Enlightening Entertainment
Aulacese (Vietnamese) Chèo Traditional Opera: Heavenly Affinity    Part 1   
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a nation that has a long-standing traditional culture. Aulacese music is very rich; since ancient times, there have been many musical instruments that move the soul with a wide variety of sounds like those of the copper drum, gong, lithophone, bamboo xylophone, cymbals and panpipe. In 2003, Elegant Music, a form of Huế royal music, was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an intangible cultural heritage of the world.

Âu Lạc’s music represents the unique features of each region, for example, Quan Họ folksongs in the North, Huế tunes in the Central, and cải lương (modern folk opera) in the South. In addition, there are many other forms of music, including hò (work songs), lý (village songs), ceremonial songs, Aulacese classical opera, chèo traditional opera, Hồ Quảng opera, and so on.

Indeed, music has been deeply instilled in the hearts of people in this beautiful country, and has been cultivated until this day. Northern Âu Lạc has a folk art called xẩm singing that is very popular in the northern plains and midland. This genre, in the old time, was performed by minstrel bands.

In a gathering with a small group of our Association members some years past, Supreme Master Ching Hai was inspired to spontaneously compose and sing in the xẩm style a poem she had written in her late 20s in Germany. The poem was originally written in English which the poet herself translated into Aulacese.

We now invite you to enjoy an excerpt of the xẩm singing “We Don't Live More Than One Hundred Years!” composed and sung by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I mean tonight I was nuts! But so what: Aren’t the rest of us!... Otherwise how could we carry on living, For life isn’t worth a thing!?

You know that I am still in love with you! But that has nothing to do... I cannot please everybody, So I will please me! That doesn’t mean you are not right; We all have only one life!

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

Chèo traditional opera is a folk theater art which originated from the regions near the mountains and from the plains of northern Âu Lạc. There are varied opinions about the beginning of chèo traditional opera: the earliest time is believed to be in 4th century BCE and the most recent is 14th century, at the end of the Trần dynasty. Chèo is a narrative genre of folk theater, recounting stories through a combination of music, singing and dance.

One of the unique features of chèo is a skillful portrayal of subtle gestures and movements. During festivals, people in the plains of northern Âu Lạc often look forward to watching chèo traditional opera. The lyrics are infused with folk poetry and proverbs; tragedies are usually counter-balanced with satires. Chèo is replete with the pure simplicity of the common folk, yet equally profound in meaning.

The Aulacese chèo traditional opera “Heavenly Affinity” is based on the legend of the smart and beautiful Princess Tiên Dung during the reign of King Hùng III and Chử Đồng Tử, a poor but very filial and compassionate young man. This is a famous Aulacese love story which conveys spiritual meanings, upholds altruism, and reveals the senselessness of placing import on transient outer forms.

Saint Chử Đồng Tử is also considered one of “The Four Immortals” in the Aulacese pantheon. To date, many places in the country still worship Saint Chử Đồng Tử and Princess Tiên Dung.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the Aulacese chèo traditional opera titled “Heavenly Affinity” by playwright Nguyễn Thị Hồng Ngát. It will be presented in 3 episodes,

with performances by Mr. Mạnh Huấn as Saint Chử Đồng Tử, Ms. Vân Quyền as Princess Tiên Dung, Mr. Xuân Vượng as King Hùng, Mr. Trần Hải as Minister, Ms. Thanh Mạn as Miss Nguyễn, Mr. Thanh Tùng as Court Clown, Mr. Ngọc Kình as the Fairy, Mr. Tuấn Cường as Handsome Nobleman, Mr. Khắc Bình as the Minister’s Nephew, Mr. Đỗ Vinh as Old Nobleman, Mr. Vũ Ngọc as Young Nobleman, and other artists.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. May your life be filled with happiness from noble love. Farewell for now, and we’ll see you next week.

Respectful greetings, Your Highness.

Be at ease! My father has the lamps lit and flowers decked everywhere for all to rejoice today when he chooses a son-in-law. That’s right. Soon I will find out everything. I’ll be able to behold all the great talent. Let the blossom reveal its fresh beauty and colors in the breeze. At the round-moon age, I’ve yearned one day to soar like a bird seeking her fairy companion. Alas, who would understand my heart?

Long live Your Majesty!

Be at ease. You all may leave!


My daughter looks so beautiful today!

Oh, Father!

Tiên Dung, my child! You know that I have only you as a daughter. Today, you’ve just turned 18. I want to find a worthy place to entrust the gold. So, choose whom you are pleased with.


Don’t take lightly a hundred years’ commitment. Just one mistake and you’ll regret for life, understand?

Yes, I do, Father!

Tiên Dung, my child! (Yes.) Remember: You’re to marry but once. Only someone of rank and fashion is a match for a noble lady. I advise you to choose carefully.

Yes, Father. I’ll keep that in mind.

Where is the minister? (Yes.) Let the selection begin!

Yes, Your Majesty. The selecting process begins! Welcome, noblemen!

Welcome, noblemen!

Long live Your Majesty!

Your Majesty! This is my nephew. He’s very handsome and also a great dancer and singer.

Is this your nephew?


Tiên Dung, child! (Yes.) What do you think of him?

He dresses up quite flamboyantly. I’m only afraid that he’s all empty and blank inside. So, what’s your talent, friend? Show us!

I have the talent of…

Of what?


My God! You’re good at dancing and singing, so dance!

All right, let me dance.

Yes, go ahead and dance!

Is that how you dance? Go in there and talk to the Princess! Say “I love you; I’m crazy about you; I adore you, O Princess.” Quickly!

O Princess! I’m crazy about you! I adore you! I wish to marry you, O Princess. If I could, I’ll carry you on my head.

I’m sorry. I heard that you’re from a family of rank and fashion. How could you talk so silly? Respected Father, a prince consort later will have to handle national affairs. Is such a person like him worthy, Father?

All right, go back!

You’re indeed a good- for-nothing chap who don’t have much to say. That’s enough. Quit it already! Even half a word can attest to a person’s wisdom. Get lost!

Leave! Welcome the next nobleman!


Your Majesty!

Elder, where are you going, for God’s sake? Have you come to the wrong place? (No!) No? How old are you though?

You asked about my age?


I’m 20 this year.

You don’t look 20, do you?

I already said less 3 days, 9 months and 30 years , I’m exactly 20.

Your Majesty! He said that less 3 days, 9 months and 30 years, he is exactly 20.

That man! (Yes...) My daughter is at the prime of age, and you’re over 50. How dare you come here for the selection process? You may leave now!


Your Majesty and Your Highness, I’m the son of a low-ranking mandarin. I’m not as rich as the other noblemen, sons and nephews of ministers. I have only a sensitive heart that throbs with emotions. O Princess, I’ve been secretly in love with you all this time.

Go ahead and tell me. I’m listening.

O eyes, sharp as an areca-cutting knife, causing cycles of longing and melancholy. The wave of love billows like the river tide. Know you not my feelings? I’ve dreamt to spend my life with you.

Thank you, nobleman. But my heart is still cold and empty, absent of any sign of blossoming romance. Respected Father, I feel very tired.

All right, you may leave.


Tiên Dung, child! (Yes.) It seems like today isn’t a good day. Tomorrow I will resume the selection and see how it goes.

Please don’t waste your effort, Father. Love can’t be found around here within the four surrounding citadel walls, where people are insensitive like wood and stone. How I feel so confined here! Respected Father, I suddenly yearn for a journey.

My daughter is really contrary. Since childhood, you wouldn’t sit still.

O Father!

Do you wish to travel by horse or carriage today, so I can order the guards to prepare?

O Father, you’ve let me go up the mountain.

You’ve let me travel by horse carriage too many times.

Now, may I sail down the Nhị Hà River to sightsee?

