Enlightening Entertainment
Janu – Belgium’s Princess of the Harp (In Dutch)      
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Dutch, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Thai and Spanish.

The harp is one of world´s oldest instruments. Already in ancient Egypt they played the instruments, although they were very small. And the harp has always been present in every culture.

It is an instrument that touches your soul somehow, it has a very special vibration.

In Ghent, Belgium, Ms. Janu is a gifted harp player and composer, who is called “Princess of the Harp.” Her wide repertoire during international concerts and in her albums ranges from folk music, film scores and light entertainment to classical and own compositions. Janu ensures that every number has its own “color.” She is the only harpist in Belgium performing on six different types of harps.

I play classical harp. That is what I had my training in. I play Celtic harp or also called Irish harp also called South American harp, electro-acoustic harp, electric harp, and besides all that, also Irish electronic harp.

Since childhood, Janu has been exposed to various musical instruments. But the one that charms her most is the harp.

I was still very young when I started with music.

At the age of 13, I came in contact with the harp and it was love at first sight for this instrument.

I started taking courses and I knew actually right away after a few lessons that this was my true calling and that I was going to do this full time.

I keep occupied with all kinds of musical styles, with electronic harps, many kinds of different instruments, special combinations. And because of this I have been lucky to perform on major stages with big names like Will Tura, Praga Khan, and many others.

Janu has performed solo in Belgium’s most prestigious musical mega-theatre, Forest National. She has been frequently invited as a guest performer in tours and concerts in France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and other countries worldwide. Her music is frequently heard on radio and television and her album remains among the best selling productions in Belgium. An accomplished soloist, Janu has created a harmonious trio who perform together on stage.

The trio that I work with consists of Peter Van Woensel, percussionist who also plays many ethnical instruments and Davy Lakony, a very young singer whom I work with. Together we have built our own unique show where different music styles are represented. And we also make use of many different sorts of instruments with very special combinations. It is actually something unique.

Hallo, I am Davy Lakony and I take care of the voice tone a little. I sing with and without a microphone, I play on that guitar over there, and on the keyboard. That’s it.

I see your true colors and that's why I love you so don't be afraid to let them show your true colors true colors are beautiful oh like a rainbow

I am Peter Van Woensel. I do the percussion at Janu, but in fact, I do all kinds of strange things like making wind.

Did you made this yourself? Yes, this washboard is inherited from my grandmother, who once did her laundry on it. She has washed my diapers with it. And now I have expanded it with all kinds of horns, literally, and bells, also literally.

Each member of the Trio adds their creativity and emotion to the performance. Janu herself must select from a range of harps and playing styles that will convey the best sound and feeling.

The sound of each instrument is very different, the playing style is also totally different, and also the genres that you play on them. On electronic harp, for instance, you can work with special effects and I like to experiment with that. So you achieve extraordinary sounds, and so you can bring a very broad spectrum of music.

Next, Janu shows us some of her beautifully crafted harps. We can listen to her playing each harp after she introduces it.

This is my pride. This is a unique piece, an electronic harp that I had custom made, and I picked the color myself. It is really a fantastic instrument.

And this is my electro-acoustic Irish harp, also a very special color. It also creates a unique sound, this instrument.

And this is my South American harp, from Paraguay, an instrument that in South America only is played by men.

Janu performs a buoyant South American rhythm on her South American harp titled “Ballade.” Accompanying her on percussions is Peter Van Woensel.

When we return, we’ll continue our interview with internationally acclaimed Belgium harpist and composer Janu. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to Enlightening Entertainment, featuring Janu, the internationally lauded professional harpist and composer from Belgium.

Where do you get your inspiration?

It can be from something quite simple. It can be a specific word that someone passes on to you or it can be a far journey, or it can be nature or it can be a certain feeling. Actually, mainly from daily life.

Do you write the arrangements and orchestration yourself?

Yes, the arrangements for the harp I write completely by myself. For instance, I make my own arrangements of well-known numbers.

And the orchestration happens then mostly by the hand of Steve Willaert.

Then I see together with my percussionist which extra dimensions we can give it.

I play a very unusual repertory. I play my own numbers but also numbers that have been written for me specially. In combination with my producer and my new CD, I have worked around the theme, art painters.

Janu Trio has a new show, and CD, called “Paint it Harp,” a performance inspired by famous painters and paintings. A light show and projections of the paintings themselves add a visual element to the musical experience.

These are numbers like for instance, “Mona Lisa,” “Paint it Black,” but there are also my own compositions.

It was very difficult to make a choice because there are so many good artists. But the names that I chose are actually also the famous names, like for instance Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec, Soulage are some of them.

And how do you translate that into music?

Letting the painting inspire you. For instance I look at a painting of Claude Monet. It evokes a certain atmosphere within me and then I try to give it form it into certain tones.

You will reflect just the feeling that you have with a certain painting into the music that you will bring.

…Starry starry night. Starry starry night paint your palette blue and grey,
look out on a summer's day with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills sketch the trees and the daffodils
catch the breeze and the winter chills in colors on the snowy linen land.
And now I understand what you tried to say to me
how you suffered for your sanity how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen they did not know how, perhaps they'll listen now.

We have just watched a rendition of the song “Vincent” by American composer Donald McLean, as performed by Janu on the harp with vocals by Davy Lakony. The performance refers to Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh’s famous painting, “The Starry Night.”

Let’s now enjoy another elegant piece from the “Paint it Harp” album, titled “Mona Lisa,” with Janu on the harp and Peter Van Woensel on percussions. “Mona Lisa” appreciates the enigmatic beauty of the famed 16th century portrait painted in oil by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci.

As a true musician, Janu envisions a world in which many more hearts may have the chance to resonate with the sound of the harp, just as hers did.

I would like to put the harp in a new light and make it popular. I have students of nine years of age who take courses with me.

They are always very enthusiastic. I remember also a student this year, who came for the first time to the course and she was really so… She barely dared to touch the instrument, even if she really wanted to learn to play it. And with the first contact of the strings, you could see from the experience of the child´s face that she was somewhat enchanted by the beautiful tones that came from the instrument.

I also teach at the art academy in Geraardsbergen.

I also hear very often that students say, “O, that instrument is very soothing.”

So yes, it produces a very special sound.

I wish that everyone can enjoy music the way I do. That can be by playing it, by experiencing it, by going to a concert, by listening to a CD. I hope that music has a certain effect on everyone and that it evokes a certain emotion.

As we close today’s program, Janu performs a piece titled “Les Lacs du Connemara,” based on the original song by French singer Michel Sardou. She is accompanied by Peter Van Woensel on percussions. To Janu, and your talented colleagues Peter and David, our heartfelt appreciation for bringing solace, joy, and harmony to our world through your gifts in music. May the soulful sounds of the harp re-awaken our inner glory and highest love.

For more information about Janu, please visit

It was a pleasure having you with us on Enlightening Entertainment. Now, stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom, next after Noteworthy News. Blessed be your noble heart.

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