Enlightening Entertainment
Dads’ Love Around the World – A Father’s Day Tribute      
Okay? And then talk. Say, “My name is Nathi.”

My name is Nathi.

Do you love your daddy?

I love my daddy.

I held your head when you were tired You made a bed upon my chest And we both had the same desire Wanting to get a little rest Trying to get a little rest

Halo warmhearted viewers! On June 20 this year, millions of people will be spending quality time with their dads, granddads, and dad-like people in their lives. Father’s Day is actually celebrated at different times of the year around the world. But the loving feeling we have for our fathers is the same across cultures. The child lies in its father’s arms, Resting so peacefully, resting so warm Dads have many wonderful qualities. The following widely shared poem mentions some of them.

“God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous soul of nature, The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, The power of the eagle’s flight…” God placed all these qualities into his perfect creation, and called it “Dad.”

In celebration of Father’s Day on Sunday, we’ll meet some sons and daughters around the world who tell us about their fathers. Some of them are our Association members.

Tell me, tell me Dad Why is the sky blue? Tell me, tell me Dad Who made it so blue? It’s a little boy Who lost his ball A big blue ball that rose up to the heavens And that is why the sky since is blue Dad is a special person in our lives. Since we were small, it was he who might have taken care of us. Much of the time, he is away from the comfort of home, working long hours to support the family he loves.

I think that Daddy is kind. I think that Daddy is also funny.

He is also good at playing chess, and I love my daddy very much.

As children, we depend on our fathers, not just for material support, but also to learn new skills to be competent and confident citizens. Some youth in Canada tell us what they have learned from their dads.

Yes, could you tell me what are some of the things that you've learned from your dad?

Well, I learned to be everything that I could possibly be, and to never give up.

My dad taught me to always try and learn something new every day, and to be independent, always try and fix things yourself, and if you need help, ask. And just to be compassionate towards others. Lots of stuff, actually. He taught me to drive. Little things like that that add up during the day.

Is there anything that you admire particularly about your dad?

Well, I admire my dad's attention to detail, specifically whether he is presenting, or if he is building something in his shed, or farming,

So is this your little son?

Yes, this is my son. He's 17 months old.

Looks like he'd like to say something too in the mic! Now this show is on Father's Day. Is there anything that you would like to teach you son that your dad taught you?

Well sure. I'd like to teach him patience. And just the loving support that my dad gave me.

Remember those old tender times together in our warm, cozy home? And remember those moonlit nights you took me on a promenade? When I was nine or ten on an old bicycle, you took me to school with your loving kindness. Daddy, I love you very much. Yes, I love you too, son.

Let’s now go to Indonesia, where a young child is having a music lesson from his dad, a traditional artist.

Do you remember or not?


You remember. If you remember, then try. Can you?

I like to play gamelan because the sound is nice.

When I grow up, I’d like to be like Dad, good at playing gamelan.

Oh my. You missed it. You missed some of it. One one two three one... One one two three. Right? Try that one, you try again. One one two three one... Try.

A father’s gentle patience goes far as his love runs deep. Look, wrong. Go.

What is it, Daddy?

It’s a puppet.

What is it made of, Daddy?

Long time ago, they were made of leather, buffalo leather. But today they are made from hard cloth. The reason is compassion. The buffalo was killed only for leather. Can you hold this? Hold this one. How can it be, that the buffalo’s leather is used only for our own pleasure?


In addition to showing us many practical things, fathers provide moral instruction and instill religious faith. This Muslim dad is teaching his children how to read the Holy Qur’an.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, come…

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

We go straight to this. I seek refuge in Allah.

I seek refuge in Allah.

In the name of Allah

In the name of Allah

Most Gracious

Most Gracious

and Most Merciful.

and Most Merciful.

You alone do we worship

You alone do we worship

and You alone

and You alone

do we ask for help.

do we ask for help.

Daddy has something special. Daddy loves animals. Daddy is vegetarian. Just now when recited the Qur’an, that Allah is the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious. Yes. So we have to imitate His attributes, the Most Merciful and the Most Gracious. Love the cat, we have to love fish, then what next, what to love?



You do like to see the rabbit jumping, happy, cute. Seeing the cat walking, it’s amusing, isn’t it? We should not hurt it.

My virtuous daughter, you are my eyes’ light. My virtuous daughter, you are my eyes’ light. I want you to follow the Qur’an and the Sunna (deeds and words of the Prophet).

Daddy, don't worry about my ethics and religion. Daddy, don't worry about my ethics and religion, You are the one who raised me, my beloved.

Now, let’s go to Costa Rica, where a father and his teenage daughter are enjoying time together camping outdoors.

