brother and your sister, we’re all the same inside

Welcome, music loving viewers, to Enlightening Entertainment. In a world where we all pause from our routine from time to time to yearn for peace and meaning, five gifted musicians from the United States are reaching out straight to the soul.

Their group, Here II Here, has been garnering acclaim nationwide as the foremost “mainstream-spiritual” music band of our time. They are shaping an emerging genre called “Conscious Pop” for their sounds that are able to move, uplift, and expand the listeners’ awareness of their own Divine power.

I know that we can do it. We can change the world. I know that we can be it; we can be the change we’d like to see It’s time for change It’s time for change

Originally known as “Inner Voice,” Here II Here has performed at the United Nations, on the major US television network ABC’s program Good Morning America watched by millions of viewers, at the Miami Dolphin Stadium, the Agape International Center, and for events with some of the world’s prominent spiritual teachers and best-selling authors. Most of their performances are offered unconditionally.

Supreme Master Television had the pleasure to meet the band members of Here II Here and their manager Bryan Reeves in Los Angeles, USA at a stop during their ongoing concert tour.

My name is Bryan, and I’m the manager of Here II Here.

My name is Alex, and I sing. I’m a vocalist with the group.

My name is Ash, I’m a vocalist and a crazy songwriter.

My name is Jaime, guitar and vocals.

My name is Kaz and I play cajón, otherwise known as the box.

My name is Edwin, I play guitar, harmonium, bass pedals.

First of all, how did you come into being? How did this group evolve into existence?

The seed was planted in 1998. I put an ad in a local paper in Miami, Florida, to meet other singers, other vocalists. I wanted to form a vocal group. And as soon as me and Ash connected, we became good friends and start singing together.

Several months later in that same year in 1998, we met Jaime through another friend of mine. And when the three of us harmonized for the first time, it was something overwhelming, something magical has taken place.

From there, Here II Here evolved further as the remaining members of the band joined in: Edwin and Kaz, who are brothers, and their dedicated manager Bryan. And the magic that had begun has reached countless people since.


Have you heard the call A whisper in the wind
When you fly and when you fall
You can hear the voice within

Here II Here rocks, man!

This group is awesome. I’m officially one of their newest groupies. My name is Lucky, and I’m so blessed to be a part of this new movement of consciousness and evolution, music, art, drama, and a group called Here II Here.

These guys are great. We love them!

For their self-titled debut album “Here II Here,” the band collaborated with Grammy-winning engineer Doc Wiley and Grammy-winning producer Joel Sommeillan; as well as Michael Jackson’s official photographer, Harrison Funk; child-prodigy painter and vegan Akiane Kramarik, and Jacqueline Ripstein, Artist of Peace Envoy for the United Nations. The album shows just how unique the band is, through their mastery of a signature rhythmic blend of tribal pop, illuminated rock, and soul-inspired R&B harmonies.

Feelings come and the feelings go,
it’s all right Feelings come
and the feelings go, it’s all light

It’s all right It’s all light
It’s all right It’s all light

Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. We’ll be back soon with more of Here II Here’s enlightening music.

So good! Yeah, I feel... I’m vibrant right now.

Oh, beautiful!

The range of this group, and the content, the message...

Oh, fantastic! Fantastic! I love them!

Their last song made me cry.

Jesus, Buddha, Kali, Krishna, Isis, Mandela, Sofia, Mohammed,
Yahweh, Sai Baba, La Virgen Maria, Waka Tankan, Ramana

Silence, Freedom, Detachment, Devotion,
Wisdom, Surrender, Salvation, Compassion,
Sacred, One-Ness, Abundance,
The Truth remains all is Love

Welcome back to our program on the conscious music band Here II Here. As accomplished musicians in their own right, the artists of Here II Here came together to create wonderful new harmonies. But they discovered more than just a new commitment in their musical careers. They found a voice to speak for humanity’s rising consciousness.

Was the emphasis of your music, has it always been spiritual or did that kind of evolve as well?

Well, I think I think that was like the seed in the sense of what it is we would going to do musically. I was in a band for a couple of years. It was a pop band, world-known Latin band called Menudo, and that was a really cool experience. And I also had some experiences that completely shattered my whole perspective of that scene.

It was just very clear that the music that was going to come through was going something of different quality and pointed to and celebrated something that doesn’t usually get noticed with our conditioned way of looking at the world.