All right... Guards! (Yes.) Immediately launch 5 dragon boats and send 200 royal maids to escort Princess Tiên Dung for sightseeing along the Nhị Hà River!

My gratefulness, Royal Father!

The ship sails down the river. Paddles strike the water. This ship sails down the river.

I spend my life by the river. The alluvial sandbank is my home through good and bad times. O I beseech Heaven for calm wind and serene waves. O Father, I, Chử Đồng Tử, pray to you, Chử Cù Vân. If you lived as a wise man and died as a sage’s spirit, please come back and bless your son to find plenty of food.

O Heaven and Earth, please lessen those rainy and windy days, for the river and its shore to calm. There isn’t a trace of people by the river, except I who dwell here from dawn to dusk. I work hard day after day to earn a living. The thatched hut barely fits half a room. I befriend the mountain wind through the four seasons. River water rises, flooding the white sandbank. Has the river heard my singing and opened its heart to embrace an orphan? Alas! Where from are those strange boats?

The rippling waves push the boat away from shore. That boat is drifting and bobbing. The azure sky calls on the sun to shine brightly. Through four seasons, my homeland is beautiful like a painting. Folk singing rises earnestly morning and evening. A flock of birds flies to the river’s end. Waves tumble along the boat sides. The sound of paddling, the echo of footsteps. The boat sails over the waves.

Young sisters! (Yes.) We’ve been on our journey for 2 days and 2 nights. The waves lap against the boat sides. It’s an amazingly beautiful day, don’t you think? The sky and clouds are crystal clear! The morning sunray freshens our countenance.

It’s truly so, Your Highness!

Look! The Nhị Hà’s two tributaries are infused with red alluvium. Why is it that a long stretch of white sandbank emerges at that section of the river? I’ve never seen such a thing in my life.

Your Highness, that’s why people call it the Natural Bank.

The Natural Bank? What an interesting name!

Legend has it that at this river’s bottom there is a castle of the Water Deity. He had a son, but his son liked to live on land, so he had the waves raise a sandbank there.

Look! See the white crane strolling on that sandbank?

Oh, how adorable!

Could that be him?

It’s very possible.

Perhaps today he saw you arriving here, so he came to have a glimpse of you.

Oh, I feel too warm all of a sudden! It’d be wonderful if I could bathe for a while.

Please come into the boat’s hold, Your Highness. We’ve already prepared the perfumed water.

No, I want to bathe in Nhị Hà River itself.

But I’m afraid the red color of Nhị Hà River will ruin your skin.

No, no. The cool and gentle water is from nature. I wish to bathe and swim to my heart’s content. Oh, I suddenly want to run barefoot on the sand.

Young sisters! (Yes.) Let’s anchor our boat by that sandbank! (Yes.)

The rippling waves push the boat away from shore. That boat is drifting and bobbing. The azure sky calls on the sun to shine brightly. Through four seasons, my homeland is beautiful like a painting. Folk singing rises earnestly morning and evening. A flock of birds flies to the river’s end.

Since my birth, I’ve never seen such strange looking boats coming ashore here, wafting fragrance. Could they be fairies descending on Earth? The most beautiful must be the Fairy Queen.

Oh, how shameful when I have not even a piece of cloth to cover my body! My God! Where should I go to hide from them now? Submerging myself in the water? But my head, where can I hide it? Ah, I know what to do. I’ll dig up the sand and bury myself in it. No one can find out. O golden sand, white sand! Help me cover this body.

There’s a five-color cloud above. Let’s put up the curtain to bathe here.

This place even has a grove; it’d be very cool to bathe here.

Let’s hang the strings.

The clouds will be our roof shielding the sun. Giving you a bath with the water of Nhị Hà River, giving you a bath for beautiful skin, the Princess is like a flower. Giving you a bath to make your long hair silken and graceful.

The clear, emerald water reflects the clouds. The wind sways the clouds; the waves vie anxiously to speak. O faraway beloved, where are you? Know you not that I await? My tresses flow long like the waves. My skin white and smooth like a cool stream. Like a cool stream, O beloved!

You all may leave.

I wish to offer you, O beloved!

Who are you? (I...)

Tell me, who are you?

Please forgive me, Fairy Queen. I’m Chử Đồng Tử; I was born and also live here.

No. I’m not the Fairy Queen. I’m Tiên Dung, King Hùng’s daughter.

King Hùng’s daughter? But why would King Hùng’s daughter bathe at this river bank?

Oh look! Why is it that the clouds shift about quickly? Elegant music resounds from somewhere. What an extraordinary sign! May I ask, why did you bury yourself in the sand?

You must have noticed. I’m too poor, having no clothes to wear. Seeing you coming, I had to bury myself to hide. I didn’t expect...

This is indeed very strange! Or is this an arrangement by Heaven and Earth for my fate? Oh my, such a handsome young man with a bright and pure face!

There is even a strip of five-color cloud above your head. Or... are you the son of the Water God?

No, no! I’m not the Water God’s son. I’m just the son of a person... My father and I had only one piece of loincloth that we took turns to use.

What were you saying? Father and son took turns to use one piece of loincloth? Alas! I’m surprised that under my father’s reign, there are still such destitute people. Please tell me where your father is now.

My father? My father passed away exactly one year ago. I didn’t want to bury my father bare, so I...

I understand.

My father suffered hardship alone all his life because of me. Then one stormy night, he returned to the womb of the Earth. O Father, I had to bury you with a tattered piece of loincloth. I remain in the world, enduring a poor and hard life. Since you were gone, the river bank is cold and desolate. Our worlds are separated; I’m here all alone. My heart is still weighed down from missing you. Though storm-lashed and wave-tossed, I’m still by your side.

You’re such a filial and kind son whose piety is unsurpassed. In this world, the wealthy are plenty, but how likely it is to find someone filial to his father like that. An alluvial sand bank by the river; autumn passes and winter comes, pitying a lone person. By the windy Nhị Hà River, sparkling morning dew reflects the image of a couple. We’d never expect to meet here. O vast river, witness our love, a heavenly affinity. My heart stirs with affection for someone.

My life has been used to rain and shine. I’ve made this riverbank my home for years, braving rain and storm. You’re a noble princess, passing by here for enjoyment. Your pitying my lonely fate, that I will always remember.

Did Heaven tie the love thread and Earth bring about our wondrous encounter? Why is it that I feel oddly excited all of a sudden? Could it be that I...

Since my birth, I’ve never heard such peculiar speech.

I wish to be your friend. Is that possible?

You want to befriend me, a dirt-poor young man?

When in love, we don’t care about financial status. Besides, in nature, haven’t we known each other like husband and wife already?

You are too daring! Aren’t you afraid of the wrath of your father, the King?

No! My father loves me very much. Besides, hasn’t he always wished to find a righteous son-in-law?

But anyhow you are a princess. You can’t be married to a poor and lowly person like me.

I’ll help you escape poverty.

With the King’s gold and silver? No! I’m not accustomed to living on someone else’s money. I’m used to sustaining myself by my own effort.

Hearing your words, I adore you even more. Your self-respect makes me admire you. I wish to be with you for a hundred years, but I’m only concerned about one thing. Do you love me?

Love you? Such a beautiful young lady who is also magnanimous, gentle and virtuous, even the trees and plants are charmed by you, let alone...

That means you love me too? Do you know that you’re the one I’ve always yearned for? I didn’t expect the Nhị Hà River to be the shore of love. The Natural Bank is our place of encounter.

I’ve waited for you times and again. Now we’ve met each other. Is it Heaven’s will that we become husband and wife? Lasting happiness isn’t easy to find. O beloved! O precious!

O Minister!

Your Excellency Minister!


Goodness! What kind of person sleeps all day long! For crying out loud, he keeps dozing off during discussions of important affairs! Minister! The King calls you.