I admire my dad because he is a wonderful person. There aren’t many beings as him on this planet. Honestly he is very humble, very loving. He respects us a lot, our mom and me, and my brothers. He is admirable just because he is super simple.

They almost got burned!

Because he is vegan, he has lots of compassion for the animals. He is an example in our house, as he has so resonated with Master and with being vegan, so have we all followed him in this way.

A toast for a noble campfire!

No at matter what age, young or old, a child can always count on the words and the example of his or her father. When we return, we’ll visit more fathers and their grown-up children as we get ready to celebrate Father’s Day. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

My name is Nathi. I love my dad. Happy Father’s Day!

Oh joy, I’m overwhelmed with joy to have a father like you, really joyful that your name will expand in the place of your birth. Your name will expand on Earth.

Papa Papa Papa Papa Who always has a smile for you? Pinches your cheeks, strokes your hair so nicely? Who gives you wings, lets you fly through the air every time he carries you on his shoulders? Who jokes with you, who loves you?

You are my most cherished.

Welcome back to Enlightening Entertainment and our program in honor of Father’s Day on Sunday, June 20. In many families, Dad is a leader who walks the road ahead. He is a role model who guides us through life’s uncertain terrain, showing us the way to live a happy, active, and fulfilling life. Join us on our next stop to Formosa (Taiwan) as we honor the dedicated fathers around the world.

He always does things in a very practical, serious, and responsible manner. On the other hand, he would regularly take us for exercises like mountain trekking or playing ball games. As for physical exercise, he always made sure our bodies were healthy and full of vitality. Dad, I am very grateful to you for the wonderful job of raising us. We wish you good health forever.

I miss your smile which gave me all the strength. You held my hands and took care of me. You saw me cry and saw me learning how to walk. The little birds learn how to fly when they grow up. They can travel all over the world. Your love always accompanies me. Please do not worry, I won’t be alone.

I admire my dad because he worked diligently, very hard. He taught us in a very strict manner. He expected each of us to be an honest child and he taught us to do good deeds earnestly. Dad is very kindhearted. I remember, one time, we went to the countryside in Yunlin. It was raining that day. We met an old man who seemed to have been separated from his family members. He was sitting alone outside a temple.

Dad asked him cordially: “Where are you from? Where do you live?” That old man was a total stranger, yet Dad took him into our car and gave him a ride home. That’s why I really admire my dad. Dad also cared a lot about environmental protection. Every time we went to play at the seaside, though we were having great fun and were very tired, if he saw any garbage at the seaside, he would pick up a garbage bag and have the whole family pick up the garbage and bring it home.

He said the environment is very important, as there is only one Earth. Dad loves to tell jokes. Even though his jokes were not always that funny, we’d still laugh heartily. When we are with him, we feel pleasantly close; we never feel any distance. We always feel that he can bring joy to everyone. I want very much to be like him.

Let me sing for you, Sing for your great image. With your expectation In my future life, I will pray for you with my beautiful song.

Through life’s ups and downs, Dad always holds out his warm hands for us, and his strong shoulders are always there to lean on. Sometimes, it isn’t until we grow older that we come to appreciate the deep wellspring of our father’s love. Our Association member from the United States expresses the sentiments that many adult children feel about their dads.

I would ride on your shoulders And look out on the world Pretending I was big and tall like you When you were there to hold me I never was afraid You made me feel there's nothing I can't do

He's always been there for me. Anytime, anywhere I needed, I needed him, he was there. He calls me to ask how I'm doing. He's always put us first. I've always seen my father work very hard. He's the father of eight children. I'm the oldest and he showed me what it is to be a beautiful woman and he gave me the confidence I need. I was never afraid to do anything because my father always was my champion. He's always been in my corner.

And I saw the way he treated my mother. He showed me a working relationship, a loving relationship. So I grew up in a loving home with a hard working man, a loving man, a spiritual man.

I love you too, sweetheart. Thank you.


Yeah. A little bit more back there.


How about another hug? Another hug. (Okay.) Thank you.

He introduced me to books, music, wonderful foods and most of all to love myself and be the best person I can be. He always told me, "Never be afraid, always treat people well, be a loving human being because that's the best you can do." And I've always seen that by him because he lives what he speaks and he is what he says he is. I mean, he's just, he's awesome. He's like the best thing in the world to me and I couldn't imagine my life without my dad. And I love him so much. I'm so happy he's here with me because, he's wonderful.

You're my hero You didn't have to say a word Your love was the message that I heard Inspiring me to be all I can be You're my hero And 'cause you're my Dad… I'm twice as blessed and lucky, so lucky to be me.

