Enlightening Entertainment
Shining World Hero Award: The Unconditional, Fatherly Love of Felisiano Puleanga      
Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

Whenever any chance or any circumstance or any time you feel that you're ready to die for somebody else – that is when you’ve got it. You’ve got the total of it. Even you sacrifice yourself, you don't mind your life, for your kids, for your wife, your mother, your father, even your dog. At that moment, you're in total connection with your love.

The story of Mr. Felisiano Pueleanga truly exemplifies this noble love. January 2, 2010 was a warm, sunny day in Auckland, New Zealand. Felisiano, father of five, decided to take his family to enjoy an outing at Glenbrook Beach. It was a regular bonding activity for the close-knit family.

He loves to take us to the beach where he lost his life. Each and every one of our family or relation came from Tonga – he would do his best to take them over there – it’s like family atmosphere for us.

While his 9-year-old young son, Tino, and 10-year-old niece, Heleina Lata, were out swimming off near the boat ramp, they got caught in strong currents and were carried out further to sea. Panicked, the children screamed for help. As Tino recalls, “Dad was watching just in case we drowned, so I yelled out, ‘Help, Dad, please help me out.’”

Felisiano immediately swam out towards the two children with another man. They reached Heleina first and the other man brought her ashore. In the meanwhile, Felisiano got a hold of his son. Tino said, “He held me up in the air.” When rescuers returned to the site, they found Felisiano was still holding his son up above the water, while he himself was submerged. Tino was safely taken ashore, but sadly, Felisiano was unable to be revived through CPR.

Felisiano was loved by us. And he spoilt his children; with anything they need, he tried his best to give. Also us sisters’ and brothers’ children, he treated them special, like his own, to make them, each and every one of them, like his favorite person.

The Puleanga family, now living in New Zealand, originally hailed from the glorious Kingdom of Tonga. The courageous nature of this friendly people can be found in their native son, Felisiano Puleanga. The Puleangas shared with Supreme Master Television the wonderful memories they have of a hero they lovingly call son, brother, husband and father.

It’s hard for me to say for my husband. My husband is a loving man, since we met until he died. We got five boys, no girls. All his sisters and all his nieces, he called them his daughters. I don’t know, I don’t know what he can do wrong for us – I don’t remember anything. All I know is he’s a loving man, kind man.

My dad used to buy me games that I could play in the holidays.

My name is Penetiketo. My dad likes to hear a song.

He likes to hear you singing, that’s lovely.

Away in a manger, No crib for his bed The little Lord Jesus Laid down his sweet head The stars in the bright sky

That was lovely. Thank you, thank you so much.

For each of his familial roles, the 37-year old man carried it out to his best and in turn, he earned the deep affection and respect of all who knew him. Dedicated, warmhearted, and generous, Felisiano’s endearing qualities are admired and appreciated by his loved ones.

Felisiano, being in an 11 sibling family, and he was the youngest boy, which we only have two boys, and he was spoilt by us. At an early age, I grew up with him. Felisiano would do anything he wanted or spend the whole day in bed and we just let him be. When we moved to New Zealand, he met his wife, Elisapeta. He was a changed man. He did all he can to look after his young family. He worked long hours to make sure he provided for his family.

He taught me important things in the world. He’s a kind and lovely person, so soft, he loves everyone. He’s a good person I have ever known.

Hi, my name is Taini, I’m the youngest sister of Felisiano. I was staying with my brother for some time. I get away with anything I want. He was the youngest out of the boys, I was the youngest out of the whole family. My brother loves all of us, but I think I was special to him.

He had to pay for everything in this country, but I was staying with my brother for free. Everything I wanted, I would get it from him. Sometimes I was just driving around until I’m running out of petrol and I would stop at his place, sneaking into his room and ask him for money, he would try his best to give it.

The memories of Felisiano’s loved ones paint a portrait of a devoted family man, whose last earthly deed truly lived up to the praises about his selfless spirit. Supreme Master Ching Hai recognized his noble love and courage with a posthumous Shining World Hero Award.

Our family is trying to recover from this, we see it as a blessing. We find our own way to cope with grief and try to be strong for his children. We will forever remember him. He had his special name for each and every one of our children. I have so many things to say about my brother but I don’t know where (to start). All I know, he was special to all of us. We will forever remember him.

We all love him.

Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Our program on the Shining World Hero Award for Mr. Felisiano Puleanga will return after these brief messages.

We really miss him. We all love you, Li. Rest in peace.