What... what’s the matter?

You’ve been sleeping all day.

When did I?

You even deny it?

I was just dreaming a little, not sleeping!

The King called you.

The King called me? Your Majesty, I am present.

Minister! (Yes.) I’ve read the prime minister’s report, and I’m very happy that the country is at peace. The land of Hùng dynasty must be more peaceful and prosperous each day. Only then shall I not feel ashamed with our ancestors and future generations.

How sensible! What I heard pleases my ears so much! The King’s thoughts are exactly like mine. But I never get to be king.

O Clown! (What?) Don’t daydream, son. Being a clown to amuse the King is already a great boon for your 70 generations. You even covet an official position?

Let me tell you this. When it comes to war, an official who loses ground will seek to be a clown. Look, being an official is easy, Being a clown is a little hard. Being a clown is hard, while being an official...

Enough, Clown! Are you going to let me discuss important matters?

I didn’t do anything.

Minister! (Yes.) Do you know what I’m most concerned about right now?

How would I know, Your Majesty? I’m dark like the night, thick like a rice cake, and dense like a brick; how would I possibly know?

All these tens of years, this is the first time I heard him utter something honest. He’s indeed dark like the night, thick like a rice cake and dense like a brick, yet he still covets a high-ranking position.

It seems that people everywhere are not well off.

Your Majesty, it isn’t so. I’ve just returned from an assignment. People are all well off, happy, and healthy. Songs are heard everywhere. Your Majesty, if people weren’t well-fed, they wouldn’t be singing.

Your Majesty, I heard differently though.

What did you hear, Clown?

I heard that in many places, people worry where their next meal comes from. Four generations worry and don’t know when they will stop worrying.

Is that so, Clown?

I’ve never told an untruth.

I really am to blame. Minister! (Yes.) So, do you have any way to help me?

Your Majesty,, I’ve racked my brain and still haven’t found a solution. Every night my two knees stay awake, yet no answer has turned up.

You are of no help to me. I probably have to depose you from office!

That’s right. Depose him!

Your Majesty, please don’t do that! If you depose me, how I am to live? A wife and children will be left uncared for. Your Majesty, I’m used to being an official. Now if I can’t work as an official, I don’t know any other job.

All right, I have to consider your merit of being with me through life and death in the past.

I’m very grateful to Your Majesty.

Alas! Everyday I must take care of court affairs. I’m so exhausted. My bones are as if falling apart. I’m getting old already. Old age comes, sparing no one. That time of charging into danger is over. Now my knees are tired, my steps slow. National responsibility weighs down on my shoulders.


Yes, Your Majesty!

I think there isn’t a lack of talented men in this world, how come...

Your Majesty! I only summoned the children of wealthy families to the selection. I wouldn’t dare call on the commoners. But if you wish, please allow me.

Wait! You said you’re going to invite the commoners’ children? Impossible! My royal lineage can’t be mixed up like that. (Yes.)

Your Majesty! There is a handsome and intelligent nobleman who wishes to ask for Her Highness’ hand in marriage.
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a nation that has a long-standing traditional culture. Aulacese music is very rich; since ancient times, there have been many musical instruments that move the soul with a wide variety of sounds like those of the copper drum, gong, lithophone, bamboo xylophone, cymbals and panpipe. In 2003, Elegant Music, a form of Huế royal music, was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an intangible cultural heritage of the world.

Âu Lạc’s music represents the unique features of each region, for example, Quan Họ folksongs in the North, Huế tunes in the Central, and cải lương (modern folk opera) in the South. In addition, there are many other forms of music, including hò (work songs), lý (village songs), ceremonial songs, Aulacese classical opera, chèo traditional opera, Hồ Quảng opera, and so on.

Indeed, music has been deeply instilled in the hearts of people in this beautiful country, and has been cultivated until this day. Northern Âu Lạc has a folk art called xẩm singing that is very popular in the northern plains and midland. This genre, in the old time, was performed by minstrel bands.

In a gathering with a small group of our Association members some years past, Supreme Master Ching Hai was inspired to spontaneously compose and sing in the xẩm style a poem she had written in her late 20s in Germany. The poem was originally written in English which the poet herself translated into Aulacese.

We now invite you to enjoy an excerpt of the xẩm singing “We Don't Live More Than One Hundred Years!” composed and sung by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I mean tonight I was nuts! But so what: Aren’t the rest of us!... Otherwise how could we carry on living, For life isn’t worth a thing!?

You know that I am still in love with you! But that has nothing to do... I cannot please everybody, So I will please me! That doesn’t mean you are not right; We all have only one life!

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

Chèo traditional opera is a folk theater art which originated from the regions near the mountains and from the plains of northern Âu Lạc. There are varied opinions about the beginning of chèo traditional opera: the earliest time is believed to be in 4th century BCE and the most recent is 14th century, at the end of the Trần dynasty. Chèo is a narrative genre of folk theater, recounting stories through a combination of music, singing and dance.

One of the unique features of chèo is a skillful portrayal of subtle gestures and movements. During festivals, people in the plains of northern Âu Lạc often look forward to watching chèo traditional opera. The lyrics are infused with folk poetry and proverbs; tragedies are usually counter-balanced with satires. Chèo is replete with the pure simplicity of the common folk, yet equally profound in meaning.

The Aulacese chèo traditional opera “Heavenly Affinity” is based on the legend of the smart and beautiful Princess Tiên Dung during the reign of King Hùng III and Chử Đồng Tử, a poor but very filial and compassionate young man.

This is a famous Aulacese love story which conveys spiritual meanings, upholds altruism, and reveals the senselessness of placing import on transient outer forms. Saint Chử Đồng Tử is also considered one of “The Four Immortals” in the Aulacese pantheon. To date, many places in the country still worship Saint Chử Đồng Tử and Princess Tiên Dung.

We now invite you to enjoy part 2 of the Aulacese chèo traditional opera titled “Heavenly Affinity” by playwright Nguyễn Thị Hồng Ngát,

with performances by Mr. Mạnh Huấn as Saint Chử Đồng Tử, Ms. Vân Quyền as Princess Tiên Dung, Mr. Xuân Vượng as King Hùng, Mr. Trần Hải as Minister, Ms. Thanh Mạn as Miss Nguyễn, Mr. Thanh Tùng as Court Clown, Mr. Ngọc Kình as the Fairy, Mr. Tuấn Cường as Handsome Nobleman, Mr. Khắc Bình as the Minister’s Nephew, Mr. Đỗ Vinh as Old Nobleman, Mr. Vũ Ngọc as Young Nobleman, and other artists.

In the last episode: King Hùng decreed the selection of a prince consort for Princess Tiên Dung; however, she had yet to find her kindred soul. To find solace, the Princess went sightseeing along the Nhị Hà River and stopped by a beautiful sandbank. Dwelling at this place was a young man named Chử Đồng Tử.

He was very poor and did not even have enough clothing to cover himself. Thus, upon seeing a group of young women approaching, he buried himself under the sand to hide. As fate arranged it, Princess Tiên Dung met Chử Đồng Tử. They loved and respected each other right from their first encounter.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. We wish you and your cherished ones peaceful and happy days in Heaven’s loving protection.

An intelligent and good-looking nobleman asked for the Princess’ hand in marriage?


Fine, fine. Send him in right away! Now, Minister! (Yes.) Who knows? This could be the one I need to meet.

Yes, that’s right! Summon the nobleman here!

Send him in!

Respectful greetings, Your Majesty! Greetings, Minister!

Nobleman, may I ask who are you? Where are you from?

Me? No one knows who I am. Only upon learning of the King’s choosing a successor, I’ve crossed forests and streams to be here. As a man leading a nomadic life, I wander far and wide to my heart’s content. I enjoy my life with the birds and animals.

