Enlightening Entertainment
Shining World Compassion Award: Hope for the Underprivileged Association in Cameroon (In Kamtok)   

Kind viewers, thank you for joining us today for our program featuring Hope for the Underprivileged
Association (HUPA).  In 2002, Theresa Nguh with six other warm-hearted women embarked on a mission to help and improve the lives of the underprivileged children and widows of Mankon-Bamenda city in Cameroon.

Theresa Nguh(f):
Who is HUPA? HUPA is situated at Ntambeng, some 10 km from town,
along the road to Mankon Fon Palace, is apolitical and non-profit-making. Its motto is: 『Joy for all.』Objectives: To identify the needy children caused by death or poverty. To provide holistic support in health, feeding, clothing, education and psycho-social support.
Methodology: We do home visits to children and carers. We evaluate to see if needs are met by seeing their state of health, feeding, education and moral standard. Home visits include
a word on sanitation, environmental hygiene, good feeding and conducive environment.

Some results are got through dialogue with the children in school and with the head teachers. Achievements: HUPA has given educational support to more than 200 pupils and students. HUPA-supported children doing vocational training. Income genera- Income-generating
projects:Yam seed multiplication has been carried out; food and soap has been shared to children;
free land has been offered to carers for farming; for farming, kitchen vegetable gardens have been introduced.

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