So many souls have come to this planet
And blessed it by being themselves
Yet the masses await the messiah,
the prophet Salvation’s on somebody else

Receive this gift by this song that came through
You are the One the world needs

You are the Gandhi, the Christ, the Lennon
You are the Martin Luther King

I have a Dream

In one of the early conversations, we noticed that we had each read a book called “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” by Deepak Chopra. We had a wonderful conversation and it was really cool to notice that, we are in a time where we could consciously use the gifts that we have been given by this universe to celebrate and invite all to partake in the nectar of this moment through music. So, it was really powerful.

Jesus, Buddha, Kali, Krishna, Isis, Mandela, Sofia, Mohammed,
Yahweh, Sai Baba, La Virgen Maria, Waka Tankan, Ramana

We are the ones we We are the ones we
We are the ones we We are the ones we…
(All is love) …we are looking for

When you’re singing songs like, “ Holy,” you’re reminding everyone there that they are holy. (Yes.)

For many people, it’s almost the first time that they will say, “I am holy.” You know, it really gives them a permission in this safe space to claim it. There are so many aspects of ourselves that we can take a look at. And each aspect of ourselves, you can say, “I am holy, too.”

I am holy I am holy
Only good comes to me Only good comes from me
I give thanks I give thanks

Only good comes to me Only good comes from me
Only good comes to me Only good comes from me

Only God comes to me Only God

I am Holy

After learning that their song “Holy” had given one fan the hope to live, carrying her through her darkest hour, Here II Here generously made the tune free to download at

You’re touring through a lot of yoga studios, spiritual centered places. (Yeah.) And one of the interesting things that I like about what you’re doing is it’s all donations, all love gifts.

Yes. The majority, the vast majority.

It has been just amazing with the support that has poured forth and come through, in all kinds of ways.

I think it also makes it so much more inviting. When we go to these communities, it makes it a lot easier because they recognize they don’t have to either try to bring in a certain amount of people or try to make a certain amount of money or anything, but just the openness of: whoever is there, whatever is made, whatever is present, whatever celebration takes place is exactly what needs to take place.

Following the January 2010 earthquake that left the island nation of Haiti in devastation, there was an immense cry of pain and grief. But there was also a joining of hands worldwide in solidarity, comfort, and hope. In the wake of the tragedy, Here II Here dedicated their special song, “Wings,” in loving support for the people of Haiti.

I don't ever need to worry anymore I know that you're okay
Like a child playing next to the seashore Running with the waves

Enjoy yourself in Paradise Learn all you could learn
Share the love that's in your eyes
And know I'm not concerned Because...

Every time you leave my arms
You take my wings with you You could never be too far
They'll always follow you You leave my arms and take my Wings with you
You leave my arms and take my Wings with you

To conclude part 1 of 2 of our program featuring Here II Here, let’s enjoy their original song, “The Waking Journey” (Walk With Me).

Have you heard the call A whisper in the wind
When you fly and when you fall
You can hear the voice within

From where ever you may stand
From whichever point on Earth
There’s spirit in your hands This moment is giving birth

To infinite possibilities to love and serve mankind
Your brother and your sister, we’re all the same inside

Walk with me, walk with me Though the future may seem blurry
Walk with me, walk with me For we’re on the waking journey
We each have our own mountains
We each have our own paths
We speak in the same language
When we cry and when we laugh

All children are our children
They each deserve a chance To blossom into flowers
Reach towards the sun and dance

For every breath’s an invitation to either love or fear
As Gandhi said, “There is no way to peace,” because peace is here

Walk with me, walk with me Though the future may seem blurry
Walk with me, walk with me For we’re on the waking journey

Walk with me, walk with me Though the future may seem blurry
For we’re on the waking journey

Step by step, in this moment I choose to live
From heart to heart, this heart’s all I have to give
Walk with me, walk with me Walk with me, walk with me Walk with me, walk with me

We’re on the waking journey Walk with me
Though the future may seem blurry
We’re on the waking journey
Though the future may seem blurry

Walk with me, walk with me Walk with me, walk with me
Walk with me, walk with me Walk with me, walk with me
Walk with me, walk with me Walk with me, walk with me

Thank you for sharing your time with us on today’s episode of Enlightening Entertainment. Please tune in next Tuesday, June 1, for the second part of our program on Here II Here, a music group that is leading the conscious pop revolution for a peaceful planet. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May your life be blessed with Divine love and light.