I love you Li, so much. Sometimes I feel lonely, but I know that he’s in the right place. Thanks for everything that you have done for us. At the same time, you’re recording the memories back to all of us. Thank you.

Thank you for joining us again for today’s Shining World Hero Award series on Supreme Master Television.

In January 2010, Mr. Felisiano Puleanga, devoted husband and father of five children, gave his life to save his son, Tino, and niece, Heleina, from drowning. For his selfless act of courage, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored Felisiano Puleanga with a posthumous Shining World Hero Award that was presented to Tino to receive on behalf of his loving father. The ceremony was held at Tino’s school.

Dear Tino, It was with tears that we read about how courageously noble and loving your wonderful dad was when he saved your precious life, and that of your cousin, little Heleina. A man like your father stands tall in the heavenly halls of honor, and we also wish to honor him with the Shining World Hero Award. This Award is presented in recognition of the exceptional courage he showed by risking his all for the sake of helping you and Heleina.

Such bravery in the face of danger is the mark of a true hero, filled with love and protection for his family. Though the swirling currents of the ocean may be strong, the deep currents of love in the human heart are stronger still. The nobility and purity of your father’s actions in saving your life have created a bond between you that no ocean on Earth is strong enough to break.

In this you are greatly blessed. Look around you – how many sons have a hero for a father? How many sons are loved so deeply? In his final deed, your father gave you a very precious gift. Look inside your heart, you will find it there. And so that is his legacy, what he has left behind will go on and on. God always has a reason for doing things, it may appear so unfair at times, but perhaps he has completed his mission on Earth and now is free to stay in Heaven – waiting to be reunited with his loved ones.

As you mature, this gift will grow in you, and you too will become a mighty man of courage and pure love. How proud you must be of him! It is certain that your father in Heaven will continue to love, protect and cherish you, because true love is eternal.

God bless you and your family, and all those you love, Tino.

Strength to the family.

With Great Honor, Love and Blessings, Supreme Master Ching Hai

I’m very happy to see you coming and

I don’t know what I’m going to do to say thank you for coming. I know my family and my husband’s family, we appreciate it. For everything you’ve done for my family, thank you.

In addition to the award plaque and letter of appreciation, Supreme Master Ching Hai gifted US$2,000 to the Puleanga family for funeral expenses. They also received gifts such as Supreme Master Ching Hai’s music CDs and lecture DVDs, as well as her #1 international bestselling books, “The Birds in My Life,” “The Dogs in My Life,” and “The Noble Wilds.”

Thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai. We all appreciate the Award you gave us and all you gave me to read. Thank you. We all love you and thank you for sending us this.

Thank you.

I would like to thank my uncle that rescued me and Pelenatino, for jumping in the river and for helping us try our best.

Although the departure of Felisiano from this world left a void in their family, the Puleangas have found solace and strength to overcome their grief in Supreme Master Ching Hai’s love and words of comfort.

That he died is a gift for us, like you said, Master is a gift for us. We don’t blame, but we pray for him.

And thank you very much for your support for my family, and the Shining Award. I can’t believe you’d do that for us. It’s unforgettable. Thank you very much. We all love you. Don’t stop praying for us and my family, and we all pray for you too. Thank you very much.

From his youngest 13-month-old baby to his eldest 10-year-old child, their father’s heroic act will forever be a testament of his boundless love for his family and serve as a shining example of a noble human being for them.

In an international gathering with our Association members, Supreme Master Ching Hai explained the true meaning of the highest love.

Love is like that. It doesn't have to be like a demonstration of tears or hugs or letters or longwinded sentences or big poetry. It doesn't have to be. Just know it in your heart that you're willing to lay down your life even, if necessary, for anyone. If your heart is like that, know that you're in charge of yourself, that you really are in that love, and you did not lose anything of it and you are just great.

We thank the Puleanga family for opening their hearts to honor their beloved Felisiano. As Felisiano’s selfless spirit continues to watch over them from Heaven, may the Puleangas be blessed with inner tranquility and Divine love.

Caring viewers, thank you for joining us today. Words of Wisdom is up next, after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. On occasion of Father’s Day this year, may we all cherish the tender moments with family and friends in Heaven’s infinite grace.

An award-winning singer, instrumentalist, and composer, Vaheed Kaacemy is an international artist with deep roots in Afghan culture.

I always strive to deliver good messages, the messages of peace and reconciliation, and the message of happiness, to people.

Tune in for our interview with Vaheed Kaacemy, Tuesday, June 22 on Supreme Master Television’s Enlightening Entertainment.

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