Enlightening Entertainment
2010 Father’s Day International Celebration with Our Association Members & Friends      
Greetings, beautiful viewers and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment. In many parts around the globe, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. On this joyous occasion, children of all ages express their thankfulness to their beloved fathers by writing cards and letters, offering flowers and gifts, or sharing quality time together to make Dad happy.

Today we celebrate in honor of all fathers, with heartfelt greetings and performances presented by our worldwide Association members and friends. At the start of our presentation, we are deeply grateful for our heavenly Father’s infinite protection and unconditional love.

We humbly offer our thankfulness to Supreme Master Ching Hai, our revered Master, who has always been a beloved spiritual parent and guide to us, and is especially so at urgent this time for our planet. In September 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai prepared a vegan meal in loving memory of her mother, and shared the following reminder about honoring our parents.

I wish you have better luck than I do, meaning having your parents for a long, long, long time and enjoy their love. And I wish your parents healthy, happy and having very, very filial and good, virtuous children, who make them proud. Enjoy your parents for me. I love them also because they are good. They are the best friends that we can have in this physical life They are the best.

Loving viewers, please enjoy our program on Father’s Day 2010.

Father, you showed me a broader world. When I lost my best friend, Father you taught me that love overcomes sorrow. When I needed wings, you took out yours, and gave me the wings of a dream. In this tough world, you’ve been an unchanging umbrella protecting me. I love you, Father.

Happy Father’s Day

Father’s Day

Kids, who wants to be the first to talk about your dad’s profession?

My dad is a soccer player!


Mi dad is a fireman.


My dad is a Mega Superhero!


He is among us, unnoticed. That’s why he doesn’t need an elevator to change his costume. He is the strongest! His strength is not only in his muscles, but in the size of his heart. And every day he fights against injustice! Always choosing compassion! People know him as… Vega-Man! The one who eats vegetables and not animals!

Papa, Papa Papa, Papa Papa, Papa Papa, Papa

The night you were born I held you in my arms and felt your warm heartbeat, and I wanted to take care of you forever.

Father, thank you so much for holding my hand, so I won't fall. Father, thank you so much for comforting and encouraging me when I feel sad.

I wish you health and happiness.

I wish you a peaceful and smooth life.

Thank you for taking care of us all the way and for showing us how wonderful the world is. With utmost sincerity, we wish you a Happy Father’s Day.

Papa, Papa… We love you so much! Papa, Papa… A big hug for you!
Papa, Papa… Thank you so much. Papa, Papa… Thank you so much.
Papa, Papa Papa, Papa

Late at night, I saw father still sitting there with much worries for a better tomorrow for his beloved child to grow into a good person. Father has endured much wind and dew O kind father, you are the bright sun emitting warm rays of light upon my life. Since mom passed away, you shoulder more burdens, and that forehead is imprinted with concerns for many days and nights. You support and guide my every step, You care for my every peaceful slumber. You advise me to be kind and loving, You teach me to always be honest.

I love you very much, O my beloved and gentle father! You’re the reason for me to live on. You’re the moon erasing a long dark night. You give me confidence and vigor.

I love you very much O my beloved and gentle father! I still pray every day May you live always by my side So that I may enjoy your gentle love...

You support and guide my every step, You care for my every peaceful slumber. You advice me to be kind and loving, You teach me to always be honest.

I love you very much O my beloved and gentle father! You’re the reason for me to live on, You’re the moon erasing a long dark night. You give me confidence and vigor.

I love you very much O my beloved and gentle father! I still pray every day May you live always by my side So that I may enjoy your love...

I love you very much O my beloved and gentle father! You’re the reason for me to live on, You’re the moon erasing a long dark night. You give me confidence and vigor.

I love you very much O my beloved and gentle father! I still pray every day May you live always by my side So that I may enjoy your gentle love...

A father’s love is as high as Thái mountain, as immense as the sky and sea. Father always guides, protects and cares for us. On this holiday that honors the Father, we respectfully wish all the kind fathers in the world a peaceful life filled with love in heavenly grace.

We hope that all the great fathers in the world will be a good role model for us, leading us bravely toward a vegan lifestyle. Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day!

A stone has returned. Observe.

Nation, you are going to live.

A friend has arrived. Observe.

A stone has returned. Observe.

Nation, you are going to live.

A friend has arrived. Observe.

Curik-curik bird,young reeds. Small turtles, I buy the mango. Costs two hundred, one hundred. Got the good looking man! Curik-curik bird,young reeds. Small turtles, I buy the mango. Costs two hundred, one hundred. Got the good looking man! Guys, I have a riddle. It goes like this. The man who becomes role model, Who teaches about love, Who gives happiness to the mind, Who is the role model for the family. Who is that man? He is Father. Happy Father’s Day! May peace be upon you by the grace of God.

“Krishna! you should do one thing for sure - you should go below the ocean and carry as much water as you can. Go to the sky and fill all the clouds with water to make them. Black clouds that rain, darkening them as dark as your feature. Fill the sky with lightening that flashes like the Chakra (Iron Disc) and fill the sky with thunder roaring like Shank (Sea Shell).

In the hands of Padmanabhan bringing down the showers of rain with each drop falling as fast as Lord Rama’s bow. Sarangam could shower arrows, for all the rivers to flow so that the whole world can prosper and be happy. We can bathe in the river early this auspicious beautiful morning and pray to you.”