Nobleman, I’m pleased with your looks already, I just regret that my daughter is on a sightseeing trip, but she should be back soon. Your Majesty, I’ve obviously missed a good opportunity. My home is in a nearby mountain district. Though a latecomer, I still would like to be Your Majesty’s son-in-law.

Your Majesty!

What is it? You have news of my daughter?

Your Majesty! Upon Her Highness’ order, I’ve hastened back to report to you. Her Highness has found a virtuous husband.

Princess Tiên Dung has found a virtuous husband? Royal maid! Who is it that the Princess has decided on so quickly?

He is Chử Đồng Tử who makes a living along the river.

Oh no! This news is like thunder striking by my ears. My insides are entangled, my eyes blurred, my head dizzy. My son-in-law is a commoner living by the river? O Tiên Dung! You’re like a jade leaf and gold branch. Why do you choose to ruin yourself? You’re a royal Princess. Why do you want to endure the wind and fog? I’ve brought you up with great expectations. O Tiên Dung! I’ve brought you up with great expectations. What causes you to go against my wish? You have the heart to betray my love.

Your Majesty, what’s wrong with a commoner’s son who is good? It’s better than thousands of wealthy but ill-mannered ones.

That’s right, Your Majesty. Chử Đồng Tử is an amicable young man. He’s gentle, pious, and very handsome too.

Your Majesty, please stay calm. I’ll go there immediately. I believe I can bring Princess Tiên Dung right back.

Very good! In that case, I’ll go there with you. Soldiers! (Yes.) Harness the horses for me to leave with this nobleman. (Yes.)

Your Majesty!

I’ve made up my mind already. Carry out my exact order!

Is this your house?

You see, this is my living condition. How can I think of...

It’s not that. I think this place is wonderful, with forest wind, mountain moon, and vast mulberry orchards. The Nhị Hà River stretches far, and the moon shines brightly above us. The most unique site I have ever seen.

I wonder why poverty is inflicted on my family, from my grandfather to my father and now to me. But I am blessed with two strong hands. I believe I will make my way in life one day.

I’ll help you build a successful and prosperous life here.

In what way? You can’t remain at this place.

What if I can?

You’re a noble Princess. I have no heart to let you suffer a hard life.

O darling, once in love, we must accept all challenges. We’d cross nine rivers and swim ten seas, as long as we can be together. Later, I’ll sit and sew your shirt. As many threads there are, that much I love you. I’ll sew your shirt in the thatched hut. As many threads there are, that much I love you. This thatched hut is wind-swept day and night. As I gaze at you, I become more enamored with you. Parted from you for a moment, I pine for you evermore. Together in a loving bond, I care not for wealth and luxury.

Tiên Dung, I thank you for your love. Since I met you, I felt as if given more vigor. I can’t forget the time when father and son had just one piece of loincloth. There are still some sweet potatoes inside. Would you care to have a simple meal with me?

Sweet potato? (Yes.) It’s the first time in my life I get to know its taste.

Try it, sweetheart! What do you think?

Very good, and different too.

Oh, that means you can live here. But eating potato everyday, it’ll be very boring.

It’s all right, as long as I can be with you.

But what if your father the King won’t let you stay here?

Well, will you go to the capital with me?

No, I’m not used to living in the capital. Besides, a boat goes along with its helm, a married woman follows her husband – it’s a custom.

I think it’ll be better for you at the capital.

Oh, no. I can’t leave this place.

I understand how you feel, my love. I’ll stay with you forever.

So will I, Tiên Dung. I’ll be with you always. Tiên Dung, my precious! Our love is immense like the sea and sky.

Our love is immense like the sea and sky. Tempests or strong waves may rise, we’ll never part from each other. We’ll be together for life.

Together we share one thatched hut. We love each other and don’t mind poverty. With compatible ideas, we will create prosperity. Thanks to Heaven that I have you.

Your Highness, please hide right away! His Majesty is enraged. He wants to disrupt your relationship. He and the handsome nobleman will be here any moment.

Who is the handsome nobleman?

He’s someone in a nearby district who desires to be the King’s son-in-law.

I’m sorry but it’s too late. I’m now a married woman. My beloved, please stay by my side.

Long live Your Majesty!

Be at ease!

You’re already excused by the King. Oh my, he looks very handsome and bright. His only woe is poverty, he’s bare to the bone.

Tiên Dung! (Yes.) Is that the man?

Yes, Father.

I’m very clear now. I don’t understand why you’d degrade yourself to love someone who doesn’t even have a mere loincloth to wear.

Respected Father, a marriage is destined by fate. I think this probably is Heaven’s will.

You mean my will is inferior to that of God?


Tiên Dung! Do you see that handsome nobleman? He comes to bring you back for a wedding.

Greetings, Princess!

I’m sorry, I haven’t had the honor to know you.

Please forgive me, Your Highness. I came a little late, but it’s better late than never. May I ask you to think of your jade form and allow me to serve you for life?

I thank you, nobleman. But regretfully, I am a married woman. Please forgive me, sir.

Tiên Dung, you can’t speak like that! Who permitted you to wed that you call yourself a married woman?

Respected Father, a vow of troth is worth more than many outward ceremonies.

You over there! (Yes.) Release my daughter! (Father!) Or else don’t blame me for not forewarning you. How dare you, a moldy chopstick, presume to sit in a lacquer tray? (O Father!)

Your Majesty, please don’t look down upon this humble subject as a moldy chopstick. May I ask you: As a ruler of this country, why do you let many people live in misery? As a human, who wouldn’t want lots of silver and gold? Who would want to lead a poor and wretched life? Tiên Dung, please think it over for your sake. I’m empty-handed, while that nobleman is ready with gold and silver.

No, once a vow is made, I’ll never go back on it.

Your Highness, please reconsider. How could a King’s daughter be married to a...

Be quiet! Don’t you offend my husband!

Don’t you realize that what you are doing also offends us? There are many worthy noblemen but you didn’t choose. Instead, you picked a poor, shirtless guy. His house is open to the sky. His furniture is but earthen bowls and chipped pots. And the wedding bed will be a bamboo bench.

Hush! You’re such an imprudent and arrogant person.

Tiên Dung, I advise you to return to the royal palace.

Yes, Father, but with one condition: I must be able to wed him.

No! That will never happen.

In that case, I’d like your permission to remain at this place.

Is that what you want?

Yes, respected Father.

All right, but one thing: You’re never allowed to return to the palace and will never see me again.

O Father! Please do not force me to make a choice. Love and filial piety, I wish to fulfill both, O Father.

Impossible! If you have him, you won’t have me. If you have me, you can’t have him.

O Father, I beg you to have mercy. Pity your young child who is entangled in the red thread of love. I’ve pledged a lifelong commitment. O Father, I beg you! I’ve pledged a lifelong commitment to stay with him in richness or in poor. Please pity my plight, O Father. Please pity my plight. I wish to fulfill both love and filial piety. How can you have the heart to sever our bond?

Tiên Dung, please go back to the palace with your father. Forget what happened here. We must go separate ways.

No, O darling, I love you. I love only you.

Remember, Tiên Dung! From now on, our father and daughter relation is finished.

O Father! I beg you, O Father!

Tiên Dung!

O Father, how have you the heart to abandon the child you most love? O Father! Look, the pathway has receded from view. Father’s image slowly fades from sight.

Tiên Dung, it’s still not too late. Hasten back to the capital city. Don’t be an unfilial child because of me.

That means I will have to be separated from you forever.

Tiên Dung!

No, beloved Chử Đồng Tử. You surely know what is more precious than any treasure in the world. That is the deep love between a couple. Now that I’ve found you, how can I be away you?

Tiên Dung!

Father has disowned me. He’s disclaimed all my title and right to the throne and considers me non-existent.

