Enlightening Entertainment
The Shining World Hero Award: Tales of Four Philippine Rescurers (In Tagalog)      
Today’s program will be presented in Tagalog and English, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Thai and Spanish.

Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

Halo and welcome, bright viewers. In so many places, global warming has brought forth floods and other natural disasters on an unprecedented scale and frequency. Our hearts sink when fellow human beings are devastated by the impact. At the same time, amidst the tragedy, there are also those who take selfless initiative to help those in need. Their tales give hope to the rest of the world. It was after 3 pm on an ordinary weekday.

Mr. Ryan Manongdo, inspector and acting police chief was on duty in San Jacinto Town, the Philippines when he saw water suddenly swelling up in front of his office. Immediately, he grabbed an inflatable mattress from his private quarters and dashed out into the strong current on the streets.

The Philippines had already been devastated by Typhoon Ketsana and Tropical Storm Parma which swept the country days before, affecting 2.5 million citizens. Then, as the San Roque Dam started to open its gates, excessive amounts of water from these storms quickly overflowed into the town and surrounding areas.

The town of San Jacinto was isolated due to the flooding of the major roads leading to the town.

Inspector Manongdo remembered from a news report how inflatable beds had saved lives during a flood in the capital of Manila. So he used a floating mattress to search for his fellow townspeople caught in the flood. The rapid raising water was nearly five-feet high when he spotted two teenage brothers, Rhubert and Rhuniel Venerayan, who had been doing the same.

That time at 3:00 we were at the school. Then our mother contacted us that the flood was high and we are not believing at that time. But when we arrived at home, it was true. Then someone called us that they needed help. Then we went to that place and saved them. While we were rescuing them, the flood was high, it’s about like this.

Rhubert is 17 years old, and his brother Rhuniel is 16. Their mother had called them at the school and asked them to help a stranded family friend at the Magsaysay village less than a kilometer away. When they arrived at the village, the water was high and reached up to their waist, yet they continued to save not just the family friend but also others in need. Mr. Manongdo and his officers recruited them right away.

We were already rescuing at that time and we have encountered the two teenagers and I asked them if they wanted to join us, if they wanted to join our group in saving the lives of the residents of the town which was flooded during that time. So they told me that they’re willing to help.

Trudging in the deep water, the police chief and the two young men had to prioritize by saving children, women and the elderly. It was very cold, and as night fell they became exhausted. By then, Rhubert and Rhuniel’s mother was very worried about her sons’ safety. They did not have any meals except for some guava fruits. But the Venerayan brothers, Mr. Manongdo and his colleagues went on with determination.

I chose the profession of police because I love police work. I love to help others. I want the action in the field, so I joined the PNP, or the Philippine National Police. Together with my PNP or my fellow police officers and the two brave teenagers, we helped saving lives during that time. We managed to rescue for that long time, because of the help of the other volunteers and the fellow police officers of this station.

The rescue efforts continued till 1 am in the night. By then, more than 130 residents from three different villages were evacuated to a safe place. Later, the Philippine National Police presented an award to the Venerayan brothers in recognition of their courageous deeds. When being asked what was on their mind at the time, Rhuniel Venerayan simply said:

We’re just thinking about to help our people and then we pray that we’re safe in rescuing them.

We’ll return shortly with another story of a hero from the Philippines. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

During the typhoon and tropical storm, Philippine citizens took selfless loving actions to help one another, including children and the elderly, in whatever way they could. In the town of Mangaldan, one farm owner was able to save many families in his neighborhood with a single 700-meter long rope. Here is his story. It was late in the night. There were dangerous strong currents and the floodwater was engulfing the town. Around midnight, Mr. Noel Jarabata heard the cry for help from some neighbors.

It was almost 12 o’clock in the evening, I heard some cries, a shout of “Help!” from the back of my house. And fortunately, there was also a number for that family at the back, and they called us by text, that they needed some help.

There was no electricity, only complete darkness. Mr. Jarabata quickly remembered the long rope he had in the house. He hoped that the neighbors would be able to use the rope as a support and guide.

The current was very strong. The water was very fast in rising. It was almost at the waist. But the most dangerous is the current was very strong. So I tied one of the ends of the rope to a post, and then I went to fetch the people.

The rope, connected to the electric posts along the street, literally became a lifeline to the families besieged by the flood in the dark of night.

Almost about 150 meters with the current, swirling around. And I found out that there were two families who were at the back. One was even pregnant eight months old. There were, I think, about ten people. Two families that were towed with me in front with the lifeline, the rope, as our guide, because it was so dark and the water was raging, very fast. And we were able to take them to our relatives here, some maybe two or three houses away. And we were able to put them safely.

After the neighbors were out of harms way, some of them joined Mr. Jarabata to save more victims in the area.

We found out also that there was a woman who just delivered a baby and so she cannot walk. So one of the big guys carried her back, plus some children, maybe four or five children, and old people, and we take them all here, in our relative’s house. After that, because the water was fast rising and almost the rope was snapped, because it is just only one centimeter thick of rope.

Mr. Noel Jarabata’s care for his neighbors didn’t end there. He made sure they were warm, dry, and fed.

After that, of course, we kept them, we gave them warm food, hot soup and some dry clothes.

The rescue went straight through to the next morning. When Mr. Jarabata finally sat down to take a rest, he was so tired that his whole body began to shake. But in his heart was only a tremendous relief and joyful peace in knowing that his townspeople were safe.

For their courageous and altruistic deeds, Supreme Master Ching Hai honored the Inspector Manongdo, young teammates and Mr. Jarabata each with a Shining World Hero Award. They also received sets of gifts including custom-fit Hero jackets, and #1 international bestselling books by Supreme Master Ching Hai. Upon receiving the recognition, each recipient shared his thankfulness to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I would like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for the recognition that she has given us for the efforts that we have made during the typhoon, and – God bless her.

Thank you, Master Ching Hai for this wonderful award that we received. Thank you.

Thank you to you, Supreme Master Ching Hai and also for the awards that we received from you.

We really appreciate all the things you are doing, ma’am, and I’m hoping that God will give you more very, very long years to live in this world, to keep on helping people like us, people like the Philippines who are so in dire need of inspiration as well as in time of disaster, help to continue battling all these problems regarding climate change.

Our admiration to our Philippine heroes – Mr. Manongdo, Rhubert and Rhuniel Venerayon, Mr. Jarabata, and all others who have taken swift and selfless action in the time of your neighbors’ need. May Heaven bless you and the gentle Philippine people as such noble and loving deeds everywhere help to pacify our world.

Thank you for your presence on today’s program. Please keep your dial tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom, up next after Noteworthy News. May your days be filled with peace and miracles.

Don Estes, founder of InnerSense Incorporated in the United States ingeniously uses the science of vibration to help elevate and expand the consciousness of human beings.

What I do here is basically 180 degrees out of phase with the typical healing paradigm, because that typical healing paradigm says let’s find what’s wrong and fix it. I find what is right and try to enhance it, rather than find what’s wrong and try to fix it.

Learn more about Mr. Estes’ vibrational therapies on Part 2 of “Don Estes: Using the Science of Vibration to Expand Human Potential.” this Monday, February 8 on Spirituality and Science.

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