To connect with Here II Here, please visit Official Website Debut Album Youtube Facebook MySpace
Namaste and welcome to the second part of our program on the American “Conscious Pop Music Group” Here II Here. Formerly known as “Inner Voice,” the band has performed all around the United States, from the United Nations in New York and the Miami Dolphin Stadium, to many yoga studios and spiritual centers, and was featured on the major television network ABC’s popular program, Good Morning America with a viewership of millions.

With a unique sound that harmonizes the members’ talent and experience across various styles, the music of Here II Here appeals to a broad audience. But what mesmerizes listeners is their unique, powerful, uplifting spirituality. They are “Conscious Music Makers.” And in their own creative words, Here II Here’s mission is to “serve as the soundtrack for planetary awakening.”

If a Christian doesn’t ask what would Jesus do Then I don’t know what a Christian is

If a Buddhist doesn’t ask what would Buddha do Then I don’t know what a Buddhist is

And if a Muslim doesn’t ask what would Mohammed do Then I don’t know what Islam is

And if a Human Being doesn’t question his actions I don’t know what a human being is

Oh Earthlings, Earthlings our perceptions gone astray We think we own the Earth and we treat her like a slave

Oh Earthlings, Earthlings let’s reevaluate Our role in this experience and choose to change our ways

Oh Earthlings, Earthlings

You said before in an interview that you know that Here II Here can change the world because it has changed yourselves. Can you give us some examples of how that has come about?

I think that was Jaime’s.

I would assume most of us – very egocentric, lost in my own little world of thoughts, and to this day, which distracts me a lot of the time and it takes me away from being grounded in this moment. Through the music, through our words, which are literally mantras, it has allowed me to really deepen and just get more in touch with myself. And so if it’s done it for me, I have no doubt that it can do it for anybody out there in the planet.

Planets are just plankton Floating in a sea of Omni-present mystery

Those who claim to know it Rarely ever show it They are just as lost as you and me

So, your songs, how do they come into being? Do you write them together?

When we first got together, it was mainly we would get together and write together. And then we still do that, but I guess kind of like the main form right now is I’ll receive – I like calling myself a secretary to the Divine, because I start, I either wake up with either a lyrics and a melody and an essence and I just got to jot it down, “Okay this, this, okay okay okay.”

And then sometimes I’ll receive an essence per se, and that essence will just sit with me for a week, and it’s kind of like oh, I love this essence, I know that something’s coming, something’s coming. And then I’ll experience the melody and lyrics.

I’m learning to forget, forget I ever saw your face

To forget, to forget I ever heard your name

To forget, the soul that’s in your eyes
So it will always be the first time

Here II Here are currently on their second tour through the United States.

Where have you been so far? And what are some of the highlights of the tour that you’ve been on so far?

We’ve been on the road for about five weeks now and it’s been going great. We had a great concert at the World Beat Center, (San Diego) where was that at? San Diego.

We performed in cities like Albuquerque and Sedona and Dallas, and...

Oklahoma City. (Phoenix.)

We went to the Grand Canyon also.

We did an a cappella piece at the Grand Canyon. (Right on the cliff.) Right on the cliff.

What if someday we recognize that we are all the same And that the source of everything is beyond any name

What if miracles were too close for our eyes too see And this that’s happening right now is just possibility What if you are dreaming you’re asleep when you’re awake What if God said “thank you” back – what would you say

In that moment we decided we’re here and we have our iPhones, it’s amazing, with that technology, we were able to capture us singing on the a cappella, just with this, and the image and the sound quality sounds really decent.

When we return, we will see Here II Here’s performance at the Red Rocks in Sedona, Arizona, USA and other elevating songs. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

When I first heard Here II Here, I knew that they had the message that the world needs to hear.

This has been fantastic, what a day!

A great vibration, and the voices, they mix up the sound. It was...

Awesome! That’s the only word I can describe it with. Fantastic. Everybody had fun, everybody. You must experience Here II Here!

Welcome back to our program featuring the unique and gifted conscious music band Here II Here.

Who would’ve thought out of all of the stars in this desert sky

I would behold such a wondrous oasis of six billion I’s

Who would’ve thought the so-called dominant species
Would take paradise for granted

Love is a word humans use all the time

Though I feel that they don’t understand it

I’m an alien who’s just arrived here
on this planet of green brown and blue

I’m an alien amazed at where my craft has landed I’ve come in search of you

I’m an alien

Here II Here has received the highest accolades from spiritual teachers, fellow musicians and audiences everywhere. Spiritual teacher Gangaji said about them, “Here II Here bursts my heart more open each time I hear them.” And Neale Donald Walsch, author of the bestselling book series, “Conversations with God,” praised the group as well, stating, “Here II Here provides not simply music, but a total experience that expands the mind, opens the heart and touches the soul. I feel gifted by having heard them.”