My precious, sit down here! From now on, we’ll always be together, never again separated.

Gazing at the vast mulberry orchard, I called out until hoarse, yet no one is in sight. How wretched it is for an old man, O God!

Tiên Dung, see who is coming this way.

A ragged, poor old man. He’s probably a beggar.

Anyone home?

Yes, elder. Please come in to have some drink. We’re poor; our thatched roof is leaking, but we do have a few sweet potatoes that you are welcome to have.

I’ve heard that you are a filial son. Now I’m here and find that it is indeed so.

O Elder, please come in here.

Come in here, Elder.

Who is that beautiful girl?

Is she Princess Tiên Dung?

Yes, Elder. Please come inside.

Please have a seat.

Sit down here, please.

Have a drink, Elder.

Thank you, child.

O Elder, we’re poor, so there are only boiled potatoes. Please have some to ease your hunger.

Thank you.

Look, it’s very strange!

He’s probably not an ordinary person.

Let me go get more for you to eat.

It’s all right. That was enough for me.

I just tested you two a little. I’m the Elder Fairy of the Ninth Heaven. In appreciation of your love and kindness, I came down to impart some spiritual knowledge. However, those who do charitable deeds must often undergo ordeals. Such a saying is quite true. If I transmit to you some Truth teachings, you’ll be able to save countless human lives, but one of you must die. Would you accept it?

Respected Fairy, all sacrifices are harsh. But this is quite... Respected Fairy, if death is a requirement, please let me die in his place.

Tiên Dung!

What do you think, Chử?

Respected Fairy, to save tens of thousands of lives, even if I must die, I’m willing to accept it. I only ask that Tiên Dung be blessed with a happy and safe life by her father the King.

No, it’s utterly unfair. How can I live on?

Tiên Dung!

Respected Fairy, why must there always be an exchange? Why is it that happiness must go hand in hand with bitterness? It took me half a lifetime to find him. Having yet to rejoice, why do we have to go our separate ways?

I feel satisfied being loved by you. Even if I must die, I have nothing to regret. Try to help people in misfortune and hardship. Only then, this love will endure forever.


It’s very clear now. Tiên Dung, look here!

O God! O beloved! What happened to you? O darling! What happened to you? Respected Fairy, why must he die? Respected Fairy, if you must have him dead, let me go with him.

O Tiên Dung! Stand up, child! I just tested you a little. I’ve never seen in this world any couple who love each other this much. Look, Tiên Dung! Your Chử is coming back to life.

My darling, you’re conscious again!

Tiên Dung! (My love!)

Tiên Dung!

You’re conscious again.

Tiên Dung!

We’re grateful, O Fairy.

That is also a miracle of this staff. I’ll teach you both and let you keep it. This is the immortal staff. It will help you cure and save good people. Remember that it has to be the good ones. As for the ruthless and heartless, even if you point this magic staff at them, they won’t come back to life.

We’ll engrave your words forever in our hearts.

And this is the magic hat that will protect you from the elements. The gods will help and support you.

We’re deeply grateful to you.

Children, remember what I told you. The cloud carriage is here now. I’m going back to Heaven.

O Clown! (Yes.) It looks like you are the only one willing to keep me company day and night.

Your Majesty, I receive royal favors, thus I must requite kindness with kindness. If I left you, who’d be around to attend to you? Though my insides are churned like pungently sour cabbage, my face must still look all smiling. I must keep entertaining so the King can laugh. When the King tells me to cry, only then am I allowed. If the King tells me to go south and I run north, I’d surely lose my job. That’s why I’m called the Clown.

People have forgotten my real name. They just call me Clown. It hurts me so, O King! Woe is me! When do I ever get a chance to live for myself? I always have to entertain others to earn a livelihood. Day after day, I just hang about, going to and from. If the King loves me, I am happy; otherwise... Alas, the King is too old and weak now!

O Clown! (Yes.) What are you mumbling about?

Nothing at all!

Draw that curtain so I can look outside.


Oh my God! Your Majesty! Leaves are falling in the imperial garden. A cool breeze wafts as autumn arrives.

So I’ve been ill for quite a while?

For a long time, yes.

From summer to autumn, the country has been through two seasons. Have there been any changes? Where’s the minister? Summon him here for me.

Where’s the minister? His Majesty calls you.

Yes, Your Majesty, I’m present. How is your jeweled form now?

I know that since I fell ill, all officials have tried your best to cure me. But I still feel unwell...

Oh God! O Minister! How come His Majesty’s eyes are rolling back?

Oh God, he may not make it. I reported falsely so that he wouldn’t panic. In fact, people everywhere are plagued with incurable diseases.

O Minister! His Majesty is stiff all over! O God! What am I to do now? Your Majesty! Royal maids!? (Yes.) Bring ginseng in for His Majesty quickly! Or you all will perish. For God’s sake, hurry up! Your Majesty, please take it. Here’s the ginseng. Please take it.

O Minister, His Majesty’s body is cold already.

Oh God! I don’t know what to do. What a bunch of good-for-nothing doctors! None of them could cure sickness in old age. Go back! (Go back!)

Your Excellency, there is a young woman outside the citadel’s gate. She asked to come in to cure His Majesty.

What? A young woman? You’re not joking, are you?

No, I’m not.

All right, send her in.

My respectful greetings, Your Excellency.

Young woman, who are you to be so self-confident? Dare you think so little of the royal physicians?

I’m Miss Nguyễn, well-versed in family cures. I overheard of His Majesty’s prolonged illness, so I ventured here to find out its cause.

Look, even distinguished doctors with silky silver hair have given up. What can a kid like you do?

Please don’t look down on me, Your Excellency. In my humble opinion, the old have their advantage, the young have their strength. With the right doctor and proper medicine, I believe that all ailments are curable.

Your reason is pretty sound. All right, you’re allowed to give it a try. But if anything should happen to His Majesty, don’t blame me for what will befall you.

But Your Excellency, I’m not used to giving treatment with strangers around.

Even me? This is required as well? What if she works a beauty trap on the King? But what can he possibly do, sickly and bed-ridden as he is? Fine! All may leave to let her treat His Majesty.

O sublime Buddha! Bestow a miracle as you have always done since time immemorial. May the King regain his lucid mind. May he rule for a very long time. Your Majesty, please have this bowl of medicine.

Tiên Dung!

Your Majesty.

Is that Tiên Dung, my child? Tiên Dung, I knew you would come. You can’t stay angry with your royal father.

Your Majesty.

I knew you would return to the capital.

Your Majesty.

Tell me, Tiên Dung!

O Your Majesty!

Isn’t it right that the royal palace is the only place worthy of you? Isn’t it true that only luxurious pavilions and towers are perfect and marvelous? Tell me, Tiên Dung!

O God! The King is still in delirium. He mutters to himself, calling the name “Tiên Dung.”

The King is being blindfolded.

No. My eyes are still clear, my mind still sharp. I’m a king; no one dares look down on me.

Your Majesty!

But I was at fault. I was at fault for disowning you, Tiên Dung.

O Your Majesty!

But I couldn’t have done otherwise, because I’m the King, do you understand, child? Alas, kingship! It’s the most powerful position. No one is allowed to go against my orders, including you, my daughter.

O Your Majesty, please drink this bowl of medicine. It’ll help you overcome the delirium, and return your brilliant and judicious mind. The King ails without recovering. What causes him to become delirious? Is it deep longing for his child that causes the King to fall mentally ill? In repaying a kindness, I’m back to save the royal father on behalf of Lady Tiên Dung. I pray Heaven for the King’s recovery, so I may return to my humble village. Your Majesty, please have the medicine.

