Enlightening Entertainment
Shining World Compassion Award: Forough e Mohabbat - Iran's Loving Home for Children (In Persian)      
Today’s program will be presented in Persian, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend Virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

Whatever was taken away from us and refused us God returned those to us

Perhaps God gave us even better things

And even higher and nobler things

Now we’d like to tell our story, our changes and our goals

If you would like to accompany us, let’s start... In the name of God…

In the heart of the beautiful city of Mashhad in Iran, the melodious singing of children can be heard from this home, touching the hearts of the passers-by. These children, who had come from troubled homes or were unable to receive necessary care or nurturing, are the warmly embraced members of the Forough e Mohabbat family. Forough e Mohabbat is a children's home founded by Ms. Ghazaleh Lotfi and Dr. Ramin Zafari in 2003.

From childhood I always had a dream to have many children and a big family, just like in the past when families were large. And about five years ago, God created some opportunities for me so that I could get acquainted with the members of the Center for Placement for Street Children. Actually I used to go there as a humanitarian helper, but as I got to know more about them, I felt closer to them and this encouraged me to decide, and with the help of a few friends, to set up a small house, and bring these children to our own house.

This unique children’s refuge strives to provide a real family environment for its young residents, and multi-faceted support for them to become happy, well adjusted, and the best that they can be. Following the success of their first children’s home, a second one opened three years later in 2006 to provide for a total of 24 boys and girls.

Our motto and my goal was to set up a home for these kids and I wanted these kids to rebuild and re-discover their families with me. After a few years, As the Forough e Mohabbat further developed and many more kids joined the group, we noticed that the boys had some sisters who were being looked after in other centers elsewhere.

We thought that if these girls joined their brothers here, then we would have kind of truly reached our goal. And God also helped us. Near the home for the boys, we rented another house and their sisters joined them. From then on, the Forough e Mohabbat’s big family was formed.

At Forough Mohabbat, each child is given a psychological assessment, based on which an individualized program is designed that suits their physical, emotional, and educational needs. In addition, their personal likes and dislikes, talents and aspirations are also considered. Besides a basic curriculum, other subjects are taught including music, painting and handicrafts, as well as yoga.

The children’s spirituality and faith are also nourished through studies of the Qur’an, prayers, and other activities. All the children learn to perform music as part of their studies and also as an effective form of therapy. They form the youth music band of Forough e Mohabbat.

Another characteristics of our children is that as soon as their situation was improved, and our family was stable, they started to look out for other children who were without guardians; and they asked us to support and take care of these children too. Since we had limited resources at Forough e Mohabbat, we asked the children if they would be prepared to work, so that we could expand our facilities and take on more children. From the depth of their hearts, they said, “Yes, we are happy to work and contribute.”

The children thus practice diligently and perform at concerts throughout Iran, which helps to further Forough e Mohabbat’s capacity to help more children.

This is a journey we have embarked on, and with God’s will and with the help of the children, we will continue with our journey, till we reach our goals and we do our utmost to support more homeless children.

I am Sabaa Shakibaii-far. I am in 2nd grade, secondary school. I am a member of the choir.

My name is Javad Zaimi. I am 12 years old, and I specialize in tonbak. It’s two years that I have been playing tonbak, and I am a member of the Percussion Instruments’ group in the Forough e Mohabbat.

My name is Hoda Zafari. I am in 2nd grade, secondary school and I am 15 years old. I am the speaker of the choir. My friends express their feelings and stories with their instruments; and in between the songs, I recite the memories of my life for the audience; I hope they will like it.

When we were ready to surrender ourselves to our fate

And accept our inevitable destiny

Gentle and kind hands were stretched before us

And heavenly music was played in our lives

The heavenly music taught us that

Like a leaf who accepts the kisses of the rain with utmost kindness

We, too, should accept the kind hands offering us help

Perhaps this is the awakening of our lucky star

Our Shining World Compassion Award program continues after this brief message. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Come back, the longing for you is the silence of desperation That makes the stones of the mountains howl, stones of the mountains O water of streams, O water of streams, don’t go away from the leafy shadow O water of streams, don’t go away from the leafy shadow Many others were who likewise lost the opportunities, many others, many others

Welcome back to our program featuring the Forough e Mohabbat (Light of Kindness) children’s home in Mashhad, Iran. Through their unconditional love and caring, Ms. Ghazaleh Lotfi and Dr. Ramin Zafari have brought out the best in every child, gently redirecting them so that they can grow to be model citizens who benefit society.