Also, another highlight: After every show, we get to meet the most amazing people, so hallo to everyone that we got a chance to meet if you’re watch this. And it’s just so delicious. Hearts are just completely open and there’s just this pouring of gratitude and appreciation and recognition. So it’s really been delicious.

It’s definitely hard to point one particular experience out, because it’s the whole journey, it’s just every moment; just such an incredible opportunity to celebrate the sharing and the community gathering.

As we start to perform, little by little, you can start to see the openness, the melting of the walls start to happen. And there’s just something powerful, at one point you can literally just feel that their heart’s opening.

If we’re appearing in your consciousness It’s to simply say yes
If we’re appearing in your consciousness It’s to simply say yes.

"I am God, all is one, the totality of existence"
Pales in comparison to what’s never been said

"I feel so good, I feel so free, I feel so connected"
Pales in comparison to what cannot be felt



It has been mentioned that you worked with a lot of spiritual teachers. Can you tell us about some of these spiritual teachers and what impact they have had on you?

One of the first ones that comes to me is a woman named Gangaji, and I like to call her “My Yes” or the “Big Yes.” For me, it was an important part of this opening, to have another human being, an actual human being appearing in your awareness and saying, “Yes! Yes, yes, yes, this is so, this is here, this is what is.” she’s a ‘Yes’ and we performed with her a couple of times. She’s been a big impact on…

Yes, she was definitely one of the first ones.

So, is that the source of your song, “Yes”?

Yeah, that was the inspiration for it, yeah. (Right.) That confirmation.

A sacred place, a holy stone, to raise my vibration
Pales in comparison to what they appear in

A silly song with silly words eating your attention
Pales in comparison to what cannot be sung



Yeah No Yeah No

And then we’ve worked with, I mean, there’s so many wonderful beings in this planet. We worked with Byron Katie, who we adore her way of slicing, through all conditioned thinking and stressful thoughts.


Adyashanti, who is wonderful! We worked with Kim Eng, who is Eckhart Tolle’s life partner, who’s just the sweetest being. We also worked with Neale Donald Walsch, for example, and who else…

Performed at Agape with Michael Beckwith also.

Shakti Gawain, we’ve sung a song with Shakti Gawain.

Dr. John Gray, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, with “The Art of Living.”

Yeah, we’ve had the privilege of being in the presence of all these beings that are just lovely. (The Oracle.) The Oracle of Tibet, the Dalai Lama’s spiritual advisor, we did a tour with him, and that was a lot of fun and powerful.

Yes I know the road’s been long and the road’s been weary And you may have lost and then gained again And now you’re sitting here so you can hear me Congratulate you for stepping out into the rain

‘Cause sometimes you just don’t know If the sun’s gonna shine But a vision fed your fire Time after time

Your dreams brought you here Where will they take you tomorrow You believed in spite of fear You stayed strong, had faith and followed No nothing can hold you back from your truth Now it’s up to you and only you to choose

To the inspired and inspiring members of Here II Here, we join your fans in applause and gratitude for your amazing music. Sending best wishes to you in your light-filled endeavors, may our shared wish for an awakened and peaceful planet manifest soon!

To our viewers, thank you for your company today on Enlightening Entertainment. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May your spirit shine with all Heaven’s goodness and grace.

To connect with Here II Here, please visit Official Website Debut Album Youtube Facebook MySpace

World Environment Day 2010 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics: “Since hogs produce up to four times as much solid waste as an average person, a [factory farm] of 5,000 hogs is equivalent to a city of 20,000.” United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization: “The livestock sector may well be the leading player in the reduction of biodiversity.”

Lester R. Brown, Earth Policy Institute: “Put simply, saving the Amazon rainforest now depends on curbing the growth in demand for soybeans… it means moving down the food chain, eating less meat.” The Lancet: “The potential benefits of reduced consumption of livestock in the UK”? 18,000 prevented heart disease fatalities per year.

World Watch Magazine: “…peak oil could bring about the collapse of the livestock sector within a few years… another reason for leaders in the food industry to begin replacing livestock products with better alternatives immediately.”

Join us on World Environment Day for the research done on the real solution. Saturday, June 5 on Supreme Master Television.

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