A father is someone who gives us a hand when everything seems impossible. He enriches our imagination. He helps build up our strength, confidence and patience. As we grow up, he teaches us hard work and virtue. As we become parents, we pass on your wisdom to our children. To all the fathers in the world, thank you for your love, wisdom, endurance and sacrifices for your family. Happy Father’s Day!

Father, in the passing of time and under your attentive eyes I grow up learning so many things in life. Your steady hands guide me they don’t let me fall. You gave me the gift to live, to be strong and to love and a chance to evolve. Father, in the world’s theater I build my own story. In this stage sometimes I play, other times I cry, and I adore you.

You’re my greatest treasure, Father. In my being I bring inherited details from yours. I bring in my soul the fragrance of your Divine Essence. You’re the beacon that lights the trail of this existence of mine.

You’re my greatest treasure, Father. In my being I bring inherited details from yours. I bring in my soul the fragrance of your Divine Essence. You’re the beacon that lights the trail of this existence of mine. My Father, Divine Essence. My Father, Divine Essence. My Father.

My dad is an organic farmer. He picks grapes, apricot fruits, potatoes and… fernbrake

Daddy hugs me. He hugs me every day.

My dad is good at making vegan cake. It’s so delicious. My dad is the greatest painter. Dad is handsome. I like my dad, as much as the sky and the earth.

When he plays with me, he tosses me up. Sometimes he’s scary when he is scolding, but other times he’s nice.

My dad massages my feet when he puts me to sleep. But you fall asleep before me very often, don’t you?

My dad is the best. He is invincible and there’s nothing he can’t do. He gives me a piggyback ride and jumps like a frog. Dad, you’re the best!

My dad strives hard to provide for us, and we’re thankful to him. He laughs a lot and wears a smile that makes us happy. When I grow up, I will help him as much as he helped me. I’d like to be a person who can make people happy. I’ll surprise my dad by becoming an even greater person than he is now.

My dad is just an ordinary businessman. When he comes home, I jump on him saying, “Dad!” and he loves it. I want to buy my father a big house when I grown up. Dad, I really, really congratulate you on Father's Day, and I hope you enjoy the day. And thank you for taking good care of me up till now. I love you!

Dad, I love you so much. I love you the most in the whole wide world.

I love you too, Dad!

I write you a letter, Dad, I think it’s on time. I want to tell you a whole bunch of things in just a few words. Dad, do you remember the day when I left? I am very well, Dad, but now I have a heavy heart a bit.

I still feel the hand that has been caressing me for so long day and night; and that heart which showed me what is good, and protected me from bad. And remember, I am asking you, the love between us is eternal, I remember you told me that a man, a man’s strength is his love.

Dad, do you remember the day I left? But I am your daughter and to you I return today again. Wait for me at the front door, Dad, where I departed from. Your eyes are calling me, they are lighting my way home.

I still feel the hand that has been caressing me for so long day and night; and that heart which showed me what is good, and protected me from bad. And remember, I am asking you, the love between us is eternal, I remember you told me that a man, a man’s strength is his love.

In front of God and the world, I kiss your hand. Maybe I am late, but forgive me, forgive.

I still feel the hand that has been caressing me for so long day and night; and that heart which showed me what is good, and protected me from bad. And remember, I am asking you, the love between us is eternal, I remember you told me that a man, a man’s strength is his love. I remember you told me that a man, a man’s strength is his love.

Thank you, kind father! You have bestowed life on me and I know, you won’t hesitate to protect me with your own.

You wake up at dawn and begin to labor, to provide for us well and to save us the worries, but you never complain, you never expect anything in return. You are a strong and tough man, but you are weak sometimes: we know excellently well that we are your weak point.

You are strict but just when necessary, and tenderness is not alien to you, but is so inherent to you when you embrace us as a man. I know you strongly yearn to be proud of your children. I try to be confident that I am your worthy daughter.

Happy holidays, kind fathers all over the world, and all viewers of Supreme Master Television!

If you want the stars in the sky, I will beseech NASA to take you to them. But if all you want is such a simple thing - just a sustainable Earth, how can I give it to you? Oh oh! Daddy can’t buy the Wall-E you like to clean up all the pollution on Earth. Daddy can’t buy the Pikachu you want to generate power without carbon emission. Daddy can’t buy the Totoro you like to make the seeds grow into a forest overnight.

But because you are my one and only beloved, Daddy will “Be veg, go green, and save the planet!” One day when I’m elevated to grandfather status, I will watch you and your baby running along the river side On the green meadow under the blue sky. I will be thankful that I had tried my best to protect you.

There are many things Daddy can’t buy, But I will do my best to spread the vegan message. Your story shall continue on this beautiful planet.

There are many things Daddy can’t buy, But I will do my best to spread the vegan message. Your story shall continue on this beautiful planet.

Wow! It’s the Earth… How beautiful!

On this joyful day for the fathers, we offer our respectful gratitude to our Heavenly Father for gracing us with love and mercy. Our special thanks to our most caring spiritual parent, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for her precious spiritual knowledge, supportive guidance, and her tireless endeavors to save our precious Earth. We are forever grateful and blessed.

Wishing all the God-sent heroes and guardians – the devoted dads – a splendid Father’s Day! Big-hearted viewers, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom, coming up next. May the Divine be always with you and yours!

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