One of my biggest dreams is to form a “Forough e Mohabbat village,” where children can work together, live together; build their own families, and generally live together without any intrusion. With God’s help, I am confident that my dream will come true.

For their dedicated selfless endeavors, Ms. Ghazaleh Lotfi and Dr. Ramin Zafari, the devoted parents of the Forough e Mohabbat Charity Institute, were honored with the Shining World Compassion Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai. The following is an excerpt from a letter of appreciation from Supreme Master Ching Hai:

“For your benevolence in providing for the less fortunate, for your vision, high ideals and purity, and for being a dedicated and noble role model, we hereby applaud and celebrate the great compassionate deeds of Ms. Ghazaleh Lotfi, Dr. Ramin Zafari, Mum & Dad of Forough e Mohabbat Family House. May Allah bless you abundantly and all those touched by your great Merciful Love. With Great Honour, Love and Blessings, The Supreme Master Ching Hai”

In addition to the recognition, Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly contributed US$10,000 in furthering the Forough-e Mohabbat Family House’s efforts to look after more disadvantaged children in Iran.

I am deeply grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai that she gave her attention to us. I am so touched that I cannot find words to describe the beautiful glance of this lady. The only thing I would like to say is: “I am grateful that you gave us notice.”

Also I would like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai and her International Association. Not because of the valuable gifts she has bestowed on us, but because of her Great Soul and her caring and benevolent qualities. In this cherished night, which happens to be the birthday eve of the Redeemer of Humanity (Imam Mahdi), she made me and my wife very happy.

I would like to announce a very happy and good news, and I hope she will also hear this news and rejoice with us. The Forough e Mohabbat Children Cultural Institute is a place where our children, with hard work and dedication, are building their futures.

In fact, it’s a place where our children are engaged with a kind of family business. The Managing Director of Ershad (Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance), in Khorasan province, gave us the certificate of this institute, and also one of the benefactors of the city of Mashhad, kindly offered us the location for this institute.

And today, God, through Master Ching Hai, has donated our first financial investment of our institute. Master Ching Hai, we are grateful; since today, with the help of your kind donation, Forough e Mohabbat Children Institute has officially commenced its operation.

On behalf of all members of the loving Forough e Mohabbat family, young Hoda expresses a message of affection and gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

God is beautiful and He likes all beauty. Good humans of God who are beautiful observe, understand and value all beauty. Master Ching Hai, since with your beautiful spirit and loving attention, you have made our spiritual Mum and Dad so happy, we are grateful to you.

My brothers and sisters and I are so overjoyed that God has given us a benevolent friend from the other side of world, who loves us, and values us and we thank God for this. I am very grateful, and I wish I was not so empty-handed, that I couldn’t do more to thank such a cherished kind friend. But, we have one sentence to repay your loving attention: Ms. Ching Hai, we love you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has sent a loving reply to Hoda and the rest of the Forough e Mohabbat family.

You are not empty-handed. Your hands and heart are full of love and readiness for the service of others in a very near future. I love you all and Heaven loves you. ♥♥

For more details on Forough e Mohabbat Charity Institute, please visit

Our heartfelt thankfulness to Ms. Ghazaleh Lotfi and Dr. Ramin Zafari for your selfless and big-hearted gift of a loving home and a bright future for the much deserving children. With best wishes to the ever-growing Forough e Mohabbat family, may all blessed youngsters now and to come receive infinite joy and love.

Delightful viewers, thank you for your company on today’s program. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, right after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May you and your loved ones be safe and at peace.

Peace be upon you. You are most welcome.

On the Mount of Olives, he has carried a tradition of opening his home to thousands of intercultural visitors.

God gave me a golden key through my parents, mother and father. My father didn’t have much but he’s rich in giving.

Treating everyone with love is his golden key. Always, I found something in my pocket to give to the children. I learned in this way of really big, deep love through my life and that's what I am carrying today.

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