It’s magic elixir indeed! The deeper the medicine penetrates, the better I feel. So, you’re not Tiên Dung? Are you a fairy or a Buddha who healed me? Very talented! Very gifted! I’m now back to my stately, dignified self.

His Majesty has recovered! O Minister! His Majesty is healthy again! Where’s everyone? The King has recovered! O Minister, the King is back to health!

Greetings, court officials!
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a nation that has a long-standing traditional culture. Aulacese music is very rich; since ancient times, there have been many musical instruments that move the soul with a wide variety of sounds like those of the copper drum, gong, lithophone, bamboo xylophone, cymbals and panpipe. In 2003, Elegant Music, a form of Huế royal music, was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an intangible cultural heritage of the world.

Âu Lạc’s music represents the unique features of each region, for example, Quan Họ folksongs in the North, Huế tunes in the Central, and cải lương (modern folk opera) in the South. In addition, there are many other forms of music, including hò (work songs), lý (village songs), ceremonial songs, Aulacese classical opera, chèo traditional opera, Hồ Quảng opera, and so on.

Indeed, music has been deeply instilled in the hearts of people in this beautiful country, and has been cultivated until this day. Northern Âu Lạc has a folk art called xẩm singing that is very popular in the northern plains and midland. This genre, in the old time, was performed by minstrel bands.

In a gathering with a small group of our Association members some years past, Supreme Master Ching Hai was inspired to spontaneously compose and sing in the xẩm style a poem she had written in her late 20s in Germany. The poem was originally written in English which the poet herself translated into Aulacese.

We now invite you to enjoy an excerpt of the xẩm singing “We Don't Live More Than One Hundred Years!” composed and sung by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I mean tonight I was nuts! But so what: Aren’t the rest of us!... Otherwise how could we carry on living, For life isn’t worth a thing!?

You know that I am still in love with you! But that has nothing to do... I cannot please everybody, So I will please me! That doesn’t mean you are not right; We all have only one life!

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

Chèo traditional opera is a folk theater art which originated from the regions near the mountains and from the plains of northern Âu Lạc. There are varied opinions about the beginning of chèo traditional opera: the earliest time is believed to be in 4th century BCE and the most recent is 14th century, at the end of the Trần dynasty. Chèo is a narrative genre of folk theater, recounting stories through a combination of music, singing and dance.

One of the unique features of chèo is a skillful portrayal of subtle gestures and movements. During festivals, people in the plains of northern Âu Lạc often look forward to watching chèo traditional opera. The lyrics are infused with folk poetry and proverbs; tragedies are usually counter-balanced with satires. Chèo is replete with the pure simplicity of the common folk, yet equally profound in meaning.

The Aulacese chèo traditional opera “Heavenly Affinity” is based on the legend of the smart and beautiful Princess Tiên Dung during the reign of King Hùng III and Chử Đồng Tử, a poor but very filial and compassionate young man. This is a famous Aulacese love story which conveys spiritual meanings, upholds altruism, and reveals the senselessness of placing import on transient outer forms.

Saint Chử Đồng Tử is also considered one of “The Four Immortals” in the Aulacese pantheon. To date, many places in the country still worship Saint Chử Đồng Tử and Princess Tiên Dung.

We now invite you to enjoy the conclusion of the Aulacese chèo traditional opera titled “Heavenly Affinity” by playwright Nguyễn Thị Hồng Ngát,

with performances by Mr. Mạnh Huấn as Saint Chử Đồng Tử, Ms. Vân Quyền as Princess Tiên Dung, Mr. Xuân Vượng as King Hùng, Mr. Trần Hải as Minister, Ms. Thanh Mạn as Miss Nguyễn, Mr. Thanh Tùng as Court Clown, Mr. Ngọc Kình as the Fairy, Mr. Tuấn Cường as Handsome Nobleman, Mr. Khắc Bình as the Minister’s Nephew, Mr. Đỗ Vinh as Old Nobleman, Mr. Vũ Ngọc as Young Nobleman, and other artists.

In the last episode: King Hùng decreed the selection of a prince consort for Princess Tiên Dung; however, she had yet to find her kindred soul. To find solace, the Princess went sightseeing along the Nhị Hà River and stopped by a beautiful sandbank. Dwelling at this place was a young man named Chử Đồng Tử. He was very poor and did not even have enough clothing to cover himself. Thus, upon seeing a group of young women approaching, he buried himself under the sand to hide.

As fate arranged it, Princess Tiên Dung met Chử Đồng Tử. They loved and respected each other right from their first encounter. Upon learning that Princess Tiên Dung chose a commoner as husband, King Hùng immediately set out to find her. Seeing that Chử Đồng Tử was from a very humble background yet the Princess was still determined to be married to him, the King was displeased and severed their bond after many failed attempts to convince her.

Touched by the couple’s faithfulness and kindness, the Elder Fairy gave them a magic hat and staff as well as imparted spiritual knowledge so that they could save the good-hearted people. Meanwhile, at the royal palace, King Hùng fell seriously ill. Thanks to Miss Nguyễn, fortunately His Majesty was healed.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. Please tune in to Supreme Master Television next Thursday for the Aulacese classical theater “Legend of a National Mother” by playwright Nguyễn Sỹ Chức. We respectfully bid you farewell.

Long live His Majesty the King!

O virtuous officials! Did you see the young lady who cured my illness?

She disappeared, Your Majesty.

What? She left already?

Yes, she’s gone.

O God! I hadn’t yet a chance to ask her name.

Your Majesty, I don’t know where her hometown is. I just know her name is Miss Nguyễn.

Miss Nguyễn? (Yes.) Go find Miss Nguyễn and bring her back for me.

Go search!

Go bring her back for me!

Go find Miss Nguyễn quickly!

O Miss Nguyễn! Your Majesty, I saw her walking out the door. She’s gone already.

She left for good? (Yes.) O God! It’s like a dream. Obviously this is me, yet it seems I’m no longer myself.

Your Majesty, you’re definitely yourself again now. May you enjoy great health as before.

Your Majesty! (Yes?) Your Majesty, a very strange thing has happened.

What is it?

There’s a city emerging from a hat and a staff after a rainy night.

Isn’t it just a tall tale?

No, it’s not. I saw it clearly with my own eyes. Last night when I patrolled the southeast area during a big rainstorm, suddenly lightning flashed repeatedly and thunder struck intermittently, then a castle rose up majestically with shining silver and a gold plated roof. The castle has the shape of a conical hat. We found out that it is Princess Tiên Dung’s castle.

Princess Tiên Dung’s castle? (Yes.) Very bizarre! When I disowned her, I didn’t give her even a silver bracelet. Chử Đồng Tử had not even a loincloth to wear. How could they amass wealth so quickly in such a short time?

They’re said to be celestial beings, from the Buddha’s realm.

It’s very possible.

Your Majesty, the Princess must have secretly plotted against her King father, so she built her own territory. Your Majesty, it’d be best if you let me lead troops there to stamp them out in advance.

No, we can’t do that. That will lead to total chaos.

That’s right.

Your Majesty, it can’t be a total chaos. This definitely stems from your son-in-law’s humiliation, so he has secretly schemed against the King father. Your Majesty, it’d be best if you dispatch troops there to quash them in advance.

Your Majesty, there’s another rumor. The Princess and her husband have a thriving business, making that area very prosperous. Now the Natural region is busy with trading activities, on boats and off deck, helping people escape poverty and misery.

Your Majesty, we can’t believe that.

Yes, it is so.

It’s possible, Your Majesty.

Oh God! My child, Tiên Dung!

Your Majesty!

My hands hold up this sheet of rose-hued silk. As it floats about at the marketplace, I know not in whose hands it will end up.

My beloved Chử and other men have returned from their harvest!

O village girl, come harvest the rice with us!

O village man!

Harvesting rice in October

Harvesting rice in October

We gather them quickly

Let me ask: who will carry the rice plants with me?