Everywhere we look, there are countless hero fathers. They quietly draw from immense reserves of endurance, courage, determination, and self-sacrifice. Every day, they go out to face a tough world, always thinking of their families before themselves. Dads would do anything for their children. That’s why many today go above and beyond the call of duty – to do their part in saving the planet. Let’s meet one such father from South Korea.

Two years ago, I was watching Supreme Master Television.

I heard Supreme Master Ching Hai talk about the urgency of global warming and telling people to be veg, protect the environment and do good deeds as a solution to it. Furthermore, she actively promoted these ideas and urged government officials and decision makers to take action.

In particular, her proposal of being organic vegan, which is a very simple yet powerful solution, impressed me very much. I have been a soldier for 30 years, protecting my country. However, I came to a conclusion that there is no point in defending a country without defending the Earth. So I was immediately involved in the cause of halting global warming.

My father is the Director of Gangwon Province Military Manpower Administration. His public servant job really has nothing to do with the environment, but he takes the lead in saving the planet by giving a lot of lectures and implementing a meat-free day once a week at his administration, so he does his best to promote veganism among people.

In recognition of these efforts, he won the Green Climate Award at the National Assembly (Parliamentary) Climate Forum.

Kim Young-Gyu, the Director of Gangwon Province Military Manpower Administration, is a very interesting man. We presented this award to him because he very actively works on climate change at his administration, and does many other activities outside the agency as well. I hope this case is reported in a lot of news media, so that he can become a role model for other organizations.

Be veg! Go green! Save the planet!

He commutes by bicycle every day and he also strives to give even just one more lecture as often as he can in order to promote veganism. All these are feasible small actions anyone could carry out, but I believe that’s what a real hero does. Now he is at the forefront of saving not his country, but the whole planet. And I believe that that is the real demeanor of a hero.

Although I’ve respected my dad because he’s been a diligent serviceman for a long time, he has also been striving hard to spread the vegan message since he became a vegan, and seeing that I’ve come to really respect his enthusiasm. From his example I also started a vegan diet, and I’d like to stay committed to the vegan diet and work to help save the planet. Father, I love you and admire you.

Father, I admire you and love you.

Dad, I would like to say that I am thankful for every moment of my life when you supported me, when you took care of me, when you taught me. There are not words so great or so detailed, or so exquisite to be able to tell you how much I love you and how much I respect you. I would love when I have a family, to be like you, like you are now with us. I love you very much.

I wish that Dad will always keep his cheerful smile, and continue to bring greater joy to everyone. Dad, I love you!

And I just want to tell you Daddy, that I love you.

I love you too, sweetie.

I love you with all my heart. And I thank God that you stay here with me. I love you, Daddy.

I love you honey. God bless you. Oh, my heart is moved. I have no words I can say really. I just thank Master. I really do. My precious gift. You’re a credit to my life, darling. Believe me, a credit to my life and to anybody's life that you’re in. Oh, God bless you, sweetie.

Thank you.

I have heard so many songs Listened to a thousand tongues But there is one That sounds above them all The Father's song The Father's love You’ve sung it over me and for eternity it's written on my heart

Our hearts are filled with tenderness and gratefulness for our heroic and loving fathers. On this occasion, we are especially thankful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for inspiring many fathers to be heroes for a peaceful planet. During a 1991 lecture in Hsihu, Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai once explained about the special quality of a family man’s love.

Your love is very close to Buddha’s. You have the spirit of sacrifice. When we love someone, we would like to seethem happy. You are willing to do anything that will make them happy. It means you really have the spirit of altruism instead of egoism.

When someone's happy you're happy, this is real love for others.

Mostly men go out to work and support family. Even before they marry, they have to support their parents, family, sisters, too, don't they? It is men who serve the family because men have the spirit of sacrifice.

The love is very natural. It is already there.

May Heaven bless all the great and noble dads around the world with the boundless blessings they so deserve.

Heaven's perfect melody The Creator's symphony You are singing over for me The Father's song Heaven's perfect mystery The King of Love has sent for me And now you're singing over me The Father's song

I have heard so many songs Listened to a thousand tongues But there is one that sounds above them all Sounds above them all The Father's song The Father's love You’ve sung it over for me and for eternity it's written on my heart

Heaven's perfect melody The Creator's symphony You are singing over for me The Father's song Heaven's perfect mystery The King of Love has sent for me And now you're singing over for me The Father's song

It’s Heaven's perfect mystery The king of love has sent for me And now you're singing over for me The Father's song

The Father's song The Father's love You’ve sung it over for me and for eternity It's written on my heart

It's written on my heart You sing it over for me Father

Thank you for your company today on Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom.

Happy Father’s Day, everyone!

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