Enlightening Entertainment
Rhema Marvanne – God’s 7-year-old Gospel Singer      
I love the Lord,
he heard my cry and pitied every groan,
Long as I live

Rhema Marvanne is a 7-year-old gospel singer with a big heart and the voice of an angel.

I’ll hasten to his throne. O I love the Lord

I want to be a singer and speak the word of Christ, through song.

He heard my cry And pitied every groan,
yes he did, every groan Long as I live, Long as I live

Rhema has always had songs in her heart. She started to sing at the same time she began speaking. But instead of learning existing songs, Rhema liked to make up her own. She would also enjoy listening to her mother sing.

I just heard my mother sing to me a lot and it’s… I just wanted to hear how I sing. So I just heard how I sang, then every day I would just go outside when the front door was open and just sing as loud as I could; my lungs were out!

When she was six-and-half years old, Rhema learned her first song. It was “Amazing Grace.”

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I'm found Was blind, but now I see.

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound

With her gift quickly recognized, Rhema started voice lessons and learned gospel and other spiritual songs. Within months, she already had impressive performing experience in local churches and venues and on national television. She accepted invitations to sing from hospitals and charity organizations for free.

I’ve sung at many places, like Lone Star Park. I’ve sung at church. I’ve sang at those places, and I’ve been on the Maury Povich Show, too.

I see. Can you tell us a little bit what it’s like performing in public?

It’s…it’s amazing. It just…it feels amazing because I get to sing in front of many people and just speak the Truth that God wants me to speak through song.

O Holy night The stars were brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth

There’s no doubt that Rhema loves to sing. And people simply love to hear her. Witnessing it all is Rhema’s father, who is always standing by her side.

I’m always amazed at people's reaction to her singing. I see people crying. I see people, either they’re happy or they’re sad, but that she brings the emotion out of people. So I think she’s doing more than just singing a song. I think she’s actually communicating a message, and so I’m extremely proud of her and what she’s doing.

Rhema Marvanne is the daughter of God-loving parents, Wendi Marvanne Voraritskul and Teton Voraritskul from Carrollton, Texas, USA. Rhema’s mother was a talented songwriter and singer. She was diagnosed with cancer when Rhema was three. Her time came to return to Heaven in 2008 soon after Rhema’s sixth birthday.

I want them to know him When they get to know me Reflections of Jesus in the mirror

She had ovarian cancer. She was a great woman. She was a woman of God. She was a miracle, to come to me and be my mother. It was… I was just amazed that a woman like her could be my mother. That’s amazing! And she never complained. She just laid there and… she just looked up to Heaven. And I want to be like her. I want to, I want to help other people.

Rhema and her dad took care of Ms. Marvanne in the final months. It was a challenging time, but Rhema remained brave and strong. When Ms. Marvanne was asked what her greatest accomplishment was, she answered: “Rhema.” The family’s test of courage, love, and faith in God has inspired many people, including hundreds of thousands if not millions of viewers on Youtube.

I want to share Jesus in the life that I lead
I want to share Jesus in the life that I lead

I'll hasten, I'll hasten to See I’m gonna run, you know that I will
When there is nowhere to go, I know I can go to him
I know I can run to Jesus
I'll hasten, I'll hasten to his throne
Yeah, yeah I'll hasten, hasten to his throne Surely I will

Jesus loves me This I know for the Bible tells me so Little ones to him belong They are weak but he is strong

This is Rhema Marvanne. And I’m from Carollton, Texas. Welcome to my home, and this is my little boy Mojo. This is where I warm up. Warm up on the piano. I use these sheets I’ve already printed down, so I can remember the words. This is my computer. I use it for the background, you know, the music and stuff. This is where I practice my singing! Thank you.

Rhema, when you’re not in school, and you’re not recording, and you’re not singing, what do you do?

I play with my friends, I go to Mansfield, I play on the swings, Or sometimes I just play with my little dolls in my play room. I just… I love playing with my friends. I have a lot of fun. Or sometimes I watch movies.

As a father, you must be very proud. Can you tell us about the moment you realized that Rhema has a God given voice?

I’m not exactly sure if there was an exact time that I realized that. But I always knew that she was going to do something special, always knew that she was going to do something important. She started singing pretty early, mostly just made up songs, but she just started learning her first song about 8, 9 months ago. And the improvement that she’s making in the last couple of months has just been pretty drastic, I’m mean it’s just pretty impressive. I think it's going to touch a lot of people's lives. And I think it has already. And I think she’s going to continue to do that.

Yes, Jesus loves me For the Bible tells me so

She has a beautiful heart, she is very kind, she is very sweet, and I think that people can see that when she sings. And I think a lot of people are touched, not simply by her singing, but by the person that she is, and I think that comes across in her singing.

Little ones to him belong
They are weak but he is strong

I want her to grow up to be a good Godly woman, like her mother. That's the most important thing, and for her to be happy, to live a life with purpose.

I see her growing to love singing more and more each day. She understands the impact that her singing has on other people and the good that it’s doing. And I know that she just loves people, and this is just one way for her to express herself.

T'was grace that taught my heart to fear; and grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed.

Rhema, your dad must support you a lot now. In your mission as a singer in life, would you tell us some about your dad?

I like him, I love him too. He’s a good guy. And he feeds me, he takes care of me. He lets me do all kinds of stuff, he makes sure that I don’t get hurt and when I get hurt, he just comforts me. And he helps me to go to sleep. He’s a good dad.

Is your dad a good teacher?

Yeah, he’s a really good teacher, for a dad.

Father’s Day is coming up.


Would you like to tell the kids all around the world your favorite thing about your dad?

I just think that he is a great man and he takes care of me. And I’m sure your dad loves you so much, and my dad loves me too. That’s my favorite thing about him. He loves me.

So, why do you sing mainly gospel songs?

Because it makes me happy, it makes other people happy. It makes… makes everyone around me happy.

Can you tell us what your favorite song or songs are?

I like “Oh Holy Night” and I like “Amazing Grace.”

Is there a particular reason that you like those songs? I like them because they’re just amazing and they’re so beautiful.

Yes. What is God like to you?

I think that He’s taking care of everyone in the world and He’s a great man. And that He can bring my voice to everyone around the world, and bring the world to Christ.

Could you share with us some of the things that you tell God when you pray?

I ask Him to give my mother a kiss and that He takes care of the whole world and that they don’t sin; that He gives my mother a kiss for me and a hug.

I’m just happy, because I know that she’s in Heaven and I get to sing for people. I can learn songs now and I can sing for people. I can touch their hearts.

O holy night! The stars are brightly shining, It is the night of our dear Savior's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining, 'Til he appeared and the soul felt its worth.

A thrill of hope The weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! O hear the angels’ voices!
O night Divine, O night when Christ was born;
O night Divine, O night, O night Divine.

Truly he taught us to love one another;
His law is love and his gospel is peace. Chains (shall he break for the slave is our brother)
And in his name all oppression shall cease.

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise his holy name!
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we
Noel O night O night Divine
Noel Noel O night O night Divine
Noel Noel O holy night!

You are lovely inside and out, Rhema! Wishing your precious gift from Above will continue to bring hope and joy to many people. May God bless you, your wonderful father and cherished ones abundantly.

Kind viewers, we enjoyed your presence today on Enlightening Entertainment. Up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News, on Supreme Master Television. May your heart be forever filled with God’s love.

For more on Rhema and her music, please visit and Join us for a Father’s Day celebration with our Association members and friends on Sunday, June 20, 2010 on Supreme Master Television’s Enlightening Entertainment.

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