Is the rice from Đoài or Đông Village?

Carrying the rice of Đông Village, you and I will carry it together.

You and I will carry it together. Who is perspiring? The sun paints your cheeks a bright pink shade.

Why be caught by the silken thread of love to feel a tender longing? Why be caught by the silken thread of love to feel a deep longing?

That’s the way it should be. Hard work really makes a difference. Also, knowing how to best cultivate, we help people develop in agriculture. Everyone is kept warm and well-fed.

I’ve just returned from showing sisters in the village how to weave. This is a piece of tussore that they gave me to make a shirt for you.

What a beautiful piece of tussore! At this rate, people will surely do well. Plenty makes dainty.

And this is the hat I knitted for you myself. Come near, let me put it on you. My, you look just like a prince.

No, I’m not any prince. I’m just your beloved Chử.

O love, the merchant boats have begun to arrive. They’re enthralled with the tussore and silk. The trading business really brings a profit of four times the capital. The advice “One can’t get rich without engaging in trading” is so true. Now we have everything, my love!

I’m also glad that God is just. Our love has moved Heaven. Our hard work has been rightly rewarded with a sheltering home. Oh, no! An actual castle! O precious, it feels like a dream. I still remember that rainy night of old. The sacred hat and magic staff have turned into a kingdom with our wondrous hands.

The rain and wind of yore, the sacred hat and magic staff. Things have changed so much in life. I feel like in a dream. Our life together, our love and our wondrous hands have built our new existence today. Mulberry orchards stretch far, river pier crowded with visiting boats. We, as King Hùng’s offspring, join efforts to help build our country.

Since I came to live with you, there have been many amazing changes.

Look, aren’t you surprised, love?

It’s a surprise, yet I’m not surprised.

What do you mean?

We’ve done our best for the world, so the Fairy and Buddha are touched and rewarded us.

How about the merchant boats docked out there? They’re also from the Fairy and Buddha, you would say?

That’s right. Humans and their possessions, Heaven can bestow and can also take back. We’re just sojourners on Earth, fated to return Home upon death.

You talk rather strangely today. O love, we haven’t heard from Miss Nguyễn for a long time. I wonder if my father the King is cured.

Tiên Dung, please stay calm and have faith in Miss Nguyễn’s skill. I believe that the King will recover.

Come, everyone! Let’s come in here, everyone!

Greetings, Elders!

Greetings, Elders!

Greetings, Princess and Mr. Chử!

Respected Elders, what makes you come here today?

O Mr. Chử, don’t you remember? Today is the 15th of January. People bring the early season’s crops to the temple as offerings. Will you two lead the ceremony to pray for favorable weather?

For this year’s harvest to be more bountiful than last year’s.

Oh, how could I forget such an important event? O Chử Đồng Tử! Let’s get ready to leave right away.

All right. Let’s go, Elders.

Let’s set out now.

May the trees be laden with sweet fruits. May the fabrics of love be made with good material. We pray to Heaven for favorable rain and wind.

The rumor is indeed true. This place is surrounded by luxurious palaces and resounding elegant music. I was away from home for just a few days, yet I can’t recognize it on my way back. The once desolate area now becomes a populous and wealthy village. Horse and wheels crowd the roads, people bustle from boats to pier. How miraculous is the celestial power! Gone is the forlorn river pier of the old days. Gone is the forlorn river pier. Coming back, I feel like in a dream. The river of yore is now busy with sailing. Whose boat is gliding on the waves? Where is it going? There is no more sight of poverty in my homeland. All is like a dream to me!

O there you are, Miss Nguyễn! (Sister!) How is my father?

O Sister, the King has recovered from his illness.

The King has recovered? My father is back to good health? O, Chử Đồng Tử!

Tiên Dung!

My father the King has recovered. You’ve done me a great favor.

Our deep gratefulness, Miss Nguyễn.

O Sister, when in delirium, the King kept calling your name.

He called my name? I knew it. My father would never forget me. O Father!

Tiên Dung, that is an auspicious sign. It’s time for harmony between father and child, King and subject. This is definitely Miss Nguyễn’s merit.

But don’t rejoice so soon, benefactors. The small threat hasn’t yet passed, a great danger is already looming.

What do you mean by that?

It’s all because of this castle.

What’s wrong with it? I don’t understand.

O Sister, the King is sending an army here to besiege this castle.


Because he thinks that you dare establish your own kingdom. Thus I hastened back here to inform you.

O God! My King father has misunderstood me. What shall we do now, beloved?

Tiên Dung, please stay calm. Miss Nguyễn, you must be tired from a long trip. Hurry home lest your aged mother waits long for you.


O beloved, the King has misunderstood me. A great upheaval will soon befall us. What shall we do now?

Tiên Dung, please stay calm. All this time, we’ve only wished to lead a life in happiness and prosperity built by our own hands. We’ve done our best to help the people and save their lives. Yet our Royal Father misunderstands that we are against him. It’s quite a difficult matter to clarify. The worst thing is people will suffer bloodshed because of us. Alas! What good are the castles and palaces? I suddenly miss the sand bank of old where we met. O river pier of the past... I wish we could return to the river bank of old. A simple life in a thatched hut, yet we’d always have each other. We’d stay together till our ripe old age.

Chử Đồng Tử! Tiên Dung! O children, in the Ninth Heaven, I was touched by your compassion, so I came down again to give advice. If you wish to avoid the bloodshed and escape the mundane world to be with me, quickly retrieve the staff. Return with me to the celestial realm.

We’re very grateful, O Fairy.

O Chử Đồng Tử! We have no choice but to leave.

Please wait! Please wait!

Please re-consider. Don’t abandon us to quickly return to Heaven.

We humbly beg you. If you leave, how shall we carry on our lives?

If the King comes here, we’ll report the truth so he can understand and lessen his wrath.

Please don’t go!

Your love for us is very much appreciated. But if we remain here, we’ll commit filial impiety toward the King once again. It’s an ill-fated family when children act against their father. It’s best that we withdraw early. Then you all will be safe.

That’s right. When we’re gone, there won’t be any fighting. My Royal Father will understand me eventually.

Sister Tiên Dung!

Miss Nguyễn! (Sister!) O Miss Nguyễn! Stay back to ask my father to forgive us.


I’ve made many mistakes to trouble and worry you.

O Sister, we’re soon separated. I’m lost for words at this moment of farewell.

We must go.

We must go.

For villagers to live in peace.

O virtuous friends! We will miss you much. When will we meet again? We’re ever awaiting our reunion.

Farewell, beloved village!

Sister Tiên Dung!

Strange! There were resplendent castles at this site recently. How come? Where are the soldiers? (Yes.) Why is it like this?

I have no idea.

Go find out quickly! His Majesty has arrived.

Long live the King!

Minister. (Yes.) Where are the castles? Show me.

Your Majesty, there were splendid palaces here recently. I’m presently at a loss.

Your Majesty.

Be quiet! (Yes.)

You heard of my daughter’s building her own kingdom, right?

Yes, I did.

Alas! Sky-high anger engulfed me when I left, yet it vanished now all of a sudden. Love for my daughter is overflowing. Tiên Dung, my child! Where are you now?

You Majesty, a young woman asks to see you.

Send her in! (Yes.)

Respectful greetings, Your Majesty.

So this is the young woman who healed me. But you left without saying goodbye. You didn’t even care for my reward. Why?

Your Majesty, I cured your illness to repay a favor, not because I needed the King’s reward.

Whom did you wish to repay a favor?

Your Majesty, they are Princess Tiên Dung and Mr. Chử Đồng Tử. They saved my life and the lives of the villagers here.

It’s truly so.

So, you were sent to me by Princess Tiên Dung. But, where is my daughter Tiên Dung now?

It’s too late, Your Majesty.

Why? Is something wrong?

Your Majesty, just yesterday, there were magnificent castles at this place. Suddenly heavy rains and wind rose and swept the castles as well as Princess Tiên Dung and Chử Đồng Tử back to Heaven.

O Tiên Dung, my child! I was oblivious of your immense magnanimity, of your love, as beautiful as the brightest moon. Coming here today, I’ve now seen and heard it through. I’ve given too much credence to the false reports and caused father and child to part ways. When I regret, it’s already too late. Tiên Dung, do you know my torment?

Look there, Your Majesty! A pair of white cranes are soaring at the far horizon. They are Princess Tiên Dung and Chử Đồng Tử.

Tiên Dung! Tiên Dung!

That ancient time reverberates till this day. The legend of Tiên Dung and Chử Đồng Tử lives on forever. A beautiful couple turned into a pair of white cranes. On moonlit nights, their tale of love tugs at our hearts and never fades for thousands of years.

Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly sent gifts to the artists and professionals contributing to the chèo traditional opera “Heavenly Affinity,” aired on Supreme Master Television. They shared their thoughts and expressed their appreciation of Master’s magnanimity.

Playwright Hồng Ngát:

I’m very surprised and also very touched upon learning that Supreme Master Ching Hai watched the opera “Heavenly Affinity” and remembered us. From the bottom of my heart, I’m very happy and very grateful to Master, because that gift of the spirit is very significant.

Also, there are DVDs about the music, poetry and paintings created by Master. Her consideration is very precious and highly appreciated. I wish Master good health, everlasting beauty and may Master be able to carry out many things beneficial to the world in general and to Âu Lạc in particular.

Director and actor Tuấn Cường, who performed in the role of the Handsome Nobleman:

I’m director Lê Tuấn Cường. I played the Handsome Nobleman in the opera “Chử Đồng Tử” 14 years ago. I’m very grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for your concern of the artists in performing folk art. I thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for your very good contribution to Âu Lạc, introducing our country to the world , about what we can do. That is very precious.

I hope there are many people in Âu Lạc, who have such hearts for goodness. When we do good, many good things will come to our lives. Chèo traditional opera is very unique to Âu Lạc. One may say that it is highly esteemed in the world. I performed in many countries and people very much admire Aulacese performing folk art, especially chèo, which is praised as a very exquisite art of the Aulacese, reflecting Truth, goodness and beauty. Artists are people who always strive for perfection.

On this occasion, I’d like to wish Supreme Master Ching Hai abounding health, all the happiness and peace in life. Thank you, Master! I would like to dedicate to Supreme Master Ching Hai and viewers the song “Folk Verses for You and Me” by An Thuyên.

Cleaving the moon in halves, I will be a small ferry boat Splitting a verse in two, I will sail over the waves Take me back to my beloved We’ll go together singing folk tunes Let me live amid warm affection, Amid simple love of the countryside At summer noon, we’ll call each other across the green bamboo grove We’ll walk to the field in our ponchos We’ll keep wearing them though the sun blazes Let our devotion neither dwindle nor fade Once in love, we offer not our shirts to anyone else My love boat drifts on endlessly Carrying my adoration for a country girl Her muddy feet I thought the fairy’s heels...

Director Phạm Thị Thành:

First, I wish very much to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai, whom I highly respect. The pictures here only speak a fraction of Master’s life and talents. Even so, Master has already done a lot. I cherish Master very much.

Opera actor Mạnh Huấn who played the role of Chử Đồng Tử:

First, I feel very touched and very honored when Supreme Master Ching Hai shows her loving concern for me as well as other artists of the chèo company. I also feel very proud because Master is from our homeland Âu Lạc. As for the opera “Heavenly Affinity,” 13 years ago upon graduation, I had the honor to play the role of Chử Đồng Tử. It has been aired many times on Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) in Âu Lạc as well as abroad, and it was especially watched by Master, because Chử Đồng Tử is one of the Four Immortals of Âu Lạc.

I sincerely wish Master abounding health and new joys, and for her to accomplish many humanitarian works. My respectful gratitude to Master. I wish to dedicate to Master and everyone a song that I have just composed in a chèo tune called “Spider Spinning Webs.”

For years I’ve wandered in four directions
Motherland, I’ve kept in my heart
For years I’ve wandered in four directions
I miss my childhood, flying kites and playing coin games
Swimming in the full river and eating simple rice
O motherland, brimming with love and gratefulness
I walk home now with light footsteps
O motherland, brimming with love and gratefulness
Returning home, I’m speechless and overcome with emotion

My respectful gratitude.

Outstanding opera actress Vân Quyền, in the role of Princess Tiên Dung:

I’m Vân Quyền, Outstanding Artist. I’ve performed in many places within our country and abroad. All the roles and shows that I participated in have been supported and encouraged by a great number of audience members.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has sent gifts and her love to the artists. I’m very touched and would like to send Master best wishes for her health and my sincere gratitude. Although I haven’t met Master, I’m very moved and hold in high esteem a person who has such a magnanimous heart. With sincerity, I wish to dedicate to Supreme Master Ching Hai and viewers a short song in the chèo style, as an expression of my appreciation.

Lo! A boat has just arrived in paradise
Love melody conveys affection
Herder plays the flute in harmony
O beloved, my cherished!
At home, I’m contented with weaving work
My hands weave the red threads
You comment on literary work late at night
Holding a delicious drink, I offer to you
At the front door apricot flowers blossom
The eaves, the thatched hut, our home.

Opera actor Ngọc Kình, in the role of Fairy:

I’m Nguyễn Ngọc Kình. In Âu Lạc, there are many kinds of traditional folk arts such as chầu văn, trù singing, xoan singing of Phú Thọ, and folk songs of Nam Định. This art of chèo only exists in Âu Lạc. According to researchers, this art originated in the 10th century, under the Lý dynasty. The content of the chèo traditional operas in general has educational value about ethics.

Today I received the gift and feel very touched by Master’s compassion for all beings; your magnanimity is immense. I wish Master abounding health always and may your wishes be fulfilled. I thank you, Master, very much.

Today, this world has been developing very robustly, including science and technology. But the other side of that development is its consequence, which is environmental pollution. Forest fires and natural disasters such as storms, floods, etc. The icebergs in North Pole are melting now. And the situation in which the sea water encroaches on land in many places in the world is real.

Even in Europe, landslides have caused people in many places to become homeless. Or like the earthquakes in Haiti or in Chile recently. I just want to say that every country or every one of us must all be aware of protecting the environment and the common home that we’re dwelling in.

In fact, Master’s solution about how we live kindly with the environment, that is very meaningful. On this occasion, I’d like to read a poem among those Master wrote. That is “Love in the Rain.”

Sending a love message into the nil
Hoping to find you it will Through the evening chill.
Till then, nothing will heal My heart!
Aching pains. Dark nights. Come the wind and cold rain!
My heart beats the blue Longing for you.

Opera actor Khắc Bình, in the role of the Minister’s nephew:

I’m Văn Khắc Bình. I’ve watched some film clips through which I realize that Master has a very compassionate and generous heart, caring for the unfortunate people in the whole world. And today Master even sent gifts to the artists. I sincerely thank Master. I’d like to sing an excerpt of a chèo tune:

I miss your eyes, shiny black and gentle like a pigeon’s
Eyes that are sweet like ripe fruits of wild rose myrtle
Clouds change shape everyday
Your gazes, all lovely and endearing.

We sincerely thank the playwrights, directors, artists and professionals who contributed your talents and efforts to bring about valuable chèo traditional operas. Thank you for your endeavors to preserve chèo, a performing art in Aulacese traditional culture. We wish you and your families all the goodness, upliftment, and happiness in life.

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